Troop Richard Wood

By luvbunzy

Published on Sep 11, 2003


Hi this chapter takes a break from camp for the sake of getting to know Joe, one of the older scouts and a counselor in training. It's also where the story takes a more fantasy turn. I love the feedback that I have been getting, so go ahead and send more to

The Horndogs of Troop Richard's Wood's - 3

Joe loved his auto shop class at Richard's Wood High School. He loved it so much that he was the star student before he was even old enough to drive. And the teacher, Mr. Pucker, liked Joe too, though Joe had no idea how much until the day that Mr. Pucker helped him fix up his custom Camaro after school. He had gotten the car as a gift and had a couple of years to fix it up.

They had just gotten the engine running and Mr. Pucker was in the driver's seat. Joe was leaning against the hood, which was vibrating. He was a few weeks away from fifteen, and his adolescent cock was coaxed into erection by the vibration. It was big, very big: eight inches that meant both bragging rights and embarrassment in the locker rooms. It also meant that it was very hard to hide in situations like these, even when buried underneath briefs, baggy jeans, and coveralls.

"You thinking about the first pretty girl that's going to sit in that back seat with you?" Mr. Pucker was standing right behind him, but what he said couldn't be further from the truth. It in fact embarrassed Joe that he had been thinking about his eleven year old brother's best friend, Daniel. He was thinking of the thin smooth boy wearing a thong Speedo and a midriff shirt. The boy was sitting next to him in the car, playing with the tip of the tiny hard prick peeking from the front of the Speedos. The boy winked at him as he drove the car far away, where the two would live wildly together. He would take the young boy's ass and mouth again and again.

"You really like that motor revving, don't you kid?" Mr. Pucker had begun to stroke Joe's leg. He closed the hood of the car. Joe said nothing, leaning against the hood as the teacher's hand moved to the front of his pants and grabbed his dick. He grabbed hard.

"You like that kid?" Joe decided that he did and nodded. He had seen Mr. P looking at him in class. If Joe had shorts on, he would sense the teacher staring at his legs or the he would lean in just a little too close to explain something.

Now though, Mr. Pucker was really taking control. He could smell Mr. Pucker's sweat as he was unzipped and stripped of his coveralls. Mr. Pucker then picked up the skinny teen and set him on top of the hood of the car. He practically ripped the shirt from Joe's back, then yanked off the teen's jeans and shoes.

Joe lay out flat on the hood of the car. His back was hot from the engine and he was beginning to sweat profusely. His chest heaved and he stretched his hands all the way over his head. He was very thin, which made his huge cock seem truly monolithic as his visible rib cage puffed up and down. Mr. Pucker leaned in over Joe. He forced his lips on the boy and kissed hard, pushing his tongue through Joe's lips and on to his teeth. Joe opened up and found himself swallowing the man's tongue. Then teacher licked the fourteen-year-old's musky armpits, sucking up boy sweat. Mr. Pucker sniffed the boy all over, licking up sweat on his chest, his nipples and his navel, savoring the wetness and the odor.

"God, Mr. P," Joe mumbled. "You're a real pervert."

"And you love it, don't you son?" It was true. Joe could only smile at this. He longed for this older man to take him apart. He wanted every inch of his body explored, much in the same way that he loved the thought of exploring young boys. This time though, he would have a teacher, someone to mimic.

Mr. Pucker began to slowly peel Joe's briefs down, taking great care to give his cock a hard squeeze before beginning. Joe almost jumped at this. Mr. Pucker just blew him a kiss. Joe had skinny, wiry legs with much more hair than the rest of his body. His pubes were a dense dark patch. Mr. Pucker grabbed at Joe's legs and put one on each shoulder. He pulled at Joe's cock, not taking any care to be gentle. He squeezed the big dark ball sack and made the boy moan.

"You got this big old toy here, but not the sense to use it. I'm going to teach you a thing or two."

Mr. Pucker leaned in. He sucked hard and tight at the connection of Joe's sack to the base of his penis. He did so all the way to the tip of Joe's dick and then leaned in to swallow the cock, coating it with saliva. Joe jumped at each hard movement. He was sweaty and drunk on pleasure. The car still vibrated underneath him, the noise pounded in his ears. Mr. Pucker reached a finger up to Joe's lips and he sucked on it, wanting to taste the man that was making him feel this way and that refused to let up.

Mr. Pucker was still sucking hard. He moved his newly wet finger behind Joe's balls and began to feel around. He found the entrance to Joe's hole and began to feel around. He massaged in a circular motion. Joe was moaning intensely. Mr. Pucker slipped the tip of his finger.

"Mr. P, that's ..." Joe was silenced by the entrance of the finger into his anus. All he could do was let out a long moan. The teacher could sense that his student was on the verge of cumming. He wanted to fuck the boy's bony ass, but even in the throes of his power play he wasn't too sure if the boy would accept that. He sat the boy up and began to massage his thin shoulders to calm him down. Finally Joe looked at the man with his sweaty face.

"Wow, Mr. Pucker, that was hot. And I haven't even cum yet." Mr. P loved the gaping looks of the young adolescent. The boy was truly na•ve, and anything but a cool talker.

"Well, eager beaver. You get my cock all nice and wet and we'll see what we can do about that."

Joe stared as the teacher whipped his dick out. It was white with a big pink head and the same length as Joe's but of greater thickness. The pale contrasted Mr. P's face, which was tan and leathery and covered with a five o' clock shadow. He was balding but still chiseled and handsome. The hair left on the side of his head was cropped in very closely.

"Cool." Joe's eyes widened at the sight of the cock. Teacher put his rough hand on the back of the boy's neck and slowly guided him down. It took awhile and a few bad scrapes, but with the correct guidance he finally had the boy sucking just like a pro.

Mr. Pucker's cock was good and wet, and that was what he wanted. He slid the boy off of the hood of the car and had him lean against the side by the window. He began to feel the boy's ass. His cheeks were bony and he didn't have to dig too hard to get to the hole.

"You like those fingers in your hole, Joey baby?"

"I sure do, not so sure about the cock though."

"Well then, lets try two." Soon Mr. P was working in two fingers. He was stroking Joe's cock, reaching around. To make sure the boy was thoroughly stimulated. The boy's ass gave more and more as the kid moaned. Joe got used to the stretching sensation, then he just wanted more of it. After three fingers he let out a deep breath.

"Alright, Mr. Pucker. I think I'm ready now. I want your dick in me."

"Then you'll get it, my little A-plus grease monkey." Mr. Pucker went quickly to the bottom drawer of his tool chest, the only drawer that always stayed locked. He reached down his pant leg and pulled the key off of a tiny string.

Soon he had lubed fingers running all over his own cock and into Joe's ass. He made sure to dip into the side of the young hole; he wanted to test its pliability. He flopped his cock into the boys crack and began to rub his slimy head around the entrance. Joe moaned loudly.

"My ass. Please fuck my ass Mr. P." The smell of the boy's rectum was powerful. Mr. Pucker drew it in as it mixed with exhaust fumes and fuels. Not even the industrial ventilation could keep them from swirling around. Mr. P mused on the smells for a few seconds before slowly feeding his dick to Joe's ass.

Joe moaned as he was fucked and fucked. His own big sloppy cock thrashed against the window of the car, scrawling pre-cum on the glass. The fullness in his ass was amazing. He was lost in bliss until the final moments, when cum filled his asshole. He was then quickly flipped around and jerked off to his own completion. Mr. P left the teen leaning back with his hard cock throbbing and spurting out its product.

Mr. Pucker pulled up two lawn chairs. He sat Joe down in one of them and took the other for himself. Joe sat back and sighed in total exhaustion. His butt hole throbbed against the cold plastic seat, but he was too tired to stand up. Mr. P zipped up his own pants as if he had just taken a leak, went to a mini-fridge that he kept on top of his toolbox, and pulled out a couple of cold beers. He tossed one of the beers on to Joe's lap.

Joe pulled back the tab on the beer can almost robotically. He was still dazed in the aftermath of taking Mr. P's big cock in his freshly devirginized hole and had already taken a big gulp of the cold beer before realizing that he had never even tasted the stuff before. He made a puckered up face and Mr. P laughed. Joe watched as Mr. P went to the bottom drawer of his tool chest. He unlocked it with the same key he had used before and began to rummage around.

"So, Mr. Pucker? Is the first time that you've, you know, fucked a student?" At his last words Joe's anus again throbbed as a reminder.

'Why don't I show you something kid." Mr. Pucker had pulled a big metal box from his tool chest. He balanced his beer on top as he sat down.

"Come sit on my lap, boy-o." Joey slowly complied. He had a bit of trouble standing up, but was soon straddling Mr. Pucker's leg. Mr. Pucker put his arm around Joe's shoulder and ran his cold beer can down Joey's chest. He smiled at Joe and their eyes met. Joe smiled his dorky young teen smile back. Mr. Pucker began to open the file-sized box.

Inside, organized neatly, were several zip locked baggies, each containing a name and a pair of underwear. Some were stapled to manila envelopes. Joe wasn't quite sure what he was looking at. The underwear varied from boxers to tiny white briefs. There was even one pair of underoos. Many of the pairs had crunchy stains that Joe recognized.

"Open one of the envelopes." Mr. Pucker instructed. Joe found a pair of tiny fruit of the looms. The shorts were slightly worn and had neat little stain in the crotch area. There was cum, but just a few drops of yellow urine as well. The label read "Bradley." Joe caught a wipe of the undies even through the plastic, and something about them really turned him on. It didn't help much that Mr. Pucker had begun to lightly brush his fingers over Joe's cock.

Joe slowly opened the manila envelope and found a stack of 8 by 10 photos inside. If the fingers brushing his cock weren't enough to make him hard, the photos were. A boy of about twelve, with a bowl haircut and deep brown eyes, was looking over the shoulder at the camera. His ass was open and ready. In others, a five-inch hard-on was framed by downy pubic hairs. And Joe was amazed to see such a young boy driving a pink butt plug into himself with a big wide smile on his face.

"These are from when I taught woodshop at the middle school." Mr. P said. "You like them don't you?" Nothing made Joe want to fuck a young boy of his own like the pictures he was staring at. His cock was huge at the thought. Mr. Pucker stroked it again.

"Don't worry kiddo. I'll help you get some real sweet young ass. And in the process I'll be working yours." Mr. Pucker fingered Joe's ass as he continued to jerk him to another productive climax. He was all set to be a great teacher.

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