Troop Richard Wood

By luvbunzy

Published on Sep 2, 2003


Hi. Here is the second chapter. I am having fun writing this, and would have more fun if people sent mail. I promise to respond to any correspondence that isn't a flame or a virus.

luvbunzy at I am especially interested in hearing about other people's Boy Scout experiences or fantasies.

The Horndogs of Troop Richard's Wood - 2

Jared and Martin were leaning against a tree in a moonlit grove about ten minutes off of the camp's official hiking trail. They each smoked a warm cigarette, trying hard not to cough as the smoke filled their young lungs. Jared, red-headed and the same twelve years of age as his blond puberty-stricken friend, but much smaller, couldn't help it. He coughed.

"Hey Jared." Martin teased, "That'll stunt your growth." Martin looked down at Jared's crotch area and blew smoke at him. "And you need all the help you can get." Jared scrunched up his freckled face. He was embarrassed that his friend, almost the exact same age, was teasing him about his still immature cock.

"Don't worry. You just leaked some jizz before. I did the exact same thing right before mine grew."

Jared was getting embarrassed. All he could do was shut up and shy away.

"Martin, could we please talk about something else. This is a little, you know."

"I know what?"

"It's gay, Martin. Really gay." As he said this, Jared began shifting his legs around uneasily.

"Oh come on. Lots of guys talk about this stuff. I bet you're just embarrassed because it's giving you a stiffy."

"No it's not." But Jared couldn't face his friend when he said this. In truth, his member had been filling to its very slim, four-inch capacity. It was only a few seconds away from being downright painful. Why was he starting to lose control? he asked himself. On the walk through the woods, he thought about his ejaculation that Martin had taken from him, and about his agonizing orgasm. It made him a little afraid of Martin and his wildness, but also made him want to be around him more.

Martin loved the sight of Jared's shaky legs: the slender, pinkish legs of a red headed swimmer. Martin had seen Jared's swim meets and had always been drawn to the sight of his friend in a Speedo. He would watch his friends body stretch out, his round butt twitch at each kick, and he would wonder how Jared could swim so confidently in nearly nothing yet still be so shy about his body at other times. He had seen Jared's dick, he had seen him swim, but what he really wanted was to have Jared totally naked and vulnerable before him. He wanted to hold all of his friend's delicate parts.

"So Jared, how did all of that stuff we did in the tent really make you feel?"

"Um, just weird. It was a little bit strange." But thinking about it was making him tingle and turn red at the cheeks. "You know, I was really wondering if I could see you all naked."

"God Marty, no way!" He turned his head to the ground and started shifting his feet around. He was forced suddenly to think about the possibility of being vulnerable in front of his best friend. "Someone might see." He spoke quietly to the ground.

"Shut up, Jared. We're way off the trail. No one will see." Just then they heard a quiet rustling. Jared jumped.

"What's that?"

"It's a squirrel stupid. Take off your shirt." Martin shined his flashlight right into Jared's face, making him wince. He then shined it on Jared's neck, reaching out to undo the top button. Jared did nothing to help or prevent his friend from doing so.

"Are you going to finish yourself, or am I going to have to do it for you?"

"I'll finish. But just my shirt."

"Sure, just your shirt. Take it off slow, would you." Martin giggled at his own comment and this actually made Jared himself smile and even laugh. Jared started moving in a striptease motion, swaying back and forth as he undid each button on the scout uniform shirt. One side began to hang heavily from the scarf that had been wadded up into the pocket. Jared's tiny pink nipple was exposed. It began to harden in the cold night air.

Jared liked pulling his shirt down slow. He liked the joke that the whole thing had become. He liked that Martin, standing over him by about four inches, also seemed to find the whole thing amusing. Jared was the same age, but hadn't grown yet. He was his best friend's begrudging plaything, but he was beginning to like the play. His enjoyment couldn't stop his slight nervous shaking, however.

Martin had seen his friend's torso before, but never had it been revealed so slowly, or with so much seductive intent. He reached out and touched Jared's nipple, and was very surprised that his friend did not object. Jared had let his shirt drop to the ground. His full upper body was exposed. He giggled uneasily as Martin's finger traced down, tickling him.

"You happy now?" Jared asked.

"Hmmmm." Martin mock pondered as he glided his hand over Jared's soft body. He touched tiny nipples that looked purple and flesh that looked grayish pink in the pale moonlight. He raked his fingers gently over the navel and down so that he could glide his fingers across Jared's waistband.

"I could be happier."


"Jared. You know you want to." Martin continued to play with Jared's waistband, looking down at his friend with lowered, pleading eyes. Jared silently shook his head, but this time he worked to hold his hands back, letting Martin have a little bit of freedom. Martin explored until he found his friends pubic area, still soft and smooth. He rubbed just slightly before pulling his fingers out.

"Guess this is only fair." He stepped back from his friend and began to strip his own shirt off. He exposed a nipple and offered it to Jared.

"Touch it."

"Oh, man." Martin nudged forward. "Oh, alright."

Jared put his hand to Martin's chest for a second, and then tried to pull away. Martin grabbed Jared's hand and held it there. Jared said nothing, just looked at his friend in the eyes. Martin smiled and Jared began feeling his friend's body. He rubbed over the nipples and then felt down, under the remaining buttons on Martin's shirt. The baby fat had begun to melt away, allowing the beginnings of Martin's abdominals to show through. Martin unbuttoned the rest of his shirt. Jared continued to feel his friend's torso, letting his hand slide off of the waistband of Martin's shorts and land at his side.

Martin then peeled down the front of his shorts, exposing his pubic hair to his friend.

"Wow" Jared said. The hair was still very light and very sparse, but to Jared it was amazing. Martin beamed down at his friend.

"Go on and feel it, Jared."

"Oh, I don't know." Jared whined a little. But as he stared, his hand began to think on its own. He slowly moved and began to brush lightly Martin's pubes. There were a few wiry ones, and a soft, glistening patch right at the base of Martin's penis. Jared was getting lost in the feeling. Martin then shucked off his pants and peeled down his white briefs. His penis was hanging out. He took Jared's hand and guided it further down.

Jared was now touching Martin's privates. He looked up at his friend, slightly dismayed, but knowing that he would continue. His own penis had stiffened and filled the front of his shorts. He couldn't deny that he had desire for his friend, even if that desire kept him on the verge of tears. Martin breathed heavily as Jared began to move his hand around the young cock. Jared's fingers slid down to Martin's ball sack as he began to pet this maturing organ.

"Keep going Jared." Jared was now caressing the length of Martin's dick, causing it to grow slowly. Soon it was at full six and a half inch length and pointing upward, curving like it wanted to reach Martin's navel. Jared couldn't believe what he was doing, but he couldn't stop. He was fascinated by his friend's pleasure. He also liked that he was in control, at least more so than when Martin and he had accidentally orgasmed earlier that night.

Martin leaned in to Jared and began to peel off his friend's shorts. Jared barely noticed that he was standing in his boxers. Martin felt the front of Jared's underwear and slipped his hand through the front, pulling out Jared's thin member and stroking it.

"It's so hard, Jared. And it'll be as big as mine before you know it."

As silly as it sounded, Jared smiled at this. He was now leaning into Martin and stroking the length of his dick feeling the soft pubic hair on the side of his hand every time he moved down the shaft. He then felt his bottom exposed to the cold night air as his boxers slipped around his dick and fell below his knees. Martin stepped back and removed Jared's hand from his dick. Jared gave him a questioning look.

Martin took off his shorts and briefs, struggling to get them over his hiking boots. Jared could now see the blond, five foot ten twelve year-old in full. His friend had become a respectable, fierce figure in his eyes. Muscles had begun to flesh out just slightly on the arms, and in the chest. His legs were no longer sticks, either, but rounder and fuller. Tiny blond hairs glistened on the calves. And of course, Martin's penis stood proudly. Jared now wanted to hold in his hand what had frightened him so much earlier that night.

Martin kneeled in front of Jared and took one of his shoes in his hand. He took off one, then the other. He then took off Jared's socks and massaged his friend's feet. They were large for Jared's small size, an indication that Jared would certainly be growing more. He could tell that the hygienic Jared clipped his toenails regularly. He was charmed by what a goody goody his friend could be. Jared now stood totally naked, his clothing parked at his side.

The two boys stood facing each other in the moonlight. The one was at the end of his life as a boy, the other beginning his life as a man. Jared's body was slender and lanky, but with just a bit of soft baby fat attaching itself to his stomach and chest. He looked at Martin with big, curious blue eyes that were a sharp contrast to his dark red hair, his freckles on his chipmunk cheeks and pale body just barely showing through in the soft revealing light. Martin was shinier, tanner. His blond hair shone brightly, his nose glistened, his chest puffed out. Jared wanted to be Martin's then, he knew it. He wanted Martin to show him a glimpse of his future.

Martin reached his hands around Jared's backside. He ran them down the boys back and held on to his smooth bottom. He pressed his whole body into Jared's and kneaded the boy's ass. Jared moaned as the two boys' penises pressed together and mingled back and forth. He felt Martin's hairs press against his pubic joint and he reached his own hands around to Martin's ass.

Soon Martin moved his head onto Jared's shoulder. His wet lips rested on Jared's soft skin and he could smell his friend's cleanliness. He kissed the shoulder, then began kissing Jared's chest and headed down.

Jared couldn't believe what was happening, how forward Martin was being. He could feel the spots where his friend kissed him tingle with wetness in the night air. Then Martin was kneeling below Jared. He traced his fingers along Jared's boy belly, moving down from the navel and running his finger along Jared's hipbone. Martin touched Jared's penis lightly, causing Jared to jump slightly. Jared smiled down at his friend and their eyes met just as Martin slipped Jared's hard penis into his mouth.

Jared breathed heavily, more out of surprise than physical stimulation. In fact, Martin had never had a penis in his mouth before, and didn't really know much of what to do. He sucked very slightly and succeeded only in getting Jared's cock slimy and wet. Still, it had a nice effect.

Martin stood up, surprised at even his own actions. He looked Jared in the eyes, searching for signs of seriousness or doubt. Both boys giggled disarmingly.

"That was cool." Jared said.

"Yeah." Agreed his friend. "Let's jerk our dicks together."

Both boys put their cocks together, as Martin's saliva became a lubricant for them both. His own cock outsized Jared's, making it seem like the leader to Jared's sidekick. Martin began rubbing the two cocks up and down, and soon Jared placed his hand over Martin's, joining in the mutual stimulation.

Soon both boys were completely caught in the ecstasy. They had no other thoughts but to feel orgasm, and soon Martin's come, and whatever Jared was able to contribute, poured over the tops of their joined hands. They continued to pump their hands until it was all over, and their thoughts became clear once more.

The night was still again.

"I guess we should clean up, huh." Jared suggested.

"Yeah. I'll use my underwear." Martin wiped some cum on his naked leg and then picked up his underpants, wiping again his hands and then Jared's before sliding the pants on. Jared, just slightly dazed and in disbelief, began to put his own clothes back on. He had slid on his boxers as Martin handed him a lit cigarette. He felt manly smoking it, tasting his friend's saliva.

Just then there was a rustling in the bushes that made both boys jump. They quickly scrambled to the edge of a grove to catch a glimpse of a tall figure running towards the trail.

"Shit. Shit shit shit." Jared yelled. Martin could tell that his friend must very upset, and he wasn't too calm himself.

"Jared, look." Martin pointed toward a bush. An unmistakable viscous white glob dangled from a small branch. Jared was speechless. Martin grabbed his friend's shoulder.

"Jared, lets head back. Whoever it was, let's not worry about it. Let's just go back." Jared nodded his head, he knew he had to calm down and act, even as his thoughts raced with fear.

The two boys dressed quickly and began the haul back. If anything calmed Jared at all, it was the sight of his strong friend heading confidently back along the trail.

Next: Chapter 3

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