Troubles with Being Together

By anthony williamson

Published on Dec 19, 2000


Chapter 4: Thus it begins

If you are not 18 or this type of material is not allowed in your country do not read any further. Also if find gay sex or gay relationships in any way offensive then do not continue. This story is a work of fiction and any bearing to real life is coincidental.

Well here is chapter 4 I cannot believe I got it done so fast but I did J I have been getting some free time so I have been doing this story hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to have the next one out soon. Any comments good or bad please send them to

Kevin walked into the room to find Jordan and Aaron lying on the bed Jordan wrapped in Aaron's arms "David come and see this" he shouted loud enough for David to hear it but not loud enough to wake the sleeping boys. David entered the room and saw Kevin with a huge smile on his face pointing at the bed where Aaron lay with Jordan wrapped in his loving embrace. David stood over the sleeping lads and pulled Kevin into his arm's a look of pride and happiness on his face "he's finally found someone" Kevin said looking at David. David just nodded and smiled larger before his happy look turned into a worried frown "but can they survive everything that will happen, especially all the grief from Jordan's parents". Kevin looked at David and nodded solemnly "come on we have got some job's to do" David said dragging Kevin out of the room.

The sunlight filled the small warm room, the light rays rebounding off the Tv screen and catching Jordan's face. Jordan slowly awoke and looked around the still unfamiliar surroundings, he missed his own room, his house and his parents. The sad thoughts filled his mind and tears began to fill his eyes as he was about to cry again when he felt the arm of his boyfriend around him, all his insecurities and fears flowed away and his tears stayed in his eyes. All he knew and cared about was he was with his boyfriend and he loved him that's all that matters. My eyes opened slightly expecting to see the empty room again like they had every day of my life but instead they saw the back of Jordan. My heart lifted and lifted at the sight of Jordan's back with my arm wrapped around it, I was so happy as the memories of the night before came back to me. "Morning babe" I said smiling holding him tightly making sure he was really there "Morning" he said in his sexy voice as he turned round and returned the smile I had on my face. I moved my head forward and touched my lips against his, as soon as they touched I got lost and started to kiss him passionately. My hands roved over his back as my tongue parted his lips and started to examine the inside of his mouth, Jordan's tongue entered my mouth and was examining my mouth making sure to cover every inch of my mouth. His hands were now down the back of my boxers feeling around my arse, my cock was reacting as the blood started flowing around my body, I felt it stiffen and dig into his crotch which was also hardening. Jordan's hands slowly pulled down my boxers to release my now rock hard pulsing cock, I felt his hand grab around the shaft and started to jerk me off as the kiss grew more and more passionate and erotic. The door opened and David walked in, his mouth dropped open "Sorry didn't think you were busy, by the way breakfast's ready" after he spoke he left the room. Jordan started to laugh loudly at the situation they were caught in, I quickly pulled up my boxer's and rolled off the bed "you realise we will never live this down now" I said laughing a little at the thoughts of what my dad's would say.

We both had a shower then got dressed and headed into the kitchen, as soon as we entered we started getting funny looks from Kevin and David "have a good night you two" Kevin said laughing as my face turned bright red. The comments carried on for a few minutes as we eat our lunch slowly me and Jordan got redder and redder as Kevin carried the comments on, "I think they have had enough now Kevin" David said smiling at us. I looked at Jordan and smiled "what shall we do today?" I asked not really caring as long as I spent time with him. Just as he was about to speak the phone rang, "I'll get it" I shouted jumping to get the phone, I picked up the phone on about the fourth ring "hello" I said impatiently at the person ringing wanting to get back to planning my day with my boyfriend. Hi Aaron" the familiar voice of Catherine said softly down the phone not at all caring about my rudeness. I looked at Jordan with a disappointed look and started speaking "Hi Catherine how are you?" "I'm fine as usual, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Jenny to the Cinema today?" Although it was a question it sounded more like an order to me. I tried very hard to hide my annoyance but I couldn't, I knew if I didn't accept she would get mad and if I said yes I wouldn't be able to do anything with Jordan while we were out but in the interest of friendship I decided not to go with my first instinct. "I'd love to but is it ok if Jordan comes as well?" as I mentioned Jordan I heard her voice drop a little actually I was wondering if you would come alone me and Jenny need a word with you". My mind was split, as I had known Catherine and Jenny for years but I wanted to spend time with Jordan, I put my hand over the end of the phone and spoke to Jordan asking what he thought. "Go out with them Aaron I'll see you when you get back" he said smiling at me, I nodded and got back on the phone "ok I'll meet at your house in about 30 minutes ok", "see you then, bye", "Bye". I hung up the phone and walked over to Jordan kissing him quickly before I headed out. It took me about 25 minutes to get to Catherine's house which was good cause I had time to calm down a little. I knocked on the door and Catherine opened the door and smiled at me "come in and go straight to my room" she said smiling at me happily but she seemed to be holding something back.

I looked round Catherine's room as she and Jenny followed me; I sat down on the bed and looked at Catherine and Jenny who were now staring at me both looking very nervous. Catherine steeped forward looking very nervous and spoke " Aaron me and Jenny have something to tell you, you see we are errrrrrr sort of errrrrrrrr seeing each other". Her words echoed through me and the shock soon showed on my face "you and Jenny?" I said questionably and she just nodded. I stood up from my seat on the bed and hugged Jenny then Catherine and smiled "well that makes what I have to say easier, you see Jenny Catherine I'm gay". I couldn't believe it even as I said it, I had just come out to two of my good friends and I didn't even intend on doing, they both looked at me and hugged me and then stood next to each other smiling. "Catherine I know you said no before but could my boyfriend please come with us?" as I said this here face lit up and Jenny stared at her lovingly and also with a smile on her face "Of course He can, I would love to meet your boyfriend" they said smiling at me. I ran downstairs to the phone and dialled my home number, "hi" Kevin said happily down the phone "hi Kevin could you bring Jordan round to Catherine's house please they said he can come with us to the movies", "sure I will be there soon". We both hung up the phone and I stayed there waiting for them to get to Catherine's house.

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