Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Dec 25, 2020


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After Tom leaves Will turns to me and says "You probably have a million questions"

I just nod and mutter "umm yeh"

There was a lot I wanted to know but also felt a bit uncomfortable discussing this with someone I met less then an hour ago.

I start by asking him "How did you ever get them to put those things on?"

"You mean the chastity cages?"


"It took time to build up our relationship to that point. It's not something I expected to do when their father first brought them to me but more traditional discipline didn't work with those two. Some of what we went through is quite personal and not for me to share, if Tom wants to tell you about our past, he will"

"That's fair" I respond. "So how does this master / slave thing work. Do they have to do everything you say?"

"Basically yes, but it's not that simple. There's a lot of boundaries and limits established between us which means they trust me and I won't cross those limits. For example I'm not going to make them do anything illegal and I don't want to have any negative impacts on their general lives so won't tell them to do stupid stuff like get naked at work"

"Makes sense, you're supposed to be helping them. Getting them fired won't be much help"

"Exactly" replies Will. "I do make a lot decisions for them, it can be small things to major life decisions"

"Like what?" I ask

"Small things can be like dictating what they wear. I often don't care what they wear but sometimes just for my amusement I'll pick out something for them or if they've annoyed me I'll make them wear something they'll find embarrassing or uncomfortable."

"What about big things?"

"I've controlled their career choices, who they're friends with, girlfriends, housemates. Some financial decisions they make. I keep an eye on their bank accounts to make sure they're not being dumb"

"And they just let you dictate all that?"

"Pretty much. It's not dictating, there's always reasoning behind it and I'll happily explain my reasons to them but my decision is final. They know I've got their best interests and they trust me. Sometimes they rebel on big or small things and that's when they get punished. Sometimes they get punished just because I feel like it"

"What sort of punishments do you use?" I ask, I'm really curious about that.

"It varies. Orgasm denial is one way. There's also physical punishments, like spankings, whips, straps etc. I can use cbt on them but sometimes they end up enjoying that stuff"

"Wow, and they just take it?"

"Yes. There's also mental punishments which are sometimes more effective. Humilliation is a good one, make them do something in front of their friends which they won't like. Other things can be more mundane like making them do chores?

"Chores? Like cleaning your place?"

"Yeh that sort of thing. They hate cleaning their own place so you can imagine how they feel about doing mine especially if I make them do it nude or in a a slutty maids outfit. But sometimes I make them do chores because I can, I'm the master and they're my slave boys so why should I do my own laundry if they're around?"

"Makes sense. No good having a slave if you have to do your own chores" I say.

"Exactly. There's gotta be some benefits for me"

"And where does the sex come into all of this? You said they're both straight"

"Another benefit for me" Will smiles as he says this. "It's actually beneficial for them also"

I look confused and ask "How so?"

"As you've seen they're both in chastity cages, they've been in some form of chastity control since they were 17. As I've said before it was the most effective way of bringing them under control. But they're both incredibly horny boys. You just saw Mark just came so much as I fucked him but I bet if he wasn't wearing his cock cage right now he'd be at home wanking or fucking whatever he could find. Same goes for Tom. Even now I've seen them masturbate 8 times in a day, imagine what they were like when they were 17.

"Who isn't totally horny all the time when they're 17" I say

"Exactly. When they first had their cocks locked up I would unlock them every other day, give them relief and then lock them up again. But that wasn't enough, it was good for controlling them but it was also too distracting, They couldn't concentrate at school because they were too horny. They were desperate for sex!"

I think I understood what Will meant "Yeh, but gay sex?" I ask looking confused

"Yeh, why not gay sex?"

I got a bit defensive "I'm not saying there's anything wrong with gay sex but I don't see how any straight guy could substitute sex with well gay sex"

"I think you'd be surprised Sam at the things we'd all do to get off or have a bit human intimacy. Tom and Mark started of thinking the same way as you but once they realised the only sex they'd have would be through me and my dick they came round to the idea. They now get pleasure themselves from pleasuring me and satisfying me. That doesn't even need anal stimulation just by sucking me off can sometimes satisfy them. They've accepted they're my slave boys and that brings certain duties and they enjoy fulfilling those duties."

"I don't know" I say, "I'm not sure how straight they could be if they get off on gay sex"

"Oh really" says Will. "Did you not get hard when Mark undressed me and you saw my big cock? Were you not hard watching him suck me. Or when you got up to look at his brother fingering him. You were certainly hard when I was fucking him and bred his boy pussy, I wouldn't be surprised if you creamed yourself watching that"

"No, that's not true" I stutter

"Don't lie to me Sam!" Will says in a slightly raised voice.

"Ummm I'm..." I respond not quite sure what to say.

"I bet you're hard right now" Will says and looks at my Crotch. "Stand up for me, Sam"

I slowly stand up

"Pull down your trousers and show me your not hard"

I slowly lowered my joggers, revealing my white boxers. I had a semi but wasn't totally hard at this point.

Will looks at my boxers and snickers a little bit. "Come on Sam look down. You were leaking so much watching the show we put on, your boxers are all stained."

I can't deny that so I just sigh and say "You're right, If I'm honest it was really hot watching you fuck Mark. All of it got me really hard"

Will just says "good, let's be honest with each other"

I say very defensively "That doesn't make me gay or mean I'd enjoy gay sex. Then I look down and say very quietly "but it was really hot seeing it"

"I know Sam" Will says very calmly "And it's ok to get hard. You just got off a long flight I bet it's been at least a day since you've been able to wank. Am I right?"


"You're horny, guys are like that, gay or straight it doesn't matter"

"Yeh, I guess you're right" I say

"Sam, look down you've got a big bulge, you're hard now"

I look down and Will's right, my cock is really hard now and straining against the fabric of my boxers. Without even thinking about it I grab my hard-on and then look up at Will, he's just smiling.

"It's ok Sam but you really need to take care of that"

"I know" I say. "I should get home so I can take care of it"

"You can't go like that, it looks obscene"

"Don't worry, it'll go down"

"Nonsense" says Will, "You'll be uncomfortable all the way home. And look at the state of you underwear you can't wear that out"

"Ummm I'll be fine"

"No that's not fine" Will says firmly. "Take of your trousers and get out of those boxers"

I don't know why I can't say no. I slip off my trainers and then get out of my joggers. Slowly I slide my boxers down and release my cock. I'm not bad down there, it's about 7inch uncut with a slight curve. I step out of my boxers and look at Will.

He smiles and says "Sit down Sam. Take care of your hard-on"

I sit down and slowly start stroking myself.

Will is staring intently and says "You've got a really nice cock"

"Thanks" I mumble

Normally I use lube when I wank but for some reason today I'm leaking so much that there's no need and it's all so slick anyway. With my left hand I'm stroking my cock and the other hand plays with me balls.

After a minute or 2 Will Says "Why don't you take off you t-shirt. You don't want to get cum on that"

I agree and pull off my t-shirt. I'm now completely naked and sat on a sofa next to a muscled black guy who I only met an hour ago. I don't know why I'm so turned-on

Will looks me over and then stares at my nipples. They're pierced and have silver barbells through them, I don't think he was expecting to see that. I get back to stroking my cock and Will sat next to me reaches over and flicks one of my nipples. I shudder and moan. He then grabs and starts gently twisting the nipple. I moan some more, and my cock jumps and leaks some more pre-cum. Will chuckles slightly.

I feel like I'm getting close, Will is now playing with both my nipples. He then lets go and pushes my hand off my cock. He grabs my cock and starts stroking really hard. I moan a lot, close my eyes and a few seconds later I can't control it anymore and start cumming. I must've shot 7 or 8 times, my chest and Will's fingers are covered in my cum. I stop panting and slowly open my eyes, Will is standing over me and has a really intense look on his face. He slowly bring his hand up to my lips, I open my mouth and he puts his middle finger in and I start licking my cum of it. He does the same with his other fingers until they're clean. He then scoops some cum of my chest and feeds it to me. I don't know why I don't stop him, I've not tasted my own cum since I was a teenager when I tried it a few times.

Will slowly steps away from me and grabs a towel and hands it to me. I clean the cum of my face and chest then very awkwardly start putting my clothes on. Will takes my boxers out of my hand and says "You can't wear those, you were leaking a lot in them. I'll put them in the laundry, you'd be better of going home commando"

Not feeling like I can argue with him I just say "yeh, ok"

I put the rest of my clothes on and now I'm feeling really awkward. I think Will senses that so gives me an out. "Sam, you've got a long drive today right. Tom told me you're driving up to Manchester and spending Christmas with your family up there. Are you back after New Years?"

"Yeh that's right, back in London on Jan 2nd. I should really get going, I'm already quite late"

"Yes, you should go"

"What about Tom? We didn't decide on what to do about that" I ask

Will smiles and says "Sam I think you're gonna do fine as a stand-in master for Tom. I know you've got more questions, let's swap numbers and we can talk more over the next few days. You can take as much or as little control of him as you like. And there can be as much or as little sex as you're comfortable with. Can I tell Tom you're in and he can stop stressing?"

I think about it for a second then smile and say "Yeh, I'm in." I'm thinking this is gonna be a really interesting trip but I also don't think I could say no to Will.

We swap numbers and I leave Will's place. All the way home my head is in a spin wondering what I've got myself into. I'm sure I was hard most of the way home, I was thinking about what I could do with Tom, first chance I get I'll be doing some online 'research' on bdsm and sub / dom relationships.

I also can't stop thinking about Will. Why did I get naked and jerk off in front of him just because he told me to? And what was the deal with licking his fingers clean and him feeding me my cum. It was really confusing and why am I getting hard thinking about it.

Thanks for reading part 2. I'd appreciate any feedback Sorry there wasn't much sex or sexy twins in this part but it was important to setup the relationship between Sam and Master Will. Part 3 will be coming soon with Sam taking control of Tom as they head to Melbourne

Next: Chapter 3

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