Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Jan 26, 2021


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After a very long flight we land at London's Heathrow airport. By the time we clear passport control, pick up our luggage and get through customs it's about 7am.

We both order an Uber each, very keen to get back to our respective homes as quickly as possible. We're waiting at the Uber pick up point in one of the car parks. We're both quiet maybe due to the tiredness or for me it was a sense of sadness that our adventure had come to an end. Or maybe it's just due to the bloody cold, when we left Melbourne it was sunny 30c and now it's wet and almost freezing.

We both smile at each other awkwardly.

"Hey Sam" Tom says

"Yeh mate"

"Thanks for everything"

I'm a bit take aback by that. I'm not sure why he's thanking me.

"It's fine mate." I honestly don't know what to say to him. I need to process my thoughts. I do have an overwhelming sense of sadness right now and I don't know why.

"Do you want this back?" He pulls out the chain with padlock through it which he was still wearing around his neck.

"You keep it" I say smiling. "A reminder of our special trip down under"

"Thanks. I'm sure Master Will won't let me wear it but I'll cherish it."

I see my Uber pulling up. Tom goes in and hugs me. The hug is tighter and longer than a normal bro hug. We eventually pull away from each other and I get into the car.

I get home and as soon as I enter through the front door, there's a screaming sound. "Hiiiiiiii". It's Lilly, one of my housemates. She comes up to me and gives me a big hug. That feels good, it's nice to be home. She's getting ready for work and leaves shortly after. I jump in the shower, I feel gross after the flight.

After showering, I'm debating if I should go to bed or go to the office. It's a Friday and no one is expecting me to be in work today. I decide to go in. I'm super tired but I think if I go into the office it'll help me adjust to the time difference.

I walk to Swiss Cottage tube station and get the Jubilee line train to London Bridge. As soon as I get on the train I'm regretting my decision. I didn't miss the commute on a packed train (this is pre-covid, I would now love to get on a busy train into Central London and go to the office).

About 25 minutes later I get into the office and spend most of the morning catching up with people. Tom isn't here, he obviously decided to stay home and get some sleep. I feel a real sense of disappointment when I realise I won't see him today and most likely until Monday.

At about 2pm I decide to go home. I can barely stay awake. No one in the office could understand why I even bothered to come in today. As soon as I get home, I undress and get into bed. I'm really sleepy but first I need a wank. It's been a day and a half since I last came and my balls feel full. I slowly stroke my cock and realise it's been a while since I've had to do this. The past few weeks I've had Tom's mouth at my disposal, waking me up every morning. That's not going to happen again, I sadly think to myself. It doesn't take me long to cum and then straight away I fall asleep.

I have the best sleep ever, there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed after being away for a few weeks. I wake up and it's 2am. Damn this jet lag, this is going to be annoying for the next few days. I check my phone and I've got 3 missed calls from Will. I've also got several messages from him:

"Hey Sam, how was your flight home? Are you around this evening?"

"Hey Sam, you ok?"

"Sam are you free tonight to come round to my place?"

"Can you reply please?"

"Answer your phone boy! Don't ignore me"

I'm a bit shocked at the tone of that last message. Who does he think he is? I'm tempted to ignore him or tell him to fuck off!

A few minutes later I calm down and text back

"Hi, sorry I fell asleep really early and just saw your texts. I'm free most of tomorrow afternoon."

I just couldn't send him a rude response or ignore him. I don't know why.

When I get up in the morning I've got another text from Will

"Come over to my place for 2. Can you bring the key Tom's cage?"

"Sure, see you then" I reply back.

At least now I know why he wants to see me. Tom is probably whining about getting unlocked.

A little after 2 I knock on the door to Will's apartment. The door is opened by a naked guy in a chastity cage. I stand there for a few seconds ogling him and trying to figure out if it's Tom or Mark. The tattoo on the chest gives it away, it' Mark.

"Hey Mark" I raise my hand to shake his.

"Hi Sam, Come on in" Mark shakes my hand. There was something strange about shaking hands with a locked naked guy like that.

Mark seems a lot more confident being naked around me now compared to the last time I saw him like this. I know he spoke to his brother a lot so probably got used to the idea of me knowing their secret.

I walk into the living room. Will is sat on the sofa. He gets up to greet me. "Hey Sam, good to see you again. Thanks for coming over."

"Hi Will" I say.

"How was your trip?" He asks

"It was fine. Busy few weeks"

We make small talk for a few minutes. Will offers me a drink and Tom comes out with a beer for me. As expected he's naked except for his cock cage.

"Tom behave himself?" Will asks

"Mostly yeah. A few little problems but we dealt with them over there."

Will smiles and looks at Tom, "Yeh I can see that."

I reach into my pocket and get the key to Tom's cage. "Here you go, I guess you want this back"

"Thanks" says Will taking the key. "And thanks for taking care of this one"

"No worries Will." I mumble. "Well I should get going"

"Hold on Sam, sit down and finish your beer. While you do that I'm gonna take care of Tom"

Will stands up and simultaneously Mark and Tom kneel down in front of him. They undo Will's trousers and lower them including his underwear. His steps out of them and his cock is instantly hard. I just stare at his thick 9" black cock. Mark and Tom kiss its and then lick either side of it. They do this for a minute and then Tom starts sucking that big black cock. He sucks it gently before building up to deep throating Will's cock. I'm impressed when I see him take it all the way down his throat. He did that to me loads of times but Will is bigger and thicker. Mark stands up and remove Will's t-shirt. He licks one of Will's nipples and then goes to town on it, biting it really hard. Will seems to really enjoy that. He's pulling the back of Mark's head into his chest.

After a minute of this Mark and Tom swap places. Mark starts sucking his Master and just like Tom, he deep throats that cock. I wonder which twin is the better cocksucker. I guess I'll never find out, maybe I could ask Will to let Mark suck me.

Tom is sucking and biting Will's other nipple. He lets them do this for a few minutes. Will pulls Tom's head off his chest and grabs him by the chin and makes Tom look up at him.

"You miss me boy?" Asks Will

"Yes sir"

"You miss pleasing your Master?"

That question makes me feel funny. Just 2 days ago I was his Master. Is will saying this to show me who's really in charge?

"Yes master" replies Tom.

"You want my dick boy? Want me to make your pussy feel good?"

Tom nods his head. "Can I cum master?"

"We'll see boy"

He lets go of Tom and pull Mark of his cock.

"Mark, get your brother ready for a good fucking"

"Yes Sir" replies Mark.

Tom gets on his hands and knees on the floor, exposing his ass to everyone. Mark crouches down behind him, spreads apart the ass cheeks and swipes his brother's hole with his tongue. I'm shocked he'd do that to his own brother but I'm also a bit jealous that I'm not licking that sweet boy pussy. Mark starts licking vigorously at Tom's hole, and then starts to tongue fuck him. He keeps this up for a few minutes and then introduces a finger into his hole. Mark adds a second finger and then a 3rd before rapidly finger fucking his twin.

"I think he's ready Master" Mark eventually announces and pull his fingers out of Tom's hole. He stands up and licks his fingers, tasting his brother's pussy juices.

Mark walks over to Will and lubes up his cock. Will gets in position behind Tom and slowly slides his dick into Tom's hole. He doesn't stop until he's all the way in. Tom moans in pain. "I missed this boy hole" grunts Will and slaps Tom's ass a few times. He starts fucking Tom. Slowly at first but soon picks up speed. 10 minutes later he's hammering Tom's hole. Tom is moaning like a bitch but he's cock is still locked up so he can't get any relief. Will stabs that ass a few times very rapidly then thrusts deep inside Tom's guts and starts breeding his slave boy. He roars as he does this, showing everyone he's a true alpha.

As Will finishes spewing his seed inside Tom, he looks me straight in the eyes. I can't look away from him. He's got a look on his face, I can't tell if it is scaring me or exciting me. Will pulls out of the boy hole and stands up, still looking at me.

"Enjoy the show, Sam?"

I nod

"You must be so hard right now, you need to cum don't you?" Of course I need to cum, you'd have to be blind and deaf not to get turned on by that. Even then the smell of sex in this room would get you hard.

I just nod again.

"You know what to do"

I undo my jeans, lower them slightly to whip out my hard dick from inside my boxers.

"Not like that boy" Will shouts. "You remember last time"

I do. Last time I was here Will made me get naked and wank. Of course that time it was just the two of us, Tom and Mark had left. I don't say anything, just stand up and start undressing. I find it a bit embarrassing getting naked in front of the twins, but I'm too horny. I'll do anything right now to get off.

As I undress Will makes Tom stand up and gets Mark to unlock his brother's cage.

I sit back down on the sofa and gently start stroking my cock.

"Tom, here's your reward. Go and sit next to Sam and jerk off. I'll allow you to cum using your own hands. But you cum when I tell you to. Understand boy?"

"Yes sir" says Tom smiling. He comes and sits down next to me, our knees are touching. He starts slowly wanking his cock just like I am.

Will comes and stands in front of both of us. He's towering above us, his big black cock now only semi-hard dangling between his legs. It's got some cum on the tip and seems to be coated in Tom's ass juices. It smells pungent but also masculine and of man sex.

"That's it stroke your cocks boys" Will says encouraging us.

We go like this for a few minutes. Will reaches forward and tweaks my nipple. I let out a loud moan. He does the same with Tom.

It's at that point I realise Will is treating me just like Tom. That thought, the sexy smell from Will's cock and the sensations on my nipple push me over the edge. I stroke hard and my dick starts spewing cum.

"Cum now! Tom" Will shouts.

As soon as Tom hears that he also starts cumming. Don't know how he could do that on command.

My hand and stomach are covered with my cum, and Tom has his cum over his chest.

Will scoops up Tom's cum and feeds it to him. He does this a few times making sure most of the cum is gone.

Once he's done feeding Tom, using his other hand he does the same to me. He feeds me my own cum and I lap it up off his fingers. Both Tom and Mark are watching me intently as Will does this.

As I come down from my orgasmic high and realise what's going on, I'm filled with shame and guilt. I quickly get up and start putting on my clothes. I still have some cum on my chest but I don't care. I have to get out of here.

I put on my shoes and head towards the door.

"See ya Sam, thanks for bringing over the key" Says Will as I open the door to leave.

I pause for a second but can't think of anything to say. I walk out the door and try and get away from there as quickly as I can.

I walk to Holborn Station and get on the tube to go home. I keep thinking of what just happened, how am I going to face Tom on Monday?

I resolve to myself, I'm not ever going back there again. I'm done with this gay shit.

Thanks for reading. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad

Next: Chapter 12

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