Troubles with Being Together

By anthony williamson

Published on Dec 17, 2000


Sorry I haven't written for so long but I have had so much college work to do I couldn't but I finally got chapter 3 done J so here it is.

If you are not 18 or this type of material is not allowed in your country do not read any further. Also if find gay sex or gay relationships in any way offensive then do not continue. This story is a work of fiction and any bearing to real life is coincidental.

Chapter 3: Finally

My mind shook violently as the words vibrated around it 'He's Gay' my mind repeated over and over again still trying to come to terms with the fact the guy I have been head over heels for is gay. Kevin noticed the look on my face and grabbed my arm "Aaron can you go into the kitchen please while I talk to Jordan" he asked nicely, I nodded slightly and reluctantly left the room and into the kitchen. The sun outside still filled the kitchen as I sat on one of the rather large stools, I kept mulling over all the things that had happened since I met Jordan. Ever since I saw him I wanted to be with him at first it was his body then I fell in love with him all of him, his body and his great personality.

My silent contemplation was broke by Kevin bursting into the room shaking his head the rage obviously visible in his eyes. "What's happened? why did they kick him out?" I asked starting to get really worried about all of this. Kevin just walked over to the phone and picked it up as he was dialing a number he had on a piece of paper he looked at me with a look of sadness and anger rolled into one "He needs a friend at the moment". As he finished speaking I left the kitchen to find Jordan rolled up on the couch crying, I slowly walked over to him and sat on the space next to him. My mind was bouncing backwards and forwards trying to cope with everything that had and was happening. Jordan's body slowly turned round so his face was looking at me, the tear stained cheeks were visible in the slowly dissipating natural sunlight. "Are you ok Jordan?" I asked my eyes studying every inch of his tear drenched face, he shook his head and a new wave of tears hit him as he fell forwards and into my arms. I sat there for a while holding him and slightly rocking him back and forwards, his breathing slowed a little as sleep overtook him again and I was once again left awake with him in my arms.

Kevin's voice carried through the thick wooden door in between the kitchen and living room. "How could you to your own son?" he screamed down the phone at Mrs. Mitchelson. The next thing Kevin heard was the phone being slammed down and the Kevin storming into the front room which woke Jordan up. As he saw Jordan awake his anger subsided and his voice dropped from an angry scream to a gentle warm drawl "Jordan you can stay with us as long as you want to" he said smiling at Jordan. Jordan just nodded and looked down at the floor trying not to show his tears. I stood up and looked lovingly at him "I'll take him to my room" I said to Kevin as I helped Jordan up and slowly guided him to my bedroom where I put him on the bed and sat on a chair next to it. After a few minutes of silence he looked at me with tears still fresh in his eyes and spoke "I'm sorry", his words caught me by surprise and I looked at him dumbly for a few seconds "sorry for what?" I asked again still not remember what happened a few days ago. "I don't know why I run away when I heard what you said but all I remember was running and running then getting home and being face to face with my parents" he finished talking as a new wave of tears took hold. I gently moved my fingers through his now un-spiked hair.

The next few days were weird I went to school but I didn't pay much attention my mind was always back at home with Jordan and my dad's. It seemed to hurt when I left in the morning but when I got back it felt better the first thing I did every time I got home was check how Jordan was. Jordan had started to improve, he was no longer upset all the time, he had even smiled a few times at some of David's jokes. We didn't mention his parents much at all cause we knew it would only upset him again. The days flew by and soon it was time for the holidays, it was decided that after the holidays Jordan would go back to school.

I got home from school at the normal time but a little happier as it was the final day of school now I could spend all my day with Jordan even though he was a little happier he still was upset quite often. I walked in through the door and slammed it shut smiling at the sound of Jordan laughing, as I turned into the front room I saw Jordan Sat ion the couch looking at David who was doing an impression of me. "Now that ain't like me at all" I saw putting my hands on my hips and imitating what my dad was doing making Jordan laugh more. I looked at Jordan and smiled then left the room and headed upstairs to my room, I opened my door and shut it slowly behind me then walked over to my desk and emptying my bag. The door opened and Jordan came in still with a smile on his face, which was quickly removed and replaced with a serious look. He slowly moved to my bed and sat on it looking right at me "Aaron I need to talk to you" he said, I walked over to him and placed my arm round him "what's up Jordan" I said happily. His face looked back at mind as his serious expression grew bigger "Aaron since I met you I liked you and when you said you liked me to your dad I was so shocked I just phased out and ran". "Aaron I really like you, and I was wondering if you would go out with me?" his words hit me fast and hard I couldn't believe it he wanted me to go out with him. All the time he was living with me and my dad's he did or said nothing that would give me any clue he liked me. "Jordan I would love to" I replied just before I found his mouth attached to mine his tongue pressing against my lips which I quickly opened to let his tongue in. The kiss grew more and more passionate as I rolled on top of him, after a few moments the kiss stop and I looked down at him "I love you Jordan" I said breathlessly, "I love you to Aaron" he replied just before we both fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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