Trucker's Paradise

By J Zander

Published on Jul 15, 2021



This story is complete fiction. Copyright the author.

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They both looked at the car.

Marty sighed. "It's completely dead, isn't it?"

Adam nodded. "Yup, dead as a doornail."

Marty threw up his hands. "Well, that's it, we're fucked. We're in the middle of the fucking desert and there are no cars fucking coming. Fucked."

Adam put a hand on Marty's shoulder. "Dude, don't sweat it. In about an hour, there'll be a bunch of semis coming through here. Didn't you hear that guy at the diner?"

"Yeah? And which kind stranger among those good old boys do you think is going to give us a ride for free?"

Adam chuckled. "Oh, I don't think it'll be free but it fits in great with my theme for this trip."

Marty pointed at Adam. "No. No, we are not doing that. That's your fucking fetish, not mine."

Adam looked Marty up and down. "So you're saying that you would say no to getting that fine ass of yours pounded good and hard by some hunky muscled trucker?"

Marty pointed at Adam again and opened his mouth. Then he closed his mouth. "Ok, yes, I enjoy getting fucked hard by big muscled guys. But I am not going to let some overweight bubba with a beer belly and a red fucking hat stick his sweaty trucker dick in my ass."

Adam smirked at him. "How do you know you won't like it until you try it?"

Marty shook his head. "Dude, you are a redneck trucker's wet dream. You're young, got a great body--"


"Well, it's true. And you're the biggest slut I know. No shame, I love sex, too, and I'm not really particular but jeesuz crow, Adam, those guys who gang-banged you at Spring Break....."

Adam smiled and sighed. "Yeah, that was awesome. I love me some big jiggly bears."

Marty shivered. "Ugh. No, sorry. I'm not picky about age -- twenty, thirty, forty, hell, if he's in shape, fifty or sixty is fine, too. But --"

"I know, you have to have your muscle daddies. Or just big muscled jocks, anyway, if the smiles on the football team are anything to go by."

"Yeah, those are some great guys. I even let the water boy bang me and he's just a scrawny guy, practically a twink. But the rest of the team are awesome. And totally willing to let their freak flag fly and bang a dude who's into it. That was a weekend for the books."

Adam sighed. "My point is, we need a ride, desperately. We know that a convoy of truckers is coming and we just need to entice them. I know I can get a ride and I suppose if they're all bubbas and not some Colton Ford style muscle daddies, I'll see if I can convince them to take you, too. I'll probably have to let them all fuck me."

Marty laughed. "Oh, and that's a hardship."

Adam grinned back at him. "Ok, yeah, but really, you couldn't suck off even one not-so-fit guy to get a ride to the nearest town?"

Marty threw up his hands. "Fine. I'll suck off at least one guy. Satisfied?"

Adam chuckled and pulled off his shirt. "No, but I'm going to be."

Adam pulled his pants and underwear off, too.

Marty folded his arms. "Going for the full monty, huh? You don't think that's overkill? Want me to give you a hand job so you're hard when they start parading by?"

Adam looked up from tucking his clothes into his duffle. "Would you?"

Marty sighed. "You are incredible. Yes, fine, I'll stroke that lovely cock of yours so you can stick it out at the nice truckers and get us a ride. Come here."

Marty reached out and grabbed Adam's cock. Adam gasped.

"What, my hands are cold?" Marty grinned and held up an ice cold soda bottle. "I came prepared."


Marty laughed and kept stroking Adam.


The first truck didn't stop, though the driver did honk, but the second one sure as shit stopped. He practically jack-knifed.

A man leaned out of the passenger window, pulling a blue baseball cap off his head. He looked forty-something and Marty was a little thrilled to see that he had biceps to die for. He looked at naked Adam with a big smile on his face.

"Well, howdy there. Aren't you a pleasant thing to run across on this bullshit trip. Need a ride, son?"

Adam smiled up at the guy. "We sure do. I'm more than willing to uh, compensate you all for the ride, but my buddy needs a ride, too, and he's a little shy--"

Marty interrupted. "No, I'm not. I'm totally up for compensating you guys, too. Sir."

The man leaning out of the truck smiled. "Well, now that's a mighty fine offer. Especially the one you've got there." He pointed at Adam's erection, which stuck out directly at the truck. "That's half the reason we stopped."

Adam kept smiling. "Glad you like it. Should we climb aboard?"

There was another voice from inside. "We got a schedule to keep and these pretty boys are just going to slow us down. Roll your tongue back up into your head and let's go." Then the driver muttered but Adam heard him fine. "Not like they'd suck my cock."

Adam spoke loud so his voice carried. "Actually, I'm more interested in helping you, sir, than your handsome passenger."

"Oh yeah? Bullshit. You can't even see me."

"Well, if you don't mind, I'll climb up the side here and stick my head in."

"Fine, take a gander, kid, and then tell me you want to grease my pole."

Adam smiled, stepped forward, and stood gingerly on the truck's step. He'd kept his sneakers on, because he didn't want to walk on hot asphalt. The truck body was hot from the sun and he did his best not to run his cock along the hot metal. He peaked through the window.

The driver was probably fifty, wore a t-shit, a camo baseball cap, and jean coveralls, the straps over his shoulders. He was a bit overweight and had a beard. Adam thought he was seriously hot.

"Hi there, sir. I'm Adam. And um, I would very much like to help you have a better trip."

The driver looked over at him. "So if I give you two a ride, you'll suck my cock? Is that right, kid?"

Adam smiled. "I would love to suck your cock and I'm twenty-two."

The driver sighed. "Fine. Grab your stuff and your buddy and get in. We're already running behind."

The guy in the passenger seat pushed open the door, and got out of the way. Adam pulled himself up and got in, too, immediately going behind the two seats and in front of the curtain to the bunk area. Marty came running over, passed the duffles up to the passenger guy, and also got in. Marty flashed the hunky passenger a smile as he passed.

Once they were in, the passenger shut the door, and the driver got the rig going again.

"Hi, I'm Marty." Marty put out his hand to the passenger guy.

He smiled back at Marty. "Hey there, Marty. I'm Sam. You guys break down?"

"Yeah, car died. We'd like to at least get to the nearest town. And help you guys relax a little." Marty winked at Sam.

"Yeah, your naked buddy said that and he seemed to really want to help Tom, here." Sam gestured at the driver, who snorted.

Adam leaned in. "I'm ready to go any time, if you guys want to start now. I mean, is it ok to suck you off, sir, while you're driving?"

Tom glanced back at Adam and then put his eyes back on the road. "I could sure as shit use a blowjob right now. This fucking job. Overnight driving through the fucking desert. No services for hours, and don't slow down or the head guy calls you to complain because every goddamn truck has GPS monitoring us all the fucking time. Fuckers."

A phone mounted on the dashboard rang with a jangling noise. Tom looked angry and shot everyone a look. "Don't say a word." He pressed the answer button. "This is Armstrong."

"This is Stevenson. Looks like your rig stopped for a couple of minutes. Problem out there?"

Tom kept looking angry but sounded cool and collected. "No, sir, had to stop to avoid hitting a coyote. Something that big could burst a tire."

"Ok, Armstrong, good call. If you run into any more trouble, be sure to phone in."

"Will do, sir."

Stevenson hung up the call. Tom looked pissed. "See what I mean? Fuckers all of them."

Adam wet his lips. "Wow, that guy is an idiot. That was some serious micro-managing in action. What an asshole."

Tom nodded but didn't say anything more.

Adam moved forward until he was kneeling between the chairs. "So, ah, is this a good time, sir?"

Tom sighed. "It's a good fucking time but I gotta warn yah, I'm pissed and I might get kind of rough. If you want to wait until my steam runs down, might be better."

In response, Adam leaned over and unhitched one of the straps of Tom's coveralls. Adam spoke low and right into Tom's ear. "I like it rough, sir, and love being used as a fuck toy."

Tom growled in response. Adam unhitched the other strap, pulling the bib down and over Tom's belly. Tom lifted up a little and Adam pulled the coveralls down to Tom's knees. Peaking out from under his belly was a long, thick cock. Adam leaned over and took the cock into his mouth. Tom grunted and then moaned.

Marty and Sam were entranced, watching a completely naked (except for his shoes) Adam sucking Tom while they drove down the road. Sam particularly liked the look of Adam's well-formed, athletic ass. That ass looked like a good time.

Tom didn't shift his gaze, but reached down and put one hand on Adam's head. Tom sighed again and then pulled Adam's head farther along his cock. Adam slurped and ran his tongue vigorously. In response, Tom growled and shoved Adam's head against his cock, pulling him a bit under his belly. Adam choked but made no attempt to pull back. Tom held him there for nearly a minute and then let up, letting Adam pull a breath through his nose.

Marty turned from this show to look at Sam. "Ok, this is hotter than I thought it would be. You want to take me in the back and fuck me silly?"

Sam blinked at him and lifted his hat. "Really? I thought your friend was paying for this trip."

Marty smiled. "Yeah, but he enjoys bearish guys. He's in hog heaven. Hell, state he's in right now, you could probably fuck him and he'd be thrilled."

Sam grinned at Marty. "But you'd be happier if I drilled you?"

Marty nodded. "Oh yeah. I have a thing for muscled guys and you are seriously fit."

"Thanks." Sam licked his lips, looking Marty up and down. "Same to you. Come over here a second."

Marty stepped closer to Sam, being careful not to step on Adam. Sam reached behind Marty and grabbed his ass, then pulled him closer and kissed him. Marty was a lacrosse jock, fit and studly, but he practically melted against Sam. There was no question who was in charge of that kiss, either, which made Marty hot. Sam explored Marty's mouth with his tongue and Marty's ass with his big hand.

Adam kept sucking Tom's cock. After several minutes of this, Tom pushed down Adam's head. Adam's choking was less urgent and punctuated with moans. After another minute of choking, Tom let up, letting Adam breath again. Spit and snot ran down Adam's face.

Tom looked down. "Goddamnit, kid, you weren't kidding. Ok, I'm going to fuck your face now, hold on tight."

With that, Tom began pumping Adam's head up and down rapidly on his cock, causing Adam to choke and breath between downstrokes. Adam dropped tears, spit, and sometimes snot. After a few minutes of this treatment, Tom groaned and held Adam down on his cock, blasting his load down Adam's throat. He let Adam go and put his hand back on the wheel.

He'd kept the rig going on the straight and narrow throughout.

Adam sat back, coughing, wiping his face off on his hands. "Shit." He croaked.

Tom glanced at Adam and smiled for the first time. "Boy, that was worth the fucking stop and the fucking phone call from Stevenson, the fucker. Damn good blowjob."

Adam smiled, still wiping his face. "Thank you, sir."

Tom nodded. "Come here."

Adam shuffled closer. Tom took a good look at the road, then turned and kissed Adam hard, running his hand down Adam's bare back and giving his fine ass a quick squeeze. Then Tom was back with both hands on the wheel and eyes on the road.

"We'll be stopping for a break in three hours. I get a shower, a meal, and whatever else I can squeeze into a one hour break. I want to fuck you when we stop. After the break, once we get on the road and Sam is driving, I want to do nothing else but fuck you."

Adam nodded. "Sounds great, sir."

Tom smiled again. "Glad you like it. Now why don't you spend the rest of the trip until then letting Sam do what he likes with you. He'll be driving after the break, so he needs to get his fun in now."

Adam glanced over at Sam and Marty, who were still kissing. "Sure, though I might have to push Marty out of the truck first."

Tom laughed. "They do seem to have hit it off. I thought you were paying the way for both of you?"

Adam shrugged. "I like older guys who know how to live," Adam grinned at Tom, "Marty likes older guys who live at the gym."

Tom nodded. "Well, why don't the two of you take Sam in the back and show him some fun."

Sam pulled off Marty. Marty said: "Oh, yes please!"

Sam looked over at the fit and naked Adam. "If I'd known I'd have a hot threesome with some college guys on this trip, I'd have been less bitchy. Come on, guys, let me show you how big a bed we've got back here."

Sam pushed aside the curtains at the back of the cab, leading Marty and Adam into the back. Past the curtains it was pretty much just bed, with some storage compartments in the walls around it. The bed was a mess of coverlet and pillows.

Sam grinned at the two guys, looking between them. "I have about six ways I want to start this. I think I'm going to strip and then you can both suck me for a while."

Sam looked at Adam a little closer, then opened a compartment, grabbed a towel, and handed it to Adam. "Sorry, Tom can be a little rough."

Adam grinned back at him. "I know. It's awesome."

Sam laughed. "Ok, Tom is going to love you. He might never want you to leave."

Adam shrugged. "So, double jock suck?"

Sam nodded. Then he lifted his t-shirt and pulled it off. Adam reached over and pushed Marty's jaw back up. Sam was very well muscled, had a bit of grey hair on his torso, and several interesting tattoos. Then he pushed his boots off, unsnapped his jeans, slowly pushed the zipper down, grinning at the guys, and then pushed his pants and underwear down off his thighs. His cock was already half mast and fairly big. He leaned over to rearrange the pillows, showing the guys his large muscular ass. Marty pulled in a breath and even Adam was licking his lips.

Pillows arranged, Sam flopped back onto the bed, arms splayed, thick muscled thighs wide, and looked at the guys. "Suck me."

Marty laughed and hopped on the bed. Adam smiled and climbed on, too, on Sam's other side. They both put a hand on Sam's legs below the knee and ran their hands up as they got closer to his cock, which was standing straight up from his crotch.

Sam seemed very amused by this. "You guys do this before?"

Adam shrugged. "We've had a few threesomes together and one memorable orgy."

Marty laughed. "Oh yeah, the theater dweebs. That was fun."

Sam nodded. "Show me what you know."

Adam and Marty grinned at him, then leaned over, and each of them ran their tongues down Sam's cock, and then back up. When they reached the head, they kissed and simultaneously licked Sam's cock head. Sam groaned.

"Fuck." Sam spoke loud to talk over the engine's noise. "Fucking hell, Tom, these boys can suck cock."

Tom called back, half laughing. "Damn right they can, or at least that Adam guy can. I haven't cum that hard in years."

Sam just groaned in response, as the guys kept up their lick-fest. After a few minutes of this, they started alternating swallowing his cock, each going down as far as they could, and then letting the other guy swallow. Sam groaned.

Eventually, Sam pushed the guys back. "Ok, that's great, but I want to fuck someone now. Adam, you're naked already. Why don't I start with you?"

Adam shrugged. "I mean, sure, but Marty really, really wants it."

Marty grinned. "I do."

Sam smiled. "I know, but I want to warm up with someone, and then once I've cum, I'll be able to plow the second guy for an hour or more."

Marty groaned. "Oh god, yes please."

Adam shrugged again. "I'm game. Lube?"

Sam banged against a compartment, which popped open. Inside was a plastic bin full of condoms and a lube dispenser. Sam grabbed a condom, tore it open, and applied it to his cock. Adam dispensed some lube into his hand, then reached around and applied it to his ass.

Once they were both ready, Adam looked around. "How do you want me?"

Sam grinned and grabbed the kneeling Adam by the waist and pulled him closer. "Come on, straddle me, and let me pull you down."

Adam climbed into Sam's lap, his knees on either side of his torso, and his cock pressed deliciously against Sam's stomach. Sam moved his hands down Adam's waist to his ass and pulled him down.

Marty leaned in and grabbed Sam's cock, holding it still as Sam impaled Adam.

Adam groaned. Sam held him there for a moment, with just that little bit inside him, and then pulled him down until Adam's ass met Sam's thighs. Adam moaned and shuddered. His cock was hard and leaking, rubbing against Sam's ridged muscular stomach.

Sam kept his eyes on Adam's face, watching as the guy was pained and then as he relaxed into pleasure. Sam raised a hand and pulled Adam's face down to kiss him. Then he put it back on his waist.


Adam nodded, a little shakily. He was shivering at the pleasure and intimacy of having Sam inside him.

Sam lifted Adam up and then pulled him right back down, causing Adam to groan.

Adam had his hands on Sam's shoulders. Between them, they got into a rough rhythm -- Sam shoving Adam down on his big cock and Adam trying to help him by pulling himself mostly off.

"Oh, fuck." Sam groaned. "This is great, but I gotta fuck you faster."

With that, Sam pushed up and rolled Adam over on to his side, joining him. Adam's legs were pushed up to his chest. Now with full control and the leverage, Sam picked up his fucking pace, pistoning in and out of Adam's ass vigorously.

Adam moaned and grunted with every stroke. Sam's breathing became heavy and then ragged. On one of his thrusts in, he stopped and groaned loudly. Then he clasped Adam, working to catch his breath. They were both a little sweaty.

Marty, for his part, had ditched his clothes and was stroking himself.

Eventually, Adam regained his voice. "Wow. That was hot. It's still hot."

Marty laughed. "Seconded. I do love watching you get your ass plowed. Getting it plowed by my wet dream trucker daddy is just icing on the hot cake."

Sam chuckled. "You two should take this act ... oh, right. On the road." He laughed. Then he carefully pulled himself out of Adam and ditched the used condom.

Marty looked at him hopefully. "You ready for round two?"

"Oh, god, kid, give me a half an hour or so. If you want to get over here and lay your naked body on top of mine, I'm sure that will help move things along."

Marty moved over Adam's naked body, rubbing himself against him a little, then lay full out on Sam. They were nearly the same height, though Sam was a bit wider than Marty. They both sighed once Marty was settled and then smiled at each other. For his part, Adam snuggled up to both of them.

"This is nice." Adam said, sighing.

"Fuck nice, this is hot as hell." Marty ground his hard cock against Sam's thigh and hip. Sam's cock rubbed deliciously against Marty's stomach, though it was also a little tender.

Sam put an arm around Marty and said "No wiggling until I'm ready to go. My bits are still pretty sensitive."

They lay in a pleasant sexual haze, dozing, for another hour or so.

Eventually, Sam roused himself, got off the bed, cleaned up a little, and got a new condom rolled up his cock. He glanced through the curtains to check on Tom, who still had his overalls pushed down to his knees, but otherwise seemed to be trucking along.

"You doing ok, Tom?"

"Fine and dandy. Looking forward to some premium ass in about an hour. We got nobody in front of us if you wouldn't mind leaving the curtains parted so I can watch."

Sam grinned. "Happy to, though the first view you're going to have is my ass plowing the other guy."

"Always like watching your big muscled ass jiggle, you know that."

Sam laughed and pushed the curtains open.

Tom glanced every now and again at the live sex show going on behind him. Right now, it was one studly trucker and two college jocks, all naked, and moving around. The slightly shorter and stockier guy, Marty, was being moved around by Sam, who positioned the guy kneeling next to the bed, then with his torso belly down on top of it, ass prominently displayed. After a minute or two taken to caress and grope Marty's lovely round ass, Sam knelt behind the guy and pushed into him. Tom assumed there was some lube involved, since there weren't any screams, just groans and moans.

Sitting on the bed and lightly stroking himself was Adam, the guy Tom was really, really looking forward to fucking later. Adam seemed to be enjoying the sex show, too, and Tom was tempted to get the guy out here and use his mouth again. But he knew that if he did that, he wouldn't be able to do much of anything with him when they pulled into the truck stop. And he very much wanted to fuck Adam.

Sam's pace picked up, his ass doing that really awesome jiggle that big muscular asses can do. Twice Tom had to pull his eyes back to the road. He had to stop. Driving at night in the desert was seriously boring but it could be fatal if he drove off into the sand at the wrong place.

From Adam's view, Marty was in fuckboi heaven. Sam was a fuck machine, ramming Marty with a continuous and vigorous stroke. Marty kept up a moan, punctuated with grunts every time Sam's body met Marty's nice round ass. Sam held Marty by his muscled shoulders and made it clear who was driving the sex bus.

Sam had been right, he had a lot more staying power after that first cum load. He plowed Marty for a good thirty minutes. They started with several good hard minutes of Marty bent over the bed and taking it, then got up on the bed with Marty doggy-style on all fours, then Sam pressed Marty into the bed nearly flat (except for a pillow to give his ass some elevation) and fucked him hard for a while that way. Then they rolled into a side-to-side fuck where Sam held Marty around his chest and drove his cock into Marty with long slow strokes and quick, hard bangs, alternating.

Marty came hard during the first few minutes of being fucked and then again about twenty minutes into the marathon fuck session. He was getting hard again when Sam himself finally came, pushing into Marty and shuddering.

"Fuuuuck. God, that was good." He pressed his sweaty head against the back of Marty's sweaty head. "Your friend Adam's ass is great, but I will never get tired of fucking you. Damn, Marty, that thing you do with clenching--"

"Years of exercises." Marty wiggled against Sam, who still had his cock firmly up Marty's ass. "Any chance you can go again in a few minutes? I'm getting hard again."

Sam laughed weakly. "Oh, dude, I want to keep fucking you so much. So much." He sighed. "But I'll need until our break is nearly over before I can go again. Maybe a quick fuck before we hit the road after the break?"

Marty sighed. "It's a plan. And for the record, I am happy to be fucked by you any old time."

Sam laughed.

As they lay there entwined, and Marty delighting in Sam's softening cock still impaling him, the truck slowed and then pulled in somewhere. Adam stopped stroking his cock. He'd been edging himself for pretty much the whole trip and felt like if Tom just looked at him, he'd cum.

The truck rocked to a stop, the hydraulics whining and the constant sound of the motor cutting out.

From the front, Tom said loudly: "Ok, boys, we're parked in a private spot, and it's night. I'm going to dim the lights in the cab a little." The lights around them moved from somewhat bright to a more romantic ambiance -- if they'd been a French restaurant. "Adam, get your ass up here."

Adam grinned, levered off the bed and walked naked into the front of the cabin.

Tom turned in the driver's seat and looked Adam up and down. "Goddamnit, I did not imagine how hot you are. Still up for a good fuck? I gotta admit, that blowjob you gave me will get you pretty much anywhere you want to go."

Adam licked his lips, keeping his eyes locked to Tom's. "I am so horny right now, sir, that I will do anything sexual you ask me to do. Have you got a fantasy I can make come true?"

Tom kept his eyes on Adam's and swallowed. "I, uh, I've always wanted to fuck a guy as hot as you, period, but I've had this wank fantasy for years where I plow a guy while he's bent over one of the wheel housings, in full view of anyone passing by."

Adam took in a ragged breath. "Fuck yes."

Tom shucked his overalls as fast we he could get them over his boots and then stood up, his cock sticking straight out. He and Adam were nearly the same height, but the young guy was a little taller. Tom got closer, put his hands on Adam's trim waist, and pulled him into a kiss. Tom's cock grazed Adam's thigh and pre-cum left a trail.

Tom pulled off. "I'm likely to cum in a few minutes, sorry."

Adam smiled. "You'll make up for it after you eat and haven't been edging yourself for hours. Same goes for me. I'm going to get cum all over you truck."

Tom grinned, took Adam's hand, and popped open the passenger door. Then he climbed down and helped Adam out. There was some mutual body rubbing as they went.

Once they were on the tarmac, Adam looked around. There were in an isolated spot without a lot of overhead light, right next to a picnic table and trash can. A gravel path led around to the front of the truck stop, edging the parking lot. The nearest truck was ten or more truck-sized parking spots away. Not a lot of people were around at this late hour, nearly midnight. Still, the spot was pretty fucking public. Adam felt a thrill run up his spine.

The night was cool but considering how hot the day had been, not too bad.

Tom moved over to the wheel housing and thumped it. "Ok, champ, come on over and get yourself in position. I'm more than ready to go."

Adam laughed and bent himself over the truck's wheel. The metal of the housing was cold and he shivered. His cock was laid flat against the metal. Maybe he wouldn't cum right away. Then he grabbed the edge of the metal cover to steady himself. Tom got in behind him, hitched his t-shirt up above his belly a bit, and then pressed his sheathed cock against Adam's round ass, poking around a little in the cleave for his hole.

He found it and pushed in. Both he and Adam groaned. Tom was longer than most men Adam had taken but not too thick. Tom's cock had just enough girth to really rub deliciously against his prostate.

Tom began to fuck in earnest, his belly on Adam's ass, Tom's cock sliding in and out of Adam. The slapping noise of their bodies and the rapid gasp of their breathing filled the night air. For Tom, it was a fantasy come to life and he was in heaven. For Adam, it was hot sex, with a side order of exhibitionism, which he hadn't realized he loved. They both froze in alarm when they heard the regular crunch of footsteps coming along the gravel path.

"Well, holy shit. Oh, hey there, Tom. Looks like you got yourself a real catch there."

The man moved closer. Adam and Tom both turned their heads to see a guy in his forties, in about the same shape as Tom, wearing jeans and a t-shirt that didn't do a lot to cover his flab. He had a salt-and-pepper goatee and large lips, which he licked.

Tom sighed. "Hey, Ben."

Ben kept looking on with interest. "Any chance of sharing?"

Tom put a hand possessively on Adam's back, stroking down from his shoulder to his righteously hot ass. "I have him for now, but Adam is free when I finish with him and get food. But whatever you two work out, we gotta leave at five sharp."

Ben nodded. "Waddya say, Adam? Want to go for a ride after Tom's done with you?" Ben suggestively grabbed his crotch.

Adam licked his own lips. He was equal parts freaked out having been caught having sex and supremely turned on that he was getting railed in public like this. "If Tom's ok with it, fuck yeah."

Tom, for his part, pulled his dick out of Adam nearly all the way, his eyes on Ben, then shoved it back into Adam who yelped. "Sure, Adam, fuck who you want to, long as you play it safe and you're ready to go at five, like I said."

Ben nodded, watching as Tom fucked Adam a little roughly. "Goddamnit, but seeing a trucker plow a fresh piece of meat is so fucking hot. I'll come on back once I've had my breakfast."

Tom continued to pump Adam hard after Ben left. Adam craned his head around to look at Tom. "If you're, UNH, not ok, UNH, I'll skip Ben. UNH, I'm in your truck, UNH!, not his."

Tom sighed and stopped for a moment. "Nah, gotta admit I'm jealous but also pretty fucking turned on thinking of you getting fucked by Ben or any odd trucker who comes by. Go for it."

Adam grinned back at Tom. "You are one hot fucker, Tom. Can you fuck me harder?"

Tom sucked in a breath and if anything, he got even harder inside Adam's ass. "Fucking hell, you just wait."

Tom pulled back and rammed back into Adam, who groaned.

"Fuck yeah!"

Tom picked up the pace, fucking Adam as hard as he could, making the wheel housing rattle a little with the force of the fuck. Tom gloried in Adam's hot body, stroking his back and sides with his hands, while making his glorious big ass jiggle endlessly with every thrust of his cock. He picked up the pace until he was fucking as hard and as fast as he could manage, puffing to get a breath, and probably turning red. Tom hadn't had an ass this good in years, maybe decades, not since he looked like Adam did.

Tom paused a moment to catch his breath, then pulled Adam up standing, keeping his cock thrust into Adam's ass, kissing the back of his neck and shoulders. "Oh fuck this is good. Now turn, step down, and grab your ankles!"

Adam groaned, then blurted "Oh, fuck!" when he bent over enough to reach his ankles. He was stretched, vulnerable, and getting fucked in public. Adam had never been so hard or so turned on. His head swam. When something dripped on his face, he realized it was his own precum. Adam's cock was dangling above his own face.

Tom resumed fucking him hard, holding Adam by the waist to keep him from falling over. Tom's long cock was reaching even deeper into Adam in this position and they both loved it.

A few minutes of hard fucking later, Adam came. His own jizz hit him on his chest, chin, and went into his mouth. He was no stranger to eating his own cum, but the situation made it hotter than usual. Adam's clenching ass made Tom cum so hard he almost blacked out. He fell back against the side of the cab, huffing and puffing. After a few breaths, Adam levered himself to a standing position. Tom was still planted firmly up his ass. Adam pressed back against him, feeling more of Tom's belly, and wiggled.

Tom groaned. "Oh, fuck. I think more cum just came out. Shit, boy, you are one hot ride. Pull yourself off me and come give me a kiss."

Adam pulled off Tom's cock, slowly, making them both groan. Then Adam turned around and shared a sloppy kiss with Tom, getting some of Adam's own cum into Tom's mouth. They kissed for a bit, Adam leaning against Tom, who leaned against the cab.

Eventually, Tom pushed Adam away reluctantly. "Ok, I have got to shower and eat, and fast. Thanks for making an old guy's dreams come true."

Adam gave one of Tom's erect nipples a playful pinch through his t-shirt. "Dude, you're not old and god damn it, you're sexy as hell."

Tom kissed Adam again. "Thanks. If I croak it right now, let my friends know I died happy."

Adam laughed. "Same, man, same."

Tom got back in the truck, a little shakily, pulled his overalls back on, and headed over to the truck stop with a bag of clean clothes.

Adam sat down on the cab's treads, gingerly because his ass was a little sore. What a ride that had been!

A few minutes later, Adam popped his eyes open when the sounds of many feet on gravel got loud. He must have dropped off for a few minutes, naked and spent.

It was Ben. "Hey, Adam. Ready for more? I brought a few friends, if you want to really make this a party."

Ben was carrying a few moving blankets over his shoulder. Behind him was a taller black guy, in his fifties and though a bit heavy, he definitely muscled out his t-shirt. His hair was grey going white. Next to him was another guy in Ben and Tom's body type, wearing a strained t-shirt, jeans, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. He was also in his late forties or early fifties. Both men were eyeing naked Adam with hungry expressions.

Adam stood up slowly and stretched. The guy in the cowboy hat groaned.

"Hey Ben. As long as we can finish up by five, I am totally up for a gang bang. Your truck nearby?"

Ben grinned and shook his head. "Nah. I thought we'd take you over to that picnic table and take turns fucking you."

Adam swallowed. He was discovering a really exhibitionist streak in himself. The plan sounded so hot he was already getting hard again.

"We get caught, you're paying the bail." Adam grinned.

Ben mirrored his expression. "Happily."

They walked over to the picnic table, where Ben laid out the blankets, one on the bench, and the other on the table top. He padded it. "Knees on the bench, chest on the top, ass in the air."

Adam got into position. The guys got behind him. Ben immediately knelt down, put his hands on either cheek of Adam's ass, and pulled his cheeks apart. Then he leaned in and began to give Adam the best rim job he could ever remember getting. First there were teasing kisses, then licks in tighter and tighter circles around his anus, and then once he was groaning and relaxed just from this, Ben started to fuck Adam with his incredibly talented tongue.

Adam could do nothing but writhe and groan under this treatment. Ben kept up the tongue fuck for several minutes, then abruptly stood up, unzipped his jeans, and pulled out a hard cock. He wasted no time getting it sheathed, and then applied the tip to Adam's wet hole.

Ben sighed. "Here we go." And then he pushed his cock into Adam.

They both groaned. Ben fucked Adam good and hard for five minutes and then came, groaning and panting to catch his breath.

"Damn, that was too short but so fucking worth it." Ben stood up, tossed the condom, and zipped himself up. Then he motioned to the black guy. "All yours, Dan."

Ben backed off a few feet but was obviously waiting to enjoy the show.

"Mmmm. That is some primo ass." Dan caressed Adam's ass, giving him a squeeze. Dan unzipped his jeans but didn't undo his belt. He pulled out a large cock and stroked it to hardness in under a minute. The other guy in the cowboy hat handed him a condom and Dan sheathed himself. "You ready or want a little fingering to get going?"

Adam was looking back over his shoulder, eyeing the guy's sizable cock. "I've been fucked twice in the last twenty minutes, I'm good to go."

Dan chuckled. "Ok, man, don't say I didn't warn yah."

With that, he pushed himself into Adam, who gasped and then groaned. "Oooh, fuck!"

They both started to breath harder, Adam gripping the picnic table and shuddering. Dan slowly sank his cock all the way into Adam.

"Ah, that is nice. Tight and hot and smooth." Dan jiggled his cock in and out in tiny movements back and forth, hardly pulling back at all. After a few minutes of that, which was driving Adam nuts, Dan pulled his cock nearly all the way out, and then leaned over and grabbed Adam's shoulders. "Ok, main event."

With that, he shoved back in, not quite ramming but not going slow either. Then he pulled nearly out and pushed back into Adam again. He tried a few angles on the back in stroke and grinned when one particular shove got Adam moaning loudly.

"That's it. I call that the begging spot. I find that place in a guy's ass and plow it hard, they beg me to keep going. Never fails."

Adam shuddered under him as Dan demonstrated his point by shoving his cock against that spot again. "Oh god, please do that again. Please!"

Dan grinned and plowed Adam in that spot repeatedly. Adam didn't stop moaning, except to mutter "Fuck!"

The guy in the cowboy hat lifted his hat up and scratched his forehead, looking down at the fucking pair. "Holee shit, that is hot!" Cowboy hat squatted down and looked at Adam's fully erect and dripping cock. He grinned and reached over to stroke him.

Adam gasped and came. The tightening of Adam's ass pushed Dan over the edge and he came, too. Cowboy hat enjoyed the sensation of Adam's pulsing cock. Some of Adam's cum dribbled on his hand and the guy in the cowboy hat gleefully licked it up.

Dan levered himself up and off Adam, then slowly pulled his cock out. Adam groaned again and was trying to catch his breath.

Adam looked back at Dan. "Fuck, man, that was amazing. Thanks."

Dan grinned and gave Adam a playful slap on his ass. "Right back at ya, kid. Be happy to plow that ass any time."

Dan carefully removed the condom and stowed his softening cock in his pants. Then he jumped around a little getting the zipper pulled back up without catastrophe. Dan gave Adam and Ben a wave and sauntered off in the direction of the other semis.

Adam caught his breath, checked his watch, and looked back at the guy in the cowboy hat. "Mister, you better get a move on and fuck me. We've only got about fifteen minutes before I gotta hit the road."

Cowboy hat grinned, undid his belt, and pushed his jeans down to his knees. He revealed a large, thick cock. "Ain't gotta ask me twice."

Ben laughed and sat down at the picnic table. "This night sure got a lot better."

Cowboy hat put on a condom and lined up behind Adam. "You got that right. I usually gotta pay for ass this good."

The guy put his hands on Adam's ass, caressing it and licking his lips. Then he pushed his cock forward, gently spearing Adam. Using his thumbs, he parted Adam's cheeks, and then pushed into him.

Adam gasped. "Fuck, you're big."

Cowboy hat laughed. "Yup, that's what they tell me. Hang on to your boots."

He pushed in farther. If Adam hadn't already been so loose, so relaxed, he figured this would be a lot more painful but though there was a bit of a pinch, Adam was feeling just ... very pleasantly stuffed.

Cowboy hat got his cock all the way into Adam, after a slow push and a bit of grunting on both sides. The guy took his hands off Adam's fine ass and caressed his sides, then his shoulders. Adam was breathing heavy and couldn't believe how fucked he felt. He could feel the guy's beer belly resting on his ass. Adam was awash in lust, not just getting fucked by an older, heavyset guy, but out in public like this, bent over a picnic table, where anyone could walk by and see them. If he hadn't cum just minutes ago, he'd be spurting again now. His cock was rock hard.

There was a crackle of gravel as someone walked over from the parking lot. He was a big guy, tall and muscular, wearing jeans, a HarleyDavidson t-shirt, a big belt, and cowboy boots. Adam thought that Marty would have been on his knees in front of the guy undoing his big belt buckle before the guy had a chance to say more than "Howdy!".

The jeans guy took a sip from his beer bottle and looked over the scene: Adam bent over the picnic table, Cowboy Hat guy with his dick all the way up Adam's ass, and Ben sitting at the table with them, idly squeezing himself.

"Hey there." The guy adjusted his obviously growing cock. "Any chance there's room for one more?"

Adam groaned and wiggled his ass. "Sir, I would love to ride that cock of yours but I gotta be someplace in," -- Adam checked his watch -- "ten minutes. And this guy just started. But if you want some action, bring that cock on over and I'll suck you while he fucks me."

"Well, alright!" Jeans Guy said enthusiastically. He unzipped and stepped over, pulling out a nice-sized cock.

Adam took him in one hand and licked the guy's cock head. Jeans Guy took another sip of his beer and hummed in delight. Then Adam took him into his mouth. In no time at all, Jeans Guy was vigorously using Adam's mouth while Cowboy Hat railed him from behind. Adam really, really loved a good spit-roast and this was one of the best he'd ever had. Jeans Guy was even big enough to give his gag reflex a tickle on the down-stroke, so he was getting some gagging action, too.

Adam was in hog heaven.

Right as Cowboy Hat thrust a final time into Adam and then came, groaning loudly, Tom came strolling up. He had a plastic bag in one hand, a beer in the other, and he was smiling. He couldn't take his eyes of the scene of his latest fuck toy getting gang-banged on a picnic table under the sodium lights. Fucking hell, it was a hot scene. The guy in the cowboy hat pushed himself up, off Adam, and pulled his horse cock out of Adam's ass. The guy in Jeans was still face-fucking Adam but came a moment later.

"Thanks, bud." Jeans Guy patted Adam on the back. "Any time, pal." Adam smiled up at him, a bit of cum on his lips, which he licked in real pleasure.

Tom walked over. "As hot as that was, we gotta go."

Adam nodded. "Can you give me a hand? I've been kinda bent in one place for a while."

Tom helped him up and off the picnic table with a smile, switching his beer to his other hand.

Ben came over and gave Adam a half-hug. "Thanks, man. I'm gonna be wanking about this for years to come."

Adam laughed. "Me, too, man, me too. That was a lot of fun. Thanks."

Adam walked, a little shakily, with Tom over to his rig. Once there, Tom pointed up at the door. "Ok, let's get you inside and situated. Sam is going to need to get us on the road in less than five minutes or we're all going to be in trouble."

Adam went first, stepping up onto the truck's step, and opening the door. Tom was at exactly the right height to admire, again, Adam's glorious round and perfect ass. Without thinking about it, he leaned forward and gave Adam's ass a kiss.

Adam laughed. "Oh, man, Tom. Even after that scene out there, I'm still ready for more of your cock."

Tom laughed, too. "Good. I am hard as a rock and ready to fuck you."

The two of them got up and into the cabin. Tom parted the curtains to find Marty and Sam naked and asleep. Sam's ass was face up and Sam had his head on Marty's chest. It was adorable. And hot.

Tom gave Sam's ass a nice hard smack.

Sam sat up suddenly. "What?!"

Tom put his hands on his hips. "We gotta be on the road in three minutes, mister. Shake a leg, drain the snake, and put on some goddamn pants."

Sam popped off the bed, dashed out between the curtains, past Adam, and out the door. All while naked. Adam watched as the guy ran to a darkened area and pissed.

Back in the truck, Tom just laughed. "Ok, sleepyhead number two, time to get up. Help Sam get into that driver's seat and get us on the road. And don't suck him so hard he crashes the truck, ok?

Marty flashed him a smile. "Yes, sir."

Tom leaned out of the curtains, grabbed Adam's arm, and pulled him into the back. "And you, come on in here. We got fucking to do."

Adam laughed and let the older man haul him into the back. Tom pulled him into a hug, kissing him fiercely at first and then more tenderly. Adam was really starting to like this guy and not just lust after him. While they were kissing, one of Tom's hands found Adam's ass, groped him a bit, then worked a finger into Adam. For his part, Adam hugged Tom back, let Tom explore his mouth with his tongue, and lifted a leg so Tom could probe his ass a little more. Adam shivered with ecstasy.

Sam rocked the cab a little getting back in, hopped into the driver's seat, and got the rig going. He hadn't put on pants, there wasn't time unless they wanted an angry call from HQ. Marty got his mouth on Sam's cock, and gave him a slow, lazy blowjob as they got on the road.

Tom broke off the kiss but kept his finger in Adam's ass. "I'm in a mood for something kinky and rough. You up for it?"

Adam groaned from the thought and the repeated caresses on his prostate. "Oh, hell, more -- unh! -- more kinky than fucking me in the open over your rig?"

Tom grinned at him. "I was thinking of cuffing you to that bar," he pointed, "strapping your ankles together, and then fucking you with a few toys. And then fucking you with my cock."

Adam nodded, trying to catch his breath. "Yes. Oh, yes!"

Tom kissed Adam again, expertly finger fucking him at the same time. Tom could feel Adam's body shivering against him and Adam's hard cock leaking on his shirt. Tom was having an absolutely great day. It seemed like Adam might be, too.

Tom released Adam from his hug and withdrew his probing finger. Then he pushed Adam on to the bed and leaned over him, reaching into one of the storage compartments in the wall. Adam smiled up at Tom's lovely body while this was going on, enjoying the greater glimpses of his large tummy and the sight of his rigid cock.

Tom pulled out several items, dropping them on the bed. Then he grabbed Adam's hands and held them together, securing handcuffs on one of his wrists. Adam was looking up at Tom's face, which had a sly but wicked grin.

Adam cleared his throat. "Can I make a request before you ravish me, sir?"

Tom smiled widely at him. "You can ask. If I'm feeling generous, I might even grant it. What do you want, stud?"

"Please take off your shirt. I want you to fuck me in all your glory."

Tom nodded, then ran the cuffs through the grab bar, and secured Adam's other wrist. Adam's arms were slightly up and to the side of the bed. Tom moved around, arranged Adam's legs together, and secured them together with a velcro strap. He moved Adam until his hands were up and behind him, his back on the bed. Then he pushed Adam's legs up and to one side of his head, staring down at him.

"You sure? Scars and all?"

Adam nodded. "Please, sir."

Tom smiled at that, then with his belly and chest against Adam's legs to hold them up, reached down and pulled his t-shirt off. Tom had a hairy chest, big nipples, and surgery scars around his belly button. "And now?"

Adam gazed up admiringly. "Fucking awesome."

Tom grunted, in mild disbelief and intense lust for this young guy. Either way, he was going to enjoy the fuck out of this situation.

But first, a little sadistic fun.

Tom reached behind him for the toys on the bed, pulling out a large purple dildo from the batch. It had a handle on it for better grip. He held it up for Adam to see, who looked a little wild-eyed at the sizable sex toy. It even had some ridges, for his pleasure. Tom pulled a condom out, ran it down the dildo slowly, and then dribbled some lube from the economy-sized lube dispenser on it.

Adam licked his lips and swallowed. "That's ... that's big."

Tom looked down and raised his eyebrows at Adam meaningfully.

Adam blinked, swallowed again, and said: "Sir."

Tom nodded. "Good. This is probably going to stretch you, even with that gang-bang you had earlier. Might hurt a little."

Adam just nodded, his expression just the right combination of fearful for the size of it and unbridled lust for the idea of the large dildo up his ass.

Tom pushed Adam's legs further back and to one side -- he wanted to see the young guy's expression as this monster toy went into him. Then Tom applied the tip of the dildo to Adam's ass, and rubbed it a little. Adam groaned, low and guttural. Tom grinned and then pushed harder. Adam's groan turned a bit pained and he yelped as the tip finally popped into him.

Adam was breathing hard, looking up at Tom with an expression of alarm. "Uh--"

Before he could say more, Tom bore down on the dildo and pushed it slowly up Adam's ass. For his part, Adam groaned in an increasingly agonized way, becoming more and more frantic as the monster dildo got up inside him. Finally, the flange right above the handle was pressed against Adam's ass, Tom holding it firmly in place.

Adam was breathing hard and grunting with every breath. "Oh my god! Omigod. Unnh!"

Tom twisted the dildo without pulling it back. Adam groaned, this time sounding like it was more enjoyable than painful. Tom looked down and then back up Adam's fit jock body, feeling like he had jock on a stick. Inspired by that thought, keeping the dildo in place, Tom leaned down and licked one of Adam's nipples. Adam groaned and laughed a little, then groaned some more. Tom licked his throat, neck, pit, nipple again, and then moved Adam a little so he could get to his cock, and licked that, too. Adam was dripping in sweat, despite the A/C in the cab, and it was delightfully salty.

Tom leaned back with a lascivious smile. He kept one hand on the dildo's handle and used the other to lightly stroke Adam's cock. Adam's eyes were wide, his groans and whimpers showing his pain and his pleasure. Tom stroked Adam's cock to add more pleasure to the mix and Adam's cock began to leak pre-cum enough to lube Tom's strokes.

While he stroked Adam, Tom began to leisurely pull the dildo back, also pulling animalistic gasps from Adam. Once he had it almost out, Tom pushed it right back in, still massaging Adam's cock. Adam was practically gibbering, simultaneously crying and groaning in sexual ecstasy. After a few agonizing minutes of this lovely activity, Adam came, shouting horsely and pumping more cum out when Tom rammed the dildo in deep.

Adam hung loosely from the cuffs. Tom slowly withdrew the dildo and then set it aside. Adam worked to catch his breath. Tom moved closer to Adam, pulling Adam's ass into his lap. Tom caressed Adam's body lightly, saying soothing words as Adam calmed. Once he'd gotten back to regular breathing, Tom sheathed his own cock, applied a bit of lube, and pulled Adam bodily onto his cock.

Adam sighed in pleasure. He was open enough that Tom's cock slid right in to the root and in passing, pressed against his abused prostate. Tom got into a rhythm, impaling Adam with sure and even pulls on his waist. Adam was in a haze of sexual sensation. Tom was enjoying the fuck out of the jock's body and his great ass.

Since Tom had cum pretty recently, he fucked Adam for a good while, alternating slow and rapid strokes. Halfway through, Tom decided that pulling Adam onto his cock was getting too difficult, and un-cuffed him from the bar, then re-cuffed him with his arms down. He turned Adam on his side and fucked him that way. Tom was getting pretty sweaty, too, and breathless. He stopped to take a break for a few minutes, his cock firmly planted all the way up Adams luscious ass. Tom caressed Adam's body, bent nearly in half.

After a break and a few pulls on a water bottle, Tom resumed fucking. Adam was previously half-asleep after his dildo ordeal but resumed groaning as Tom picked up the pace. He was getting hard again, too. Tom stopped for a moment, reached over and pinched one of Adam's nipples. Adam groaned loudly and his ass spasmed on Tom's cock.

Well, that was fun. Tom resumed fucking Adam, but leaned forward now and again to tweak Adam's nipples and run his hands over Adam's torso. After a while fucking Adam bent and folded, Tom un-strapped Adam's ankles, turned him on his back, then pushed his legs up over his head, and pinned his hands there, too. Adam groaned a little at this, looking up at Tom with exhausted but still lust-filled eyes. Tom took a moment to lean down and kiss Adam soundly. Tom didn't normally like kissing the guys he brought into his rig expressly to fuck, but Adam was definitely a cut above the random slutty bottoms Tom had fucked before.

Tom leaned back up and then began to ram Adam's ass vigorously. Tom did love to use his fuck toys roughly. He got off on the touch of sadism. Not that he was into causing pain in general, just in fucking guys hard. Based on the groans coming from Adam, he was into it, too. Several minutes into this round of fucking, Adam moaned loudly and several spurts of cum landed on his belly and chest. Tom laughed but didn't pause his stroke. He kept one hand on Adam's ankles, holding them up, and used his other hand to scoop up some of Adams' cum. He gave it a quick taste -- salty -- and then fed Adam the rest. For his part, Adam ate it eagerly and kept his eyes focused on Tom's eyes as he did.

Tom came, and came hard. He groaned and leaned hard on Adam. His belly, chest, and groin pressed against the college guy. Tom kept his cock in Adam and tried to catch his breath. He stayed that way until his cock softened and slipped out. Then he tumbled to one side. Adam moved around until his legs were intwined with Tom's, then put his still-cuffed arms over Tom's head and hugged him.

Tom sighed. "Holy fuck."

Adam sighed into his face, smelling a little bit of mint and a little bit of cock. He had been sucking a lot today. "You are one amazing stud, Tom. You can officially have my ass any time you want it. Even with those other guys banging me, I was thinking about you."

Adam kissed Tom, all over his slightly grizzled face and then neck.

Tom sighed. This was turning into a great run.

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