Trouble with Twins

By Sam Smith

Published on Dec 21, 2020


I'm sat on Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro, drinking a caipirinha and getting more and more annoyed. It was almost the end of my 4 week South America trip, I was supposed to be here with my girlfriend but we broke up 2 months ago and I'd decided to come out by myself. For most of the trip I'd been travelling with others making friends along the way but now with 3 days left I was by myself and feeling a bit sorry about my failed relationship. To make things worse I'm being bothered by work while on vacation.

A bit about me, I'm Sam, 33 years old, Caucasian, 5'11 with a swimmers build. I'm from the UK and work for a small tech company in London.

It's this tech company that's been bugging me all morning. They want me to go and work in our Melbourne office for 4 weeks next month and I've just finished arranging that with them and booking my flights. Just when I thought it's all sorted I get a WhatsApp message from Tom, my colleague who's going to Melbourne with me.

Tom is 24, Caucasian with olive skin like he has a permanent tan, slim build and few inches taller than me. And he has an identical twin brother.

I read the message from Tom: "Hey Sam when do you get back to London?"

I reply "Xmas Eve" (it's few days before Christmas)

My phone buzzed again: "What time?"

I read it and get annoyed. I'm not going into the office, it'll be shut until new year so wonder why he's asking. I reply:

"Land at 11am, then driving to Manchester to see my parents for Xmas, back in London New Year's Day"

Phone buzzes again:

"I really need to see you before you go up to Manchester. Can you meet me before you drive up?"

"Sorry mate" I reply. "Won't have time, it's a 4 hour drive and I got stuff to sort out before that"

A few minutes later another message from Tom

"Please mate, I need to see you or I can't go to Melbourne, probably have to resign"

Now I'm really curious:

"What's going on mate?"

"Can't explain like this. Please I really need your help"

I've known Tom for over 2 years, we go drinking almost every week and I tend to look out for him at work. It was gonna be inconvenient but I agreed to meet him once I landed back in London.

A few days later I land at Heathrow airport and head into central London. Tom asked me to meet him at Holborn station. I thought that was weird as it wasn't anywhere near where either of us lived. I had over the last few days unsuccessfully tried to find out more from him.

As I exit the barriers at Holborn station I spot Tom and walk towards him. His twin brother Mark is standing nearby, I was a bit surprised to see him there. Even though they're identical twins I've spent enough time with them to tell them apart. I greet Tom and Mark and ask again what's up and why I'm here. Tom doesn't answer the question and looks really nervous. He's normal a really confident guy and I've never seen him like this so I'm quite concerned at this point. His brother who is also normally confident and a bit cocky was also being really quiet. We leave the station and make small talk, they ask me about my trip but I can tell they're not really listening to my answers.

After a 10 minute walk Tom stops and Mark announces we're here. We turn into a fancy looking apartment building, Mark presses the buzzer and we're let in. I ask whose place is this but neither of them respond. We go to the top floor of the building, and knock on the door to what must be the penthouse apartment. There's a click and Tom pushes the door open and we go in. I can tell this is really expensive place and don't know how or why either Tom or Mark would know anyone who lives here. We enter a large living space and are greeted by a tall black guy. I'm taken aback by the size of him, must be like 6'8 really well built probably all muscle. Must be in his early 40's may be younger, it was difficult to tell. He comes up to my and shakes my hand with a really strong grip.

"Hi, you must be Sam. I'm William, you can call me Will"

I just stand there for a few seconds then stammer like an idiot, "Hi Will"

"Come in and take a seat" says Will. "You must be really tired from your flight, the boys told me you were coming here straight from the airport".

I move to the large leather sofa and sit down on the edge. "Yeah I'm quite tired. To be honest I don't know why I'm here, they haven't told me anything but Tom say's it was really important I meet them today"

"Yes I know Tom's been struggling with this ever since he found out he's gonna have to go to Melbourne next month. I'm really hoping you'll be able to help out both him and myself"

I sit there looking confused. "Sorry I really have no idea what's going on. How do you know Tom and Mark"

Will smiles and says "Yes we owe you an explanation. That's a good place to start. Tom and Mark are my boys and to them I'm Master William"

I must've looked even more confused now, all I say is what??

"Let me show you" says Will and then he comes and sits down next to me on the sofa. We both look towards Tom and Mark, who are standing by the doorway looking down at the floor.

"Boys" shouts Mark, "You know the rules, strip and get over here"

Will's words jolt them both into action and they quickly start removing their clothes. Tom looks like he's about to cry. Both boys are down to their boxers when Will shouts that's enough for now.

Will turns to look at me, my mouth was just wide open I think, not quite believing what I was seeing and hearing. "Sam would you like a drink?" I hesitate for a second then mumble "Just a water thanks"

"Sure you don't want something stronger, you look like you need it"

"No thanks" I reply, "I'm driving later"

"Mark, get Sam a water and get me a scotch, you know how I like it"

"Yes master" Mark replies and hurries into the kitchen.

Tom slowly walks into the center of the room, and stand in front of us. He stands straight with his legs spread apart, head bowed and hand clasped behind his back.

There's silence for a few seconds while I stare at Tom, my work colleague and friend who's standing in just his boxers. Without even realising it my eyes are scanning his body and then checking out his crotch which is jutting out a bit in a weird way. I slow turn to Will who is looking at me and smiling. "Sorry Will you're going to have to explain to me slowly what's going on, I'm really not sure what to make of this"

Mark returns to the room with the drinks and then stands next to his brother and adopts the same pose.

"You see" will starts saying "Thomas and Mark are my boys. No I'm not there father (that was obvious just by looking at them) but their dad's a good friend of mine. You see when they were younger in their teens, their parents were really worried about them. As I'm sure you know they're both really smart, have a lot of potential but they risked throwing it all away. They weren't taking school seriously and were at risk of not going to university. Also as I'm sure you've noticed they're both fucking gorgeous and as teenagers were proper studs."

I don't know why but I blushed when he said that.

"Their parents were really concerned they were gonna ruin they lives by not getting an education but also there was a serious chance they'd get some girl knocked up. When they were 16 their dad brought them to me. He wanted me to discipline them and basically sort them out. I won't go into the details of how we got to this stage but basically now I'm their master and Tom and Mark are my boys."

I'm listening intently but still struggling to process what I'm hearing (I was so naive then). "Sorry Will what do you mean you're their master?" I ask.

"Have you heard of Dom / sub or Master/Slave relationships? How about bdsm?"

"You mean with like whips and chains?" I ask

"That can be part of it. In this sort relationship the Dom or Master takes charge of the Sub or Slave. That can be sexually just in the bedroom, or it can be a wider control of the subs life."

"Ohh, I see" It was starting to dawn on me what was going on. "So you're the master and Tom and Mark are your slaves?"


"Is that sexually?"

"Yes I control them sexually but also their wider lifestyle"

"Wow" I whisper to myself. "So are they gay?"

Will laughs "I am but god no, they're completely not. If they were then their father wouldn't have been worried about grandkids while these 2 were still in school."

"Okaaayy" I say slowly. "Not sure how that works sexually but I still don't get why I'm here or why you're telling me any of this."

"Right yes, let's get on to that. You see both Tom and Mark and generally really good boys and have their shit together. You've hung out with them a fair bit, right?"

"Yes" I nod

"Then you've seen what they get like on nights out, lots of drinking, weed, girls?"

I nod again. I knew exactly what Will was referring to, these lads really knew how to party, girls were always all over them and sometimes things did get out of hand, we'd been thrown out of clubs a few times.

"Most of that's fine, they're young and should enjoy life but these boys need set limits and I'm here to keep them under control"

"How do you do that" I ask.

"Reward and punishment" Will smiles then says "And also this"

"Boys lose the underwear" Will shouts.

They both go completely red but don't hesitate and before I know it both are standing complete naked in front of us. Well almost completely naked.

I can't help but stare at their crotches. They both have something around their cocks. Mark has some sort of metal tube around his cock with a little slit at the front of it. Tom has something similar but his is see-through and looks like it's made of plastic or glass. I can see his cock has filled out in the tube. Both also have a padlock attached.

I just sit there and stare for a while. Eventually Will announces "It's a chastity cage. It stops them from getting hard or really doing anything with their penises apart from pissing"

"Wowww" is all I can say.

"And that's one way to control them. It's actually really simple, I can literally control them with their penises. If they ever want to cum they have to be good and earn an orgasm."

He then stands up and walks to Mark and is towering over him. Mark is still standing with his head bowed, Will puts his hand on Mark's chin and tilts his head up so they're looking at each other.

"Have you been a good boy?"

"Yes sir" replies Mark.

"When was last time you orgasmed boy?

"8 days ago sir"

I sit listening to them and think I can't go a day without cumming, how could Mark go 8 days.

"Do you want to be allowed to cum?"

"Yes master. Pleeease" Mark seemed to be genuinely begging

"What will you do to be allowed to cum?"

"Anything you want master"

"Will you pleasure me?"

"Yes sir"

"Good boy." Will pats Mark on the head and then pushed him down to his knees.

Mark knows exactly what he's doing. He goes down to Will's feet and removes his socks. He then undoes the belt to Will's jeans and then opens the button and zip and pulls them down and removes his jeans. Will is now standing in red briefs and has a big bulge in front. Mark gives the bulge a rub and then pulls them down. Will steps out of his underwear and also remove his t-shirt. He's now standing completely naked, I look at his crotch and cannot believe what's dangling. He's not hard yet but must be 6 inches already and quite thick and uncut. Mark slowly starts stroking the big black cock and it starts to get hard and leaking pre-cum. After a few strokes Mark leans forward and take it in his mouth. I can't believe he's actually sucking. I lean forward to get a closer look and without even realising rub my own crotch.

After a few minutes of this Will tells Tom to get the lube. I hear Mark make some sort of sound like he's objecting but can't understand as he's mouth is full of cock. Tom returns and will tells him to get his brother ready. Tom kneels down behind Mark and squirts some lube on to his middle finger and then starts rubbing it onto his brothers bottom. I stand up and move towards them to get a better look and see Tom now has his finger up Marks hole and is fingering him. He pulls out and gets some more lube and puts 2 fingers up there and eventually a third finger. All the while mark is still slobbering on his Master's cock. Soon Tom says "I think he's ready sir" Will pulls out of Marks mouth and Tom takes the lube and rubs it on his master's cock which is covered in his brother's spit.

Will sits down in the middle of the sofa, his cock is rock hard, standing up straight and must now be 9inches if not 10. Mark is just standing there now looking embarrassed and unsure of himself. Will shouts at him "Sit!" And points at his cock. Mark move towards the sofa, turns around so his back is to his Master and slows straddles him, grabs the big black cock and points it towards his well lubed hole. He slowly sits down groans as the cock enters him.

I move to stand right in front of them, can't quite believe what I'm seeing and couldn't look away. I don't know why but I was rock hard and it must've been showing through my joggers. I could also tell I was leaking a lot without even touching myself and hoping it wouldn't stain. I was glad I was wearing black joggers. I'm not gay and have no idea why this was turning me on so much.

Mark continues to lower himself and eventually bottoms out with a big groan. Will grabs both of Mark's nipples gives them a twist then pulls him towards him so now Mark's back is on Will's chest and his head resting on Will's shoulder. I make eye contact with Mark and he looks away completely embarrassed. I then look at Will and he just smiles at me. Will then grabs Marks legs and starts making him bonce on his dick. After a few minutes Mark's groans change and it sounds like his moaning in pleasure now. He's eyes are shut and he's going up and down on that dick. Will then groans "Shall we reward you boy?"

"Yes master" pants Will

Will pushed Mark off his cock and walks towards a cabinet at the side of the room and grabs a key and some handcuffs. Will handcuffs Tom's hands behind his back and and throws the key to Tom who kneels down in front his brother and removes the padlock from Mark's cock cage. He then slowly removes the cage and Marks cock spring out instantly hard and leaking and smacks Tom in the face. Tom moves away, Will grabs Mark and pushes him on to the sofa on his back, grabs Mark's legs puts them on his shoulder and inserts his cock into Mark's already well fucked hole. Mark is moaning like crazy his hard 7" cock bouncing on his stomach and leaking. Will is now really pounding into Mark. Tom comes around and grabs his brother's cock and start stroking it hard. A few seconds later Mark groans really loud and his cock starts shooting. A few spurts land on Marks mouth, Tom continues stroking Mark and his hand is covered in his twin's cum. Will is still pounding Mark's hole, Tom brings his hand to Mark's mouth and makes him lick his hand clean of the cum. I hear Will almost scream and then he shouts take my load boy, and he goes in deep and stops while his cock spews cum into Mark's hole. After a minute Will pulls out and some cum dribbles out Mark's hole which is now wide open. Will stands up and says clean me up boys. Both Mark and Tom get on their knees and start licking Will's cock which is covered in cum. After a few minutes when Will's satisfied he tells the boys to stand up and get's Tom to lock up Mark's cock.

Once Tom's locked up, his handcuffs are removed and the 3 of them clean themselves up with a towel, Will gets dressed and tells Mark to leave.

"You did well today Mark, and should feel proud for being part of this and helping your brother. We've got some things to discuss, so get dressed and go home and get ready to go to your mum's. That's where you're spending Christmas right?"

"Yes master" replies Mark timidly.

"Tom will be home later".

Will asks me to take a seat again and tells Tom to sit down pointing to the floor. Will and I sit on the sofa, Tom sits opposite us on the floor, cross-legged wearing only his cock cage.

"So Sam, are you beginning to understand how this works?" I gulp and say "yeh I'm getting an idea." This was all a lot to take in and I was still hard and I felt like my boxers were soaked with pre. I was still a bit slow on the uptake so asked "I still don't understand why you told or showed me all this"

"Do you remember earlier in the year you guys sent Tom to your Melbourne office?"

"Yeh" I replied. "He worked out there for 2 weeks then went travelling for 2 weeks. Didn't Mark also join you later in the trip Tom?"

"Yeh he came out a week after me and stayed with me"

Will interrupts him "Before they went on that trip they both begged me to release them from their chastity devices, promised to be behave and be good little boys but they really let me down and let themselves down. I won't go into what happened in Oz but they were severely punished when they got back. Anyway Tom has a problem now. He's going to Melbourne for at least month and even that might get extended by a few weeks. He doesn't think he can stay locked for that long so wants me to remove the cage before he goes. In fact ever since this trip's been arranged he's been begging me. Isn't that right Tom?"

"Yes master. I can't go in chastity and survive that long. I also don't know about getting through airport security like this and having to explain to them. I'd have to cancel the trip and probably quit my job instead."

"You're not quitting you job, I've warned you about that. But I can't trust you to go unlocked can I?"

"No master" Tom says dejectedly and looks down.

Will turns to me and says "But we have a potential solution. Tom has something to ask you."

Tom looks up at me, then stands up. "Sam, we're mates and I really respect you at work. I really trust you and it's been really hard bringing you here and having you find out about all of this. Please don't tell anyone about this. I convinced my brother we could trust you not to say anything otherwise he wouldn't have come along today."

At that point I did feel really bad for him. "Don't worry mate, you can trust me. Your secrets safe with me. Please tell that to Mark also."

"Thanks Sam" replies Tom. "I need to ask you a big favour. While we're over in Oz, if Master Will allows it, will you be my master?"

I look at him in stunned silence and all I could do is whisper "Wow" under my breath.

Master will jumps in at this point and says "It's one way out of Tom's predicament although I'm not sure I will allow it yet and Sam I'm not sure you want to do it either. Tom came to me about a week ago and told me about you and how you're both out there at the same time, staying in AirBnb apartments in the same building. Practically it could work, you'd be able to keep an eye on him and let him out of his cage if he deserves some release."

"I don't know" is all I can say.

"Please Sam, it's the only way I can go on this trip. I've got no other reason not to go, I wouldn't be able to explain to anyone in the office why I couldn't go and everything's booked now." Tom was pleading with me and I seriously thought he was going to break down and start crying.

"That's enough Tom" says Will. "I think you've made your point. Sam and I should discuss a few things before either of us can agree to this. Get dressed and go home, we'll talk some more and then let you know what we decide."

"Yes sir" is all Tom says as he gets dressed and then heads out the door.

Thanks for reading. That was part 1. This is my first attempt at writing anything and I'd really appreciate feedback, good or bad:

Next: Chapter 2

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