Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Jan 8, 2021


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The next morning I'm woken up by the rustling of my bedsheets and someone trying to crawl under my duvet. Tom is up and trying to get to my cock to blow me. I guess he had a bit of difficulty due to the mitts on his hands. His mouth engulfs my soft cock and I slowly get hard. He can't use his hands so his mouth has to do all the work. It takes him a few minutes to get going properly but then he's deep throating me. After about 10 minutes I put my hands on his head and start fucking his mouth. His head is still smooth, I think I preferred it when he had hair. I fire 6 shots of cum down his throat then let go of his head. He keeps my dick in his mouth and keeps suckling on it. I'm enjoying the sensation but after a few minutes I decide to get up.

I gently push him off my cock and bring him to the head of the bed and get him to lie down next to me. He's a bit awkward and can't really lie on his back due to the tail protruding out of his backside. I look down at his cock and it's rock hard. I once again wander how straight is this 'straight' boy if he can hard after just swallowing my cum. I grab his hard cock and gently stroke it. He moans and I continue stroking. I rub his foreskin up and down and he leaks a lot of pre-cum. I get closer to his cock to get better a look and for a few moments I'm mesmerised by it. I'm tempted to lick the tip but then shake the thought out of my mind, I'm no cocksucker. I increase the speed of my strokes and Tom moans even more, I think he might be getting close so I let go of it. He whimpers. He won't be cumming today but it could be fun to edge him and let him think he might. I give his cock a few more strokes then stop.

I feel like going for a run outside, so get dressed for that. I tell Tom to get put on some shorts and a tank top, he's coming with me. He asks if he can wear his boxers, it'll be uncomfortable to run while free-balling. That's true, but he doesn't deserve boxers. I pull out a pair of very tight white briefs. They're a size too small for him but he gladly takes them. I've bought several pairs and hand them to him to put away in his room, this is the only underwear if any he'll be allowed.

We head out for the run. Tom's allowed to remove the plug but keeps his collar on. At first he looks very nervous and he notices some people stare at him. Soon he has forgotten about that and is focusing on the run. We're both very competitive and are really pushing each other. I think despite how uncomfortable he felt at the start he really enjoyed the run. I certainly did and I was glad to have someone to run with who was pushing my limits.

About an hour later we're back at the apartment. Tom undresses as he always does when he enters the apartment, he's bent over taking off his briefs and I can't help but slap his ass.

"Good run, glad you could keep up" I say

"Ha, you were the one barely keeping up."

I playfully slap his ass again. The last 2 days had been so tense it was nice to have a bit of banter. I really didn't enjoy being the strict master all the time.

We're both covered in sweat and I decide to strip naked as well. As I take off my boxers I throw them at Tom, he catches them and quickly throws them to the floor.

"What's the matter, don't like your master's underwear?"

"Ummmm no" he stutters "They're soaked in sweat"

"Come here boy" I raise up my left arm and expose my armpit. "Take a good sniff"

He puts his nose into my arm pit. That can't be too pleasant.

"Lick it clean"

He does as he's told, licks up and down my pit, then moves onto my chest and licks more of the sweat off. He swipes his tongue over my nipple. I give a loud moan and my cock goes rock hard. Hearing this he sucks on it and plays with the barbell with his tongue. I moan some more and then pull his face off my chest and into the other armpit. I had to pull him off my nipple before I lost all self control. My nipples seem to be wired to my cock. I notice he's also really hard. Who knew my sweaty armpits would be a turn on for him.

I could spend all day like this with Tom but we need to get ready for work. I grab him by his cock and walk to the ensuite bathroom in my bedroom. It's got a giant walk in shower. I turn on the water and get in and tell Tom to do the same and wash me. I'd never showered with another guy before but it was quite exciting especially as we're both still hard. He soaps up my chest and spends a bit too much time on my nipples, I think he may have found my weakness. He then turns me around to do my back while doing that he unexpectedly reaches around and rubs my nipples again. I moan and lean back into his chest. We stay like that for a few seconds then he leans further into me and I feel his cock at my ass. That sort of jolts me and I don't like where this is heading. I hope the cheeky git didn't think he could get into my virgin ass. He the gets on his knees and soaps up my ass and legs.

I turn around to face him again, my cock is rock hard and I slap him in the face with it a few times. He is also rock hard and I see him reach down and stroke it.

"Don't you date touch that" I growl.

I grab his head and shove my dick down his throat. I throat fuck him roughly. That'll teach him to mess with me. Even though I came an hour ago I know I'm not going to last. I pull out of his mouth, stroke myself furiously and blast a load all over his face and bald head.

I finish showering I tell Tom to grab me a towel. He still has some cum on his face as he steps out the shower to get the towel, I follow him out and he dries me. I tell him to shower properly and clean up while I get dressed.

A few minutes later he exits the shower. I get him to stand with his hands to the side. I get the metal cock cage, he sees it and groans.

"Easy boy" I say. "You know this is for your own good"

He is still hard, the cage isn't going on like this.

"You better go soft, I need to put this on"

He just stands there, I guess there's only one thing he's thinking of doing to make it soft and there's no chance of that happening.

"Go get some ice-cubes, we can't wait around all day"

He groans again but walks towards the kitchen. He returns with 2 ice-cubes, he's gone semi-soft but still not enough to put the cage on.

He goes to hand them to me. "You know what to do with them boy"

He very reluctantly puts them to his balls and squeals. A few seconds later he's soft. I waste no time in getting him locked up again.

Once he's cock is securely locked away, I remove the dog collar. I then get a gold chain I purchased on Saturday, not real gold, just gold plated but looks as tacky as the real thing. It has a small padlock threaded through it. I put the chain around his neck.

"During work you can hide the padlock underneath your shirt. Otherwise you wear it proudly outside so everyone can see you're a locked boy. That includes to and from work. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" he replies.

"Good boy. Now go get ready for work. You can wear whatever you like but no boxers. You wear the briefs I got you or go commando."

"I'll wear the briefs. Thank you Master."

As we approach the office Tom tucks the chain around his neck into his t-shirt. You can still see it around the back of his neck. It really does make him look like a chav.

Tom's really nervous as we get into the office and is rubbing his head. We walk into the small kitchen area we need to pass through to get into the main office and standing near the coffee machine are Mike, Eric, Amanda and two other people who work on the same team as Tom.

"Morning guys" I say. Making sure everyone turns to look at us. I don't think anyone was actually able to reply. They all just stopped and stared at Tom.

Eventually Amanda says "What happened to you?"

"Ummmm" Tom's really struggling to answer that.

"He's a dumb ass" I say that and laugh. "He was so hungover on Saturday but insisted he needed a haircut."

"Oh so what happened?" Someone asked

Again Tom struggles to for any words.

"He wasn't in the best state to be talking to people, I guess he couldn't quite describe how he wanted it done. I've also warned him don't go any place where you'll pay less then $5 for a haircut. You get what you pay for"

Amanda chuckles at that.

Tom finally finds his voice. "Yeh it's been really hot here in Melbourne, I thought I'd get something short like a buzz cut but I wasn't very clear and ended up with this" He smiled as he pointed to his head. I guess he realises the best thing to do is laugh it off as a stupid mistake.

Amanda comes up to him and rubs his head. "It's so smooth, make you wear a hat in the sun, baldy"

After that we go into the office. I noticed Mike and Eric didn't say anything I guess they were still pissed at Tom. I'll have to talk to them later.

Tom has to repeat the anecdote of his haircut many times throughout day but he takes the head rubs and being called baldy in good humour.

That evening we go home and Tom is once again a dog boy. He practices pissing like a dog into the drain, he's getting better I think. He makes me dinner and once again he has to eat on the floor. To increase his humiliation I feed him some scraps of my plate just like you would to a real dog.

That evening I'd arranged to meet Phil the barber for a drink at a local bar. I was curious to hear more about his slaves and the Melbourne scene he mentioned. Phil turned out to be a really cool guy, I only intended to go for 1 drink but ended up staying for 5. I go home a bit tipsy and very horny. I fuck Tom's throat, fill his mouth with my cum and go to bed.

Not much happens the next few days, I get woken up by Tom who gives me my morning blowjob. We worked out in the gym, went to the office and then Tom reverted to being a doggy in the evenings. I usually had meetings with the London team at night so that kept me busy. One night was interesting, I was sat at the dining table on a Zoom call with four other people and Tom was under the table gently sucking my cock. I have no idea what nonsense I might've agreed to on that call but it was probably the most pleasurable meeting I've ever had.

On Friday morning I let Tom have a lie in and skip the morning blow job. It's not that I'm feeling sorry for him or taking it easy, I've got plans for him tonight and I want to be extra horny.

After work we stay for a a drink, but not many people are around today. We head home at about 6. Tom puts his collar on and plugs himself then joins me on the balcony while I have a beer. I ask him if he wants some.

"Yes sir"

"I don't know boy, not sure you can handle it after what happened last time. Are you sure you'll be ok?"

"Yes sir. I can handle it. I'm ok with beer. Please?

"Ok boy as you asked nicely. Lift your head up and open your mouth"

I take the bottle and pour some beer into my mouth, swirl it around and then release it into Tom's waiting mouth.

"Want some more?"

"Yes please" I didn't think he'd be that desperate for a drink. I wander if he's got a problem.

I repeat that a few more times. He's probably had half a bottle and I decide that's enough for him.

A little while later he says he needs to pee and crawls to the corner with the drain. He's used to it by now and knows exactly how to position himself. I also need to pee. As he starts going I get up and stand beside him, pull my cock out and start peeing. I aim for his butt and legs. At that point I wish he wasn't plugged I want piss up his hole.

After we're both done, Tom looks at me and says "Thank you, master"

That surprises me a little bit. I'm not sure why he's thanking me for pissing on him. Tom started keeping a bottle of water on the balcony to help clean up the mess, he takes that and uses it to rinse off some of the pee of his legs and backside. He then sits down and tries to dry in the sun.

A little while later I tell him to make dinner but only something light. He asks for permission to clean his legs in the shower, I agree it's a good idea but tell him to have a proper shower. We're going out later, it's probably best for him that he's clean.

It's about 8.30 when we head out. We're going to a gay bar and meeting Phil the barber. Tom doesn't know this. All he knows is we're going for drinks and he's dressed in very short denim shorts that tightly hug his ass, a black t-shirt and his collar. Oh and he's go a butt plug up his boy hole. We get to the bar and it looks a bit rough. I'm surprised by this, the few gay bars I'd been to in London always seemed nicer. The crowd in here's a bit older, I guess all the twinks hang out in the nicer bars in the city. As we enter I can see all eyes are on us, actually they're more likely on Tom. I scan the place looking for Phil, I spot him sitting in a booth. Sitting next to him is a young guy I don't recognise. We walk over to him and I say hello. Phil gets up and shakes my hand, looks at Tom but doesn't shake his hand. He rubs Tom's head instead.

"Hey Sam, hi boy" he says. "Take a seat."

"Hi Phil, good to see you again" I say.

"I felt some stubble on his head, you should bring him back to the shop and we can make him smooth again". Tom's head drops as Phil says that.

"Maybe, let's see how tonight goes. Who's this?" I ask pointing at the boy next to Tom?

"This is Ryan, he's my latest boy. If he's good he might join my stable"

I take a good look at him. He looks barely 18. He's got shoulder length blonde hair, very skinny, a real twink. Probably a surfer I thought.

"Hi Ryan" I say

"Hello Sir" he politely responds.

"Tom, get some drinks. What are you both having?" I ask Phil and Ryan.

"We'll both have a lager, cheers". Replies Phil.

"Same for me, and get yourself a soft drink." I thought making him drink a soft drink would make him feel more like a boy especially as even Ryan was having a proper drink.

"So how long have you known Ryan?" I ask Phil

"We met about a month ago, I've been slowly training him. I think he's gonna be ready to be one my slave boys soon"

"Nice, are you gonna collar him?"

"Oh yeh, gotta do that. Nice to see you've done that with your boy. He looks much better like that"

"Thanks" I say

"Next week I'm gonna put a collar around young Ryan here. You want that don't you boy?

"Oh yes sir" replies Ryan.

"Of course none of my boys are allowed hair like that." He strokes his hand through Ryan's should length hair. "That'll be coming off next week, a nice buzzcut. I'm gonna turn him into a good skinhead"

I can tell Ryan isn't best pleased about that but I also see him adjust his crotch so maybe he finds that exciting.

Tom returns with drinks, and Phil and I chat mostly about his lifestyle and Phil tells me some more stories about his slaves. Some time later I see Phil is really groping Ryan. He has his hands down his pants and is obviously playing with Ryan's cock. Tom is watching intently and Ryan is obviously enjoying the attention. Phil then puts his hand down Ryans back, Ryan leans forward a little to allow better access. I'm a bit surprised to see Phil is actually fingering Ryan in this bar.

"Yeah, that's a nice tight pussy. Gonna make him a good little skinhead bitch. Aren't we boy?"

"Ohh yes sir" moans Ryan.

"Be glad you're plugged boy, or you'd also be moaning like the boy bitch you are" I say to Tom and making sure Phil and Ryan can hear me.

Phil just smirks at Tom. He pulls his finger out of Ryan and points it at Tom. "Here get a taste of some good pussy"

Tom looks at me.

"Don't be rude, Tom" I say. "Get a taste and clean his finger. You still owe him for the haircut"

Tom reluctantly takes the finger into his mouth and sucks on it.

Phil then withdraws his finger, pats his head "That's a good boy"

We have a few more drinks, I do let Tom have 2 beers to get him to relax a bit.

"What's next Phil. You said something about a club" I ask

"There's a fetish club we're gonna go to. It's skinheads night"

"Cool" I say

"You're not really dressed for it Tom. Master's are all wearing boots, bleachers and skinhead gear or other fetish gear. Slaves are mostly naked anyway so doesn't matter"

"Ohhh right, I see" I say a bit disappointed. I was very curious to see what would happen at this sort of place.

"Look, no promises but I know one the guys who runs the place. If he's there, we might be able to get you in"

"Cool, thanks" I say.

We get to the club, Phil has a word with the bouncer then another dude comes out and they chat some more. I see them looking at us then eventually we're all allowed in. It's a bit different to what I was expecting. To be honest I don't know what I was expecting. I can hear loud music in the distance so there's obviously a dance floor somewhere. We head away from that and go to a cloakroom. This doesn't seem to be a normal cloakroom for coats and bags, people were getting undressed and handing their clothes in. Phil points to Ryan and he immediately strips down to his underwear. He's wearing a nice red pair of CK trunks. I tell Tom to do the same, he's reluctant but does as he's told. He's wearing bright green briefs which are clearly exposing his cock cage. Both Phil and Ryan check out Tom. Phil grabs his locked cock through the fabric of the briefs and gives his balls a bit of a squeeze.

We sort out the clothes, Phil suggests I might want to remove my t-shirt as I'll fit in better but I decide not to. I didn't feel comfortable being too exposed here.

We get some drinks, rum and coke for me and just a coke for Tom. I look around and most people are in some sort of fetish gear. I'm one of the few in normal jeans and t-shirt. There's also a lot of people with shaved or really short hair. I guess that's the skinhead look. We go to the dance floor and four of us dance. Tom and Ryan are getting a lot of attention, Ryan seems to be really enjoying it but Tom not so much. He keeps getting his ass grabbed. I thought serves him right, now he might know what that girl he tried to grab felt like.

We get some more drinks and are on the dance floor. At some point Phil convinces me to go topless. I'm getting some attention now too but I'm quite glad to be with Tom and Ryan as they distract people from me. Phil keeps rubbing and flicking my pierced nipples. At some point he's dancing behind me, he puts his arms under my shoulders and pulls me into him so my back is against his hairy chest. His hands are tweaking my nipples and he's hips are swaying to the music. I just moan and dance with him. I'm so hard. He growls something in my ear and licks it. I almost lose all control, I push further back into him. Even through my jeans I can feel he's also hard and rubbing it against my ass. I don't care, I feel good right now.

A little while later I need some air so I leave the dance floor and the others follow me. Phil suggests we go to the outdoor are and there's a dark room there. I didn't really know what that meant but outdoors sounded good. We get there, it's very dark with some faint lighting. Enough to see where you're going and the shapes of people and not much else. There's a lot of moaning and groaning and sex sounds. I'm getting a better idea of what goes on here. I'm reluctant to go in but also quite excited. We walk through this area, random hands try to grab me or stroke my ass or chest.

We walk around for a bit until Phil decides to stop. There's slightly more light here and I notice a fair few skinheads around. I notice someone's getting a blowjob and near him another guy is on a bench getting pounded. Phil seems to know a few people here, he's obviously a regular. He shakes someones hand and they watch the guy getting fucked. Phil then pulls his cock out and starts stroking it. It must be a good 8" and quite thick. Ryan then gets on his knees and starts sucking.

"Good boy" says Phil.

I can't believe he's actually doing this with an audience. I am so turned on right now.

After a few minutes Phil turns to me smiling and says "Your boy still owes me for the haircut"

I turn to look at Tom who looks very nervous. Even though I paid Phil, Tom doesn't know that so I play along. "That's right, he does" I move Tom closer to Phil and apply pressure to his shoulders and get him down on his knees. "Do a good job Tom"

Ryan has stopped sucking Phil's dick, which is now coated with his saliva. Tom slowly licks the tip of the cock before taking it all into his mouth. Phil just stands there watching Tom suck him, I guess he's in no hurry to cum. He grabs Ryan by the back of the head and gets him licking his balls. Phil looks up at me grinning as both boys service him. Tom and Ryan alternate between sucking the dick and licking the balls. At one point they're both licking the cock and there lips meet and it looks like they're kissing. Tom recoils at that before Phil mashes his face back into the cock. I wonder if that's the first time Tom's kissed another guy.

The two hot boys on their knees sucking a fit 50 year old skinhead draws some attention. There's a bunch of guys standing around us watching the show, most have their cocks out. One guy comes up to Ryan and pulls down his underwear and starts stroking his cock. I notice Ryan has a really nice ass but not as good as Tom's. Another guy does same thing to Tom, lowers his briefs. I think he's a but surprised to find Tom locked. He fondles Tom's locked cock and then his hands move behind him and starts exploring Tom's ass. I bet Tom's glad now he's plugged and isn't going to get fingered by a random dude. That's exactly what's happening to Ryan now.

I'm impressed with Tom, he seems unfazed and continues sucking cock. The guy fondling Tom tries to pull the plug out. I step forward and stop him.

"That's enough mate. He's my boy, no one but me unplugs him or gets near that hole"

The guy stands up and looks me up and down, I wonder if he's about to start on me. Luckily he just raises his hands and walks away.

The guy Phil shook hands with earlier whispers something in Phil's ear and Phil just nods. Ryan gets up and goes with Phil's friend. I see them go over to the bench, Ryan bends over and has a cock shoved into his hole. Phil's obviously decided to share Ryan with his mate.

There's about 6 guys standing around us all wanking there cocks. I'm the only one he sill has his pants on. The guy next to me starts playing with my nipple and flicking the piercing before licking it and then sucking on my nipple. That was unexpected but feels good. Another guy put his hand inside my jeans and fondles my cock. He's trying to get it out but I stop him. I think that's going too far, I'm really hard but I can't get my cock out in a gay club.

Phil is getting close to cumming, he pulls his cock out of Tom's mouth, strokes it furiously a few times and unloads over Tom's face.

Once Phil's finished cumming I see the other guys around us are furiously jerking their cocks. Some are jerking each other. At this point I get Tom up to his feet and we walk away from the other guys. I don't think Tom was ready to be the centre of a bukake circle.

Phil comes up to us and says "Thanks boy, you're a real good cocksucker"

Tom just lowers his head in shame.

We watch Ryan getting fucked and a little while later he has a load of cum up his ass. We go back inside and Tom and Ryan go to the toilets to clean up. Tom's face was covered in cum.

Soon after that Tom and I leave. Phil and Ryan stay. As we're saying our goodbyes Ryan actually tries to kiss Tom on the lips, I guess Ryan thought Tom was a gay boy like him.

We get home about 30 minutes later. I'm drunk and Tom's a little tipsy but he's had a lot less to drink then me. I'm also really horny.

We get into the apartment, Tom undresses as usual as soon as he gets in. I take him to the bedroom, unlock his cock and the remove the plug form his ass. As I remove the plug I see his gaping hole. I can't resist it anymore and plunge my face into it and start sucking and licking it. Tastes so good. Tom's moaning like crazy and my cock's leaking so much.

I can't wait any longer I have to get into that boy pussy. I get Tom on his back put his legs on my shoulders and plunge balls deep into his hole. It feels so good. I start fucking him real hard. I know I'm not going to last too long. I grab Tom's cock and start wanking him real hard. I want us to cum together. Then I feel it, his boy hole starts going crazy. He's cumming and his ass is squeezing my cock which pushes me over the edge, I roar and blast a load deep in my boy.

I collapse onto his chest. My cock slowly deflates and comes out of Tom. As my head is resting on his chest I notice a wetness on the side of my face, I must be lying on his cum. I look down and there's loads of globs of cum on his chest near my face. I take a lick and for the first time taste another man's cum.

I suddenly feel really sleepy. I roll off Tom, mumble to him to get into bed with me and close my eyes. I think I put my arm around him and start drifting off to sleep. My last thoughts are of Tom's cum, it's taste is still in my mouth. I liked it. It should bother me but I don't care.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 9

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