Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Mar 31, 2021


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I spend the rest of my Sunday in a bit of a daze and confused. I'm really upset after Tom rushes off to go see Will and I'm worried about him.

At the same time I keep remembering about the night I just spent with him. We had sex willingly. Maybe that's not the right term, all our sexual encounters have always been consensual but this was the first time Tom and I had sex without him expecting anything from me. Specifically releasing his dick from its prison. This is also the first time I've considered what I've been doing with Tom as having sex. I know it doesn't make any sense but I'd never thought about it like this before. I've had sex with a guy. What does that make me. Am I gay now? I don't know, I still like girls. I also can't deny it anymore I've got really strong feelings for Tom and that goes further than him just being a hole for my dick.

And what about Tom. He always insists he is straight and up until last night I never doubted that despite everything we got up to in Melbourne. I don't know anymore. Why would he instigate everything last night. I'm more confused about Tom and his sexuality than my own.

For most of the day I'm in bed. I have a hangover which is the perfect excuse to waste the day. The more I think about Tom the more horny I get. I wank at least 4 times maybe more. Each time I'm just thinking about Tom. This time it's not just his talented mouth or his amazing ass, I'm thinking about him and the closeness I'm felt to him. This does sound really gay and I can't explain it. I tried calling him in the evening but it went straight to voicemail, his phone must be off. I wanted to check he was okay. I also spent a lot of time thinking of how I could help Tom but so far didn't have any bright ideas.

The next morning I wake up early and check my phone hoping for a message from Tom but there's nothing. Annoyingly I'm working at a client site in Bristol for the next 3 days which means I won't see Tom until Thursday when I'm back in the office. I get up, shower, get ready for work and pack a few things for the next few days as I'll be staying in a hotel. I get the tube to Paddington Station and then get on the Train to Bristol. It's about a 90 minutes train journey and I spend the whole time thinking about Tom. I've messaged him to find out if he's okay but haven't heard back from him. Thinking about Tom is making me really horny and I have a proper hard-on. I take off my jacket and put it over my lap just to cover it up. If this train wasn't so busy I'd be tempted to take my cock out right here and have a wank. Not I'd considered before on a public train but I really need some relief.

Once I get to Bristol it's a short walk from Temple Meads train station to the client's offices. The day goes really slowly, I'm distracted by thoughts of Tom and have to work really hard to focus and make sure the client doesn't notice. I do get a reply from Tom but it's a short message telling me he's fine. I get the feeling he's just saying that and he's not fine at all.

After work I check into my hotel and the first thing I do is have a wank. I get completely naked and lie on the bed. I close my eye and with one hand I slowly start stroking my very hard dick and the with the other I pinch and twist my nipples. I instantly start leaking a lot of pre-cum. I know I won't last long so I stroke very slowly and try and make this last. All the time I'm thinking of Tom. Despite wanting to make it last I shoot in less than 10 minutes. It's a big load that goes everywhere. I'm going to have to shower to clean up properly. I just lie for a while enjoying that post orgasmic feeling. Eventually I start getting hungry so get in the shower and get ready to go out and find somewhere to eat. As I'm walking to a restaurant I try calling Tom but he doesn't answer. I'm worried about him but tell myself maybe he just needs some space. I'm sure he's trying to figure things out just like I am.

As I'm having my dinner I get a text from Mark (Tom's twin brother) asking if I'm around and could we go for a drink. I'm intrigued by that, whenever I've met up with Mark it's always been with Tom there too. I wasn't even sure Mark had my number. I tell him I'm out of town and ask if everything's alright. He just says we need to talk and it's best to do it in person. It sounded serious so I tell him I'll be back on Wednesday evening and arrange to meet up with him then.

The next 2 days I try unsuccessfully to have a meaningful conversation with Tom. He doesn't answer his phone and I get one word replies to texts. It's about 7pm on Wednesday when my train gets into Paddington Station in London. I arrange to meet Mark for a drink at a bar in Sheldon Square which is right by the station. When I get there he's waiting for me outside. He looks just like Tom but has longer hair but even if they had the same hair just by his demeanour and mannerisms I could tell it wasn't Tom.

We go inside, I get us both drinks while Mark grabs a table, I then join him. We make small talk for a few minutes before I finally ask him

"So what's up? What did you want to talk about?"

"Ummm well this is a bit awkward. What's the deal with you Sam?"

I stare at him blankly "What do you mean?"

"I thought you were a normal straight guy but you're obviously not"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, raising my voice.

"Well everything with you and Tom"

"What about it? You know all about the deal with Will. You were there getting butt fucked when we agreed everything." I sneer at that last bit. I didn't mean to but Mark's tone is really starting to piss me off.

"Yeah I serve Master Will. I'm proud to do that but I'm not a gay boy"

"What's that gotta do with anything? I'm not judging you, why do you care about my sexuality?"

"I care because of Tom."

"What about Tom?" I ask.

"Don't pretend you don't know what's going on. You both did what you had to in Melbourne because Master Will wasn't there and it's great you were willing to do that. But that was all supposed to stop when we got back."

"Look Mark, I don't know what Tom has told you but whatever happens between us is no one's business but ours. I'm not gonna discuss that with you."

"I know you both hooked up at the weekend. Why would he do that, you don't have his key anymore?"

"You have to ask him?" I say

"But why did you go along with it?"

"That's none of your business" We both just stare at each other for a moment. This conversation is going nowhere. "Mark, what's going on. Why are you really here?" I eventually ask

"I'm just trying to look out for my brother. I'm worried he has changed since returning from Melbourne." He looks down then quietly adds "I don't want him to be gay"

"Look at me Mark" he looks up. "I don't know what's going on with Tom. I don't think he even knows. I think you're right, he has changed but that change isn't about his sexuality. It's to do with Will"

Mark give me a really intense look, like I've said something truthful but really hurts him. "You got him into a lot of trouble" he says.

"Why what did Will do?" I ask almost shouting.

"Master Will hasn't done anything yet apart from punish Tom in the ways we both normally get punished. But things are going to get worse for him if he doesn't change"

"What did Tom do?" I ask

"As soon as he turned up to Sir's place on Sunday it was obvious something was up. The hickey on his neck was a dead give away. That was you wasn't it?"

I look at him blankly and don't answer. I'm not giving anything away as I feel like that would be betraying Tom's trust.

Mark takes a sip of his drink and continues "Come on Sam, I know he was with you on Saturday for the rugby, then he texted me to say he was going to yours for food and will be back late. But he never came home that night"

"So what happened at Will's?" I ask

"Master Will wanted to know what Tom had been up to. We're supposed to tell Sir about all romantic or sexual encounters. Even if it's just making out with a girl at a club. Sir needs to know so he can look after us and make sure we're not doing anything stupid"

"What did Tom say"

"He refused to answer. Sir was livid"

"We both got punished, he really went at it with caning Tom, but Tom still wouldn't say anything."

"Shit" I shout. "Is he okay"

"Yeah he's fine, this is nothing new for us. Master Will is never gonna harm us. But he's being punished every night."

I slam the table with my fist. "He needs to get away from him" I shout.

"I knew it" Shouts Mark. "This is your fucking fault."

"What?" I ask angrily

"Tom told Sir, he doesn't want to be his slave anymore and wants to be free"

"Really, he said that?" I smile. "Good for him" I say more to myself than Mark.

"You dick" Shouts Mark. "Don't you know this is the best thing to happen to Me and Tom. We're screw ups. We wouldn't be anywhere without Sir"

"Calm down Mark. Surely you don't believe that. You both are great guys, you don't need Will."

Mark looks exasperated. "You can't understand Sam. I thought you might after Tom's screw ups in Melbourne but you still don't get it"

"Look if Tom's not happy then he shouldn't have to put up with this. Nor should you"

"I'm very happy serving my Master" Mark pumps out his chest as he says that.

"Ok, good for you" I shrug my shoulders as I say that.

Mark has finished his drink and gets up to leave.

"Look Sam you're never gonna understand what we have With Master Will. You should stay away from us, Tom will be better off focusing his efforts on serving Sir"

I'm taken aback by that and before I can say anything he starts putting on his coat.

"Seriously stay away from my brother." He shouts and walks out of the bar.

The next day I'm back in the office and looking forward to catching up with Tom. I'm really disturbed by Mark's words and need to hear from Tom what's going on. Tom isn't in when I get to the office, not surprising he's almost never in before 10. It's about 11 when I finally see him and get a chance to go over to him and see how he is. He's acting very coldly towards me and giving me short answers. I know something is wrong and troubling him. I guess he's giving me the cold shoulder like I did to him after he saw me eating my own cum on the orders of Will. Throughout the day I keep an eye on him and notice he's really subdued. I ask one of the lads on his team if Tom's been okay last few days. Apparently he's been like this all week, not really talking to anyone.

It's Thursday night which means the regular crowd of office piss-heads will be going for after work drinks. That almost always include myself and Tom. I don't really feel like it tonight but go anyway hoping at some point Tom would join us. Unfortunately he doesn't so I call a night at about 8pm.

Friday is a lot like Thursday, Tom is definitely not his normal self and I still can't get more than two words out of him. It's about 5.30pm and people are starting to leave the office. I go to Tom's desk to speak to him.

"Hey mate" I say

"Hi" replies Tom

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, just gonna have a night in"

"Let's go for a drink" I say

"No, I don't feel like it"

"Come on, we need to talk. Something's obviously up with you"

"No really, I don't want to"

I'm getting a bit annoyed and also really concerned for him. I've never known Tom to not want to go out for a drink.

I get close to him and say in a quieter voice. "I'm not asking. You're coming with me a for a drink boy." I emphasise the word boy. "Do you understand?"

He gulps and whispers "Yes sir"

"Good, meet me in the lobby in 10 minutes" I say and walk away to get ready to leave.

10 minutes later we're walking out the building in silence. Tom has his shoulders slumped like he's carrying the weight of the world. I decide not to go to any of the bars near the office as I don't want to bump into anyone from the office, couldn't exactly talk about Tom's slave boy issues with other people around.

We head to the Southbank, it's only two stops from the office on the Jubilee line and I hope it won't be too busy. It has outdoor bars and it's still very cold so I expect it won't be heaving like most places are on Friday evening. We get there about 20 minutes later and it's quite lively but we're able to easily get a drink and find a spot to stand where we can talk.

"So mate you gonna tell me what's wrong?" I ask

"Nothing, everything's grand" he says sullenly.

"Come on man, are you regretting what we did last Saturday at my place?"

"Oh no, not at all" he replies

"So it's Will then?" I ask

He looks down and doesn't say anything.

"Look I know something happened. I met Mark on Wednesday and he told me to stay away from you"

"What?" He shouts. "Why were you meeting my brother and he shouldn't have said that to you."

"Calm down mate. Mark texted me and wanted to meet up. I think he's misguided but he's just looking out for you. Look I don't know what's going with you and Will but if us being friends is causing you trouble than you just need to say. We can be just colleagues if that's what you want."

"No" He shouts again. "I want the opposite of that"

I give him a confused look "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter anyway." He looks down again. "I can never have what I want. I'm trapped serving Master Will"

"So Mark told me you got in trouble with Will, you told him you didn't want to be his slave anymore. Is that right?"

"Yeh. I don't wanna do it anymore"

"What did Will say?"

"He laughed in my face and when he realised I was serious he said it's never gonna happen and he's been punishing me ever since."

"Shit, that bastard. He shouldn't be forcing you if you don't want to do this. What does Mark think of all this?"

"He thinks I'm an idiot. He blames you, thinks you've been putting ideas in my head. But he's wrong, you've not done anything like that. I told him that but he doesn't believe me."

"Don't worry about him, he'll come around. He's concerned, he doesn't think you can handle yourself being a free boy. He mentioned the incident in Melbourne"

"He's right, I can't handle myself. I would fuck up big time if I was free"

I give hime a confused look. "So what's the plan then?"

"Sam!" He looks at me exasperated. "Isn't it obvious?"

I give him a blank look.

"I want you."

"What?" I ask.

"I want to serve you, I want you to be my master."

"Really?" My cock has gone rock hard in my jeans and I don't know what to say to him.

"You are dumb sometimes, wasn't it obvious I want you?" He says.

"Be careful boy, I'll remember you calling me dumb if I become your master"

I chuckle and Mark also laughs. We needed that to break the tension.

"Look Tom, I don't know what to say. I liked you serving me, and you saying that has got me hard" I point down towards my crotch.

He looks down and grins at me, there's an obscene bulge.

As much as I want to listen to my hard dick and find a way to just fuck Tom, I have to be a bit more mature than that. I don't truly understand the implications of what he's saying and I don't want to rush into anything and I'm not convinced he knows what he wants either.

"I don't know if I can be a good master to you and give you what you require. I'm not even gay" I feel stupid as soon as I say that. I quietly mutter "At least I don't think I am"

"It doesn't matter about gay or Straight, Sam. I like you and I wanna serve you and I think you'll be a good master to me."

"You've given this a lot of thought haven't you?" I ask

"This is all I've thought about since we got back"

"Tom, I need to give this some serious thought. It going to be a lifestyle change for me and if we do this I will commit to it properly. I need some time to think about it."

"Okay" he looks down and mutters sadly.

"Look at me Tom" He looks up again. "I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I don't want to mess you around, I know this is an important aspect of your life. It'd be too easy for me to say yes, let's do this but that would end badly for you if I wasn't committed. Let me think about this properly and if I say yes then I will be a fully committed master to you. Okay?

"Yeh" He smiles, I hope feeling a bit reassured.

We've almost finished our drinks so I say to Tom "Right be a good slave boy and get some more drinks" and slap him on his ass. That lightens the mood and we both laugh as he replies "Yes sir"

When Tom returns we don't talk much more about the master slave stuff, instead just chat about other things like 2 normal mates would. About 2 hours later I'm getting hungry so I suggest to Tom we go back to my place, order some food and play xbox. He happily agrees, we finish our drinks and walk to Waterloo station to get the tube home.

We get back to my place and order pizza. This time I insist on getting decent Pizza and not Dominos like Tom wanted again. I think to myself if I was his master, wouldn't need to debate about stupid things like his. We spend the next few hours drinking all the beer I had in the fridge and playing on the Xbox.

Eventually I'm tired and say to Tom, let's go to bed. This time there's no pretending he's going to sleep anywhere other than in my bed. We both get ready for bed, I use the bathroom and brush my teeth then return to my bedroom. I'm not surprised to find Tom standing naked and ready to serve me. He approaches me and gets to his knees. I lift him up by his shoulders and get him back to his feet. I explain to him we're not going to be having sex tonight and he doesn't have to serve me. He says he wants to but I don't feel right about it. As much as I hated it Will is still Tom's master and he doesn't want Tom serving me. When I explain this to Tom he reluctantly agrees. I suggest we both just go to bed. I get completely naked and get under the covers and Tom joins me. I pull Tom in tight next to my body and spoon him. I'm obviously the big spoon. My dick is hard and nestles perfectly in between Tom's ass crack. He grinds his ass into my crotch a few times so I end up poking his hole. I know what he's trying to do. I had no idea I had this much self control but somehow I resisted putting my dick in him. I'm sure my cock hated me that night. I close my eyes, enjoying the closeness I'm feeling to Tom. I fall asleep holding him tight to me.

I have one of the best nights sleep. It's about midday when I wake up. I see Tom's already awake and playing on his phone.

"Morning sleep head" he says smiling.

"Morning slave boy" I say and chuckle.

"Ooooh does that mean you'll be my master?" He asks cheekily.

"You wish"

"Yeah I do" he says with a big grin on his face. He then goes to grab my cock which is hard due to morning wood. "Want me to take care of that"

"Hey, behave"

We spend the next 2 hours watching tv and cuddling in bed. It just feels right. Sort of thing I've done with past girlfriends, nothing beats a lazy day spent in bed with someone you like. Eventually we have to get up, both of us have our own plans and need to get on with our day. I reluctantly let Tom leave and instantly feel a bit sad and empty. This is really confusing for me, the feelings I'm developing for him go beyond friends and that scares me. I also just want to help him and protect him. That's what I focus on. How can I get him out of Will's clutches?

A plan starts forming in my mind and I arrange to meet up next weekend with an old friend of mine from back home who is a lawyer. I need his advice. It'll mean going up to Manchester for the weekend, it's a 3 hour drive if there's no traffic. I don't think I can have this conversation over the phone. Also I figure it'll be nice to see my family and I could do with a weekend away from here to clear my head.

Next few days Tom is almost back to his normal self. I know Will is still troubling him but he's doing well to hide it. He tries to bring up the topic of my becoming his master a few times but I tell him I need a bit more time and explain to him I'm going away for the weekend to think about things properly. I don't tell him anything about my lawyer friend.

When I return from Manchester I'm determined to have Tom freed from Will, I still don't know if I should be his master. I feel more like I want to have fun fucking him but don't need to be responsible for him so maybe I shouldn't be his Master. I don't tell Tom that outright and simply say first of all he needs to be rid of Will. I've arranged to meet with Will at the weekend to sort out all this.

I get to Will's place at the agreed time and he invites me in. Tom and Mark are already there, both naked except for the cock cages.

"So Sam, what brings you here?" Asks Will

"I think you know Will" I pause before continuing "Tom here's already told you he doesn't want to serve you anymore"

Will gives Tom a dirty look and Tom shuffles on his feet showing his nervousness and unease.

"Yes he did but that's none of your business. You were done with Tom as soon as you returned from Melbourne"

"Tom's my friend, that makes it my business" I reply. "He doesn't want to do this anymore, just let him go"

"You know I can't do that"

"Why not?" I ask.

"You know why not. It's for their own good. Both of them need a master to control them or they go off the rails."

"Tom's an adult, you don't need to worry about that. He'll have to take responsibility for his own actions."

"Hey, if he really believes that then he can leave right now"

"Great!" I say. "Unlock his cage and we'll be out of here."

"I'm not doing that" Will says with an evil grin on his face, "But he's free to go and never has to return"

"Come on Will, you know that's not possible. Unlock him and we're out of here"

"No" He shouts.

"Ok" I say. "There are other ways we can do this. You'll be hearing from my lawyer early next week."

"What??" Stammers Mark. Looking at me and Tom with a shocked look. Tom is also looking surprised.

Will looks a bit uncomfortable then says "Oh really, what's your lawyer gonna do about it"

"There are various issues for him to look into and if necessary take to court. An analysis of Tom's finances for a start and if he's been coerced into anything due to you making him wear a cage"

"Haha" says Will. Everything's legal and consensual."

"Well it doesn't seem very consensual right now. I wonder what a judge would make of that. Oh and this won't be a criminal matter, he'll be lodging a civil suit."

Will doesn't seem convinced and shrugs his shoulders. "Do whatever you have to. Makes no difference"

"Maybe not" I respond. "But what do you think is gonna happen when it comes out these lads were under age when this started. Can 16 or 17 year olds give consent like that. The judge might decide to make it a criminal matter"

Will stares at me and I look right into his eyes not breaking eye contact.

"Ok Sam, you win" Will eventually responds. He turns to look at Tom, "You're free boy, I'll unlock your cock and I'll have nothing to do with you from now on"

Tom looks a bit astounded then has a big smile on his face.

Will then turns to look at Tom's brother. "Mark, I hope you understand what this means. Tom is no longer under my control and I don't trust him. He will be a bad influence on you. Therefore you're forbidden to see him again"

"What!!" Both Tom and Mark blurt out at the same time"

"But Sir" Mark starts to stammer "We're brothers"

"Sir please" Tom begs, "He's my twin, I can't not see him"

Will turns towards me. "Sam, I take my responsibilities very seriously. I'm positive Tom won't be able to control himself and he'll drag down Mark with him"

"Come on Will, you know how close they are. This will be unfair to both of them"

"I know, Sam. This is non-negotiable. I don't trust Tom as a free boy."

"Okay Will, Tom won't be a free boy. I'll be taking over as his Master."

"I don't think so Sam" Will replies.

"It's not really your decision is it." I say.

"No Tom can choose to serve whoever he wants. I don't think you'll be a good master and I can't take that risk with Mark"

"What??" I say sounding a bit offended. "I was able to do it in Melbourne"

"Yeh you were but it wasn't all smooth sailing and you had me to fallback on and guide you. This is nothing personal Sam, you know very little about this lifestyle and don't have the experience to be a good master."

"I'll learn. I care about Tom and will take good care of him"

"Sam, it's obvious you care about him but that's not the point"

"So what is the point?" I say, getting a bit annoyed now.

"Do you remember the first time you had to spank Tom?"


"After that spanking you spoke to me and asked how you know when to stop or how hard to hit him. You were really unsure"

"Yeh but I managed it"

"You did but I bet you're still unsure about how far to go"

I don't say anything. He's right I am unsure about these things.

"Do you remember what I said was the best way to learn" asks Will.

"Yeh, experience it for yourself" I reply.

"Exactly Sam" Will says with a big smile on his face. "I told you, in my younger days, I'd been a sub, experienced some of what these boys are going through. That's what made me the master I am today"

"Good for you Will." I reply. "What's your point?"

"My point is you don't have that experience"

"I'll learn on the job" I say.

"Not good enough."

"We're not getting anywhere with this" I say, starting to lose my patience.

"Let's come to an agreement Sam. I'll free Tom, there'll be no limits on Mark seeing his brother and you can be Tom's master. If...."

"If what?" I ask

"If you can show me you could become a good Master"

"How would I do that?" I ask.

"You submit to me for 1 week"

"What?" I shout.

"For 7 days, you're a slave just like those 2 boys. I treat you the same, except you can end it at any point. If you get through the week than we have a deal and Tom's yours"

I panic a little bit and look at Tom. He's looking at and then drops his head in despair. He understands no one would do something like that for him.

"Are you serious?" I ask Will. "1 week and Tom's free"

"Yes, I'm dead serious"

"If I do this, you have to give the same option to Mark also. If he wants to be free than he can also leave"

Will seems to be thinking about it when Mark interrupts. "Master I don't want to leave you even if you free Tom"

Hearing that Will shrugs his shoulders and replies "Fine"

I hesitate again and look at Tom. I can't stand seeing him despondent like that. "Ok fine, I'll do it." I shout. Tom looks up at me stunned. I'm a bit stunned to and really unsure of what I'm getting.

"Sam" Will says in a very soft tone "Think about this very carefully please. Take your time and text me in a few days. I won't accept your answer today. Please go and consider it and then text me. If you decide yes, we can work out when to do it."

Soon after that I leave. I don't know what to do. Could I really submit to Will? What would he make me do? I was sure I'd be getting a lot more experience in gay sex, perhaps more than I ever wanted to.

I very seriously consider forgetting about it all and leaving Sam to his fate. The legal stuff was a bit of a bluff anyway and would be really difficult to get a result and be too expensive.

I agonise over the decision for the next 24 hours. Whenever I decide it's crazy and I should just tell Will to fuck off, I think about Tom and my heart melts and I know I can't leave him to serve Will.

Eventually I text will and tell him I'll do it. It's Easter in a few weeks time, which means a 4 day weekend as Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays. We decide that would be the best time for me to become a slave boy to Will.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 14

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