Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Dec 27, 2020


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After meeting with Will, who I find out is the master of my co-worker Tom and his twin Mark, I head home to spend Christmas week with my parents. During that time Will and I text and FaceTime a fair bit, he educates me more on Master / Slave relationships and we discuss how I would be Tom's temporary master while we are on a work trip in Australia. I also watched a fair bit of gay porn, specifically Dom / sub and bdsm stuff. I'd never paid much attention to gay porn before and it was all really exciting.

Right after new year's I head back to London for the first day back in the office. It's a Wednesday and my flight to Melbourne is on Friday. 2 days to sort out a lot of stuff before flying out was really hectic. I catch up with Tom in the office, we hadn't really spoken since he'd taken me to visit Will. I think he was still really embarrassed about me knowing he's a slave boy to a gay man. It didn't bother me too much, he wouldn't be able to avoid me in Melbourne (unless he wanted his cock to stay locked up for a whole month, maybe longer). I still wasn't sure I'd actually do anything sexual with him but it was nice thinking I had that sort of power.

As we're catching up I realise he's not getting the same flight as me. He booked his flight for the Saturday as he had some party he wanted to go to on Friday night. It was no big deal but I was a bit disappointed we weren't travelling together, I'd thought of a few things to do to him on the plane to make him a bit embarrassed but keep me entertained especially on the long 17 hour London-Perth leg. I'll save those ideas for the return flights. I also wanted to see how he'd do with airport security. Will and I had agreed Tom would wear a plastic cock cage with a plastic lock. It should allow him to get through security without metal detectors picking it up but Heathrow has full body scanners and I wondered if he was randomly selected to go through those if it would detect anything. With the plastic lock, it'd be easy for Tom to remove the cage but Will didn't think he'd do that as we'd know he'd broken the lock. Tom wasn't happy, he preferred to travel without the cage but this was a good compromise. Tom would bring with him a metal cage which will replace the plastic cage once he's in Melbourne. Will had also give him a package with a few other things to help me control him. I told Will to get Tom to bring that with him. No way was I taking any of that stuff in my luggage, imagine getting your bags searched at customs and having to explain that shit.

2 days later I fly out to Melbourne. After 24 hours of travelling I check into the Airbnb which will be my home for the next month. It's a 1 bedroom apartment on 40th floor of a luxury development in the Melbourne CBD with an onsite pool and Gym and amazing views. Much nicer than my apartment in London. I arrive quite late on Saturday night, so I get a quick bite to eat and go to bed. From past experience I know the jet lag is going to be bad.

I wake up late on Sunday but don't really have much to do. I decide to use the gym and go for a swim. I have a few friends in Melbourne, I let them know I'm here and make plans to meet them at some point. I also reactivate my Tinder profile. I never have much luck using it in London but find I'm much more desirable to ladies when I'm abroad, no idea why. I'm swiping through profiles when I get a WhatsApp message from Tom telling me he's just landed in Melbourne. I tell him to let me know once he's checked into his AirBnb. He's staying in another apartment in the same building as me. I'm sure it'll be at least 90 minutes before he gets here, I decide to head out and get some dinner while thinking about what I'm gonna do with Tom tonight. I know he'll be exhausted (I'm starting to feel sleepy and it's only 7.30, damn this jet lag), so tonight will probably just be changing his chastity cage.

Will said I should handcuff Tom before releasing his cock and replacing the cage, apparently him being able to touch his own cock is a privilege that needs to be earnt. For the first time it occurred to me that I'll have to touch his cock and balls if I have to replace the cage. I've never touched another guys cock before and I started thinking maybe I'll let him put the cage on himself, just this once. I was starting to feel really tired and didn't really want to deal with any of this tonight. I get a message from Tom, he's arrived at his apartment. I decide to just get this over with so I can get to bed. I text back telling him to shower and be at my apartment in 30 minutes and bring the package Will gave him. I pay for dinner and head back to the airbnb.

30 minutes later the intercom in my apartment buzzes and it's Tom asking me to let him up to my floor. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door and I let him in. We briefly hug each other, make a bit of small talk about the stupidly long flight and how great the weather is here compared to back home. After a few minutes we both go quiet as we know he's not here because we're just two mates catching up.

I know I need to take charge now. "Got the package Will asked you to bring for me?" I ask

He goes into his backpack and pulls out the package and hands it to me. I leave Tom sitting on the sofa in the living room and take the package into the bedroom. I open it up to see what's inside and find the metal cage. As well as the cage it has handcuffs, a paddle, some dildos and plugs and few other things some of which I'm not exactly sure what they're for. I grab the cock cage and find the padlock for it in my backpack.

I head back out to the living room and approach Tom.

"We need to put the metal cage on you Tom" I say. "Take of your shorts and underwear and let's get you properly locked up"

"Ummm Sam" Tom replies sounding really nervous. "Do we really need to do this?"

"Sure we do. Your plastic cage was temporary we need to get you properly locked up"

"It's just that I didn't want to travel with a cock cage on me so I snapped the lock and took it off at home, right before I left for the airport"

"What!!" I shouted "Why the fuck did you do that"

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to deal with airport security finding it"

I don't know why, I'm really angry. My tiredness and jet lag are gone. I'm furious, I'm failing as a master and Will is gonna be really disappointed and I've only been doing this for literally 5 minutes.

"You little shit" I shout" "What the fuck is wrong with you? Who gives a fuck if security found out you're a locked little boy. There's nothing wrong with that, it's not illegal"

I think Tom's a bit shocked at my reaction. "I'm sorry" is all he says.

"Get naked now!!" I walk into the bedroom to get the handcuffs.

When I get back he's standing in the middle of the room naked with his hands covering his groin.

"Hands to the side" I shout.

I walk up to him, turn him around so his back is to me and handcuff his hands behind his back.

"You're gonna get locked up" I growl in his ear. "But first I need to punish you"

I move him towards the sofa, I sit down and get him to lie on my lap his butt in the air and I smack his ass with my bare hand as hard as I can. I do that a few more times and realise the spanking is really stinging my hands. I push Tom of me and go into the bedroom and grab the paddle. Tom is now on the floor trying to get up with has hands cuffed behind his back. I grab him and get him over my lap again and let him have it with the paddle. I think I gave him 7 or 8 strokes and I could see how red his ass cheeks were now, I thought I should probably stop. I made a mental note to check with Will about spankings and paddling's, I wanted to punish him but not do any real damage and wasn't sure how far to go.

I pulled Tom up and he stood up. That's when I saw his cock was rock hard

"You little pervert" I said. "Look how hard you are. Should've locked you up before punishing you".

As I said that I noticed he a bit of pre-cum collecting at the tip of his cock. I then looked down at my shorts and there was some of it smeared on my shorts. "Look at the mess you made on my shorts you filthy bitch". He just turned red and lowered his head.

I grab him by the arm and march him into the bedroom. He walks awkwardly as he's hands are still cuffed behind his back. I gently push him onto the bed and get him to lie on his back. I grab the metal cock cage and pull it apart so I can first attach the ring to the base of his cock and balls and then attach the actual cage and lock him up. I watched a few videos of this earlier so I had some idea of what to do. As I try to get the ring over the head of his cock I realise it's not going to fit, Tom is still hard from the spanking and there's no way this is going on like this. If he hadn't been such a bad boy I might've wanked him off and let him cum to get him soft but no chance of that happening tonight. I walk into the kitchen, get some ice-cubes from the freezer and wrap them in a tea towel. I take them back to the bedroom and before Tom knows what I'm doing I unwrap them over his cock and balls. I take a cube and rub it on his scrotum. Tom screams. I worry a bit about neighbours hearing him. I see some socks on the floor, they're the ones I wore for 24 hours on the plane so they'll be absolutely rank. I pick them up and stuff them into Tom's mouth to shut him up. I go back to the ice cubes and rub them some more on him, he's now totally soft but just to torment him I keep rubbing the ice cubes. I put 2 of them on his nipples and see them perk up. Tom's squirming as much as he can with the handcuffs still on. I think he's had enough so I stop and dispose rid of the ice cubes.

Now that he's soft, I pick up the ring and push has cock and balls through it. At this point it occurs to me I'm holding his cock and I really don't mind. I don't know why I thought this would be a big deal. I then decide to take a closer look at his flaccid dick, the head is completely covered with his foreskin. I think about pulling it back but decide I don't want to risk him getting hard again and I think there'll be plenty of chances for me to inspect him in the next few weeks. I cover his cock with the cage and connect it to the ring and then use the padlock to lock it all up. Tom moans through the socks as he hears the click.

I take the socks out of his mouth, sit him up and uncuff him.

"Tom is there anything you'd like to say to me?" I ask.

"I'm sorry about removing the plastic cage without permission. Thank you for locking me up"

I noticed the the lack of sir or master in his response. I know he wouldn't talk to Will like that.

"Tom, you asked me to be your master. Do you still want that?"

He gives me a puzzled look.

"If you want to back out we can go back to just being colleagues and friends. I don't mind"

"Really??" Says Tom. "You'd unlock me and we can have a normal trip"

"Tom if you don't want to be my slave on this trip, you can get dressed and walk out and I'll see you in the office as normal"

"What about Master William? And what about this?" Tom points down to his locked cock

"I'll email Will and tell him you changed your mind. I'm not forcing you to do anything. Everything has to be 100% consensual. What you tell Will is none of my concern" I say very casually. "Also that will be none of my concern either" I say pointing to his cage.

"So you'll give me the key and we can call this off?" He asks.

I purposefully don't answer the question. "Tom, are you ready to spend the next few weeks unsupervised and uncontrolled. I don't know all the reasons behind why you have a master but I think we both know you're better for it. Don't you agree."

"Yeh" he whispers quietly and avoids looking at me.

"Take a minute to think about what would happen if you're free for the next few weeks. You'll have fun but is that worth the consequences waiting for you back home?"

He sits quietly for a minute and says "No, I'll screw up probably lots of times and there will be big screw ups"

"So you need a master?" I ask.


"So the choice is yours. Until we return home I can be your Master and you're my slave boy or we can call this off and just be work buddies"

"I think it'd be best if you were my master" I smile as he says that, I really didn't want him to call this off. "If I say no to this will you unlock me?"

I scoff "I'm not touching that thing unless you're my slave boy. I'm not gay, I don't go around touching dudes cocks"

"But you could give me the key and I can unlock it myself"

"It's not my key to give. Will gave the key to me and I'm returning it to him."

If there were still any doubts in Tom's mind, that settled it. He realised if he walked out he'd be locked for quite some time with no chance of relief.

He stands up in front of me, clasps his hands behind his back, looks me in the eye and says "Master Sam, please let me be your slave boy." Then he bows his head.

"Good boy" I say. "Sit down and look at me"

Tom sits on the floor and crosses his legs but winces in pain.

"I think you've made the right decision boy. Outside of work you'll now do everything I say. There'll be chores, I may dictate what you wear and everything you'd be expecting to do for Master Will you can expect to do for me."

"Yes master" he replies"

"From this point on I won't be updating Will on what's going on. We talk regularly and he cares about you but I won't be telling him of any screw ups or punishments you receive. That's between us, you're welcome to tell him whatever you want. But I do expect you to tell him about you removing the cage. That happened in London so he deserves to know. I'll be messaging him telling him to expect to hear from you"

"I understand master"

"How's your ass feeling boy?"

"It's really sore sir. Master William usually rubs some cream on after I get a paddling, that usually helps.

I remember seeing something like that in the package from Will, I take a look and there's tube which says sootheing balm. I guess Will's thought of everything.

"Lie down on the bed, on your stomach boy. Let me take care of you"

I spread Tom's legs apart and scoot in between them on my knees and take a look at his ass. His cheeks are red. I squirt some cream onto my hand and slowly start rubbing it on his ass. I think how smooth it feels and very soon I'm massaging his ass with both my hands. His cheeks are hairless but he has hair in his crack. I spread apart his ass cheeks and get a first look at his hole. I'm almost mesmerised, it looks really tight and inviting. I realise I'm really hard now, I rub my bulge with 1 hand and I'm gently rubbing the outside of his hole with my other hand. I actually want to lick it but can't bring myself to do that. I lick my finger to get it wet and then slowly insert my finger into his hole. I can't believe how tight it is. Tom moans slightly. I start gently finger fucking him. I do that for a minute and then withdraw my finger. I know I'm leaking and I really think about taking my dick out and shoving it into his beautiful hole but I decide that's probably too much for both of us on the first night.

I then notice a small tattoo on the inside at the top of his right thigh. It's quite small but in quite exquisite writing it says W.S.M.

"What's this tattoo you've got? I ask

"It's Master William's initials"

My cock twitched and I leaked some as I heard that. I couldn't believe Will had branded these boys. I'll have to fund out more about that later.

I get off the bed and stand up, I'm rubbing my hard on through my shorts. "Feel better now?" I ask.

Tom turns around to look at me and replies "Yes sir. Thank you master"

"How do you usually thank your master? I ask as I'm rubbing myself.

He gets the hint, and gets off the bed and on to his knees "Please let me thank you properly master"

I just nod. He pulls down my shorts and boxers and I step out of them. He stares at my cock for a few seconds then gently strokes it. There's some pre-cum gathered at the tip and he swipes his tongue over it to get a taste. He then engulfs my whole cock into his mouth and down his throat. His got all 7 inches. I don't think I've ever been deepthroated like that. I can tell this boy's got skills. He gives me the best blowjob I've ever had. He alternates between deep throating me and then gently sucking on the tip. He also give my balls I nice tongue bath taking both of them into his mouth. After about 5 minutes I'm ready to blow. I hold on to the back of his head and blast down his throat. I then pull out slightly so the next two shots land on his tongue, I want him to get a good taste. I then pull out completely and the rest of my cum lands on his face. After I finish cumming, he takes my cock back into his mouth and cleans it. He then uses his fingers to get as much of the cum on his face as he can and eats that up.

I rub the top of his head rustling his hair and say "good boy, you did well"

I tell him to use the bathroom to clean up and then get dressed.

I'm really tired and I know Tom will also be exhausted after the long flight.

"You better head home boy. Meet me in the building foyer at 9.15 and we'll walk to the office together"

"Yes Sir" replies Tom and opens the door to leave.

"Tom" I shout to stop him. "The plastic cage, did you bring that with you"

"No, I left it at home in London"

"You dumb fuck" I laugh. "You could've used that when we go home, good luck getting through security with that metal thing on"

His face goes pale.

"You've got a few weeks to convince me to do something about it. Good night boy"

After Tom leaves I decide it's bedtime. I'm lying in bed replaying everything that's happened. I'm hard again and casually playing with myself, I know I'll have to rub one out before I'll be able to fall asleep. I text Will and tell him to expect a message from Tom and to let me know if he doesn't. I think about his tattoo, I obviously can't do that to him but I wonder what temporary changes I could make to him to mark him as mine. I then think about his hole and how amazing it looked. It disturbed me how much I want to fuck him. Not just fuck him I really wanted to eat his ass like it was pussy.

I open up tinder and see I've got a few matches. I fire off a few messages and hoping I get lucky with at least one of them. Maybe if I can get some really pussy then I won't want his boy pussy.

I put away my phone and start stroking myself. I think about 2 of the girls I message but Tom keeps coming into my head and as I cum I'm thinking about his hole. I cum all over the sheets but can't be bothered to clean up. I'll just sleep in the cummy sheets, Tom can change them tomorrow. It's nice to have my own slave I thought.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 4

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