Truckers Summer Slave

By Simon Rogers

Published on Nov 5, 2020


Title: Trucker's Summer Slave Chapter: 1 Categories: Authoritarian

The following recounts my recent European travels and how a chance encounter led to me becoming..... well, you will see

In June of this year, at the age of 24, I was taking advantage of the recent pandemic enforced shutdown to get some travelling under my belt. I'd managed Italy and Slovenia before I found myself in the outskirts of a town in Austria. Staying in a small seedy hotel that I had booked into for a few days, I had no real plans on where to go and was mulling over my next steps sat in the hotel cafe staring out the window. I had vaguely noticed a table of burly-looking guys in their 40s sat a few tables away when they paid, got up and walked out of the cafe. My eyes casually followed them off down the road till I saw them slow up by what I now realised was a truck-stop, nothing huge given the size of the town but space for about 10 rigs pulled up in a lot off the side of the road. I suddenly realised why my gaze had been drawn to these men as I had, ever since I was in my teens, had sexual fantasies about tuckers not that I had done anything to fulfil them.

Horny and bored I spent a while watching the truck-stop and imagining everything that I wanted to get up to with these men before being distracted by the waitress and letting the thoughts slip from my mind. I paid up and went off on my walk around town, stopping for a late lunch before deciding I'd seen everything the place had to offer and starting to meander back towards my hotel. I was getting close to home when I realised that my route (perhaps subconsciously) was taking me back right past the truck-stop which immediately got my mind racing and my horniness really kicked into overdrive. Before I had really thought about what I was doing I found myself strolling through the lot making a bee line for the toilet block that sat back from the road amongst a small set of trees. The stop had filled up with trucks and I noticed a few guys, one or two inside their cabins reading or drinking, one or two standing in the lot smoking. I was not really sure what I was doing buy I was thinking entirely with my cock so I was excited to find out.

The toilet block was nothing substantial, only one set for men unsurprisingly, all bare brick with no door at the entrance. Inside it was fairly dark, more so for the sunset going on outside, and it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. To the left were three metal stalls and on the right around a corner were four urinals, even darker still. I decided upon the stall at the end and entered it, sat down and locked the door. Through a corroded section by the lock I could vaguely make out the four urinals but with no one there I suddenly contemplated what I was actually doing. What on earth was I expecting from doing this? I was most likely to spend 10 minutes waiting for my hardon to subside before I left. And even if anyone did come in, how would I approach them and what would stop them taking offence and beating me up.

I jolted upright suddenly when I heard footsteps enter the toilet block. Under the stall I watched some trainers walk along past the stalls topping right outside mine. For a brief second, I thought that I was about to get busted or worse but then the trainers turned and walked up to one of the urinals. The man that come into view, even in the darkness, was a barrel-chested burly man, about 6-foot-tall, close-cropped hair and generally eastern-European looking. He looked to be about mid-40s and made me feel weak at the knees. In spite of this, my cock took over control of my legs and I found myself sliding back the lock and opening the door. He looked round at me as he was fishing my cock out of his jeans and then turned back as I took the few steps towards the urinal opposite his.

I stood there for what felt like an age, fumbling with my belt and pulling my semi out of my pants and then just standing there not even needing to piss. I could feel his imposing presence right behind me and felt like I could feel his eyes staring at my back. I heard his move, shuffle his weight from one foot to the other and then suddenly he was stood at the urinal next to me. He stared straight ahead for about 10 seconds in which time I glanced sideways, taking in his pecs and belly through his grey t-shirt and then his meaty looking dick that he slowly pulled the skin back on, revealing the head. It dawned on me that I was staring directly at it now and when I tore my eyes away, I saw this bear of a man, glaring at me with what looked like fury. Fuck, I thought, he's going to beat the shit out of me!

"You not here to piss", he rumbled. Even with his seemingly broken english I could tell it was not a question. "You here for something else, no? You want this, you want suck," he growled, turning towards me and pulling the foreskin back again to show a now engorging dick. I did not know what to say, my mouth, my whole body seemed to have stopped working. He reached out with his free hand and placed it on my shoulder, putting pressure on it as he said "Down now on floor to suck". I easily buckled under the pressure, lowered myself to my knees and, even in the gloom of the bathroom, found myself face-to-cock with something substantial. It must have been 7 or 8 inches long and thicker than most I had seen and set against huge balls, each the size of mine combined. He had trimmed it back as well (as seemed to be the norm in the region) so looking up at him, he reminded me of some huge bull, satyr or centaur, more animal - huge, imposing and clearly horny.

Clearly, I had taken too long and he grabbed the back of my head, forcing my face into his crotch and saying "Your suck now, I want to cum". After I had inhaled his musk, he let me pull back slightly and then demanded that I "Open". As I did, he swiftly forced the head and most of the shaft straight into my mouth and into the back of my throat. The invasion took me by surprise and even with a fair amount of experience in the areas of sucking dick I started to gag. I put my hands on his thighs to push away when I felt one of his huge hands grasp both my wrists and pull them up above my head and with the other hand, he used my gagging to force every last inch down my throat. Somehow, in just a few moments, he had also slide me around a few inches so that my back as to the wall, my head trapped between the wall and his member that was choking me. I felt so powerless but as my gagging subsided and I started to feel very light-headed I came in my trousers in one of the largest orgasms I had ever had. After what felt like hours of his dick filling my throat, he suddenly released me and I dropped down onto my hands, facing the toilet floor retching but also gasping for breath.

I felt his paw grab the back of my t-shirt and pull me up again back to my knees. "I not finished, you have to suck more now so I cum", he barked, "You take all so I cum. Now" In my post-orgasm haze I saw what I was and what I was doing. As I knelt there timidly allowing him to pound away at my throat, my head occasionally being hit against the tilled walls, I felt profoundly alone and utterly convinced that all that was important was that this man be allowed to cum in me. That was the only thing in the world that I could do. He did not take long, he thrust a few times deeply, the last banging my head against the wall so I saw stars, and then he grunted as he unloaded what seemed like 8 or 9 times. It was so far down my throat that I was only sure as he slowly withdrew it and I tasted the remnants of his ejaculation on my tongue. "Make sure clean", he said and so I set to work sucking his head and shaft clean. I looked up at him as my tongue liked the tip of his cock and he broke out in a large grin, staring down at me and said "You a good boy, good cock sucker, glad I found you." I continued looking up at him as I finished up and I felt a wave of happiness spread over me. He'd enjoyed it, I'd done well!

I expected that he would zip up and go but once he had he picked me up by the arms and held me in front of him, looking me up and down in the gloom. "You take my number. I stay one day and need this again before go" He fished my phone out my pocket and pushed it into my hand. "Unlock, take my number, message me so I can message slut when I need cum again, okay" which again was not a question. I did as he said and then he pulled me into him, one arm around me and said again, "You are good boy, I like this mouth" at which point he took the first two fingers on his free hand and pushed them into my mouth which I instinctively sucked. "Haha see, I can do anything to this mouth" he laughed as he pushed them deeper, finding my gag reflex again, "This is just hole to use". He carried this on for about ten more seconds, holding me in one huge arm whilst I let him force three and then four fingers into my mouth.

He stopped, gave me a light slap across the face and then strolled out the bathroom chuckling to himself.

I was in shock. I just stood there for a few minutes taking everything that had happened, conflicted with how ashamed I felt and how much I was turned on and wanted it to happen again. As I gathered my thoughts, I noticed the damp patch on my trousers and thought the best plan of action started with me changing out of my cum-stained pants. As I walked back through the truck-stop towards my hotel I saw that it was now dark, a few of the truck cabins illuminated from within by more husky looking older guys going about reading, watching tv or eating, with the rest dark and unlit. I wondered which was my tucker's cabin but I knew I should really hurry back home and get myself sorted.

Back safe in my hotel room I decided to take a shower and found my mind drifting back to what had happened, inevitably causing me to get hard again. I heard my phone go in the other room and it jolted me out of my thoughts into the present, realising that the thing I hoped most for the in the world was that the message be from him. I dried off swiftly and then unlocked the phone when my heart skipped several beats. I checked the time and it had been only an hour since the toilet and he had already contacted me.

TRUCKER That was good you smell good. I see you stay at hotel. I need come again tonight. Tell me room number

ME I am glad you enjoyed it. Room number 201, second floor on the left

I would like to say I hesitated or thought for two seconds about my response but in truth there was no hesitation, no second guessing, I wanted him here as soon as possible.

TRUCKER I come in 1 hour. I want fuck

I spent the next hour getting ready, showering, changing and then pinging around my room, checking my phone every 5 minutes each time thinking that he was going to have cancelled. After about 75 minutes I was getting worried when there was a quiet knock at the door that almost made me jump out my skin. The relief mixed with extreme nerves I felt as I opened up had my heart racing but the trucker didn't seem too concerned as he pushed his way past me into the room. I had to presume that he didn't want to be seen outside by anyone he might know.

As I closed the door and turned around, he grabbed me roughly by the neck and pushed me up against the wall, staring straight into my eyes as he did. I'd chosen a jockstrap and t-shirt to wear, thinking that would entice him and as his eyes left mine and scanned down, he seemed to find the appreciation that I had hoped for.

"Good clothes, I like what you wear", he muttered, "Get on knees and take out my dick"

I did as he said by sinking down and hurriedly fishing his cock out of his tracksuit pants, the manly musk drifting off his groin providing me with almost a high as I drank it in. As soon as my lips found his helmet, I found myself back in a familiar position as he pushed the whole length as far down my throat as he could in one go, pinning my head to the wall. He then just held it there as my gagging became more and more extreme only pulling out at what seemed like the very last minute before I passed out.

I was given a few seconds to gasp before his two large paws grabbed me by the chin and guided his thick snake back into my mouth. He face-fucked me for probably thirty or forty thrusts before once again holding it in my throat but this time in a way that my body found much more easy to accommodate. As the urge to breath built, he looked down at the tears welling in the eyes and said: "You must get wet with your mouth otherwise will hurt", to which he then slowly spat a huge wad onto his cock so it ran up against my lips. He seemed happy with that and so did it twice more, once in each of my eyes. The first took me by surprise and I only managed to close just as it landed, the second hit my eyelid and I felt his rough thumb move it about trying to get me to open up.

The delicate sting in both eyes was odd but not one I had must time to appreciate as he hauled my up and instructed me to lie face down on the bed - his hands shoving me in the direction I knew the bed to be as I stumbled around half-blind. As I found the edge, I pushed myself on to it, face-down and ass-up, the jockstrap leaving my hole open to him. I felt two massive hands grasp each butt-cheek, giving each a huge slap that made me yelp. I then felt a large glob of spit drop directly onto the hole to then be moved around by his chilly fingers.

As soon as I had felt their coldness, I was suddenly aware of their insistent pressure building against my ring. Given no time to ease myself, I then felt at least two push brutally past my sphincter, causing me to really yell out in pain. His other large mitt quickly pushed my face into the mattress, muffling my scream. This onslaught continued for what seemed like minutes but may well have been 30 seconds - I really had no idea as the initial affront gave way to sordid feelings of lofty pleasure from the fingers forcefully opening me up and the thoughts of the trucker using me for his pleasure.

However, long it took I found myself feeling very empty and needy for a few seconds when he finally removed his (as I later found out) three fingers. But I didn't have to wait long with the cool air on my hole as I felt him haul his massive frame up onto the bed and press his thick, beer-can cock up against me. We had not discussed condoms and with my brain swimming with lust and pain and pleasure I barely recognised the thought for them. Either way, I had mere moments to consider that before I was absolutely overwhelmed.

He did not take his time easing into me, rather he threw his full weight on top of my body, pinning me to the bed and driving all eight inches straight into me. If his forearm had not come up to press my head into the mattress even harder, I am sure that my scream would have had the neighbour rooms knocking on my door, if there had actually been anyone in them. He held me there, feeling almost ripped open just long enough for my lust to rise again at which point he pulled out almost to his full length and drove it home again. We then settled into a rhythm or rough fucking that had me moaning like a man possessed. This seemed to turn him on more and he picked up the pace throughout, potentially impressed by my capacity to accommodate him.

We could have been fucking for no more than 8 or 9 minutes but I came twice in that time, totally handsfree just stimulated by the savagery of his thrusts and the submission that I was having to make. Finally, after I'd nearly collapsed from the strength of the second orgasm, I heard him grunt a few times, stabbing at my guts sporadically as he came deep inside me. He finally collapsed with me, lying his full weight again on top of mine, his sweat-matted hairy torso feeling like a furnace against my skin.

After a few minutes of lying there, enjoying his mass I felt him stir - likely having drifted off for a few seconds - and his enormous dick popped out of my ass leaving me with what felt like a light trail of his semen dribbling down my inner thigh. I watched him strut off to the bathroom, leaving the door open and giving me an exceptional sight as this hairy tank of a man waited for the shower to warm. I could barely move but as he climbed in and began to soap himself, I reached between my legs and felt the soreness of my puffy hole, his seed now the lubricant that I used to gingerly finger myself watching him clean off in the hot steam of the bathroom. In my stupor he looked almost god-like, like some ancient Greek myth bought to life, Hercules or even the Minotaur given the fur on him and the dick that hang, softening between his legs.

Once he was done, he started to towel off and beckoned me over. "You should use", he said as he motioned to the shower, "That was good, you take it well"

Honestly, I felt overjoyed to hear him say that and a massive mile came across my face as I surrounded myself with the warm water. We both seemed to keep our eyes on each other and at one point he reached and grabbed my cock and balls in one hand, giving them a twist and a squeeze, I think to see the pain come across my face. But baring that we kept physically too ourselves as we cleaned up. I then threw myself on to the bed and watched him get dressed, enjoying the sight as we had the standard post-NSA hook up.

Where was I from: London. Where was he from: Prague. My name: Chris. His name: Jan. How long was I here for: I did not know. What was I doing: Aimlessly travelling, I wasn't really too sure.

The last point seemed to pique his interest but bar a few glances he seemed done with the whole arrangement so we said our goodbyes. Just as I went to open the door, he approached me, one hand grabbing for the handle to stop me and the other grasping my chin pulling my face towards his. For a few seconds he held me there, looking into his eyes and then he made that unmistakable spitting sound. Again, he looked into my eyes and then spat directly into my face, hitting me on the nose with a large amount that he then used his fingers to move down to my lips. I did not move and, seemingly liking what he had done, he smiled and chuckled to himself before opening the hotel room door and leaving.

I was so unsure what to make of everything that had just happened - I had clearly loved it, my jizz on the sheets testament to how much I had been into it but it was so far outside of anything that I had previously done that my brain was firing off a thousand unanswered questions a minute, too much for me to process. I stared at myself in the mirror as I hesitantly washed his spit from my face, wondering what exactly I had just done over the previous three hours, taking stock of each encounter and immediately 9and confusingly) becoming hard as I reminisced. Fortunately or not, my time to 'take stock' was abruptly cut short when my phone buzzed. I do wonder what might have happened if he had left that message another hour, or even till the next day. As it was, he caught me just in time.

Next: Chapter 2

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