Truckr Treat

Published on Oct 16, 2017


% This work of fiction is set in the format of real-world situations. Identifying details to real people, alive or dead, is entirely coincidental in nature.

% States and countries have various rules regarding reading or viewing adult material'. It is up to you, the reader, to research this subject, abiding by laws and conscience. The pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an `adult audience.' Bypass this warning at your own risk!

% If sexual scenes involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if dude-to-dude sex stuff makes you wanna barf or is gonna screw up your mind, you should not read this story.

% Sexual safety matters. Guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection and I don't mean going out and hiring a security guard...unless he gives your nuts and bolt a jolt!

Hey dudes, if you have enjoyed reading NiFTy stories as much as I have over the years, consider adding some $upport for `internet $pace' or else I will have to start cutting handsome, hairy or steamy characters out of my stories. Do you dare imagine a story without any tops?


`TRUCk'r TReaT' o2 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


Twenty-two years later, in their 40's, the company is doing quite well, with a fleet of some 69 trucks. Some of those drivers come right out of the pool of party-goers, of Jack and Eric's leather bash.

Another source, his gym, when Elvis sees a `candidate' for the yearly party, he gets to know the guy. Some of those partygoers show up with their own pups. Other times, an inquiry produces a fact sheet, of what a top man is looking for. This is why Elvis encourages chubby dudes not to reduce too quickly...least not until after Hallowe'en!

In this day and age, security is a big issue and that's where Eric comes in, doing checks which sometimes takes him with his packed suitcase, to check references. He also keeps his eyes open for potential `pups'.

An addendum, to their jobs, Duke, Jack and Eric, Elvis added after that first party, it was their responsibility to keep their eyes peeled for that special someone, who could get rocks off over some hot extracurricular activity.

Duke really looked forward to the night. Not really into the b.d.s.m. thing, it was a nice setting to pick up a boy and train him on how he likes to be tantalized. Often it could take up to two hours, sometimes more, to work a boy up, whereas it resulted in really soiling up his bed. Before Duke got the bed pad, almost like a tarp under the bottom sheet, there was a time he had to throw away the mattress, it stank so bad! Live and learn.

For Jack and Eric, Hallowe'en' comes more than once a year for them. Eric, now 52-years old, is often teased by Jack, 47, can you take it, old man?', when they come up with something new to try.

Both workout at Elvis' gym, which puts the over-40 men in quite impeccable shape. Jack, he's more into working out, than Eric, standing around and flapping his tongue! Their mentalities have been, `always can do more', which in business, relationship, or dungeon-play, they are always looking for better.

It's often Jack stands there at the gym, right arm across the middle, left elbow in the right palm, fingers drumming against his lips, watching Eric hang by his arms. Wheels of his brain turning, there's a picture in his mind he would like to utilize at home, in the privacy of their own dungeon setting. Anyone who wasn't into the scene, could approach their playing as Jack, some criminal with a sadistic attitude, out to reek harm on his victim. Where Eric's concerned, sometimes Jack isn't tough enough on him, whether it's making his brown nips pink, leaving superficial whip marks on the back, or using himself or toys to stretch his ass.

Right before doing some chin-ups, Eric will run a scenario by his partner, which goes something like:

position first, legs tied out to the sides,

harsh nip clamps affixed to the pecs

leather lace tied around ball sacs, a `nice' weight added to the dangling end...

From there, Jack may pick up on it, adding some of his own pleasuring', then I get behind you and slowly start to lower the ropes holding your arms overhead?'

It's not exactly how Eric planned it, rather having the nip clamps pulled, balls swinging on their own, anything to help build up the momentum, but he wasn't against being impaled from behind!

More often, both would come to their senses, if they didn't want to make spectacles of themselves, the gym filling up with patrons. Not which Jack would not get a few giggles out of Eric, embarrassed that he's sapped-up his gym shorts!

Eric could turn it around on Jack, some college dudes, business execs, or any guy licking their lips, wanting to launder Eric's gym clothes. Of course, they would need Jack's permission, which could lead to another scene, all unique to circumstances and those involved.

There were plenty of scenes in all those years Jack and Eric have been together and they didn't limit it to just themselves as participants. They never tire of allowing their minds to run wild with imagination.

With the passing years, the Hallowe'en event has become quite sophisticated.

In addition to the original four, since they have their own jobs to do, there's the party coordinator', Anthony Milano, or as he's referred to, Tony'. Around the end of August, Tony is relieved of his job as secretary to Duke and begins planning the Hallowe'en event. Over the years Duke and Tony have brainstormed, trying to come up with a catchy logo for the party. Though, it catches on throughout the night, party-goers either truckers, or involved in the trucking industry, think it cool to wish a `truck'r treat!' Tony and Duke agree, there's plenty to accomplish setting up the event, without having to worry about what to call it.

It's not publicized on social media, nor advertised in the newspaper. Mostly, repeat business keeps the hall filled, which has migrated from Jack's house, to the reception room at a swanky hotel. In fact, it was only Duke's inaugural year which the party was held at Jack's pad. Year to year, with more party-goers, the venue has seen an upgrade. Each year has seen more of an interest, whereas patrons have shown interest in more `heavy-duty' equipment.

This is where Tony came into the equation. Having prior experience, he once worked as a mechanical engineer.

Good at troubleshooting, when a problem was solved, his supervisor stole all his ideas and claimed the victory for himself. Therefore, Tony was neither rewarded with a pat on the back, nor monetary gratification. Fed up with getting slighted, he didn't even serve notice, packed a bag and with the few bucks he had saved took to the highway. So non profitable was the job, he never was able to upgrade his wheels, selling it for scrap and buying a heavy-duty backpack.

Somewhere out of town, Eric had taken pity on the handsome-barechested-hairy-hitcher and after having scrutinized Tony's credentials, hired him. Part of what he liked, after finding him a worthy addition to the Truck'r Treat' event, which wasn't until after Christmas, Duke gave Tony the test'.

Tony had worked out well as a secretary, because frankly, there wasn't any position which matched his skills at the time. The money was good, because the main exec's of the company, Duke and Jack, thought Tony was `hot.' Eric, he immediately wanted to get his tongue on all that hot fur!

An actual point of the interview phase, was to view Tony without clothes on. They arranged with Elvis to supply Tony with a free gym pass for WWWD employees, at the time, nonexistent. Now there is a discount card in place.

Lucky Duke, he was the one who drew the short straw and got to be in the locker room with Tony, while changing into tank tops and shorts. Duke looked forward to spotting for Tony. For a 44-year old, this could quite a strain on the heart and other parts of the anatomy!

Of course, the conversation was cool, so as not a arouse suspicion, "so, have you ever belonged to a gym, Tony?"

The 28-year old replies, "never was making this kind of money, to afford it, but that isn't to say I didn't workout." It then made Tony think about `cute Elvis', "nice of Elvis to hand out free paces to employees. At the local park they have a small setup and it was free, right up my alley."

Duke smiled, his mind-glitch thinking of how it could be, right up Tony's alley!

Considerably, as Tony began to strip off the layers of fabrics, it a cool March, Duke's pace slowed. While he undid each shoelace, he'd be looking up, like he was paying attention to conversation. In reality not breaking concentration, Tony unbuttoning his dress shirt, Duke was glad he bent over like a yoga move. It's something Duke had not guessed, whether Tony wore an undershirt or not, but he was sure to find out!

Much to his liking, Tony did not wear a white undershirt, but opened the shirt, with a dark `rug-covering' of pecs and stomach.

Pretending he was caught up in Tony's long-winded explanation of backing up to early life woes, former business and taking to the road, Duke was forced to pick up a towel and hold it on his lap, if he ever intended on sitting upright and not `show'!

With Tony stripping the shirt, Duke almost slipped and let out a `wow', seeing a mass of dark hair, which matched Tony's beard, fanning out over tight pecs. Anymore fur and surely it would have hidden those dark-pink nips.

Staring into the locker mirror, attached to his assigned locker door, Tony pulls at his beard, "I was thinking, once I get settled, I should probably give this a trim. What do you think?"

For certain, Duke's mind wasn't on Tony's face, more the side-profiling of pecs, stomach, bellyhole indentation and packed briefs, "what was that?"

"Nuthin'," Tony changes his pace, thumbing the elastic of his briefs, "I guess I should just worry about earning some money, before spending it."

Since most of Tony's conversation went over his head, Duke responds, "right. I agree."

That lush fabric continued down, over an elusive six pack, a defined trail shooting over a deep navel - well, the hair obscured the depth, but without sticking a finger in, Duke was sure it was...deep. Still with a navel fetish, this was important! Regardless, it made Duke's mouth water and created much movement under the towel.

He enjoyed the fact, Tony talking the whole time, while dropping his briefs, kicking them up to catch, which made his balls bobble. Turning around to neatly fold them and place them on the top shelf of his locker, Duke loved the `stretchy' look...and that ass!

"And that's about it," Tony sits and reaches in his backpack, pulling out shorts.

Creating a diversion, Duke says, "we'll have to see about getting you an official `Elvis' gym bag."

Not which he followed the type of music, Tony did have confusing thoughts, "oh, I thought you meant the singer!"

"Presley, or Costello fan?"

"Neither, actually. I'm more of a classical music buff."

Duke wasn't either, an `Elvis' fan, but classical wasn't his forte either, "more a country music fan myself."

"Oh, then you don't listen to Mozart?"

Because Tony did, Duke wanted it to be, "I could give it a try, I suppose!"

Then things turned back to Tony's pack, him taking out a tee shirt, which matched the shorts, looking like they were ready for the dusting ragbag.

For certain, Duke wasn't about to be seen with a client at Elvis' gym, with the likes of what Tony held in his hand, but how to correct that, without offending?

"Oh, by the way," he connives, "I know Elvis didn't mention it, but with every new membership comes some perks."

"Perks?" Tony lays out his tank onto his thighs, ready to feed in his fuzzy forearms.

"Sure. An official `Elvis' workout uniform, top, bottom, socks and a bag. Everything but the..."

He was about to say sneakers, when in Tony revealing what he wore on his feet...

"Kitchen sink!"

Quite a complex, when Elvis first explained his visions, sitting around in a hot tub, he, Duke, Jack and Eric went haywire, brainstorming. It was Jack, with his pompous attitude, stating that a proper-working goes beyond the machines, adding a protein smoothie bar, complete with lunch items, sauna, pool and even a shop to purchase clothing and other gym-related product. Out of Duke's remark, like who was going to pay for all that, a real sense of friends kicking in the loot to make it happen, came about.

Elvis tried to rationalize, the gym wasn't going to be located on Rodeo Drive!

Temporarily, Duke lent Tony one of his tee shirts, which one can guess, a muscle head vs. a slacker, how that went!

Still, it clothed Tony's fox bod, even though it looked like it hung off a closet hanger.

When they came out of the locker room, Elvis was right there, questioning, "uh, are you eating for two, Tony?"

"How mundane," Duke shot down Elvis' pregnancy joke, which he took personal, since it was his own tee shirt which made Tony look that way.
"Whatever." Elvis moved on, "maybe you should visit the gym shop?"

Already on his mind, Duke says, "what a wonderful idea, Elvis. No wonder they call you manager!"

Not surprised by Duke's behavior, Elvis sensed this happening every time a hot guy entered the gym, like Duke was trying to pick him up. Duke gets really depressed' when they assume a guy is straight. Then he perks up, joking, he'll do his best to make him come around!'

While headed in that direction, they nearly had to cover the whole territory of the gym, Elvis helping Tony to get acquainted with staff.

Tony didn't linger, either feeling out of place wearing Duke's oversized tee, or excited he was going to be outfitted free of charge.

"And last, but not least, this here's the shop."

Even though under the same roof, Elvis had made a call to the shop, which is why Dave' was right there at the door, holding it open, "welcome to the Elvis Shop', Tony."

Elvis' thing, if he wanted people to remember the gym, it wouldn't be by the prices of all the gear dudes choked up half their paycheck for. Reason he made it Dave's business, constantly perusing the shop to make sure price tags were tucked in or twisted from view. To remind customers where they bought it, Elvis came up with the `Elvis Shop'. A mix of clientele, whether execs, or truckers, they all pay the same, quality on the high end of the scale.

Shortly after opening the gym, Elvis met Dave, a right-out-of-fashion school designer. Eager to break into the fashion industry and make a name for himself, it was through `Elvis Fashions' Dave made his first impression, designing gym wear. Still trying to make his mark on the fashion world, Dave likes managing the Elvis Shop. Also, makes sure the customer is perfectly matched to the articles sold. It's fun measuring inseams!

A short giggle, Tony mocks, "have we met?"

Right then and there, if Duke had any doubts, it was Dave who was bringing out the trueness of Tony's sexuality trait.

"I doubt it. If we did, honey you wouldn't be wearing that rag you got on!"

Duke's feelings were hurt, slightly, by Dave's comment. He didn't say it, the fact he `saw Tony first.'

Even though Duke didn't like Mozart, Tony wasn't about to hold it against his new boss. More, he'd like to hold his cock against Duke's ass, but he wasn't going there, not until they were more acquainted. However, a new development...Dave was so damn cute!

What Dave wasn't mentioning, as he personally took Tony by the arm and led him into the shop, Elvis' cell-call had alerted the designer/salesman to the fact, `outfit Tony to the hilt and don't worry about the price tag'.

From his own collection, which Dave was not biased, he took Tony over to a different rack, where the `upscale, elite' shopped.

Truthfully, when Dave took over the `Elvis Shop', he ripped all the tags off, having a memory for each item, built into that super-brain of his. Perhaps, taking on the view of Tony, shirtless, it was giving him brain-freeze!

Slipping that `rag' off his hefty pecs and outfitting Tony with the new Nouguet line of athletic wear, it made Dave's pants twitch.

Dave would have had Tony try on his own design, but Dave didn't quite figure out how to work out a design which fit a swimmer's build. Granted, Tony wasn't a `swimmer,' but right now, the only shorts which matched what he perceived as Tony's build, fell into the Nouguet line of gym wear.

Personally, Dave liked dressing the part of a gym-goer, simply wearing tank top, shorts, socks, shoes, and as a matter of preference, jock strap underneath. Of his own design, Dave based the design on his mentor, Alex Nouguet's line of cock-pocket brief, which made the designer rich and famous. Someday, Dave hoped his own line would be a feature in Braddock's department stores. He'll never forget Nouguet's visit to the fashion institute, the master class and how Alex singled him out, but right now, his mind was on `Tony.'

"I hope you don't mind, Tony, but I like making sure a fabric fits a client perfectly. You know, saves on bringing it back?"

Tony didn't mind, Dave firming the clothes down at the sides, from under the armpits to his belt. He smiled, as the two stood in the mirror, at when Dave tugged at the fabric, it bringing out a hint of `nip'.

"Oh, you still have your pants on. Mind taking them off?"

"Here?" Tony says, a finger pointing to the floor, while glancing over to the door.

"Um, hold it a second."

With coy, Dave walks over to the door, adamantly shooing Duke out and locking it!

"The nerve!" Duke comments, Tony hearing it through the glass door.

"I don't think Duke liked that very much, Dave."

"He'll get over it! Even though Elvis' name is on the sign outside, we all work for Duke."

"You work for Elvis, but work for Duke. Like, how does that go?"

"Not tough to get your head around. It's Elvis' gym, shop, sauna and everything else, but it was Duke and Jack who put up the loot. Elvis, he rightfully owns the `machines' part of the gym and smoothie bar, but it was Jack, Duke and Eric's input, which built the rest of the facilities. Still, only Elvis' name is on the gym ownership deed. They all take a prearranged cut. Me, I'm on salary, plus commission. One thing I've learned about Duke and Jack, be fair and it will come back to you."

Staring, again at his own pecs, Tony says, "what goes around, come around."

Running the route, Dave says, "always be kind to someone and it'll come back to you."

Already, Tony was showing great admiration for Dave, or was it his `hands'?!

Tired of the tirade, Dave says, "so, what's your story, Tony?"

"That," Tony frankly did not know where to start, "would take more than putting together a 10-piece wardrobe," which he did not mention, Dave taking so much time doing so.

Still holding the shirt in front of his hairy bod, Tony allowed Dave's clenching hand to use it as a leash. Without resistance from him, Tony follows, being led into the backroom. Relaxing his arms, he let the shirt slip off his forearms.

"Same here, Tony. I'm sure there's much to be found out about both of us."

More youthful looking than his 25 years, Dave Coby-Grant could easily pass for a 20-year old college guy. Opposite of Tony, instead of a massive frontal assault of dark hair, Dave boasted a smooth six pack.

With their hormones flaring up, Tony remarks, regarding pulling the shirt from his chest, "don't stop there!"

Dave, starting to thumb the shorts at the sides of his torso, he turns it back on Tony, "don't let me stop you!"

Not having been with many men, Tony more into keeping himself fit, doing extreme sports since college, questions, "oh, you mean me? You want me to..."

He didn't need any more clues, as Dave pushing his gym shorts down to his knees. Gravity did the rest, which had him stepping up to peel them away. In doing so, the jock strap he had on, which caged up his cock, the straps caressing his torso, banded around his ass-cheeks, made his ass appear to look like giant bubbles!

"What's your preference, Tony," Dave knew how to flaunt what he had, "jock or briefs?"

Extending arms above his head, hands in a prayer pose, Dave looked like he was interpreting an exotic Indian dancer, turning all the way around.

Tony, never in his life having had a guy put on such a spectacle, reveals with shrug of a shoulder, "frankly, never seen a guy in a jock before."

Acting shocked, Dave pulls all the stops out, "you haven't? Oh my! Then maybe you prefer nothing at all, Tony?"

Tony gulped when Dave's thumbs slipped inside the `strings', adding more tension to the already stressed fabric keeping his shaft tight to the pubes.

A minute ago, Tony had started to press down his gym shorts, but with what Dave had to show. Right now the soft elastic just hung on the stiff barrel of his cock. Slightly curved, Tony had an idea that jock strap might forcibly keep from a further geometric shape.

Briefs? Jockstrap?

"Um, nothing's good for me."

Ever since college, when he didn't process laundry in a timely manner, Tony's gone brief-less. After awhile, even though his roommate took up the responsibility of laundering for two, Tony felt more freedom with no undergarments caressing his cock and balls.

Whether he wanted it, which he did, or not, Tony's shaft, if it wasn't already wetting the inside of his shorts, was about to spring a leak.

Dave, having at private parties, given free shows of how easy it is to work his own brand jock strap off, knew exactly how to drive a man wild. Not necessarily the brand of coverup, but the way he flexed abs and hips, arms extended overhead, it had taken practice to figure out just how far the straps of the jock had to be, jock slipping down over the barrel. From there, the light weight fabric floated down the thighs like a feather.

Very well knowing Dave was trying to be seductive, Tony plays along, injecting his own kinky means, "easy for you, but me, seems like there's an obstacle in the way of my shorts?!"

Arms dropping from overhead, as Dave ditches the dance routine, his hands go to work at helping Tony solve his dilemma, "well, when push leads to shove!"

And all Dave had to do is paw the sides of Tony's shorts and they glided off the rear, parachuting downwards.

It downright shocked Dave, having him proclaim, "I surely hope that doesn't catch on?!"

"Oh. You mean, not wearing briefs. Haven't done that since college."

Dave smiles back at Tony's smiling lips, "well, if everyone did it, I guess there would be no need to design briefs!"

"Hmm, I've never thought of it that way." Then, glancing down at Dave's banana, "have you got one of them jock's around for me to try on?"

With Tony stripped down?

"Not right now I don't! Besides, we wouldn't want a brand-spanking new jock strap to get soiled up would we Tony? Especially since you haven't paid for them?"

Feeling like Dave was again coaxing him on, like he had to ask permission, "me? Nah, it's not me paying for them, so what do I care?"

Normally, Tony was a cool lover. He didn't go for more than one at a time and when he did get with an occasional meetup, he allowed a guy to suck him off and then that was that. After what he thought was a full-blown, developing love affair in college, he dismissed that after finding the guy with another. It gave Tony the impression there were no serious men, looking for anything but a quick in and out. Especially, since it spread around campus, Tony with the inclination to fuck, rather than suck, he got hit on often. Likewise, he developed his own brand of how to brush a guy off. Sometimes it was easier to lie, say he had a boyfriend, or girlfriend. Other times, it didn't matter what he said, others not holding a closed relationship as anything sacred.

Stepping closer, navel to navel, Dave's hands worked, while his sixpack touched Tony's massive hair-pattern, "yeah, right now we won't worry about that."

From Tony's perspective, it looked like their lips were ready to meet, which brought on a hot feeling of that first time he fell madly in love. However, that idea went out the window, with Dave sinking down. He thought Dave was headed to his knees, when he rose up ever-so-slighty, cocked his head and pressed his tongue against Tony's left nip.

"Oo-oo-ah," Tony exclaims, with an inhale.

Apparently, not much experience at caressing or any of that stuff, Tony was assisted by Dave, hint, placing both hands on his seducer's hips. About ready to raise hands up against Dave's back, his nip-licker slides down. It was like Dave slipping out of his grasp!

Actually, Tony thought it kind of comical, Dave sucking on his pubic hair, underside of the chin which `play' with his cock, like the tip of his shaft was massaging Dave's throat from the outside.

Void of words, sounds of each man getting pleasure from the other's ministrations, filled the storeroom.

However, after bathing Tony's cock in his mouth, Dave spins around on his knees, placing hands on the floor. Moving from lotus position to doggie, he acts like he has to give permission, "go ahead Tony. Get your kicks."

Typical of what college guys wanted from him, Tony muses over some never growing up, "really, Dave?"

Most of the time, when Dave worked a guy over, orally, it got his top man so worked up into a frenzy, he didn't need to say anything. He was pacing himself, but trying to get Tony so interested in slipping his thick shaft in between his ass cheeks, he didn't follow verbal direction.

"Oh," he realizes that maybe they didn't have like inclinations.

Standing there, Tony, with a hand over his cock, the other hand hanging free, he froze in place.

From down on the floor, Dave tries deciphering the decoded message.

"Sorry. I'm not like that."

Dave says, "of course. Um," with total stupidity, excuses himself, "I was only looking for the pin I dropped."

That went over Tony's head. Like, if he was back in dorm-days, he might had rattled off something to discredit a dude, who's any purpose for getting together, was to feel `fulfilled'.

However, less perturbed, more humored, Tony says, bending over, "I think I see it!"

Watching Tony, still cupping his balls, bend over to pick up the straight pin, Dave acts just as dumb, "really?" 
"Got it! Give me your hand."

Dave moves a hand in Tony's direction, palm out flat.

"Here ya go!"

Not feeling a prick, nor any substance to the straight pin, Dave brings it to his face, "I don't see anything?"

Smiling, like he was the wiser, "probably about as much as you saw, eh?"

Unlike college, Tony was `nicer', instead of kicking a dude out, allowed Dave to finish up the blow job!


Meanwhile, back at Jack's office, Eric was breaking in a new dispatcher.

Years ago, when Jack and Eric first bonded, neither thought it would last. Adopting a more modern approach to a relationship, they've kept it open. It would be nothing, if Eric, working over the top of the dispatcher's head, shirt `accidentally' touching Liam's moppy haircut, were to advance to anything else, it would make for a nice bedtime story for Jack. More enhanced, if Liam were there with them, creating a reenactment, wouldn't that be sweet!

"So, while you have the customer on hold, you find a truck which has been requisitioned and set up the delivery."

Looking up, at the underside of Eric's chin, Liam inputs, "then you send the truck right over to the customer's address for pickup?"

Eric thought it cool, looking down Liam's shirt. Though, more tough a stalking, trying to look down a tee, versus buttoned-down, he could still gather, some moss under there, "exactly. I think you're going to work out fine for us, Liam."

Not a one-way effort, Liam was dying to get another look at Eric's shirt, the way it pulled against the pecs. Not wanting to be discovered, he did have a strong urge to check out the zipper, but didn't. Not yet, anyway!

"Thanks. I hope we can develop a strong working bond. Uh, what happens if there are no trucks for immediate delivery?"

Liam spins back around, when a call comes in. With courtesy, which is the opposite manner in which he liked to address, when in `sexual play' mode, he's as cool as a cucumber.

Observing, Eric doesn't get much more than a glimpse of a dispatcher in action, handling the call professionally and performing as per their `walk thru' of how to handle setting up a delivery.

"How was that?" Liam puts on his friendly charm, spinning about in the chair.

Too close for comfort, Eric gets bopped in the waistline with Liam's elbow.

Was it on purpose, or what both hoped could be making more of a connection?

`Silly thought!'

"You did good," Eric wondering if he meant the call, or Liam's elbow grazing his zipper.

"Thanks. So, am I hired?"

As the usual goes, Eric is supposed to run all applicants by Jack or Duke, but being he knows they both are out of the office, "of course. I mean, uh, yeah, sure."

Liam always had an agenda, which is why, when hearing from a friend of a friend of a friend, the fun parties which go on after hours, he was ready to do almost anything to cinch the job. A carpenter by trade, he was willing to start at the bottom and work his way up. Not necessarily at chipping, chopping wood worked for him!

In particular, sensing so much about Eric, `his kind', beyond the factor he already knew him to be gay, Liam says, "great," disposition changing slightly, "then why don't you show me around?"

"I'd be happy to," Eric replies, already knowing that line, which would have them wind up in the supply closet, or even Jack's office, if he was lucky.

Executive officers, Jack and Duke's offices were relatively large, desk, chairs, a sofa, wood cabinets, a water dispenser and a few live plants.

Less illustrious, though suitable for a second lieutenant, Eric's office was modest, desk, one chair, a plant and one window. He was out of the office a lot.

An Inner office, Jack had one smaller window, as opposed to Duke being on the entrance side of the building, lots of sunshine daily.

When touring the office, Jack being there, Eric would always end up there, to meet for employee assessment. Today, he would end the tour there, but knowing Jack was out...

"And that about wraps up the tour," Eric has his hand on the doorknob to Jack's office.

Turning the handle, Eric gets the shock of his life, seeing Jack there at his desk, "oh, your back," he blushes.

Reading him like a book, Jack knew what was on Eric's mind, saying a cool outright, "I'll deal with you later," he gets up, walks over to the applicant, taking the right hand in both of his, "and you are?"

"Liam Casey, sir," he politely responded. "That's Casey with a `C'."

Being cordial, Eric says, "well, I'll leave you two alone..."

Jack replies, sitting down at his desk, "nonsense. Stay."

Though, Jack is more attentive to Liam, having him sit on the sofa, "drink, Liam?"

"A little early in the morning for me," Liam replies, sinking into a corner of the leather sofa.

Eric, like he `knows his place', stands there, when not invited to take a chair.

"So, Casey with a `C', tell me about yourself," Jack hands him a water, having a bottle for himself.

"Thanks," Liam replies. He did notice Jack not offering Eric a bottle of water, but coupled with his thoughts about the special parties his friend clued him into, he already has painted a picture of how things go around here.

"My pleasure, which brings me to, how do you like the atmosphere of the place?"

"Nice office," Liam looks around. Eyes singling out a pair of boxing gloves, sitting on a file cabinet, "you box?"

"I can get into it. Mostly when I go to the gym." Jack sips. "You?"

Eric just stands there, head back and forth, following the conversation like ping-pong.

Liam dares to respond, based on what he knows, coupled with Jack's attitude, "depends on the target!"

It's the first time Liam smiles, his pubes with a little tingle, when Jack orders, "close the blinds, Eric."

Walking across the room, he crosses between the pair.

Jack gets out of his chair, walks to the filing cabinet, returning to not his seat, but standing in front of Liam, "why don't you show me what you've got?"

Standing, taking the pair of boxing gloves from Jack, he says, "what about yourself? You're not into bare-knuckle, are you?"

"I could be?" Jack smiles, "if you're up for it?"

Exchange, as each is now thinking it, dominant attitudes springing from both, "I'd like to take you on sometime."

"No time like the present!"

Eric thought this was going well.

Tying a bow in the second glove, on Liam's hand, Jack says, "hmm, might be interesting, but for now, I hope you don't mind using Eric's stomach?"

Anyone else would show disdain over such a suggestion, but Eric's attitude comes across bright and cheery, "really? Awesome!" he takes off his jacket, starts loosening his tie.

Reinforcing, Jack gives Liam choice, "shirt on, or shirt off?"

Like calling a dude's bluff, Liam hits back with, "all of us, or," he also throws in a dig, "just your boy?"

Speaking Jack's language, he was `feeling it,' "Eric, make sure the door's locked."

Whereas Liam was sure Jack would follow suit, strip jacket and the tie, he's not surprised, only curious, when Jack starts unbuckling his belt.

"All the way," Liam, who has buttoned his shirt, goes for his belt, "I like your way of thinking."

However, Liam suddenly discovers, "oops," he had the gloves on!

"No problem. `My boy' will help you with that little detail."

"Yeah, no problem," Eric replies, mentally tasting cock.

In the office, things were on a more relaxed scenario, whereas, in a dungeon session, Eric's insolence could warrant punishment. But Jack and Eric have been at `the game' for more than 20 years, so they know how to lead each other on. With a third in play, Eric couldn't have more thrilled.

For Jack's benefit, Eric, stripping down Liam, it wasn't only for his partner's reaction.

Feeling it from the moment he paraded across the room, tilting the window shade, Eric had a feeling the way this was going to go.

With the sun shading the inside of the office, "do we need the lights on?" Eric offers, before walking away from hitting the deadbolt.

He switched the lamp-lighting on, but at no response, thought not, switching the switch off.

Overriding the question, Liam decides to throw his weight around, regardless if he thought Jack and Eric were in a relationship, "you're trying my patience, boy!"

From the beginning of college, Liam, who had been bullied in high school, took a leap forward when entering his freshman year. Clearing the slate, he went into the high learning experience with much the attitude he suffered from middle school and part of HS. In his junior year, shy at first, Liam caught on, having taken up wrestling. Late half of that year, he got into boxing. Starting to tone up, his coach sensed a good right hook, which is why he thought Liam, with a driving attitude, might like working with some of the athletes.

Which why, while waiting for Eric to undress him, he's telling Jack, "in the last half of my junior year, high school, I got interested boxing. Coach was impressed. He had this `off the record' sport going, whereas some of the athletes liked toughening up. Trust me, I know how to work a set of hot abs!"

Jack, who's shaft was already showing signs of loving where Liam was going with this, "hmm, maybe you and I should have it out sometime."

"Gloves or bare-knuckle?"

"Either, or," Jack smiles.

Eric, he had a raging hard on, by the time he got Liam nearly stripped down, reporting, "uh, we got one problem here?"

He turned to face Jack, who in turn saw `the problem', shirt parted, as it slipped over Liam's shoulders.

"Let me finish that up for you," Jack says, walking over to Liam, putting an arm up to guide Eric out of the way.

More of a joke, Eric felt cheated, "long as I get what's coming to me!"

Jack knew there wasn't much Eric didn't like...or by matter of preference, `loved'. For the past 20 years or so, the two have known each others' minds, more than some men who have partnered up for several decades.

Jack, built like a powerhouse, still has maintained the beefy, bulky pecs, tight abs and even though men have mentioned all that muscular beauty would show, if he shaved the man-fur, Jack couldn't bear parting with how he loved looking. A result of being hairy, he often liked running hands over his own furred chest, stomach, dipping a hand down around his balls. Besides, his stomach was ripped enough, to show through the brown fur.

Mostly smooth, Eric did have some scruff over the pecs, a slim treasure trail. Both liked the feeling of kissing, lips surrounding both their beards.

Eric did feel left out, but a hand on his cock was enough satisfaction, watching Jack care less about ripping Liam's shirt up the sleeves and leaving it in shambles on the sofa.

Placing hands behind his head, Jack tenses his abs, "shall we get it on," letting Liam know there will be retribution, "you, first?"

"Uh, can I inquire first, does this mean I'm hired?"

"Depends on if you can keep me hard!"

At first, Jack stood there, hands behind head, allowing Liam to lightly pummel his abs, until issuing, "break."

Knowing the drill, no different from high school, Liam says, "you've got 2 minutes."

"Give me 1!"

During the rest, Liam, who's shaft had stretched out to what Eric had estimated 8 or 9 inches, was licking his lips, while slowly stroking. For certain, he didn't want to kill the feeling and shoot his load. The scene was too enticing to do that to himself.

He missed their soft chat, which is why Eric was surprised when Jack says, "boy, get your lips over here." The whole time he spoke, he was paying attention to the young dispatcher, "don't want him getting my rug all sappy."

A purpose, Eric loved it, rushing over between their torsos, "right on it, sir!"

It was meant for Jack, but Liam says, "I love the respect!"

For what it was worth, it went unsaid, but Jack was loving Liam's attitude. Surely, a dispatcher's job was too demeaning. In the beginning of the business, Jack's opinion was he didn't need a secretary, but maybe he did. Where it applied, maybe some customers did need a 2-on-1 experience.

In all, Jack took about a hundred punches to the abs. He could've taken more, if Liam didn't intervene.

"Uh, I'm getting kind of close, if you want to switch?"

In his mind already, Jack knew this would not be the last time boxing with Liam, "nah. I'm kind of at that point too. Why don't we save bare-knuckles for another day?"

Not which Jack hadn't thought of it, having Eric lie down on the leather sofa, neck on one of the arms, mouth tilted back, never having done a 2-on-1 in his office.

Placing a hand on his new employees' shoulder, "what's your pleasure, Liam?"

Really, Liam wanted to say Jack's ass, but was cool about it, "I like burying it in an ass, if that's okay?"

Eric is coaxed to lie down on the leather sofa, on his back. Head is propped up on one arm.

Jack stood at the end and for more times than he can remember, shoves his cock down Eric's throat. It would be no fun if he didn't utter those same words over and over, `take it, boy', or something else catchy.

Part of Jack's entertainment wasn't about Eric, but watching Liam at the other end.

Kneeling, Liam had pried Eric's legs apart and almost immediately, after lining his banana up, dover right in, up to the hilt!

"Ah-h, a man after my own heart," Jack says, watching Liam make Eric's cock and balls bob with fury, "a man with no mercy!"

It was all good, after Eric got over the initial impaling.

For Jack's sake, Eric crying out, it forced his jaw open wider, opening up his throat.

Though, after pumping Eric's canal, Liam stops, still stuck inside, "care to change places, Jack?"

Before Jack could answer, Eric's pleading for things to remain the same, "no, no, no...I mean," upside down, to Jack, "please, no?"

For Eric and Jack, one might seem there was nothing between them, other than dungeon-pleasure and fucked by friends. Liam was witness to a softer side, Jack plucking himself out, bending over, sweetly kissing.

From there, since Jack had already twisted himself about, he mounted Eric's chest, swinging a leg over. He did turn his head, "I'm not in your way, am I?"

Liam answers, beginning small push-ins and pullouts, "trust me, I can work around it."

It did require Jack, telling Liam to pull on Eric's legs, when he jackknifed knees up. How else would he be able to force his cock down Eric's throat, propped up on the arm of the sofa?

Eric was having the ride of his life, or rather maybe Jack, hands behind the head, flashing hairy pits, hips doing the same as if taking on an ass.

Liam, he placed himself in a dare situation. Though, he figured he had gotten this far and would not jeopardize his new job which he hadn't worked one full day yet, reaching hands under Jack's pits, around to his chest, and feeling up a sweaty chest, soon found what he searched for, two perky nips.

In the right place, right time, Eric opens his squinting eyes to see Jack's jaw drop in surprise, eyes open wide, exclaiming, "oh, shit!"

Jack could feel Eric's giggle, with Liam's fingers and thumbs mashing at his pec spots!

Soon though, with Jack leaning back, a sign to tell Liam he was really being `moved' by the nip action, they engage in some kissing.

Eric didn't mind it for two reasons; part of why they have an open relationship, so one doesn't get jealous at the other and two, it slowed Liam way down and that meant he would be lying there for some time. Though, it moved Jack to downright lethargic, so that his cock would pullout to Eric's bottom lip and fall off the cliff of his mouth!

It was like taking candy from a baby, Eric wiggling an arm out from his partner's thighs and working the tube, so it didn't lose its momentum. Not bad, he thought, thinking he could also lap at Jack's balls.

Only problem, was comfort, it really achy to hold his head up, which had him imploring, "uh, can you guys, like...scoot up this way a little?"

Not which Jack wasn't feeling it, he swats Eric's hand away, "who said you can touch that, boy?"

Liam says over Jack's shoulder, "should I punish him and pull out?"

"Nah," Jack says, looking up at the clock nailed to the wall, right over their heads, "better not. Got an interview in 10 minutes, so we better hasten the pace?"

"What position are you hiring for? I might be interested," Liam says.

"You already applied. Because of your attitude, you lost it!"

At first, Liam was confused, "you mean I'm fucking your boyfriend for no reason?"

"First of all, Eric and me are partners. Secondly, you haven't enjoyed yourself, Liam?"

Eric just kept quiet and followed. For certain, he hoped Jack didn't hire Liam, only to fire him.

"Yeah. It was good. Real good. Eric, he's a nice, tight fit."

It made Eric smile!

"I got other plans for you, Liam, so don't go and get yourself thinking I'm cutting you loose."

Liam breathed easier, but because of the fear of this being the last time he's messed with this hot couple, the relaxed state of his shaft, made him work twice as long to make it hard-to-the-max again, until his banana popped its cork, releasing sweet banana-cream!


Copyright 2017 T. Chase McPhee

`TRUCk'r TReaT' and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 3

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