Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Dec 30, 2020


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The next morning I meet Tom by the pool at 7am. I'm glad to see he's there on time. He complains slightly about it being so early but it's not in a belligerent way, I know about his problem with early mornings and he's just playing up to that. It's good to see some of his personality that I know is returning. I tell him we'll do some laps in the pool then hit the gym.

We head to the changing area and he very quickly changes into his swim shorts as I do the same. Even though there was no one else here he was careful to face the wall and hide his cage as he changed.

I wait for him to finish putting on the shorts then say "That won't do Tom. I think you'll be better off wearing these."

I take out a pair of bright red Speedo type swim trunks and give them to Tom. His face goes pale and says "Are you serious?"

"Sure I am. Is there a problem"

"No sir" he bows his head and takes the trunks from me.

Again he turns around to hide his cage as he changes. Once he's got them on he turns around and says "Come on I can't go out like, they're obscene"

"They're fine, you'll be in the water most of the time anyway. No one will see. And we're in Oz, they wear this stuff over here." They really weren't fine. I mean he looked stunning especially his ass but the front was obscene. You could clearly see the outline of the cage and the padlock. You'd have to look very carefully to realise what it was otherwise it just looked like the big bulge of an excited boy.

We leave the changing area and go to the pool. I'm disappointed to see that there's no one there. I guess it's early, I may have to do this in the evening next time.

We both get in and start doing laps. After about 20 minutes Tom is lagging. Swimming is my favourite exercise and I'm not surprised he can't keep up with me. We stop for a quick break and I use that as an opportunity to grope him under the water. He goes red and can't believe I'm doing that. I grab his ass and slide my finger inside the speedo and into his crack. I don't actually finger him but hold it there just watch the reaction on his face. We then do some more laps and then I decide to get out but tell Tom to continue. I watch for a few minutes and 3 girls in their late teens or early 20s enter the pool area. Just what I was waiting for, I tell Tom to get out of the pool. I walk up to him, he's spotted the girls and tries to quickly head to the changing rooms.

"Good swim, you did really well." Then I smack him really hard on the ass. It was perhaps bit harder than I intended but the girls heard and looked towards us. Tom goes red, he was really hoping to avoid them and I was hoping for the opposite. We start walking and I can see all 3 are staring at Tom. I'm not surprised, he looks gorgeous and dripping wet, if I was a girl or gay I'd be all over that. Hell even being straight I struggle to control myself.

"They're checking you out mate" I whisper in his ear. As we get closer to them I slide my hand from the top of his back, down his spine and and then cup his ass. The girls would think we're a couple and I know that was bothering Tom. It's not something I was too comfortable with either but they were too young for me so I thought fuck it, let's have some fun.

I'm sure one of the girls is drooling. We're about to round the corner. "Turn around and give them a nice smile" I tell Tom.

He does as I say, he has a killer smile. I seductively whisper in his ear "good boy".

I can't be bothered with the gym so Tell Tom I'm he's free for the next hour. He says he'd like to do some weights.

"Great, have a good workout." I say. "I'm gonna go into work a bit early. See you in the office."

It's another really hectic day in the office. It's about 6.30 and Tom is still there with me when we decide to call it a day. Since I've got to Melbourne I haven't had the time to cook and I'm getting a bit sick of take away food and eating out every day. As we get back I tell Tom to come up to my apartment with me.

We enter the apartment, Tom shuts the door and immediately undresses.

"What can I do for you sir?" He asks.

"Can you cook boy?"

"Oh yes sir" he smiles "I love cooking"

"Great. I went grocery shopping yesterday, look in the cupboards and fridge and make us both some dinner."

He gets to it, even though he's naked it's the first time he's looked comfortable in my apartment.

I get a beer, and put on the the tv. I spend most of the time watching Tom and staring at his ass as he cooks. I think I'm becoming obsessed with his ass.

When dinner is ready he serves it on the dining table. He's only set 1 plate

"Where's your plate?" I ask.

"I wasn't sure where you wanted me to eat and I didn't want to disturb you by asking."

I look at him confused "Sit at the table, where else are you gonna eat?"

"Master Will usually makes us sit on the floor and eat"

"I don't care about that, just sit with me"

"Thanks." He smiles as he says that.

He sets a plate for himself and we start eating.

The food is great, much better then anything I would make.

"Tom, get me a beer and grab one for yourself"

His eyes light up as I say that. "Sweet" he says.

We have a really pleasant meal, talk about things happening back home like the football and think of what we're gonna do outside of work while we're here. Definitely renting a car and driving down the Great Ocean Road one weekend and maybe a trip to Sidney. This was the first time we'd had a normal conversation outside of work and it felt good. The master slave stuff is fun but I was missing normal craic and he was the only friend here I could talk shit with.

We finish dinner and Tom loads up the dishwasher. We grab another beer and sit on the balcony and just talk some more. A little while later Tom goes a bit quiet and I notice he's nervous again.

"Ummm Sam, Sir, I need to ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Well I haven't cum since Thursday. It's been 6 days and I'm getting a bit desperate with blue balls"

"Hmmm I see. Did you not have a sneaky wank when you unlocked yourself?"

"No sir. I didn't want to disappoint Master William anymore then I knew I would by breaking the lock."

He seemed to be telling the truth, I didn't think he would lie.

"How long are you usually left locked up?

"Usually 2 or 3 days, never more than a week. Mark can go longer without cumming but I really struggle"

"You know I can check this with Will, I hope you're being honest."

"Yes sir, I know and I'm telling the truth." He grabs his balls and says "You can tell how heavy they are. I can't take it much longer. It's affecting my sleep and starting to hurt."

"Ok, so what do I get out of it by unlocking you and letting you cum?"

"Sir, I'd do anything" he then hesitates, looks down and quietly says "You could fuck me"

"Do you want me to fuck you?"

"I don't know. I've only ever been fucked by Master Will."

"Do you enjoy getting fucked by Will?"

"Please don't make me say so"

I knew I was really getting to this 'straight' boy now, "answer me, Tom"

"Yes, it hurts but then feels good. And I like that it makes my Master feel good"

"And do you want to make me feel good"

He nods his head.

"Come here and show me how full your balls are"

He gets up and stands in front of me. I gently grab his ball sack as if I'm weighing it and then give it a gentle squeeze.

"They do seem quite full" I say. "But you've been really bad this week"

As I say that Tom looks crestfallen. "Pleeease"

"Tomorrow will be 7 days and if we consider the time difference it won't even be that. You've been bad but I think you're trying to improve and you took your punishment really well. So tomorrow after work I'll take care of you. Ok?"

"Yes, thank you. I'll hold out for another day"

I give his balls another squeeze then tell him to sit down and finish his beer.

We call it a night soon after that. The chat about fucking had made me hard and I was tempted to get a blowjob off Tom but I decided I was enjoying the somewhat normal evening we were having and didn't want to bring sex into it. I know that sounds weird but I'm not totally sex crazed.

The next morning I'm feeling too lazy to swim or to hit the gym but I text Tom to go and make sure he's there for at least an hour and I might check up on him. I never did go down but he assures me he did workout. I believe him but I wander if I'm starting to slack and going easy on him.

The day in the office really drags. I'm really horny and can't concentrate on anything and Tom also looks visibly distracted. He must be constantly horny and it doesn't usually affect him but today was different. At lunch Tom tells me he can't wait to go home with me. My cock just twitched I was really excited.

We leave the office together at 5 and head home. Tom tells me he wants to shower and be really clean for me and asks if he could come to my apartment in an hour. I agree and decide I should also shower.

An hour later Tom enters my apartment and as he always does undresses at the door and waits for instructions.

I have a half drunk beer in my hand, I was really nervous and thought it'd help. I lead Tom into the bedroom, put the beer down on bedside table and tell Tom to undress me. He slowly removes my clothes and checks out my body, I think this is the first time he's seen me properly naked. He sees my pierced nipples and gently caresses one of them, then he steps back. I'm already really hard, I put my hands on Tom's shoulders and push him down to his knees. He grabs my dick and gently strokes it and then licks it all over before taking it into his mouth and gently sucking it. He does this for a few minutes before I stop him, I don't want to blow my load too early. I get Tom to lie on the bed on his back and get the key to his cock cage. I remove the padlock and then slowly remove the metal sheath that was encasing Tom's cock. I then remove the ring at the base of his cock and balls. His cock gets instantly hard and hits me in the face. That annoys me and I squeeze his balls making him grunt. I grab his hard cock, look at it closely and gently stroke it. This is the first time I'm properly handling another guys hard cock and it feels good. I give it a few strokes then stop, I don't want him to cum yet and I don't know how long he'd last considering how horny he is.

I get off the bed and I'm standing over Tom, I grab my beer and have a drink.

"Thank you for unlocking me" says Tom, looking up at me. He then grabs his cock and tries to stroke it.

"Don't you dare touch that. Don't make me cuff you" I shout.

He lets go, his mouth is open and he moans.

I get an idea, Tom like's beer so I decide to share. I take a swig of the beer, bring my mouth close to his and let the beer dribble out of my mouth into his. He swallows. I then bring some spit up and let that fall into his mouth.

"Thank you master" he says.

I do that again and feed him some more beer. He again thanks me. He's doesn't look at all bothered by that and just enjoys the beer.

I then get between his legs and push them up. Tom grabs his legs and pushes his ass up and I get a look at his hole. I can't help it I've got to taste that boy pussy. I lean forward and get close to his ass crack and then swipe my tongue over his hole. One taste of it and I know I'm hooked. I now fully plant my mouth over his hole and lick and suck on it. I can't get enough. Tom is moaning like crazy. I try and get my tongue into his pussy. I don't know how long I do this for but eventually I replace my tongue with a finger and then two. I look up to see his cock is leaking like faucet. I pull my fingers out of his ass, collect some of his pre-cum onto my fingers and get him to clean them with his tongue. He's properly sucking on my fingers and getting a good taste of his ass and pre-cum. As I'm doing this my cock brushes against his hole and I can't wait any longer. I have to fuck him.

I grab a pillow and put it under his lower back to give me better access, I put his feet on my shoulders. My cock is now perfectly aligned with the boy pussy I've been wanting for the past few days. I'm leaking so much I don't even need any lube. I push forwards and the head of my dick enters the hole. Tom gasps, I wait a second for him to relax then push forward. It's really tight but I keep pushing until I bottom out. All 7 inches are in Tom's boy hole. I pause again. I can't believe it, this straight stud work colleague and mate of mine has my whole cock up his ass hole and it feels amazing. So much better than pussy. I then start fucking, I pull out leaving just the head in and then push back. I go slowly, not wanting to hurt Tom. Soon he starts moaning and I pick up speed and start pounding ass. I see he's still really hard and leaking. After a few minutes of this I pull out and tell him to turn over.

I wanna fuck him doggy style. As he gets on all fours, I see his hole again and can't help giving it a few licks. I then line up my cock and start pounding him again. I reach around and grab his cock and give it a few strokes and he starts cumming. It must've been a gallon of cum and his asshole is going crazy while he cums, really squeezing my cock. He collapses onto his stomach, I lean forward making sure my cock doesn't leave this wonderful hole. I pound him a few more times and can't hold back, I thrust all the way in and start spewing. I'm breeding this boy and it's the best feeling in the world. I don't know who came more, me or him.

After I finish cumming I collapse on to his back. My cock is still inside him, I don't want to leave that boy hole. My head rests on his shoulder and I nuzzle his neck. As I come down from my orgasmic high I kiss his neck and lick inside his ear, Tom just purrs as I do that. I'm now resting on top of him my face next to his, my dick still embedded in him. We both just lie there. I can't believe this just feels so natural.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 6

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