Troy and Zack

By Fred Johnson

Published on Sep 23, 2015


Zack and Troy Chapter 15

Thank you again for reading my story. Thank you for being patient as it has taken me longer than I would like to get this chapter out. I love writing it and enjoy getting your feedback!

This is a fictional story that contains sexual content between men. If this is illegal where you reside, please don't read this. Please donate to Nifty to keep this site free. Send emails to I am also on Twitter now! @cory4travis. I think it could be an easy way for me to keep people updated and for people to share pictures of what they think the guys look like.

I was shoved into the back of the van and every once in a while the guys would say shit to me and then kick me or smack my head with their hands. I was freaking out and laying in the fetal position. I am sure the drive was not that long, but felt like it took forever. I just wanted to get out. The van stopped for a minute and it seemed like we were waiting for something. After about 30 seconds or so we started moving again, but I realized that we must have pulled into a garage or something. I was roughly pulled out of the van and drag carried somewhere and then my arms and legs were tied down. I hear one of the guys say "Call the pledges and let's get to the final initiation." Then a different guy said "You ready to get that pussy of yours fucked you little faggot!" I was freaking out and could feel my breathing getting heavier. I could tell that guys were coming and going and it sounded like they were setting things up. I tried to get my mind about me and think of what I could do. Should I try and fight it. I just wanted Troy, and Brad and Drew and the guys to show up and kick their fucking asses.

A guy came up to me and said "I think we can get rid of some of these cloths." Then he started to cut my jeans off of me. I started to struggle and fight it, but got punched in the side and told to stay still of things would get worse. They cut my jeans off and left me in my underwear. Then they cut my shirt off. I am not sure what happened to my back pack. I was tied to something with my arms and legs spread and just in my underwear with my head covered and something tied in my mouth to gag me.

I was getting exhausted hanging there. Was leaning on something, but it was still hard. My arms and legs were getting tired.

I could hear more guys coming in and talking, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. Then I heard one of the guys say "The Pledges are almost here." A different guy said "Keep them upstairs until they all get there and then let me know. I will come up and bring them down." Then there was a bunch of cheering.

All of a sudden I felt a crack on my ass! "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH!" came out of my mouth without me thinking. It felt like my ass was burning. I must have been hit with something, a paddle or a whip or a switch. I could feel the tears running down my face. Then one of the guys said "You're going to cooperate like a good little bitch or you are going to find that we will make you cooperate you understand?"

"uummhuuu" was all I could get out. I didn't want them to know I was crying. I tried to breathe through the pain.

My body was being supported by something that was hard. I am not sure but my guess is that it was a sawhorse or something. It was hard and felt like wood. I felt something cover my whole body and then I heard one of the guys say "Bring them in!"

It seemed like it took forever for the pledges to come in and then one of the guys started with some Frat bullshit.

"Welcome to your final test. You are very close to entering the brotherhood of the Omega Alpha Phi and all of the privileges that go along with it. If you are unable to complete tonight's task or you decide that you are not willing to then you will be cut loose and will be a failure and you will be a fucking looser and not get to experiences the awesomeness that is Omega Alpha Phi. Tonight's task is called Pleasure Torture. We have obtained the faggot bitch that has caused this fraternity a large amount of embarrassment. Tonight you are going to make this bitch suffer!"

I felt the cover pulled off me and I was totally exposed. Then they pulled the hood off of my head. The lights were pointed at my face and I had to close my eyes it was so bright!

"HOLY SHIT DUDE! What the fuck are you doing?"

"Quiet pledge!"

"You only speak when you are given permission to speak!"

"Ok this is fucking crazy! Don't you think that this is going too far?"

"Pledge I warned you!"


There was a crack that rang out and I hard Gabe scream. I still couldn't see as my eyes were still trying to adjust and they were still watering.

"Pledge if you don't follow the rules you are going to have to pay the price!" One of the guys yelled. I could kind of make out that Gabe was on the ground.

"Like I said. Tonight's challenge is called Pleasure Torture and you PLEDGES are going to get to Pleasure yourself by torturing our little bitch here. You are going to use him like the little bitch he is. You are all going to fuck him good until he can't walk. When you are ready to shoot your load and you better last over 7 minutes, you are going to shoot your load on his face. You will take turns and if you think that you might cum and the 7 minutes is not up, well you better tag out and let one of your fellow pledges in there. This needs to last for a total of 30 minutes. If you fail to last 7 minutes then you better fuck him some more and shoot a second load or you will be punished. If as a group you fail to last the full 30 minutes, then you all will be punished."

"This is fucking insane, what if someone finds out about this?"

"PLEDGE I WARNED YOU!" I heard a finger snap and then hear CRACK??CRACK?.


CRACK?. I screamed again. I felt the hit against my ass again. This time I could not hold back the tears. I was crying, my body was limp and my head hung. I was staring at the floor.

"I can't hear you bitch!"

I couldn't make a sound other than to cry.

"I am sure that our little bitch here understands that if she tells anyone anything she is going to get hurt. You understand right bitch?"

All I could do was nod my head. I was so broken and scared that I just wanted to be back in my home hours away from here. In my head I keep thinking please let me go. Please don't do this to me.


I looked up and could see police officers with guns pointed at the guys. All of the guys in the Frat had their hands in the air. The police started to handcuff guys and told them that they were all under arrest. An officer came over and took the gag out of my mouth, then he started to free my hands and ankles. When I was finally free I was helped up and as soon as I got to my feet I collapsed and blacked out.

I woke up in an ambulance with a blanket wrapped around me on the way to the hospital. I was confused, but I looked up and there was Troy looking at me with the saddest look on his face and then when he saw my eyes open he smiled at me and said softly "I love you! Everything is going to be ok!" I was so glad to see him, but then I felt a wave of humiliation sweep over me. Tears filled my eyes and I looked away. I felt Troy's hand on my head and whispering "I am here baby, everything is going to be ok, I am not going to let anyone hurt you. I am so sorry I was not there for you." I couldn't look at him. I felt so ashamed and humiliated.

We got to the ER and I was taken into a room and Troy was able to come with me. We got settled in the room and a nurse came in. Hello my name is Ellis and I going to be taking care of you for a while. He explained that he needed to get some information and asked Troy if he would be able to wait outside for a few minutes. I asked if Troy could stay. Ellis said that he was going to have to ask me a bunch of personal questions and said that if I was ok with that then he could stay. I told him that it was ok and then Troy grabbed my hand! I quickly looked at Ellis to see if he noticed and he smiled as he looked at his paperwork.

He started out with a bunch of routine stuff like my name, age, birthday, where I was from, address. He then moved into questions about the attack. "Do you remember what happened to you?" "Yes." I said. He pushed and wanted me to go into detail. I explained that I was walking home and then a group of guys in all black with masks on jumped out and grabbed me and put me into a van. I told him how they took me somewhere and that they would kick me or hit me every once in a while. I got to the part where they tied me up and then cut my clothes off and I had to stop as I started to cry and get choked up. Ellis seemed very caring and we comforting. "I know it is hard. Can you take a few breaths and see if you can tell me. I was able to get the rest out, but I keep having this feeling of shame. I couldn't look at Troy or Ellis.

Ellis asked if they had done anything sexually to me. I told him that they had hit me in the ass with something and were planning on it, but the police got there before anything happened. Ellis finished up with some more questions to see if I had any memory loss, like who was the President? What year was it? What city were we in? Things like that. Then he did a physical examination. He looked at my ass and said that there were deffinatly red marks, but that it didn't break the skin and it should heal pretty quickly. He said it might be sore for a little bit. He took my vitals and then said he would be back in a little bit. He asked if there was anything he could get for me. "Could I get some ice water please?" "Sure thing! Be right back!" And he left the room.

I couldn't look at Troy. I felt like I was not worthy, I had this feeling that I was somehow damaged and didn't want Troy to see me like this. My mind would imagine me tied down naked. I couldn't stop imagining what the look on Troy's face would be if he had seen me like that.

Troy just rubbed my head as I lay on the bed and he asked "Is there anything I can do for you baby?" His voice sounded so sweet and concerned for me. I shook my head no and looked at him. I could see the love in his eyes and as soon as I looked at him I felt the tears again. Troy leaned in and took a hold of me and said "I am here for you! I love you so much." He held me and it felt so good. Even when Ellis came back into the room Troy did not let go. He held me and then finally let go.

Ellis brought me some ice water and explained that the police would be coming by to get a statement from me. He also told me that a Doctor would be coming in and checking me out, but that other than the marks on my wrists and ankles and some tender spots where I had been hit there didn't seem to be any other injuries. He was very sweet! He made sure that I was comfortable and asked if there was anything else I needed. I shook my head no and he left.

Troy asked again if there was anything that he could do and I shook my head no. Then I said "I think I am just going to close my eyes for a little bit." "Ok baby. Do you want me to rub your head for you or do you want me to just let you be?" He asked so sweetly. I asked if he would rub my head and he seemed very happy that I wanted that.

I closed my eyes and tried to get the whole thing out of my mind while Troy rubbed my head. It felt so nice and I finally fell asleep for a little bit until the Doctor came in to check on me. Part way through the exam the police officers came. They said they would wait until the Doctor was finished. Ellis came in and said "well looks like you are pretty popular trying to keep the mood light". The doctor told him that after I had been interviewed by the police that I could be released and that I should take it easy for a few days. He was very nice and said that if I started to feel any pain or anything that I should contact my doctor and go in and have it checked out, but that he didn't think that I had any internal injuries.

After the doctor left Troy helped me get dressed. He said that Brad, Ricky and Drew brought me some cloths. They had Ellis bring them in while I was sleeping. It felt great to know that my friends were there for me. After I got dressed the 2 police officers came in and asked me a bunch of questions. They were also very nice. It was emotionally exhausting to go through the whole thing again. I really just wanted to go home. After they had all the questions they wanted answered one of the officers said "These guys are going down. I know it doesn't make it better, but they will never be able to do this kind of shit again. You are a brave kid. Hang in there ok?" He smiled and they left. It made me feel a little better, but the emotions are still so overwhelming.

Ellis came in and helped me get everything that I needed to be able to leave and as we left he said. "It was really great to meet you. I am sorry that it had to be like this. Maybe we will run into each other again sometime in a social setting?" and then he winked and smiled and gave me a hug! He shook Troy's hand as we left. Troy and I walked out and got into my truck which the guys had dropped off as well.

Troy handed me the keys and smiled. I asked him if he would drive. He said "Of course!" and opened my door for me. He is so sweet. I got in the truck and before Troy got around to his side I lost it. I broke into tears and my head dropped. I can't stop think that somehow I am less attractive because of this and that I somehow let Troy down.

"Baby, are you ok? Come here!" Troy got in the truck and moved close to me and held me. I didn't know what to say or how to explain the feelings I was having. We sat there for a little bit and then Troy asked me if I could tell him what I was feeling. I told him that I was just feeling overwhelmed. Then I said. "I just want to go home and crawl in bed."

"Ok we can do that! I will get you home and try to make you feel better." He let go of me and started the truck. He drove home and pulled into the garage. He told me to stay right where I was and he got out and grabbed the door for me. He took my hand and led me into the house. Brad and Drew came into the kitchen to ask how I was. They both about tackled me and gave me the biggest hugs. "Those guys are so fucking lucky the police got there first, I would have totally fucked up our plan and bet the living shit out of those guy and then would never have been able to fuck with ANYONE again!" Brad said as he gave me the biggest hug. I felt so much love from both of these two bad ass Marines.

We talked for a little bit and the guys really wanted to know everything that happened, but I was able to let them know that I was exhausted and that maybe we could talk about it in the morning. They were both super cool about it and wanted me to feel better and get some rest! I thanked them for bringing cloths and my truck and they said that they were happy they could help. Troy took my hand and led me to the bedroom. As soon as we got in the room he pulled me into a hug and then took my face in his hands and gave me an amazing kiss. After he pulled his lips off of mine he said. "I love you so much and I am so sorry I was not there to protect you." My head dropped and I said "I am sorry that this happened."

"Baby this is not your fault at all!!" He said as he pulled my face up to get me to look into his eyes. I faked a smile and then he asked if I wanted to get ready for bed. I nodded my head and he smiled. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, flossed and took a piss. When I came out of the bathroom, Troy had turned down the bed and then helped me out of my cloths and got me in bed. He crawled in next to me, but did not take off his cloths. He rubbed my head a little and asked if he could get me anything. I asked for a glass of water with ice. He asked if I wanted him to come to bed and hold me or if I wanted some time alone. I told him that if he wasn't ready for bed that was ok. He smiled and said "I want to hold you and be here with you and never leave you again, but I also want to respect the fact that you might just want some time alone."

Tears ran down my face. It had really been a long day. I wanted Troy to hold me, but didn't know how to ask. He told me to think about it and he was going to get me some water. I rolled over and closed my eyes. I wanted to go to sleep and wake up and have this whole day disappear. Troy returned with my water and set it down on the night stand on my side of the bed. He went in to the bathroom and it sounded like he was getting ready for bed. I sat up and took a big drink of water and then put the glass back. I looked and smiled as I saw that Troy had brought in a coaster for the glass and it had a note on it that said "I LOVE YOU" on it.

I got back under the covers and Troy came in and it felt so nice to have him crawl into bed next to me and hold me. I felt so safe as he held me and rubbed my chest. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep. I was emotionally and physically exhausted.

The next day I did not want to get out of bed. Troy was holding me and I felt safe. I didn't want to face the world. I knew that I had to get up and I had to put it out of my head, but I couldn't. I wanted to talk with Ricky. I felt like he could relate. I lay in bed not able to sleep until Troy woke up. He smiled at me and gave me a kiss. "Good morning, beautiful boy!" He said. Then he started to rub my chest. I felt the emotions overwhelm me and tears started to run down my face. Troy's face quickly transformed to concern and he said "Please tell me what you are thinking baby?" I was trying to get myself to stop, but the power of my mind was too strong.

"I can't believe that I let that happen. I feel like somehow I have let you down and I keep thinking about how they had me tied up and if you could have seen me then you wouldn't??." I couldn't even get in out before I was crying again. Troy hoped up and straddled me. He leaned in and kissed me and then he said. "Zack, you didn't do anything wrong! I feel so responsible for this. I was the one that said that if we didn't fight back and that if we used cameras and investigators we would be able to bet these guys at their own game and we did, but at what cost? I feel like I have let you down. I keep thinking and wishing it was me that this happened to. I wish I could wash it all away, but you need to know that nothing will change the way I feel about you. I love you more everyday!" Now he had tears running down his checks.

I felt so lucky! Troy made me feel so important. "I will do whatever it takes to help you through this. You have to make sure that you talk to me and let me help ok?? I nodded and smiled as he leaned in and gave me an amazing morning kiss. Then he said that we should shower and that might help me feel better. I agreed and he led me to the shower and he washed my whole body and it felt amazing. No sex or anything just getting washed. When I went to return the favor Troy looked at me and said "It's ok you save your energy for when you are ready and then we can have some real fun." I smiled and helped him a little as he quickly washed himself and then we kissed a little.

We got dressed and headed to the kitchen. We were the only ones up and Troy asked what I wanted for breakfast. He made me some scrambled eggs, toast and apple juice. As we started to eat Drew came in and asked how I was doing. He said that he was sorry for what happened and if I needed anything to let him know. It was so sweet! I thanked him and then asked what his plans for the day were. He said that he was going to work out and then start packing because he was going to be heading home. It felt like a punch in the stomach. I said "Why do you have to go?" He said "Well can you keep a secret from Brad and Ricky?" I told him of course I could. Then he said "I have to go home and wrap up a few things and pack so I can move in!"

"WHAT?" I said almost screaming and he quickly shushed me. Then he said. "I talked with my parents and they think it might be a good idea for me to take some time to be with my friends and maybe even go to school. They said that they want me to take over the family store someday, but all that I have been through they think I need some time to get life back together. It really was Troy's idea. He said that the store will always be there and that I should take advantage of the opportunity to live here and be around friends. So I am going to take him up on it, but I am not telling Brad or Rick until I show up with my stuff to move in."

This totally cheered me up a little. I hopped up and gave him a big hug. I didn't want to let go. It made me so happy that Drew was going to be here and keep this family together. I was really sad thinking about having him go home. Damn now I am going to have to keep it a secret!

Troy got a call from the guys that he was working with and they wanted to know if I was ok. Troy told them that I was a shaken up, but that I was tough and that he was going to be here to help me come back even stronger! Troy talked to the guy for a while and it seemed like he had some good news. During the conversation Brad and Rick came in and were very sweet wondering how I was doing and giving me tons of love.

Troy hung up the phone and said "Say goodbye to Omega Alpha Phi! It is not official, but it sounds like the frat has been removed from the school and will never be able to have a chapter here again and all of the guys involved have been expelled from the school and they are facing charges. All the footage and information that they have gathered on them is going to take them down."

It was good news and I felt happy about it, but I wanted to feel even better about it. I think that it is going to take some time to mentally get my head back to normal. Troy shared all the information that he had and the guys all were happy that they were going to be gone. I asked about Gabe. Troy said that he was also very helpful and that he tipped off the agents that something was going down and that they should be close. He also unlocked the side door so that they could get in quickly without having to break the door down and make a ton of noise. Troy said that he was going to be ok and the video footage helped clear him of any kind of connection to this.

I was glad to hear that because he seems like a nice guy. I really wanted to change the subject so I asked Ricky to tell us about his job and how it was going.

Ricky said that it was going to be amazing. His first trip was going to be to Hawaii and that he would be a part of a team that would lead a number of dives on the 10 day trip. He said that all the people he works with are awesome and there is this one stud named Gunner who is a character. He said they have been put on a couple of projects and that we would all love him. Rick said that he is kind of a prankster. He is from Germany and has a great body and a super sweet guy. Ricky has not told him that he is gay yet because all Gunner talks about is chicks and the girls that he is banging.

It is great to see Rick so animated as he talked about the new job and the people that he worked with and about the different trips they take. I didn't follow everything, but that might be because my mind was not totally there. I love to see Ricky so happy. I also found myself checking out Brad as he was watching Ricky talk and it was so cute to see the smile on Brad's face as he was so proud of Rick and glad that he was here with us.

My mind started to wander and it hit me that Ricky had been raped and to see him talking and be happy again gave me hope that I could get there. I was not raped, but my mind was still spinning. I really wanted to talk with Ricky and find out how he got himself out of the dark places. Ricky finally said that he had to get going to work and Troy said that we need to get ready for class and it hit me that I wasn't sure that I wanted to go. I didn't want to say anything, but I felt like everyone would know what had happened. I was kind of dragging my feet and Troy seemed to notice and said. "Are you ok?" I nodded and then he said "It is going to be ok. I am here."

"What if everyone knows what happened and is looking at me and knows that I am the reason the frat is gone?"

"No one is going to know and if anyone says anything I will be there for you and I can't imagine anyone who would want that shitty Frat on campus anymore."

It felt good to know that Troy had my back. I finished getting ready and we headed to class. The day went well and no one said anything to me. I couldn't tell if people knew, but I couldn't help be feel like they did. Troy was amazing at helping to distract me. We did get a chance to talk with Mr. Frank and to see how he was doing. We stayed after class and he said that he was going to be looking for a place to live and that he was taking it one day at a time. He didn't say anything about the attack, but I felt like he was looking at me funny. After we left I asked Troy if he thought Mr. Frank knew, because he was looking at me funny and he said that he thought it was just because I was much quieter than normal.

That night I decided to sit out in the hot tube for a little bit, Troy had to take a call for a while and I just needed to try and clear my head. I grabbed a robe and a towel and headed out to the hot tub. It looked so inviting as I took the cover off and turned on the lights, the steam was rising off the water. I took off the robe and slipped in. We all talked about how going naked in the hot tub was better because the detergent from washing your swim suit would change the ph levels or whatever. So we decided we would go naked, until it seemed like a better idea to wear a suit. I was out there for 5 minutes when Ricky came out in a robe. I had wanted to talk with him and see if he had any advice, but was a little nervous because I had never sat around naked talking to anyone before and was afraid I might bone up. I mean Rick is a sexy stud. He didn't seem to be phased by it, he just dropped his robe and got into the Hot tub. Fuck he is sexy!! I couldn't help but check out his cock and even soft it was sexy. I was so happy he came out, because I really wanted to talk to him, but when he asked "Can I join you?" I started to tear up. Fuck what is my problem!!

"I can go if you want to be alone?" Ricky said.

I shook my head and wiped my tears. "I have wanted to talk to you since I got home and you coming out here is perfect." He got up and came over and gave me a hug! I was trying not to notice that we were both naked and that I could feel our cocks touching. I realized what an amazing friend he is and said. "I can't stop thinking if Troy had walked in and seen me tied down spread eagle naked he wouldn't want to be with me anymore."

"That is crazy! Troy is totally in love with you. You can see it when he is looking at you. His eyes light up and he is captivated by everything that you say. It is the sweetest thing. I understand the feelings that you are having. I didn't want Brad to know what had happened. I was also afraid that if he knew that I was raped then he wouldn't want me either, but I realized that he was there for me and when he showed up at my door I knew that he still loved me. And since we have been back he has proven his love to me over and over. I know that Troy will do the same."

I looked down and smiled and thanked Ricky for saying that. Then he said "I have not told anyone this yet, but I got a call from Mr. Johnson with a settlement offer. They are offering 1.7 million and the guys will have to do 100 hours of community service, but this will not go on their record and they will not have to do any jail time. I am not totally sure what to do. There is a part of me that wants them to be punished more, but I also feel like they have learned their lesson. I am sure that they are shitting their pants knowing that there is no way they can get out of it if I don't take the plea. There is too much evidence agent them."

"So what happens if you don't accept the plea?"

"I guess we would go to court and then the judge would decide the case and what is to happen. I feel like one of the guys was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He didn't seem to want to do it, but the other guys kind of pushed him along and were giving him a hard time. I kind of think he might even be gay and have a crush on me."

"So do you think you will take the plea?"

"I want to talk to Brad. I think he will help me think everything through and make the right choice."

"That is a shit ton of money!" I said not thinking how it might sound. I think Ricky could see that I wish I could have taken the words back after I said them.

"I know. It would change things for sure. I don't want to just accept for the money though. I feel like people make mistakes and these guys did and it sucks that I had to get hurt, but if I take the plea, they will still have consequences to deal with and it won't ruin their lives forever. If I didn't take the plea and they ended up doing time in jail that might ruin their lives forever. I feel like that might be too harsh. If I take the plea, I am sure there will be people that think I just did it for the money!"

"I hope you don't think that I meant anything by?."

"Oh God no! I know you would never think that!"

"I think that you are amazing. The fact that you are able to forgive these guys and that you would think about what would happen to them if you didn't take the plea shows me that you are truly amazing and not just looking at the money or at getting revenge!"

Ricky smiled and this time I got up and gave him a hug. "You know you have made me feel a lot better. I am so glad you came out here and we got this chance to talk!"

"I am too. I think you are amazing Zack and I know that you are going to hurt for a while, but you are going to find yourself again and things are going to get back to normal!"

I thanked him and we sat and enjoyed each other's company for a while until we both were getting too warm. We got out of the hot tub and I noticed Ricky was checking me out as much as I was checking him out. We both were semi hard. We dried off and wrapped ourselves in our robes and headed inside. That night I slept like a baby all cuddled up to Troy!

Over the next few days I felt like Ricky was making a huge effort to check in with me and make sure I was ok. Brad and Drew were also making a huge effort and it felt comforting to know that we all were getting closer living together. I was feeling better and realized that I really wanted to talk with Troy about me feelings of insecurity.

On our way to our comp class on Friday morning, Troy asked me if I thought we should stay after and try to check in on Mr. Frank. I thought that it was a good idea and as I thought back on it, I realized that I have not been able to think about him or focus on how he is doing much over the last couple classes because my head was someplace else. I was trying to think back and remember if there was much change in his demeanor. My mind was blank. I spent the class watching him and looking for clues to see how he was doing. He seemed a little robotic, but still showed the passion for his teaching.

After class Troy and I hung around until the room was empty and went up to talk to Mr. Frank. He told us that it was still very complicated and that He was feeling very guilty. He tried to explain that he never meant to hurt anyone and that is when the tears started again. Troy asked if he wanted to talk in his office so that it would be more private. Mr. Frank nodded his head and he wiped his tears and we all headed up to his office. We made small talk on the way and he asked how school was going for us. Troy did most of the talking and told Mr. Frank that we bought a house and have moved in with some of our friends. He said that he didn't think that freshman could live off campus, but Troy explained that we still have our dorm rooms; we just don't use them much! He was really impressed and said before he thought about it "I would really love to see it sometime, ah, unless that is weird?" He said catching himself. Troy jumped in right away. "Why would that be weird? We would love to have you over." Mr. Frank smiled and it was nice to see him smile. "Let us know when would be a good time and you can come over and see the place." "That would be great!" Mr. Frank said.

When we got into Mr. Frank's office he shut the door and told us to have a seat. We asked him how things were going and he said that he and his wife have been doing a lot of talking and that she is trying to understand, but goes through phases where she is angry. We all agreed that we could understand how that is going to happen, but the key will be to keep talking and that Mr. Frank needs to show her that he is a great guy and is going to be there for his kids and for her if she needs it and wants it. Also that it will be the best for both of them. She sounds like an amazing woman and from the pictures in his office she is a beautiful woman and will find someone. You can tell that Mr. Frank is doing the best that he can to hold it together and that he really appreciates having someone to talk to. As we were getting ready to leave he said "I really want to thank you guys. I don't really have anyone to talk to about this and I can't thank you enough for taking the time to see how I am doing." It was so sweet and sincere it broke my heart! It must be so hard to feel alone like that. I am glad we stayed and talked to him. We told him that we are always here if he needed someone to talk to and we gave both of our numbers.

As we were walking to lunch Troy said "Would it be weird if we told Mr. Frank that if he wanted to move in with us he could?" I thought about it and I didn't think that it was weird, but I am not sure if he would want to. Then I wondered if the university would care. "I don't know. It might change the dynamic in the house."

"How do you mean?" Tory asked

"Well, like last night Ricky and I were in the hot tub and we were both naked. I am not sure if we would still go naked if Mr. Frank lived there. Or if our house warming party shenanigans?"

"Ah I see what you mean! I just want to help him!"

Troy and I talked about what a tough position Mr. Frank was in and what a great guy he seemed to be. I agreed with Troy I wanted to find a way to help him.

The rest of the day went pretty fast! Troy asked if I wanted to go workout and I told him I didn't feel like it. He said that he would skip it and just stay home with me. I told him that he should go and I was just going to take a nap. He hesitated, but finally went to work out.

I went in and took a nap for about 45 minutes. I woke up and went into the living room to watch some T.V. or a movie or something. Brad heard me and came in. "Hey Buddy, How are you doing?"

"Fine!" I said, with not a whole lot of emotion. "How is your day going?"

"I don't know. I think I am feeling a little down knowing that Rick is leaving for 10 days and Drew is heading home. It is just so great to have Rick back and to have Drew here and I don't want them to go. I mean I want Rick to go and have this amazing trip. I am happy for him and I know he is so excited to get this job and to go on this trip, but life is so much better when he is around! And with Drew being here it has been awesome!"

I smiled at this stud of a Marine who is really a big teddy bear! It was very sweet to see this side of Brad. I think he is one of the most amazing guys I know! He is so fucking sexy! His muscles, his eyes, and his smile not to mention the amazing cock he has. The flashbacks of his hot fuck session with Ricky keep playing in my mind! Best of all he is one of the nicest guys. He cares about his friends and would do anything to help or protect them. I know if he had found me that night he would have bust in and started kicking everyone's ass. I know there were a lot of guys there, but I think seeing me tied down naked would have flipped some switch in his head and he would have cleaned house. Noted to self, don't piss him off.

"I totally understand. It will be hard but you know that he will be back and this is something that makes him so happy. It has been so great to see him so happy after what happened to him. You also know that this has to be hard for Drew on so many levels. Seeing all of us happy and missing his fianc?. I am sure that it is not the same back home and helping run his family business is probably great but I am sure that if he could stay here he would."

"I know you are right!"

"Can I ask you a very personal question?"

"Yes I think you are pretty!" Brad said with a straight face. We both laughed.

"You can ask me anything!"

"After you found out what happened to Ricky, was there ever a time where you? Well did it bug you that?.." I couldn't get it out.

"What?" Brad asked looking confused.

"That those guys had raped him. Did it ever make you think about Ricky different?" Right away I regretted asking it.

"Not for a second! I love Rick and I was so angry with what happened to him. He didn't ask for it or deserve it. I know it was not his fault and nothing like that could ever shake the love I have for him!" He said with so much passion. I looked down and then said. "I just can't help thinking that Troy will look at me different."

"Troy will never change how he feels for you. Zack you are such a lucky guy. Troy is always talking about you, and when he looks at you. He told me how he had you videotaped and followed to make his parents happy that his roommate would be ok and how he fell for you as he watched the videos. It is the sweetest and sickest thing I have ever heard." Brad said with a laugh.

I smiled and Brad came over and gave me a hug. Then he said something that really struck home.

"Zack you can't let this hold you back. You didn't do anything wrong. You were attacked. Those guys took it way too far. They are a bunch of assholes and they are going to get what is coming to them. But you are an amazing guy and I feel so privileged and honored to call you one of my best friends,?.. no one of my brothers. I have been through and seen a lot of shit and I know that there are so many Marines that come home and can't find a way to fit in anymore. There are so many of my brothers who have killed themselves once they have gotten home it's sickening. I was never that low, but when I was at one of my lowest points you came into my life. You need to find yourself again and be that amazing young man that helped me!" Then he grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug and I started to cry again. FUCK what is it with me and the crying? I know, don't say it; I want to slap the shit out of myself too!

"Thank you!" Was all I could say.

"Hey is everything ok?" Troy said as he walked in.

"Yah Zack was just sad I wouldn't be his second boyfriend while Ricky was gone!" Brad laughed at his own joke as I said.

"You are such an ass!"

"There is someone who would like to talk to you if you are up for it?" Troy said not pushing the fact that I am sure he could tell I had been crying.

"Who?" I asked.

"Gabe is here. He has felt really shitty about what happened and would really like to talk with you. I think he feels really guilty."

"He wants to talk to me?"

"Yeah! He is waiting in the kitchen."

"Ok. Will you stay with us while we talk?"

"Of course!" Troy said then he went to get Gabe. Brad gave me another hug and then headed off to his room. I was a little nervous and sat down on the couch. Troy and Gabe came in and Troy sat by me and Gabe sat on the chair next to the couch.

"Hey!" I said

"Hey Zack! I needed to talk with you. I am so sorry about what happened to you. I had no idea that was going to happen. I have not been able to eat or sleep much. I need you to know how sorry I am and that I tried to do what I could to stop it. I swear to you if I had known what they were going to do I would have done something to call it off. I just need you to know?."

I could see the hurt in his eyes. He didn't look like himself. I could tell that this really messed with him.

"I know! I could hear you trying to stop it and I could hear you being punished for it. To have you there trying to stop it felt like I had a friend there."

"Zack I want to be your friend. I really do. I know that I was an asshole about the rushing thing and the guys joining the Frat, and if you were pissed at me for that I wouldn't blame you, but you have to know that I would never have hurt you."

"I know! At first I didn't know who you were and I saw you and Troy talking in the lunch room and I was a little jealous, because I thought that there was no way that I could compete with you if you were interested in Troy. I didn't know if you were even gay. It seemed like Troy was not telling me about you and I was making it into something more than it was. I realized that if I am going to spend all the time that Troy and I are together, being nervous that he is interested in someone else then I am going to miss out on the time that we are together. There is nothing I can do to stop that from happening except to try and be the best boyfriend that I can be. I don't blame you and if anything I need to thank you! You told the police to come and you unlocked the door. You also tried to stop everything from happening and if you had not done that the police would have not gotten there in time and who knows what would have happened."

"Thank you Zack! You have no idea how much that means to me."

"How did you know to call the police in and unlock the door?" I asked

"I heard one of the brothers saying they had one of the guys and it was going to be a long night of fucking. I didn't know who they had or what it totally meant, but I had a feeling that it wasn't good. I thought that it might be Troy. I asked to go to the bathroom quick and that's when I unlocked the side door and called to tip them off."

"Thank you!" I said very softly.

"Zack, I will tell you that I am gay, but I am not out. I have messed around with a couple of guys back in high school when we got drunk, but no one knows. I have never told anyone, except you two now. I can't come out because of my family and because I am not sure what it would do to my football career. I know that I don't have a great chance of going pro or anything like that, but I can't risk it. I know that I can trust you two."

Troy and I both assured Gabe that he could trust us and that we both appreciated everything he did to help take down the frat!

"I have to go, but I hope that we can hang out and get to know each other better and develop our friendship?"

Both Troy and I agreed that we would like that as well. After we walked Gabe to the door Troy looked at me and asked if I wanted to talk about any of this anymore. I told him that I wanted to take him to bed and fuck his brains out! He smile and ran to the bedroom stripping off his cloths.

There you have it! The next chapter. I have not forgotten about some of the things that I have left open in the story. As always I love the feedback and you can email me at Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 16

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