Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Jan 2, 2021


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I've just fucked Tom for the first time. I'm lying on top of him with my dick still inside his ass. I'm not sure how long we lie there in a state of post orgasmic bliss but it's probably a few minutes and Tom starts squirming underneath me. I guess he wants me to get off him and out of his ass hole. I'm still semi-hard and know if I stay in there a bit longer I could get fully hard again and go for round 2. It's tempting but I decide to pull out and slowly get up. Some of my cum has dribbled out of his hole. I'm tempted to scoop up some of it and feed it to him but that seems too disgusting.

I jump in the shower and leave Tom lying on the bed. About 10 minutes later I get out and Tom's sitting awkwardly on my bed. His cock is semi-hard, I wander if he's been playing with it. I check the time and it's only 7pm, makes sense I guess it was still really bright outside. Tom and I had decided earlier that we'd go out for drinks tonight so I tell him to go back to his apartment, shower and meet me in the building foyer in 45 minutes.

"Ummm sir" says Tom "Don't you want to lock me up before I go"

"No, I think we'll try giving you a bit of freedom tonight."

"Really sir?" Tom has a massive grin on his face and looks super excited

"Yeh. But don't play with yourself and definitely no cumming. Can I trust you to control yourself?"

"Yes sir, I don't get many opportunities like this. I won't fuck up"

"Good boy. I've got something for you to wear tonight."

I hand him a carrier bag with some clothes. "Wear the top and shorts in this bag, no underwear and no trainers. You wear flip flops tonight."

He looks a bit worried but replies "yes sir."

He puts his clothes on and leaves my apartment.

About 30 minutes later I get a WhatsApp message from Tom

"Sir, are you sure about these clothes? They're a bit short and revealing. I'm not sure they're my size"

"I'm sure they'll be fine" I reply

15 minutes later I head down and see Tom standing in the foyer in his new outfit looking very uncomfortable. He's wearing a red tank-top which is a bit too short, not a crop top but it doesn't quite get down the waistband of his shorts. As for his shorts they're black short jersey shorts, I'd guess 2 sizes small for him. They're tightly hugging his ass and I can make out the outline of his cock slightly. He better keep his cock under control and not get hard. He looks like he's ready to do business on a street corner somewhere.

"Hey Tom, let's go." I intentionally ignore his outfit and pretend it's all normal.

"Umm ok, are you sure?"

"Yeh, I'm hungry and I want a drink"

"Yeh ok. Where are we going?"

"Let's go to the Queen Victoria Night Market, it's open on Wednesdays. They got bars and food stalls."

"Cool, I've not been" replies Tom. Then he mumbles "at least a market won't have a dress code"

I pretend not to hear that.

It's a 15 minute walk to the market and Tom gets lot of looks as we walk there. Once we get there Tom just wants to sit down somewhere but I'm keen to walk around. The market has loads of stalls selling all sorts of tat and in another section there's food stalls and outdoor bars playing music.

We both get the food we want and then go and sit at one of the bars and get beers. Tom still looks uncomfortable and is getting a lot of stares.

We finish our food and get another round of beers and Tom is starting to relax.

"So how are you feeling about being free down there? I ask

"It's great. I just wish my clothes were slightly bigger. It's a bit of a tight fit"

"I know, but you look good. Have you seen how many people have been checking you out? Both guys and girls"

"Yeh but I don't think that's because of my good looks"

"Dude, you're hot. Surely you know that"

"You really think so?" He asks

"Yeh sure. I'm not blind mate. I'm straight but can still appreciate a fit guy like you"

I think we both feel a bit awkward as I say that considering less then 2 hours ago I had my dick up his ass.

"Thanks man, it's nice of you to say. I know I got lucky with good genes, girls are all over Mark and I whenever we go to clubs and stuff"

"Yeh, I've seen it man"

"Can you imagine how frustrating it is being locked up when you're dancing with a really nice girl. I can't even think about going home with any of them or you know even a quickie in the club"

"That's gotta be tough but I guess that's why Will has you locked up. He doesn't think you can control yourself." I say, trying to justify the chastity.

"That was true when we were 16, 17. But now surely I can handle things, I'm 24 for god's sake"

I can tell Tom is frustrated not just sexually but I think mentally too.

"Have you talked to Will about it?"

"He doesn't listen, whenever either of us brings it up he dismisses it. Maybe he just likes using us sexually."

"Do you really think that of him?" I ask.

He hesitate before answering "I don't know. I really care for him and I know he cares about me and Mark but sometimes I feel like we're just two boy toys for him to have fun."

"If you really think that then why not walk away."

"Do you think I can just walk away?" He asks

"Sure you can. He's not gonna stop you. As far as I can tell everything is consensual. No one is forcing you to wear a cock cage or suck dick. You're choosing to do it"

"Yeah right" he scoffs

"If it's not consensual, then it's rape and Will doesn't seem like a rapist to me. You're both choosing to let this happen. I gave you a choice when we got here and you said yourself that you need someone to control you."

"I know, I Know." He pauses before continuing "Everything Will does is for mine and Mark's benefit and he gets some pleasure out of it too. Deep down I know that, sometimes it's difficult to live like this and I get frustrated and have these thoughts"

"That's understandable"

He puts a hand on my knee and says "I can never really talk to anyone about this stuff. Thanks for letting me vent a bit"

"No worries mate"

Tom stands up and says he needs to go for a piss. I tell him to get more beer on the way back.

I'm really enjoying hanging out with Tom like this, I feel like I'm getting to know him a lot better now then I did over the last two years.

He returns with two schooners in his hand, I don't know why Aussies can't just serve proper pints.

"Cheers man" I say. "You said earlier that you think Will likes using you sexually. Is that what you think I did earlier?"

He pauses for a second then replies "No, I don't think you used me. I wanted it." He then lowers his head and almost whispers, "It felt great. You fuck fuck real good."

"Thanks, I enjoyed it too. You were real tight, much tighter then any pussy I've had. Tasted good too" I smile at him when I say that

"Honestly when you licked me that felt amazing. Master Will's never done that. I guess it's beneath him to do that to a slave. The only ever pleasure he gives us is stroking our cock to get us cum and that's only because he likes to handcuff us when our chastity cages are removed."

"I don't know about Will, I can only speak for myself. I've wanted to eat your ass the first night you got here and I locked you up. Your hole looked so tempting"

He blushes a little a bit then gives me a look and asks "You are straight, aren't you?"

"Yeh I'm straight. I can't explain it, I wanted to fuck that hole of yours the last few days."

"I guess if I can enjoy getting fucked and still consider myself straight I can't really judge you"

"Just like I ain't judging you. Anyway I've been on Tinder since we got to Melbourne, might even have a date on Friday."

"Really?" Asks Tom. "With a girl?" He says with a cheeky grin.

"Of course with a girl, you cheeky little shit" I jokingly say "I should spank you for that"

He's got a cheeky grin on his face "Shall I pull down my shorts?"

I laugh, "Don't tempt me. If you show me your naked ass you're gonna get more then a spanking"

"I wouldn't mind" he says quietly but in an almost seductive way. My cock's getting hard again.

We have a few more beers and just talk. I'm glad to see Tom's almost like back to his normal self. Soon it's 10pm and the market's shutting, I've had 6 or 7 beers and I'm quite tipsy. So is Tom. We head home. I keep checking out his ass as we walk back.

Once we're back at the apartment building I press the button for the lift and wait. I'm standing behind Tom and growl into his ear "You're coming up to my apartment. I want that ass again"

He doesn't say anything but leans back into me and presses has ass against my crotch.

We get up to my apartment and as soon as we're inside Tom starts undressing, even in his drunken state he rememberers the rule about taking off his clothes as soon as he enters. As he's removing his clothes I run to the bathroom, I'm desperate for a piss. As I'm standing pissing into the toilet bowl, Tom shouts "Sir, I'm also desperate too pee."

"Get in here, I shout back"

I move to the side slightly so he can also stand at the toilet and he starts pissing. We're both taking a long beer filled piss. As I feel like I'm almost done, I raise my cock and point it at Tom's and pee on his cock and balls. He groans slightly but doesn't say anything. I finish and wash my hands at the sink.

I stare at Tom as he finishes, it's weird seeing his cock dangling free. I'd gotten used to seeing it locked up. I'm stroking myself as I watch him and have gotten hard.

I grab him by the back of the neck and walk him to the bedroom. He gets on the bed on his hands and knees. I undress quickly and lube up my cock. I waste no time in shoving my hard cock up his ass hole. He screams a little, then starts grunting as I pound him. I'm drunk and just want to get off. I do that for a few minutes, going as hard as I can. I then pull out, lay him down on his side and spoon him. I raise his leg re-enter his boy hole. This time, I'm a bit gentler. Tom starts moaning. We're like that for 5 minutes and I growl into his ear "stroke yourself and cum for me". He grabs his hard cock and starts wanking. I lick his ear then move my mouth on to his neck, he moans again and I bite down. I suck and bite his neck and mark him. A minute later he almost screams, I feel has ass spasming around my cock and I know he's cumming. I don't last much longer, I plunge in as deep as I can and breed him.

After I finish cumming, I don't want to leave his ass. I'm drunk and feel really sleepy, I put my arm around him and fall asleep with my cock still up that sweet boy hole.

I wake up in the morning to the sound of my alarm, my head is killing me. I find my phone and turn off the alarm. I put my arm around the person in my bed and fall asleep again. At that point I don't even realise Tom's in my bed and slept with me all night. A little while later Tom gently nudges me, trying to wake me, I just roll over and try to sleep more.

"Sir, we need to get up. We're gonna be later for work."

It doesn't have much impact. I'm too hungover to care. A short time later he gently removes the duvet from me and I feel a hand on my cock. I don't really register what's going on but then the hand is replaced by a wet mouth. I lie there with my eyes closed still half asleep but my cock is hard and I'm starting to wake up. Tom works him magic on my dick and eventually I'm properly awake and spewing my load into his mouth. He cleans my cock and then gets off the bed.

"Thanks boy but why did you do that, I didn't tell you too"

"You need to wake up sir and I knew that would work. I need to anticipate your needs master, that's what a good slave boy does"

I'm too groggy to say anything to that. I reluctantly get out of bed. I know I need to get ready for work.

"Thanks" I say. "I need to get ready and so do you. You should head down to your apartment."

"Yes sir" he says "Ummm sir, are you going to leave me unlocked?"

I think about it for a second "yeh, you've behaved yourself so you can stay unlocked"

He's grinning and says "Thank you sir." I think if he wasn't also hungover he'd by jumping with joy right now.

After Tom leaves I slowly and painfully start getting ready for work. I shower and get dressed. My head is really hurting. I didn't think we'd drunk too much but maybe I was wrong. Then I remember getting home and fucking Tom. I was so into that I didn't drink any water, that's why I was feeling so bad now.

Then the realisation of what I'd done hits me. I fucked a guy, twice. And I slept with him all night. I had my face up a guys ass hole and licked and tongued it. I couldn't believe what I'd done. What was wrong with me? I'm straight. What the fuck am I doing sleeping with a guy? The blowjobs I'd gotten were different, I mean a mouth's a mouth right. Doesn't make much difference if it's a girl or a guy and it's not like I sucked dick, so getting sucked didn't matter. But this was different I'd had sex with guy, I'd pleasured him, twice. I felt so down and combined with the hangover I just wanted to crawl back into bed.

Unfortunately that wasn't an option I had to get to work. I just hope I can avoid Tom. We're working on the same project but on different teams so I might be lucky and not have any meetings with him today. I struggled all morning at work, I was trying not to look too bad and give some appearance of being productive. Luckily I didn't have any meetings in the morning so I just put on my headphones and and tried to get on with work and hope no one bothers me. By lunch time I was starting to feel better but was still really tired. I'm sat in the canteen alone having a sandwich when Tom comes and sits opposite.

"Hi" he says with a big smile.

He's the last person I want to see right now. I grunt "Hey"

He's got a cocky grin on his face and asks me "How you feeling?"

I hate how young he is and severe hangovers aren't a problem for him

"I've been better" I reply

"Good. Maybe we shouldn't have had so much on a work night"

I feel like punching him in the face. I remain quiet.

"Hey, thanks for not locking me up" he brushes my hand with his as he says that very quietly.

I flinch and withdraw my hand and just say "No worries"

"I won't let you down"

"Let's not talk about this here." I wanted to say let's not talk at all but I know he hasn't done anything wrong and don't want to make him feel bad.

I then see the red bruise on his neck. I'd given him a love bite. That makes me feel even worse about myself. I quickly finish my lunch and head back to my desk

I'm feeling better in the afternoon but still don't want to think about Tom or any gay stuff. I spend a fair bit of the afternoon on Tinder and arranging a date for tomorrow night. It'll be Friday night and I'm meeting a really hot blonde lady for drinks and hopefully more. Can't complain about that.

That evening I tell Tom to do whatever he wants I just want to be alone. Last thing I want to see is him prancing around naked in my apartment.

I wake up the next morning and I'm glad it's Friday. I don't bother with the gym or swimming, I might run into Tom there. I head into work and again try my best to avoid Tom. It works until about 3pm, Tom approaches my desk and sits down next to me.

He speak quietly "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Are you staying for after work drinks tonight?"

"I might have one, but I'm meeting a girl off Tinder for drinks tonight"

He gives me a look, I can't tell what it is. Is he upset I wonder. "Oh ok. Well I wanted to ask if it's ok if I go out afterwards. You know Mike and Eric, they're talking about hitting a few bars then maybe a club."

"Why would I care if you go to a club? We've done that loads of times, nothing wrong with it"

"Just wanted to make sure I'm not ruining anything you might be planning"

"I'm planning on getting laid tonight" I say in an irritated tone. "I don't think I want you there"

"Ummm yeh okay. Is everything cool between us"

I think about that for a second, I bred your ass twice and you spent all night in my bed and you're my 'slave'. Is that cool?

"All good Tom. If I don't see you at the drinks have a good night"

"Thanks" he smiles at me.

"Be good" I say.

It's 5.30 and there's still quite a few people around. This was the first time that's happened, normally it's a ghost town here at that time. I discovered the work culture here is very different, they generally don't put in the crazy long hours like we do in London. People stuck around mostly because it was mine and Tom's first Friday here and they wanted to make us feel welcome. I felt like I had to stay for at least one drink. I grab a beer and mingle with a few people. I bump into Mike and Eric and they tell me about their plans for going out tonight. I'm invited but politely decline. Eric is being quite insistent but I tell them I have other plans and he eventually gives up. I tell him to take care of Tom. I spot Tom mingling with a few people and at that point I decide to leave.

I head home and shower and decide to dress somewhat smartly. I put on a nice polo shirt, black jeans and my smart trainers. That's the best I could do with the clothes I brought with me. I'm meeting my date Lucy, near the Star casino on the Southbank. I get there in good time and eventually spot her, she looks gorgeous. We walk along the Southbank and she takes me to a riverside bar. It's very busy with people going for after work drinks but I like it, it was a nice sunny day and I was feeling good again.

The conversation flowed easily we seem to get on really well. I was becoming hopeful this might actually lead to something tonight. We get some dinner and then head to another bar which stays open till late. She actually kisses me on the lips when we leave the restaurant so I thought that's a good sign. As the night went on there were lulls in the conversation and I couldn't help think of Tom. My mind kept wondering back to what we'd done over the last few days and how I enjoyed almost all of it. I had to keep forcing myself to focus on Lucy.

It's almost 1am, we've both had quite a bit to drink and we're now drunkenly making out in the bar. We both agree it's time to leave and I ask her if she would like to come back to my apartment. She says yes and honestly I'm just relieved. I feel like if I spend the night with her then it will erase what happened with Tom. She was very open with me, she didn't want anything serious and main reason she met me tonight was because she wanted to have some fun and knew I'm only here for a few weeks. That's perfect, I don't feel guilty, I'm not using her to forget about Tom.

As we're leaving the bar I get a Slack message on my phone. Slack is what we use for messaging at work. I want to ignore it, probably someone in London who forgot what time it's here and forced a push notification.

We get out the bar and I take out my phone to order an Uber home. It's only a 20 minute walk but we're both keen to get back to the apartment. As I'm doing that my phone rings, it's a Slack call. The caller is Eric, he was taking Tom out tonight. Why the fuck is he calling me at this time, I hardly know him. I think about declining it but answer and put it on speakerphone.

"Hello" I say

"Sam, that you?"

"Yeh, what's up Eric?"

"Mate, are you still out, we need your help?"

"Yeh, I'm somewhere central" Honestly I'm not quite sure where I am

"Tom's fucked up, we don't know what to do with him. Can you get here?"

"Where are you?"

Eric says the name of the club I don't understand it. Lucy recognises it and says that's just one block from here. I tell Eric to stay there and we'll be there in 5.

Lucy shows me the way and I apologise a lot. I offer to order her an Uber to take her home but she says let's see what's wrong and then maybe we can still go back together.

We round the corner on to the street where the club is and it's quite lively outside, drunk people queuing to get in, typical scene outside a club on a Friday night. I see Eric and walk towards him.

"What's happened?" I ask

"It's Tom, he's fucked. We don't know what's wrong with him."

He points to the wall and Tom is standing there, being held up by Mike and a bouncer is there with them.

"Did he do something?"

"He was dancing with this girl for a while, he started feeling her up. He went too far, starting grinding against her when she clearly didn't want him to and she tried to get away from him. He followed her and did it again. She told someone and the bouncer brought him out here. That's not cool, both Mike and I tried to stop him, Mike's got some of it on video."

I go up to Tom and shout "What the fuck. What's wrong with you." It becomes quickly obvious he's totally out of it. Not just drunk.

"Sam, he can't hear you." Says Mike. "I'm sure he took something"


"I don't know, he smoked a joint earlier and then I sae him taking a pill. I thought it might be an aspirin or something but don't think so. Look at him"

I speak to the bouncer, apologise a lot and say we'll take care of him. The bouncer is pissed but glad that Tom is off his hands. He tells me to make sure he never comes back here.

I apologise to Lucy and tell her I need to take him home and don't think I can leave him alone. She see's the state of him and agrees. She orders herself a taxi. She doesn't say anything but I know she's pissed at how the night's ended.

Tom can barely stand, he looks almost comatose. I make him sit against the wall so he doesn't fall over.

"Mike, show me the video. What did he do?"

Mike brings up the video on his phone. I take the phone out of his hands and watch. It's like Eric described, that boy was way out of line with what he did. If he'd gone much further it'd be criminal. I quickly AirDrop the video to my phone and without Mike realising delete it from his.

I apologise a lot to both Mike and Eric, I feel responsible for Tom's actions. I make sure they're both okay getting home. Both of them are also very drunk, that's why I was able to delete the video without Mike realising. They both insist they'll be fine. I order an Uber, both Mike and Eric wait with me, they want to make sure we get home. Wouldn't be surprised if the driver didn't let Tom into his car, considering the state he was in.

The taxi arrives and thankfully the driver agrees to take us. I get both Mike and Eric's numbers and say I'll be in touch with them tomorrow. I'm gonna have to deal with this carefully, don't need them telling HR or anyone in the office that Tom is a sex pest.

We get back to the apartment building and I have to basically drag him into the lift and then inside the apartment. He was hunched on my shoulder barely able to walk. Once inside I make him drink lots of water, undress him, carry him to the bathroom and make sure he goes for a piss and then put him to bed. My fucking bed. I make sure he's lying on his side in case he throws up and he falls asleep straight away.

I pour myself a glass of water, down it and pour another. I know I'm going to feel groggy in the morning but want to minimise the hangover.

I sit down on the sofa and watch the video again. I'm fuming at what I see. Will was right, these boys were out of control. I'd never seen Tom or Mark behave like that when I've been out with them in London. He's some sort of animal that needs to be tamed and brought under control. I'm really angry at Tom but even more so at myself. Sure Tom fucked up but I enabled it. I thought I was being kind to him by unlocking him but that was my fuck up. I became distant after fucking him, that was really unfair on him. Did that contribute? Probably, I think.

My night with Lucy was ruined, right now I would be deep in her pussy if it wasn't for this. I thought I'd be furious with Tom about that but I'm honestly not, I don't even care about that anymore. I'm genuinely only concerned about Tom.

I have to rectify my mistakes. I think about calling Will but then decide no. I have to take responsibility for this and sort it out myself. When he wakes up in the morning we won't be mates anymore. He'll be my slave and I'll be his Master. And this time I'm going to do things my way and turn him into the slave I want him to be.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 7

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