Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on May 7, 2018


Zack and Troy

Chapter 21

Thank you for reading my story. I love writing this story. Life has been a bit crazy and I have had a hard time sitting down and writing. I thank you for being patient with me. I love hearing from readers with your thoughts and feedback!

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As I buckled my seatbelt and got ready for takeoff I closed my eyes and started to reflected on what a great semester it has been and how much has happened. I was trying to take my mind of the flying part. As the plane started to move I felt Troy reach over and take my hand. I looked over at him and he said "I love you!" I smiled and said "I love you too!"

We were in a private jet and heading to spend the first few days of our break with his parents in L.A. at their home. It would be nice to spend some time with them and just relaxe.

The plane took off and I closed my eyes again and tried to distract myself. I was thinking about all the friends we had made and thinking back to when I arrived at school! How I had no idea that Troy would be my roommate and how he arrived late. I thought about meeting Jake and how amazing he is! I thought about how we met Brad and then everything that happened with Ricky and the shit that happened to me. I started to remember that it is not over. I opened my eyes and looked at Troy who was still holding my hand and looking at me.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yes! I was just thinking back to this last semester and how I got stuck with such a crappy roommate!"

Troy laughed out loud and then said "I hear ya, mine was really crappy too!"

We laughed and then he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled at him and he said "You can close your eyes and sleep if you want to. I know you aren't a huge fan of flying."

"Ok! Thanks!"

Then I closed my eyes leaned my head on Tory. I felt him stroke my hair and then he kissed my head! It wasn't long before I fell asleep. I slept pretty much the whole flight! When I woke up I was lying in Troy's lap and he was sleeping. I thought about trying to pull his cock out, but thought if one of the pilots came back it could be bad. So instead I just started to rub his cock through his pants a little. His cock got hard, but he didn't wake up! I decided that I would wait and finish this later.

I tried to fall back asleep, but I couldn't and my mind started to drift back to more thoughts of the first semester! I remembered wanting college to be the chance to start over! To be myself and meet people who would accept me for me and not judge me for being some nerd or looser or for being gay! I never dreamed it would be like this. I have met some great friends and have found the most amazing boyfriend!

My mind went back to some of the thoughts before I fell asleep. How nice Jake was to me and the first couple days when I didn't know that my roommate would be Troy. I remember that feeling like something wasn't right! I was so start struck, but tried not to act like it! I was thinking about the friends that we have met when we went to the beach and eating with them. I really want to make sure that next semester we stay connected. I don't want the fact that we live off campus now to let us loose connection with them. I was going to make it my mission to plan a party when we got back and also to stay connected with the gang by doing more things like the volleyball team or whatever. I think Brain or Trevor said something about having a dodge ball league! I am not sure how good at that I would be, but I think it would be good to help us keep connected!

I started to think about Mr. Frank! I was thinking about how hard this holiday was going to be on him. I can feel the weight of the world on his shoulders and that he feels like he is ruining his family's life, but I know that he will be ok.

I remember thinking that I was jealous or didn't like him at first because I thought that he totally had a thing for Tory. I thought that Troy would of course get an A+ in his class without even having to try. He could just flirt a little and sail through. I never really told anyone that and now feel like an asshole about feeling like that.

I started to think about his kids and how he talked about them and how much he loved them. You can tell that he even loves his wife even though he is gay. I noticed that I had tears running down my face at the thought of how hard it will be and how sad he is. I decided that we would need to make sure that we make a huge effort as soon as we get back to get in touch and make sure that he was ok.

So much had happened during this first semester and my life has changed in ways that I could never have dreamed of. I must have dozed off again as I woke up to feel Troy gently running his hands through my hair and I could feel the plan making its decent. We must be close to landing.

"We are almost there!" Troy said as he leaned in to give me a kiss.

I was excited to spend some time with his parents and get to know them better. Troy told me that they were excited to spend time with us and that they had a few surprises planned.

We landed and there was a driver and car waiting for us. Our bags were loaded into the car and we took off. I have not traveled too much, but it was still weird to have someone load our bags in the car and just get off the plan and into a car and be ready to go.

It did take about an hour to get to Troy's house and when we arrived both his parents came out to greet us. His parents gave us hugs and were so excited to see us. I was still a little nervous even though we have met before. It didn't last long as it was obvious that they were so excited we were there.

We went in and dropped our stuff in Troy's room. I was turning to go back down stairs and he grabbed me turned me into him and kissed me.

"I am so happy you are here with me. I can't imagine spending this break apart."

"I know and this is just the start of what is going to be an amazing break."

I kissed him and then we went down stairs to talk with his parents. They had a number of things planned and I was excited to hear what was on the agenda. We were spending a week with them, but were going to head back to spend Christmas with my family and then New Years in New York.

We talked about the semester and our friends. They seemed so happy and relieved that Troy was doing well at school and that things were going so much better than they had thought.

"I know you didn't believe that I could do it, but I told you." Troy teased his parents.

"It wasn't that we didn't think that you could do it!" His mom said trying to defend them, but Troy jumped in and said that he knew they were just concerned for him.

They asked if he gets recognized a lot and he said no. I jumped in and said that wasn't true. I said that he gets recognized all the time and that he is so sweet about it though. I also told him about the rule that he made up about the school not letting him take pictures and giving out autographs to people, but when we are off campus he gives them out and is so kind.

They laughed and I could tell that they were proud. We talked for a while and then Vicky told us that we had reservations for dinner at their golf club. Everyone took some time to get ready for dinner. Troy and I went up to his room to get ready. I felt so comfortable being around his parents. Troy asked if I wanted to wear some of his cloths to dinner. He explained that they had a dress code and we would have to wear a tie and sweater or coat. He knew that I did not pack anything like that.

After we made out for a little bit, we got dressed. It was the sweetest thing. Troy picked out my cloths and helped me tie my tie. I knew how to do it, but he told me that he wanted to do it. It was such a turn on. I felt so lucky to get to have this intimate time with him, to see this sensitive side of him. After he finished dressing me he gave me a kiss and I melted again! We stood looking at ourselves in the mirror.

"What an amazing looking couple!" Troy said.

I wasn't expecting that so I laughed out loud. He leaned in and kissed my neck. I was filled with emotion and felt the tears starting to run down my face.

"What's wrong babe?"

"I am just so happy. I am not sure I will ever get use to the idea that you are my boyfriend! It makes me so happy and I feel like I am having the best dream ever."

"Zack you are the most amazing person that I have ever met. I feel so lucky to have you as my boyfriend and I couldn't be more happy!"

We kissed again and I wrapped my arms around him and gave him the biggest hug. I used my tongue to softly make out with him and make sure that he knew how much I was in love with him. HOLY FUCK can he kiss! I didn't want to stop making out, but his mother called from the hall "Are you guys almost ready to go?"

"Yes, we're on our way."

Troy kissed me one more time as he reached down and grabbed my package!

We headed down stairs and then off to dinner. We had great conversation on the car ride to the club and over dinner. It was nice because we ran into a number of Troy's parents friends. They were all very nice. They would ask how Troy liked college, if I was watching out for him so that he didn't get too drunk at those college parties or if he was passing his classes.

We all laughed a lot and it was fun to see Troy getting teased! He was a good sport about it!

Dinner was amazing and as we were finishing and getting up to head home a couple came up to us from behind Troy and the man said "Is that really the famous actor Troy Anthony here in our club?"

Troy turned around and practically jumped into the man's arms to give him a hug. Everyone was laughing and I felt a little left out as I did not understand the joke. I mean I figured that Troy obviously knew him, but I was not sure who he was, until Troy turned and said "This is my God father and mother! Trent and Brenda Davis and this is my boyfriend Zack!" I heard Troy say that I was his boyfriend and I think my jaw must have fallen open. Trent reached out and shook my hand and said "It is very nice to meet you Zack." I put my hand out to shake Brenda's hand, but she came in and gave me a hug.

I think I was still in shook as I just stood there, I heard Brenda invite us all over for dinner and told Troy that their daughter Alexis would be home and want to see Troy and meet me. Troy agreed and said that it would be great to see her too. Troy explained that he and Alexis would play together when he was younger and that she is one of his oldest friends! Troy's parents chatted with his Godparents and it sounded like the plans were set.

We said goodbye and headed out to the car. It was so great to be able to be open with Troy's parents and to talk. We talked about my family and they were so excited to meet them. When we got home Troy asked if I wanted to go swimming. Troy's parents were going to head to bed and read, they said they would see us in the morning!

We changed and got into the pool! It was so amazing! The night was so clear and the moon and starts were beautiful! The pool was so beautiful at night! It was the kind that one side of the pool looked like the water went on forever. It one side where the water ran over the edge and it looked like it didn't have an edge of the pool.

The water was warm and we swam around for a few minutes and then Troy slowly swam over to me and pulled me into him. I felt so safe in his arms! It was so nice to just relax and not have to think about school. I pressed into Troy and could feel that he was hard. That made me hard very quickly! He loves to tease me. I was rock hard in no time! Troy reached into my suit and grabbed my dick! I leaned in and kissed him. I wanted to do the same to him, but I decided to wait a little bit and just focus on how amazing he was making me feel! His strong hands gripped my dick and he played with the head a little and then ran his hands up and down my shaft! After some stroking he moved to my balls and gently caressed them.

Troy pulled his hand out and kissed me and then swam away from me. I smiled and he winked and gave me a wicked smile back. Then he went under water. I just watched him as I could tell he was taking his suit off. When he came up he flipped his hair and then used his hands to get his hair out of his face. He didn't show me that he had taken his suit off, but I knew he did. He swam up to me and then pulled me into a hug and I could see that his suit was still in the water where he had come from.

I reached down and grabbed his ass. I gasped a little to show how shocked I was. He looked at me and smiled. I guess he is not the only actor here. He kissed me and was stroking my hair. Then he went under water and took my suit off. I was still hard and he grabbed my dick for a little bit and played with it. He came up and wiped his face and said "whoops"! I laughed and he smiled.

We swam naked for the rest of the night and got in and out of the hot tub! It was amazing! We made out and would feel each other up, but we didn't have sex in the pool! It was so romantic. We finally got out and headed to bed. When we got to his room we hopped in the shower and took a nice long shower. He dropped to his knees and started to suck my cock! It felt so amazing and was so sexy. He rubbed my abs and chest and legs and worked me over slowly. It felt so amazing to have the hot water running down my back as he sucked me.

"I am getting so close babe!"

He picked up the pace and started jacking a little harder and that was enough to push me over the edge!

"Fuuuuuck bade I am cumming!"

I shot my load and he took every drop! I shot the biggest load and he didn't miss a drop! He slowed down, but didn't take his mouth off my cock. He slowly opened his mouth and let his tongue lick the underside of my cock and then the head. He looked up and me and smiled.

"I love you!"

I melted and said "I love you too!"

I turned around and said "I want you to fuck me baby!" I put my hands against the wall and pushed my ass back against Troy. He dropped and rimmed my ass for a few minutes. Fuck, it made me moan so loud! Then he stood up and teased my ass with the tip of his cock! I couldn't wait anymore. I pushed my ass back on his cock! Troy gasped. He grabbed my hips and slowly fucked me. I was so turned on that I was hard again. Troy was taking his time and it felt so good having his cock slid in and out of my ass.

"Oh Fuck baby, I am going to fucking cum!"

"Cum in my ass!"

Troy fucked my even harder and then pushed his cock deep into my ass and shot his load. He held my hips and I could feel his cock throbbing as each shot went into my ass. Troy wrapped his arms around me and held me until he finally pulled out. I turned around and grabbed Troy and pulled him closer and kissed him.

I pulled back and looked into his eyes and he smiled and said "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." As I started to open my mouth to tell him that he was the best thing that has ever happened to me he put his fingers on my lips and said "Shhhhhhhhhhh I know!"

We finished showering by washing each other. We dried off and then crawled into bed. Troy was lying on his back and I was cuddled up next to him and was rubbing his chest! He fell asleep first and I wasn't long behind him.

Troy had a meeting with his agent, but for the most part we spent the next couple of days with Troy's parents. They are amazing and it has been so nice getting to know them. They keep telling me how grateful they are that I am looking out for Troy! They joke that, if it weren't for me he would get himself into so much trouble!

We spent a lot of time at the house, playing games, reading, watching TV, swimming and taking naps! We also went out to dinner a couple of times. We went to dinner at the Davis's.

It was nice to get to spend some time getting to know them. They were such nice people and very down to earth. They had an amazing house and seemed like they had tons of money. I also got to meet their daughter Alexis. She was so sweet! She had a lot of great stories about Troy from when they were younger. The best part was that they even had photo albums.

"Oh and here are the pictures of when Alexis and Troy played dress up!"

"Oh no!" Troy said covering his face.

It was awesome; he was dressed in a skirt, wig, bracelets, high heels and makeup. They had the makeup smeared all over their faces!

"Could I get a copy of these photos?"

"Oh sure we can get you some." Alexis said

"NO! Please don't!" Troy

Troy was so embarrassed. It was fun because he doesn't get like that often.

Troy finally got the pictures put away and then Brenda asked if Alexis's boyfriend was going to come over? Troy didn't seem to know about this guy so he started asking her a ton of questions. She seemed a little embarrassed and said that it was new!

It also sounds like Troy would take her with him to premiers and other things where he would need a date. I could tell that they have been friends for a long time. Troy was pushing Alexis to text her boyfriend and tell him come over so he could meet him. He told her that he needed to approve of him. Alexis was pretty quick with a comeback and said "You didn't seem to need my approval with Zack did you?"

Everyone laughed and then Alexis said "It's a good thing he is so amazing!"

I am sure that my jaw fell open! That was super sweet. I like her. We talked for a little while more and then had dinner. Alexis called her boyfriend, but he couldn't come over. He had plans with his family. Troy said that we were all going to have to hang out sometime so that we could meet him. Alexis said that was a great idea.

When we got home everyone was super tired and we decided to head to bed. Vicky said that she was planning on making a big breakfast and then we would do our Christmas. She said that we should sleep in and then maybe we could plan to eat around 11? We all agreed that was a great plan. Troy had bought all the presents for his parents and he helped me get the presents for mine. I told him I wanted to help, but also was not sure what they would like. He told me that they were really chill, but that he had ideas already!

Troy and I cuddled for a little bit and he was gently rubbing my chest as we talked. It felt amazing and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep!

The next morning I woke up and I was alone in the bed. It was 9:30 and I just lay there with my eyes closed. I drifted off to sleep again and then finally woke up to Troy kissing my chest! He was rubbing my abs and belly and then my cock! It was so sweet! "Where did you go?" I asked.

"I went down to see if my mom needed any help, but she didn't and we just sat and talked over coffee. It was nice to have some time to catch up!"

"I am glad that you got the time with her! I think she misses you a lot."

Troy agreed and said that she is so much more comfortable about him being in school now that she has met me. He also told me that she said that she was so happy I was in his life and that he seems happier that she has ever seen him before. I of course got chocked up and tears ran down my face. Troy wiped them away and then gave me a kiss.

"I can't imagine my life without you!" He said.

"Ok that is not going to help me stop crying." I laughed and he got on top of me and gave me a giant hug and then whispered in my ear. "Would it help if I tickled you?" My whole body tensed up and he laughed and then just kissed me and told me he wouldn't do that!

He helped me out of bed and then we showered and went down for breakfast and presents.

Vicky had prepared an amazing breakfast; Omelets, fresh fruit, coffee, caramel rolls. We took our time eating and then moved into the living room to open presents.

We took turns opening gifts and I was a little embarrassed because they totally spoiled me. I got more presents than I have ever gotten at my families Christmas in my life. It was very sweet of them. The last thing we opened was a gift for Troy and me. We opened it together; it was tickets to Hamilton on Broadway and a gift certificate to dinner at one of their favorite restaurants in New York. I had heard of the show, but did not know too much about it other than it was really hard to get tickets. They were for New Years Eve and were great seats. Troy flipped out and said I can't believe you got these. I was super excited too, but feel like I didn't show how excited I was. Troy's parents worked through his agent and the people from the show that he was going to be in to get the tickets.

Troy told me later that this show was so hard to get tickets to and that he has wanted to see the show really bad and that he was hoping we could see it when we are there this summer. He was like a kid in a candy store. He told me that he had asked his agent to work on getting us tickets for our trip over New Years, but that she told him that is was already sold out and that she would work on them for the summer.

We had the greatest time with his parents. We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and getting packed to head to my parents. I was looking forward to seeing my family, but also didn't want to leave.

To be continued......

Thanks again for reading! I have some ideas and a few shake ups. I hope you enjoy and I always love to hear your thoughts and feedback! Send emails to

Next: Chapter 22

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