Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Dec 29, 2020


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I wake up early the next morning. It's only 5.30 and I'm wide awake due to the jet lag. I check my phone and see I have a message from Will. Tom's told him about the plastic cage and he asks when I'd be free to chat. I work out it's 7.30pm in London so message him back to say I can talk now.

A few minutes later he messages me with a Zoom link. I decide to do this on my MacBook. I put on a t-shirt and in my boxers, saunter into the living room, make a coffee, turn on the laptop and join the Zoom link Will sent.

Will appears on the screen, the camera angle is showing his chest and it looks stunning. He's topless and for a few seconds I just stare at his black muscled chest and nipples. He then adjusts the camera and his face is in view and he's got a really nice smile on.

We greet each other and make small talk for a few minutes. Then Will asks about Tom

"So how's it going with Tom?"

"Bit of a rocky start", I answer. "what did he tell you about the the plastic cage"

"Everything. I'm glad you punished him but I've told him to expect a punishment from me too when he gets back"

I then remember about the paddling. "Will, about the paddling, I was really unsure of how far to go and when to stop. I didn't want to harm Tom just make him feel some pain"

"I'm glad to see you're concerned about Tom. It's not easy to know when to stop, use common sense and the boy's reaction and you can usually tell when you're pushing him too far. Don't worry too much about the paddle I don't think you'll do any real damage unless you go crazy and break the skin. But do you want to know the best way to find out these limits?

"Yes, what's that?"

"You need to experience it yourself and be on the receiving end of the paddle or whip or whatever."

My cock twitched as he says that. "Have you experienced it?"

"Sure I've been on the receiving end"

"Really?" I ask

"Yep, in my younger days I wanted to experience everything so I've been a sub, it helped me become a much better master"

"Makes sense" I say and being really impressed with his dedication to this lifestyle.

"Maybe when you return, you might want some training and experience it for yourself"

I don't know what to say to that. I just sit for a moment and my dick is getting hard.

"Anyway, I spoke to Mark (Tom's twin brother) about Tom's transgression. He was there when Tom broke the lock. As far as I'm concerned he also needs to be punished, he should've helped his brother to not break the rules instead I think he encouraged him"

"How are you going to punish him?" I ask

"I'd like you and Tom to see that. It'll increase Mark's humiliation if you're watching"

I smiled and gently rubbed my bulge through my boxers. "Ok, sounds good"

"I've asked Mark to spend tonight at my place, we can be punish him tomorrow morning which'll be your evening tonight"

"Cool, let's do that. I'll check both mine and Tom's work calendar and we can find a time that works tonight"

"Great, it'll be fun. At least for us." Will laughs as he says that. "So apart from punishing Tom, have you done anything else with him?"

I tell him a few things about last night but intentionally keep it vague as I told Tom I wouldn't share all the details with Will.

"Did you enjoy it?" He asks me.

"Honestly, yeh I did. I had to have a wank before I was able to sleep, it was so hot."

"That's great" Will smiles as he says this. "You're hard right now thinking about it, aren't you?"

"Yeh" I reply quietly.

Will's now got a serious look on his face. "Stand up and show me"

I get up and slowly lower my boxers and then adjust the laptop screen to give Will a good view.

"Very nice" he says. "Slowly stroke it for me and play with the foreskin"

I do as he say, I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess my horniness has taken over.

I moan as I do this and some pre-cum gathers at the tip.

"Taste your pre-cum Sam" Will tells me.

I swipe the tip of my cock with my finger and then bring it to my lips and lick the pre of it.

"Good boy" says Will.

Hearing him say that makes me feel really weird.

"I gotta go Sam" Will says abruptly.

I let go of my cock and sit down. I'm a bit disappointed but also relieved he's not asking me to do anything else.

"Been nice to catch up with you Sam. See you tonight with Mark, we'll sort out the details over WhatsApp"

"Cool, bye"

I end the Zoom call and close my laptop. I'm once again confused, why do I do whatever Will Says, why did he make me stroke my cock?

I've still got loads of time before I need to get ready for work and don't want to think too much about what just happened with Will. I decide to head down to the gym and pool area, might as well get some exercise.

I spend about 45 minutes in the pool doing laps then do some weights in the gym before heading to the sauna and steam room. As I'm sitting there I decide it'd be more fun doing this with someone else. Tom will be joining me tomorrow, doesn't matter if he wants to or not.

After that I head back to my apartment, check emails and text Will to agree a time for Mark's punishment that works for everyone. I then get ready for work. As our office is casual dress code and I can tell it's gonna be a hot day I put on a t-shirt and shorts and head out to meet Tom. He's already waiting for me and dressed similarly to me. I make a mental note to go shopping for some clothes for him, I'll be changing his look somewhat even in the office.

He says hi to me and then calls me Master. I smile at him and rub the back of his head. He seems a bit subdued and seems to have lost some of his cockiness. I'm a bit disappointed at that as I really like Tom's personality and hope that he'll get back to normal as he gets used to this. We agree that when in the office or if any of our work colleagues are with us then there is no master / slave relationship. In the office he can argue or disagree with me as he would normally do. Obviously as soon as we're out of that environment he is a slave boy.

It's a hectic day in the office, lots of meetings, getting to know everyone again. By 4pm I'm getting tired, still feeling the jet lag. I decide to leave early as I'm not being at all productive now. My apartment is near Spencer Street train station and next to the station there's an outlet mall. I think that'll be good for buying some cheap clothes. I want to get a few things for Tom but not spend too much money. I'm not disappointed, there's loads of stuff and really cheap. I didn't know his sizes but I didn't really care most of the stuff is going to be too small for him intentionally. After I'm done with Tom's shopping, I pop into Cole's supermarket which is next door, get some groceries and pick up some beers. I head home and text Tom to come to my apartment at 7pm and make sure he's showered and clean. I arranged the Zoom call with Will at 7.30.

At exactly 7pm the intercom rings and I let Tom in.

"Hi Tom"

"Hello Sir"

"Whenever you enter this apartment unless I tell you otherwise you're to remove all your clothes fold them up neatly and place them in the corner and then stand by the door with your hands behind your back and wait for my instructions. Do you understand?"

"Yes master"

He then as instructed removes all his clothes folds them and waits for instructions.

I then bring out one of the butt plugs that Will had sent me. It's a small one, I decide to start easy on him.

"You know what to do with this, right?"

He nods as I hand it to him

He squats down and slowly inserts it into his hole. Then slowly stands up. I walk up to him give his left ass cheek a squeeze and then tap on the base of the plug a few times. He squirms.

"Good boy" I say. "I need you to change change my bed sheets and put the dirty ones in the wash. Then you can start cleaning the bathroom."

"Yes master"

"Keep and eye on the time, let me know when it's 7.25. I've got a surprise for you"

Tom nods and then heads to the bedroom to start his chores. He's walking a bit awkwardly, I guess because of the plug. I grab a beer and go sit on the balcony to enjoy the evening sunshine and the Melbourne skyline. I thought life is good right now.

At 7.25 Tom comes to the balcony door and says it's time. I tell him to come outside, he seems reluctant.

"It's ok boy, no one can see you" It was the truth, you couldn't see on to the neighbouring balconies and we were too high up for anyone to see from the street below.

He slowly steps out and then relaxes once he realises no one should be able to see him.

"Cool view right?"

"Yeh" he responds.

"Wait here."

I go inside to start the Zoom call. I've hooked up my MacBook to the TV so we can see the action on the big screen. I start the Zoom call and Will and Mark appear on the screen. Will is dressed in a tight fitting t-shirt and running shorts. Mark is naked except for his cock cage. I call Tom in and tell him to sit. I'm sat on the sofa and point to the floor next to me. He sits down next to my right leg and I gently pat his head.

"Hey Will, Mark"

"Hey Sam" Says Will, he seems to be ignoring Tom.

"How are you Mark?" I ask.

"Fine thanks" he responds timidly.

"Thanks Sam for making the time for this. I know you guys must be really busy out there" Says Will. "So we're here to punish Mark. He should've stopped his brother removing the cock cage. Isn't that right boy?"

"Yes Master" replies Mark

"Why did you let your brother be such an idiot and fuck up like that?"

"I didn't want him to get into trouble at the airport, I thought it would be ok just this once"

"See Sam, they're both as dumb as each other, I give them a bit freedom and they fuck up"

"Yeh, they seem to think alike" I say

"As they're so alike, Mark needs to be punished in the same way. Tom was spanked and paddled?"

"Yes" I reply

"On the horse boy, you know what to do"

Mark walk to the other side of the room and then the camera changes. Will must have multiple cameras setup in his living room. I wonder if they were there when I was in his apartment. There seems to be a padded horse type thing with straps on it. Mark moves into view of the camera and lies on his front on the padded bench with his feet on the floor and his ass on the edge of it. Will straps him to the horse.

"Sam this is my punishment horse. Good for easy access to a slave's backside."

Will moves so he's standing behind Mark and gently strokes his ass. He then without warning starts spanking him with his bare hands. I think I count ten, 5 on each cheek. Will then pauses for a minute and is gently stroking Marks back like he's trying to comfort him. He then grabs a paddle and give him 10 strokes with that. Mark is now babbling like a baby asking for it to stop. I can see his ass is all red now.

Will then drops his shorts and brings out his big rock hard black cock. Without warning he shoves it up Marks ass and is in balls deep. Mark screams. Will then starts thrusting in and out. This fuck seems different to the way Will fucked Mark before. Then it was to get Mark off, this seems to be just to hurt him, a proper punishment fuck.

I look down at Tom and see he's got his head in his hands unable to watch. I can tell he feels really bad for his brother. I pull the hair on the back of his head and yank his head up and make him look at the screen.

"You need to watch this" I whisper in his ear. "You're responsible for this so you look and see the result of your actions". I'm not trying to be mean but I can see Mark is really suffering and the least Tom can do is watch even though it pains him to see.

The fuck lasts for about 10 minutes before will shouts something inaudible and I can tell his creaming Mark's hole. After he's done he pulls out and some cum dribbles out of Mark's gaping hole. Will goes to Marks front and makes him lick his cock clean.

Will then unstraps Mark, helps him up and they walk back to the other side of the room and Zoom cuts back to the original camera. Will sits on the Sofa and Mark is standing awkwardly to one side, I think he's in too much pain to sit down.

"I think Mark's been punished for his mistake" says Will. "It was well deserved, right boy?"

"Yes master" sobs Mark.

"Turn around boy, show everyone your ass"

Mark does as his told. His ass is still red.

"Bend over and show us your hole"

Mark bends over and grabs his knees. I can see his hole is open and puffy and coated in cum. Will puts a finger in his hole and then pulls out and more cum dribbles out. Will scoops up some of that cum and feeds it to Mark.

Gross, I think to myself.

Some more cum dribbles out of Mark's well fucked hole but Will ignores that and gets Mark to stand up again. Mark's face is as red as his ass, I think he found eating cum from his own hole the most humiliating part of this especially with me watching.

Will turns towards the camera and smiles "Great, I think we can leave it there then"

I feel really bad for Mark, this was Tom's fuck up.

"Wait a minute Will. I don't think we're quite done yet. This was caused by Tom yet Mark's been punished more. Isn't that right Tom?"

"Yes Masters, I wasn't power fucked like Mark was" Tom is slightly sobbing and whispers "I'm sorry Mark"

"Get on the sofa, on you hands and Knees with you ass facing the TV"

I get up grab one of the dildos Will had sent. This was one of the bigger ones, 8 inches, veiny and quite thick. I also get the lube.

Tom is on the sofa as instructed, I look at the TV and I can see the camera is clearly showing his plugged asshole. I reach up behind him and tug on the but plug and gently start pulling it out. It comes out with a pop, I look at it and I'm glad to see it's clean.

"Nice touch having your boy plugged" says Will. "Next time try a bigger size he can handle it"

Ignoring Will's comment, I look down and there's that beautiful hole again. I think of using my dick instead of the dildo to fuck him. I'm really hard but decide I don't want to do that with an audience. At least not the first time I'm fucking a dude. I lube up the dildo and work the head of it carefully into Tom's boy hole. After I've got the first inch in, I push hard and force all of it up his ass. Tom screams. I leave the dildo fully inside him.

"Shut up boy, I don't want the neighbours hearing. Or do you want my stinking socks in your mouth again?"

I then move the dildo out leaving about an inch in and then plunge it back in again. Tom doesn't scream but just grunts. I then start repeating that motion and give him a good fuck with the dildo. I keep that up for several minutes and at some point his grunts turned into moans. He had his head down, eyes shut and was gently moaning. I think the little pervert was now enjoying this. I plunge the dildo into him one last time as far as it would go and leave it in there.

I sit down next to Tom, and turn to the Zoom window. Will and Mark had been watching intently. Will hadn't put his pants back on and his big cock was hard again. Mark was awkwardly sat on his masters knee and gently stroking it. I think I sensed some genuine affection there.

"It's not quite the same as the fuck Mark just got" I say to Will, "but I think both boys have been punished enough now"

"Yes, it's over now. I think we're all happy to move on from this nonsense." says Will.

"Mark, I'm sorry you got dragged into this, hopefully you'll stop you brother from being a dumb-ass in the future. I hope your butt doesn't give you too much trouble in the office today"

"I'll be okay, sir" says Mark

"Right, we both need to get ready for work. Good seeing you again Sam. Be a good boy Tom." Will ends the Zoom call.

I turn to look at Tom, he's still in the doggy position with the dildo up his bum. I get up and crouch down behind him so my face is level with his ass. I want to get a good look at his hole. I pull the dildo out slowly and then stare at the opening. It's a bit puffy now but still looks so inviting. I put 2 fingers in and start feeling around and then add a third. Tom is moaning again as I gently finger fuck his ass. I pull my fingers out and I'm about to lick his hole, I really want to eat his boy pussy and fuck him. Some part of my brain is still resisting and I pull away.

I get Tom to stand up and I notice some wet stains on the sofa. I take a close look at the end of his cage and it's wet and sticky. Tom must've been leaking when he was getting fucked with the dildo.

After all that it's no surprise I'm really hard now. I head out on to the balcony and Tom follows me. The sun's going down now but it's still very warm. I pull down my shorts and boxers and tell Tom to get on his knees and suck.

As I discovered yesterday he is a great cocksucker. For a few minutes I let him do his own thing but then I want to take charge. I grab both his ears to hold his head in place. I then start fucking his mouth plunging my 7 inches down his throat, pulling out then repeating. I keep this up for about 10 minutes then blast 6 shots down his throat. Tom is coughing and stuttering. I didn't mean to be brutal but lost control, but damn it felt good.

I'm done with Tom for tonight. The London office will be coming online shortly and I had to catch up with a few people. I let Tom leave but told him tomorrow morning we're exercising together and to meet me at 7 by the pool. He groans a little bit. Tom was never an early riser, most days he wouldn't turn up to the office before 10. He knew not to argue with me and just said "Yes Master" and left.

I couldn't really concentrate on the work calls, I blamed it on the jet lag and eventually signed off. Honestly my mind was spinning with thoughts of everything that happened today. I was thinking more and more of fucking Tom. Even more than that I couldn't stop thinking about Will today. He seemed to exude this energy and power which was a bit intoxicating. I keep think of his big black cock and the way he fucked Mark. I also had our chat from this morning on my mind where he suggested I experience being on the other side. I don't think I could do that, it'd be too much. As if to convince myself I open Tinder, I have a few messages which I need to respond to. I give mostly generic answers without putting too much effort into it. I then start swiping, there's lots of pretty girls on there but I lose interest after a while and drift off to sleep.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 5

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