Troubles with Being Together

By anthony williamson

Published on Aug 24, 2000


The Troubles With Being Together:

Chapter one: The meeting

If you are not 18 or this type of material is not allowed in your country do not read any further. Also if find gay sex or gay relationships in any way offensive then do not continue. This story is a work of fiction and any bearing to real life is conicidental.

"Watch out" i heard someone shout as a football hit me in the back of the head and i fell onto the floor spilling my book all over. I felt a fool lying on the floor with my books cluttered on the ground around me. I could hear the people laughing as i expected them to, I only had a few seconds warning before the ball hit me what could i have done?. As i was pondering about the situation i felt someone touch my shoulder "Are you gonna stay down there all day" the lad asked as i looked up at him. "Wow" i thought to myself as i looked at this cute guy, He must have been about 6ft, about 165lbs. He had hazel eyes that were like deep pools that i could stare at all day, he also had short spiked brown hair which looked like he had spent hours on pre-paring. I looked all over his body paying attention to his well developed muscles his body was perfect i thought to myself as my eyes reached his crotch. He was wearing a pair of tight jeans which shown off his package magnificently.

"Hey, you ok?" he asked smiling at me as his hand grabbed mine and pulled me up. i stopped looking at him and shuck my head "Err yeah I'm fine, Just a little bit shocked having a football hit me in the head" i said trying to sound as annoyed as i could. "yeah sorry about that" he said looking at the floor. I stood there staring at him he wasn't acting like the typical jock i thought as i hit him on the back "You need to work on your throwing arm" I laughed a little at this comment and hit him on the back again. "nope, You need to work on your catching, A girl could do better" he said laughing. After a few moments he stopped laughing and held out his hand "I'm Jordan, Jordan Mitchelson" he said flashing me another great smile, I grabbed the hand and shuck it "I'm Aaron Taylor" i said letting go of his hand quickly.

As i turned to walk away he grabbed my shoulder "how would you like to teach me how to throw tonight" he said smiling still. "wow he is inviting me to hang with him tonight" i thought to myself just managing to nod my acceptance. He watched me nod then replied "Great, meet me at the front of the parking lot at the end of school" After say that he turned and walked away leaving me to stare and get my heart rate back to normal.

Before i continue let me tell you the situation. I live with my dad and his Partner in California, I really like my dad (his name is David and he is 32) and his Partner (his name is Kevin he is 30) they are the coolest. After my mum took off they instantly jumped in to help me, Everything i ever need i get. One thing i need to get clear is i am gay but i haven't told my dad's yet, I don't know why i never told them, but every time i go to i just cannot go through with it. As you read my name is Aaron, I am 17 a senior in high school. I am about 5.10ft, 152Lbs, I have Short, Parted dirty blond hair (that takes forever to fix the way i like it) and also a good swimmers body (cause of all the swimming i do with Kevin, He is a great swimmer). My cock is 7.5 inches long and quite wide (That's one of my best features) and a small firm bubble butt. (well enough about me lets carry on with the story).

The rest of the day slowly passed by, My mind was wondering all over the place but always thinking of Jordan. Finally the last bell rung and i ran to my locker and picked up the rest of my stuff. My heart was pounding as i walked towards the parking lot, the thought of spending time with such a guy was driving me mad with lust. "Over here" i heard Jordan shout, he was standing next to a Rather good looking blue car. As i got closer to the car he smiled at me and opened a door "get in" he stated as he opened a second door and sat in the drivers seat.

The drive back to his house took about 20 minutes. Most of the time we were joking around and talking when of course it came up "So which girls in school do you like?". I just looked at him and smiled and spoke quickly "That's none of your business", by the look on his face i could tell he wasn't too pleased "come on spill it who do you like?" he stated again smiling at me, he could easily tell that i was starting to feel uneasy "it's alright you don't need to tell me" after he spoke he put his eyes back on the road and we continued on our journey, None of use talked for the rest of the drive.

The car pulled up to a rather large house just off the main road. It was set back bahind what seemed like a small forest of trees, It was surrounded in all directions by open fields and at the back i noticed a small pound which seemed to have some fish and frogs in it. "wow nice place" I said still gawking at the huge house and grounds, He smiled at me and said "Yeah it is a great place, come on lets get inside". We got out of the car and headed into the house. Once inside he lead me up a spiral staircase and into one of the many rooms "here we are" he said pointing around the rather large room. It had a dark blue carpet which seemed pretty new. The walls were painted A lighter blues with a little bit of green on the doorframes etc. There was a king sized bed in the center with a Tv, video, high-fi and computer around the walls. "nice" i said admiring him and not his room he smiled and started up his computer "do you mind if i check my emails before we head out for a game of football" I shuck my head and sat behind him.

He looked at a few emails nothing majour, I just sat behind him menatlly undressing him where he sat. After another couplete of minutes he turned round and looked at me "Shall we go for a game now?" he said smiling at me. I just noded and smiled back standing to my feet and following him out of the room. The game lasted for atleast an hour or two and we had a lot of fun, well i did. There seemed to be alot more contact than usual but i just shruged it off as nothing. After the game We talked for a while and we had something to eat before i had to go home.

"I'm home" i shouted in my usual happy way as i bounced in through the front door. "hi Aaron" they both shouted back from the living room. I walked into the living room where they were huging and kissing on the couch "get a room" i said in my joking tone. "what jelouse that i get a man and you have to put up with women" david retorted as kevin was laughing at the situation. I just walked out of the room and into the kitchen deciding not to say anything to the comment. I went to the fridge and got out a coke then went up to my room. I turned my stereo on and lay on my bed tapping along with the song, after a while there was a knock on the door "can i come in Aaron?" Kevin asked from behind the door, "yeah sure" i partially shouted.He entered my room and sat down on the bed next to me "so how was your day?" he smiled as he spoke. "my day was fine as usual" i replied not really wanting to talk to him. "kevin i have been trying to tell you and dad something for a while now but i have never been able to" i stated really wanting him to know. He put his arm over my shoulder "sure what is it?" he questioned "err well kevin I'm gay" I said looking at him worried for some reason but as soon as the words left my mouth he smiled and hugged me "Thats great" he said happily as he shouted my dad in. My dad came running into the room "whats all the comotion about?" he asked quite puzzled kevin quickly replied "Aaron has something to tell you" my dad's eyes suddenly focused on me "err dad wll err I'm gay" i said again stil very nervous at the entire situation. He moved over to me and hugged me kissing me on the forehead "you are?" he questioned smiling and hugging me, i noded my head comfirming it. "So when wil you be getting a boyfriend?" they both said at the same time, while i just sat on the bed not believing i had just told them "one step at a time" i said as they asked more questions. "Any lads in school you like?" kevin said looking over at my dad and smiing "well there is one" i replied smiling back.

Kevin and my dad looked at each other then at me "So who do you like in school Aaron?" I just sat down and looked about nervousley "errr No one" I said still alittle nervous. "come on tell us Aaron" I looked from one to another and said sheepishly "It's Jordan you don't know him" They both grinned and stood up "Well we have something to do" they said as they were leaving the room. I just lay down on my bed huming along with the music and tapping my feet.

As Kevin and David were about to leave the house there was a knock on the door. "Hi is Aaron there" Jordan said smiling widley "Yeah he is. who shall i say is at the door" Kevin replied acting politely. Jordan held his arm out "i'm Jordan" kevin and David both shuck his hand "I'll get him for you" David said running into My room while Jordan and Kevin were getting to know each other. "Hey, Aaron, Jordan's at the door" my dad said in a funny voice. I jumped off my bed "he is? cool" i shouted as i ran to the front door. "hey Jordan, Hope my dad and Kevin haven't been annoying you" I said looking straight at Kavin who was now giving David a hug, After the hug they left the house. "Hey Aaron, No they were nice to me" he said flashing me his great smile.

There is chapter one Hope to have chapter 2 out soon. Any comments good or bad email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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