Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Nov 25, 2023


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The days and weeks leading up to my imminent submission to Will went by in a blur. Several times I'd thought of backing out and leaving Tom to his fate. I kept asking myself why was I willing to do this. Sure he's a mate, a really good one but surely that doesn't mean I should be doing this for him. It's not like he's family or my partner that I should be so concerned for him. Whenever I thought of backing out and think back to how despondent he was, I'd be more determined to go through with this.

I'd met up with Will a few times to agree some ground rules on how this would work. He made it very clear I'd be treated no differently to how he would treat Tom or Mark. I would obviously have my dick locked up. My concern with this was he'd trap me just like he'd done with Tom. I wasn't impressed with his attitude that day when he basically refused to unlock Tom. To his credit Will did apologise for that and said he was a bit blind-sided by Tom's request to leave and no good Dom should react like that. Will suggested using a plastic cage and showed me it's possible to snap the joint connecting it to the padlock so if I wanted out I'd have that option. I found that reassuring and his attitude seemed to be much better so I was starting to feel a bit less uneasy about the whole thing. We agreed on a few other limits such as no tattoos and there would always be a safe word I could use to end the whole thing. Obviously if I used that or snapped the lock, it was game over and Tom was stuck with Will.

One final condition Will had was that I could not see Tom. If I had to interact with him at work it was only for professional reasons. Will explained he felt disrespected by my approaching Tom directly and felt I'd been encouraging him to rebel against his master. I tried to persuade him that's not what happened and I meant no disrespect but Will was obviously unhappy so I reluctantly agreed. This was quite difficult for me as I not only wanted to check in with Tom and make sure he was okay but I really wanted some advice from him about what to expect. Apart from my own experience with Tom I was now going into this blind.

It was finally the Thursday before Easter. This evening I'd be going to Will's apartment to submit to him as another one of his slave boys. I was really on edge for most of the day, had butterflies in my stomach and didn't get any work done. Tom must've noticed and tried to talk to me a few times but I told him to leave me alone and not disobey Will. I didn't want any more complications or give him an excuse to renege on our deal.

I had agreed to be at Will's apartment for 9pm. That's when the 7 days would start. It's a few minutes before 9 and I'm standing at his front door. I stand there for a minute and think I can just walk away. Reluctantly and with my arm shaking I knock on the door. Will opens the door, warmly greets me and invites me in. I'm surprised by this as I expected him to be real strict. To be honest I don't know what I expected. I follow him into the living room and I see Mark is standing there naked, head bowed and dick locked in a metal cage. I look around expecting to see Tom, but it looks like he's not here.

"How are you Sam?" Will asks with a smile.

"Fine, thanks" I whisper, my voice croaking. Suddenly my throat is really dry.

"Mark, get a glass of water for Sam." Mark hurries off to the kitchen to get the water.

"Relax Sam. This is gonna be fine. We'll follow all the rules we agreed to."

I can't say anything so just nod. Mark returns with the glass of water and I down it.

"It's 9pm." Will says looking at his phone. "Sam are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes" I say firmly. "Let's do it"

-------- Day 0 Thursday --------

As soon as I said that Will's demeanour changed. Gone was the friendly smile and now he had a serious look on his face. "Ok boy, you're mine for the next week. Don't you think you're wearing too many clothes for a slave boy?"

"Ummm Yes" I mumble before quietly adding "Sir"

"Well you better strip then so I can see what I've got to play with"

My arms are shaking as I clumsily take of my shoes and socks. I remove my t-shirt and fold it neatly. I think I did that just to buy some time. Next was my jeans which I almost trip over trying to take of. Again I fold them neatly. I take a deep breath and finally remove my boxers. I don't know why I felt so nervous about getting naked in front of Will, he'd already seen me like this when I wanked off in this very apartment. For obvious reasons I'm feeling a lot more vulnerable this time round.

I'm fully naked now, my first instinct is to cover my dick with my hands but than I think what's the point, so I leave my hands at my side puff my chest out a bit and look Will directly in the eyes. Who stares back at me for a few seconds and smirks.

"I'll need to teach you how to show proper respect to your master... boy"

He then walks around me as if he's inspecting my body. I guess that's what he is doing. He gently puts one his hand between my shoulder blades and strokes my back, slowly moving lower. That makes me shiver, I don't know if I can keep my composure. Every impulse in my mind is telling me to pick up my clothes and run out of there. His hand is just above my ass when reaches down and cups one of my cheeks.

He bring his mouth right next to my ear and growls "I'll be getting to know this a lot better in the next few days"

I think I actually gulped as he said that.

He backs away from and without warning slaps my ass twice. Damn that stung and I jump.

"Mark" Will shouts, "Take our new slave boy and make him look like a slave"

"Yes Sir" says Mark. He walks towards me with a big grin on his face.

"Sam, go with Mark and do exactly as he says and let him do everything he needs to. He's following my orders so you better not disobey me or cause him any trouble. I hope I don't have to punish you on your very first night".

"Yes Sir" I say quietly. I know I'm not going to like what ever Mark is going to do with me but there's not much I can do about it.

"Let's go, boyyyy" Says mark, emphasising the word boy. I can tell he's going to enjoy this.

I follow Mark and he leads me to the bathroom. He gets me to stand in the middle of the bathroom and before I know it he turns on a hair trimmer and brings it to my chest. I instinctively move back trying to get away from him.

"Hold still. All that hair's gotta go." Mark says to me. "Boy needs to be smooth for his master"

I'm a bit annoyed at this but step forward and think lets get this over with. I'm not overly hairy on my chest but I like the hairs I had so wasn't to pleased about this. Mark is quickly done with my chest and gets me to raise my arms and runs the trimmer over my pit hair. Next he moves down to my crotch and targets my pubes. I like to manscape a bit down there but I'd never shave off all my pubes which is what he seems to be doing. He carefully runs the trimmer around my balls and down to my taint. I look down and I'm surprised at the amount of hair on the floor.

He finally turns off the trimmer and I think we're done but Mark has other ideas. Before I know it he's spreading shaving cream over my chest and then gets a razor and starts shaving of the tiny hairs that are left. I guess Will wants me totally smooth. Tom follows he same routine he did with the trimmer, chest followed by armpits before he moved lower. I was glad to see he was being very careful as he shaved off my remaining pubes and gently handled my cock and balls as he shaved around them. It takes him quite a while to do that area, he seems to be making sure he gets every single hair. I don't know if that's because he's a perfectionist or wants to make sure he doesn't missing anything and risk getting in trouble with his Master, now also my Master.

Eventually he takes a few steps back and looks carefully at his handiwork and seems satisfied.

"Ok, front looks good" he says, "Now turn around, lean over the sink and spread your legs"

"Huh??" I look at him confused.

"Just do it Sam" He says sternly.

I decide there's no point arguing so I just do as he says. I then feel him applying shaving cream to my ass. Oh shit, I think to myself, he's going to shave my butt also. My cheeks are quite smooth with only a few hairs but I do have a Lott hairs in and around my crack. He quickly does the cheeks and then very carefully starts removing the hair in my crack. I hope he avoid my hole, I imagine it'd be really uncomfortable if he nicks me there. Again he takes his time and is really careful. I suspect he might have a lot of experience of doing this with his brother. Once he's done done with my ass he shaves the area between my balls and my hole so I'm now totally smooth there.

When he's done he feels all around my ass and balls checking for any stray hairs. His finger brushes my hole a few times and I think he kept it there for longer than necessary.

"All done" He finally announces. "Smooth like a proper slave boy"

He tells me to get in the shower and rinse off the hairs. I do as he says and it's my first chance to feel what he's done. I run my hand over my chest and then feel my crotch and balls. I'm amazed at how smooth it feels.

A few minutes later I step out the shower and Mark hands me a towel. While I'm drying off I see mark has cleaned up my hairs from the bathroom floor. He worked quickly, I guess Will has him well trained.

Once I'm dry Will leads me out of the bathroom and back into the living room. For some reason I feel even more naked now.

"Master, your new slave is ready for inspection" Announces Mark

Will Slowly gets up walks towards me, looking me up and down. He gets up close to me grabs my chin and turns my head from side to side. "Well he still has stubble on his face. I guess I only told Mark to take care of your body but the foolish boy should've known better and made you shave." Will looks at Mark who just looks down knowing he's displeased his Master. "Make sure you shave in the morning boy"

"I will sir" I reply

Next he moves his hands over my chest feeling all around trying to find any stray hairs. He scrapes my left nipple with his fingernail and I moan slightly. Hearing that he smiles and takes the nipple in his hand and twists it slightly. I moan again and for the first time tonight I feel my dick rising slightly. He than grabs both nipples and starts playing with them. I've now definitely got a semi hard on.

Will looks amused and says "I see your dick is connected to your nipples. That's going to be a lot of fun. At least for me"

He then continues my inspection by having me raise my and checking my pits before moving to my crotch and making sure I'm completely smooth down there. Will grabs my balls roughly as if he's weighing them and and then continues checking to see if I'm all smooth down there. As much as I try to fight it, his touching of my dick and balls makes me go hard.

Will chuckles, "Having fun boy?"

I don't reply.

"Well let's take care of that. You won't have much use for it the next few days. Mark go and get the equipment"

Mark runs out the room and comes back with a pouch and a blue pack of some sort and hands them both to Will

Will smiles at me and says "I think you did something like this to Tom once to get him to calm down and all locked up." He then rubs the blue pack on my balls and dick. I almost scream, he's using an ice pack to get rid of my hard on. It quickly works.

Will wastes no time and takes out a bright pink cage out of the the pouch and a couple of rings. "So I'm not sure what the right size is so let's start with the 45mm ring and the medium cage. If it's too big we can try a smaller cage" As he says that he start putting my balls through the ring and then takes my flaccid penis and threads that through the ring also. It feels weird having my balls push forward like that. I guess it's about to feel even weirder. Will then puts the cage over my dick head and pushes backwards to connect it to the ring. It takes a few attempts before he gets it in place without pinching my skin. At this point I'm a bit glad I'm smooth down there now and don't have to worry about hairs getting caught. Finally I hear the click of the lock and know I'm a locked boy now.

All that contact with my cock and balls made me chub up a bit and I already feel my dick straining against the cage trying to get hard. Obviously will notices, "Looks like you're enjoying being locked."

Again I don't reply.

Will grabs my locked dick and pulls the cage. I don't know if he's doing this to check how secure the cage is or just to annoy me. He then starts playing with my left nipple while still molesting my locked cock. I feel myself straining even more against the cage. He does this for a few minutes, I try and avoid giving him any sort of reaction but finally I can't help it. I feel my roll to the back of my head and I let out a loud moan. Damn I hate my nipples are so sensitive.

At hearing that Will lets go and give me a smug look. He was just trying to get a reaction out of me.

He then steps back and says "Well Mark's been a great help tonight, he did a good job getting you ready to be a locked boy. Wouldn't you agree Sam?"

"Ummm yes sir"

"Well as he helped you out I think you should help take care of him now don't you think?"

"Okaaaay" I say reluctantly, unsure where this is going

Will reaches into his pocket, takes out a key and throws it to Mark who catches it. "Unlock yourself boy, you've earned some relief tonight"

"Thank you Sir" Mark says looking really excited. He quickly remove his cage. Marks dick goes instantly hard and Mark goes to grab it.

"Hands behind your back Mark" Will yells at him. Then looking at me he says "Go and take care of him"

I stare back at Will blankly, really unsure what to do.

I think Will understand I'm not trying to be defiant so he says calmly "Just go to Mark, sit in front of him and wank his dick. A handjob is all you need to do tonight. You can do that right?"

I nod and then walk towards Mark, kneel down and slowly grab his dick. I feel my hand shaking as I do this. I don't know why I'm so nervous, I've done a lot more with Tom but this feels different, I really have no desire to be anywhere near Marks cock. I start wanking his dick slowly. I stare at it intently as I do this. I start to think about Tom's dick, mentally comparing it to his twin brother and wandering who is bigger and how similar were they. I'm not sure as I never paid that much attention to Tom's dick. For some reason I think I should've given it more attention.

I'm distracted from my thoughts by the sound of Mark moaning loudly. I feel some pre dribble out of him. I just think gross but continue stroking him up and down. I speed up thinking let's just get this over with, the sooner he cums the sooner I can let go of this dick. It takes a few minutes and then he starts panting and I can tell he's getting close. I then realise his dick is pointed straight at my face. I panic and luckily I'm able angle it downward just as the first spurt of cum shoots out. It hits my chest followed by several more shots. I'm so glad it didn't get on my face.

When he's finished I let go of the dick and lean back. I look down at my chest and it's covered with Mark's cum. I feel disgusted and look around hoping to find a cloth or something to clean myself with.

"Good work Sam, you're a natural at this." I look around to see Will smiling down at me.

I get to my feet and ask "Ummm can I get a towel to clean myself up with"

"Nah" Will says, "Leave it. It's good for the skin and no point dirtying a towel"

I'm about to say something to protest but before I can Will gets some handcuffs and cuffs Mark's hands behind his back. I look at Will confused.

"Can't have him touching himself while unlocked."

"So why not lock him up again" I ask

"Oh I will but it's good to let it be free for a little while. Anyway it's been a long evening, let's go and watch something".

Will walks over to the sofa and sits in front of the TV. Mark follows him and sits on the floor next to his left leg. Will points to the floor on his other side and I know that's where he wants me to sit.

I reluctantly sit down and try to get comfortable but that's not easy. It's really awkward sitting on the floor completely naked, well almost naked my dick was wearing a cage.

Will puts something on Netflix, I have no idea what show it is. I gave it no attention anyway, just trying to process the bizarre situation I'm in. I kept getting distracted from my thoughts by Will patting or rubbing my head every few minutes. He was doing it like you might to a child or a pet. Occasionally I'd get a whiff of Mark's cum which is now slowly drying on my chest.

After I don't know how long the show ends and Will turns off the tv. "Well it's time for you boys to get ready for bed. Marks needs to be cleaned before I can lock him, his dick is still covered in cum"

And what about my chest? I quietly say to myself.

"Sam go and get in the shower with Mark and clean him thoroughly"

"Huh?" I ask

"Well he can't clean himself with his hands cuffed, can he?. While you're there you can clean the cum off your chest also."

I'm not happy at having to shower Mark but at least I won't be covered in cum anymore.

We both go into the bathroom, I turn the shower on and as soon as the temperatures good I help Mark in and then follow him. Will has a decent size shower but with two of there it's feeling cramped. Our bodies are almost touching and that's making me uncomfortable. I grab the shower gel and start rubbing it into Mark. I do his front first, starting with his chest. I then crouch down and wash his legs. After that I stand up and grab his dick, it's still got some cum on it and I rinse that off and then wash his dick and balls. Inevitably this gets him hard again. For some reason I continue rubbing his dick for longer than I really needed to. I'm looking into his eyes as I do this and he has a strange expression on his face. Maybe this is the first time all evening he's not looked at me with contempt. For a moment I feel like I'm with his brother Tom and don't want to let go of his dick.

"Please stop Sam" whispers Mark, "We'll get in trouble"

I let go and turn him around so I can clean his back. I spend more time than needed on his ass cheeks, they feel good to hold, just like Tom. I think I'm done and about to turn him around

"Wait, please you need to clean in between the cheeks." Says Mark


"Please Sam, Sir insists we always clean our holes when we shower"

"Umm okay" I mumble.

I get the shower gel and squirt it at the top of his crack and then lather it in. When I get to his hole, I feel a pain in my dick. I look down and see it's really trying to expand and get out the cage. This was really bad, I shouldn't be so desperately trying to get hard. I never thought the cage would be this bad. I quickly clean his hole and resist the urge to finger him, I know that would make my dick try and get even harder.

Once Mark's clean I get under the stream of water and thoroughly clean my chest. I feel like I'm never gonna get clean but eventually turn the shower off so I'm not so close to a naked Mark.

We get out the shower I dry off myself and Mark and then we both head into the living room to see Will.

"Very good boys" say Will Smiling. "Mark let me lock you up then it's bedtime"

Once Mark's dick is locked up and his handcuffs released, Will leads us to the bedroom. There's two single beds on opposite sides of the room. Mark goes and sits down on his bed and picks up his phone.

"Boys, use the bathroom and do whatever you gotta do but I want lights out in 30 minutes"

It's been a long time since I've had a bedtime, I think to myself.

I see my backpack is on the other bed along with my clothes which I'd taken off earlier. I assume this must be Tom's bed.

Mark gets up and walks out, probably to use the bathroom.

"You okay, Sam" Will asks me.

"Yes" I reply quietly.

"Good. You did well today but this was just the start. Anyway use your phone or do whatever you want for the next half hour and I'll see you in the morning."

I nod at him and reach for my phone.

"Oh and Sam, remember our agreement. Don't contact Tom!"

"Yes Sir" I reply.

I lie on the bed and start checking my messages and other things on my phone. It feels so surreal like it's a whole other life I have out there. My nakedness and the cage around my dick is a reminder that life's on hold for now.

After 30 minutes Mark turns off the light and we both try and get some sleep. I soon realise this isn't going to be easy. I'm not used to sleeping in such a small bed and struggle to get into a comfortable position with the cage on. And I can't use my favourite technique to help go to sleep - Masturbating!

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

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