Troop Richard Wood

By luvbunzy

Published on Aug 26, 2003


Hi. I am currently writing another story on nifty (In a Little Brother Way in Adult-Youth,) but am taking a break because I wanted to write something that was more just fun and sexy. There is no moral, just tight young bodies and sexual discovery. This story involves sex between young pubescent males, so if it is illegal for you to read, then don't.

Please send feedback, horny fantasies, or any other correspondence to I am especially interested in hearing from people with Boy Scout uniform fetishes or former/current Boy Scouts.

The Horndogs of Richard Woods troop - 1

Jared was a very thin red head with chipmunk cheeks and a white lanky body completely undisturbed by even a hint of body hair. Martin was an oversexed blonde twelve year old. Puberty had hit him hard and fast, filling out his cock to a full six and a half inches that only promised to gain. His balls and voice had also dropped suddenly, making him the freak of the sixth grade class that he would soon be departing, and the Boy Scout troop that he was spending the summer with. Both boys were friends at school, but now Jared felt like he hardly recognized the boy he had spent the last three years growing up with.

It didn't help too much that Martin was busy rubbing the front of his already very tight green scout shorts. His uniform shirt was wide open, exposing his sweaty boy chest and pink nipples.

"Would you stop doing that! Geez, Marty, let's get those cigarettes and get out of here before they come looking for us." Jared's voice was still slightly squeaky and very young. He was getting nervous as hell too. Martin was blocking the exit to their tent and seemed intent on something more than a cigarette.

"Come on man. How about this? I'll grab my smokes as soon..." Martin hesitated, bringing his face right up to Jared's, "as soon as I can see your dick."

"No way, man. Are you gay or something?"

Martin had never really given much thought to the word "gay," but he certainly liked to see other boys' dicks. In fact, just two days earlier, one of the older scouts, Joe, had given Martin a real solid peak at a big, bright boner as he was showering. Joe, a tall, thin, fifteen year-old Jewish boy with dark curly hair on his head and cock had even smirked at Martin as he grabbed it and made the head big and pink. Martin had shyed away in excitement and went to leave a load of spunk in one of the nearby toilets.

"Come on, Jared. I'll show you mine." Martin grabbed the front of his shorts enthusiastically with both hands. He humped his way toward Jared until he had backed him into the corner of the tent and was straddling his skinny, red, freckled legs.

"Look at you, you prude." It was true. Jared was the picture of a goody- goody, relying on his innocent looks to get out of trouble. Even sneaking off to smoke cigarettes during a campfire he had tucked his shirt in neatly, combed his hair, and even wore the correct high socks and scarf.

Jared was blushing, and growing uncomfortable and even angry with his friend. Jared was actually vaguely curious about Martin's dick. He wanted to know the shape of what seemed to make Martin slowly go crazy over the last six months, but he was way too embarrassed to show his own. And his own had hardened. He could feel the hot, thin little guy in his pants pressed tightly against his pubic area.

Martin ignored Jared's discomfort and continued moving down over him. He then grabbed at the Jared's shorts and managed to pin him down long enough to undo his belt buckle. Jared had almost resolved to allow Martin to get his peak so they could both go out into the forest and goof off, hopefully in a less fleshy way. But as soon as he felt Martin's fingers pry at his zipper, reality hit.

Jared bucked his hips up and got his hands on Martin's bare chest, pushing him upward. Martin came back though, tickling Jared and forcing him to giggle uncomfortably. Jared managed to push Martin off, but as he started to stand up, Martin grabbed Jared and pulled him down against his own body, so that Martin was reaching around and trying to get at Jared's shorts.. Jared slapped at Martin's hands, so the horny teen gave up and began a dry humping motion. Martin humped at his friend wildly, jamming his clothed erection against Jared's asscrack.

Jared had forgotten his anger in the commotion of wrestling, and was actually giggling at his friend as he squirmed to escape. The brushing of Martin's hand against his crotch had also made him hard.

Soon Martin had pressed Jared into the floor of the tent while flat on his stomach. As he pinned him down and began dry humping into him, the laughter slowly died out. Both boys breathed deeply. Soon Jared began to be consumed by the friction of his own small erection against the ground, and all of Martin's energy was focused on his own cock, the head of which was now poking out from the top of his shorts.

"Oh yeah, baby, " Martin was moaning and humping, completely out of control. He kept going, only pushing his friend more deliberately with each hump.

Meanwhile, Jared was experiencing a tense tingling that moved out from his cock like sonar. It consumed him so much that he didn't even notice his boy scout uniform shirt pulled from his shorts and slid half way up his back. He barely registered as a hot, viscous fluid spilled out onto his quivering lower spine.

"Oh man." Martin said, as he rolled to the ground next to his friend, freeing his bouncing cock from his shorts and squeezing out the leftover semen. Jared took no notice of this. No notice because his own cock was too tense, too hard, and too busy. He rolled over onto his back at its command, and wrangled the perfect, thin, pink, four-inch drill sergeant free from his pants. It twitched, shook, and commanded Jared to gasp for air as he experienced his first orgasm.

As Jared lay back, breathing hard, he could only stare at his own cock in disbelief. He was slowly starting to relax and beginning to become conscious again of the things around him. His whole body tingled with dew. Sweat had seeped very gently from his forehead, his legs, his smooth round bottom. He felt the nylon of the tent floor on his ass and the sticky feeling of Martin's semen drying on his back.

Just then he was hit with one final wave of pleasure. It was a slow lapping feeling that began from his jewel-like balls that only just begun to hang, and rose up the tip of his dick. It was like an invisible hand had reached down to squeeze from his balls and through his urethra one crystal clear drop of early pubescent semen.

Jared was in awe, and could only stare down at his own member. Martin was the picture of delight. He rolled back onto his friends legs so that he was eye to cockhead with Jared's penis.

"Cool," Martin said. He reached out and took the liberty to squeeze Jared's dick, bringing the isolated gem of semen into a bead teetering at the tip of the sweet pink post. He held his grip there, then dabbed his finger on the cum. He held it up in the air on his finger.

"Ummmm,. You like, Jared?" Martin lifted the load between Jared's eyes. Jared was fascinated briefly by the sight of his own semen, but then turned his nose up.

"Dude, that's gross. Get your hands off my dick. Now please." Jared yanked his shorts back on. He was red with embarrassment. Martin then popped his own finger, complete with Jared's first load, into his mouth and made a quick popping noise.

"Jared, you're a total baby, but I love you. And this won't be the last time either. Let's go smoke." With that, Martin pulled up his shorts and grabbed his smokes. Jared begrudgingly followed him into the woods, like a puppy that follows his master after being punished. The phantom taste of sweet first load, one that only Martin would ever know completely, teased his lips.

Meanwhile, as the boys headed into the woods, a tall figure appeared on the edge of the campground. Its curly head scanned the perimeter of the camp, its eyes catching only the site of one red and green sock sticking out from some hiking boots as the foot disappeared into the bushes.

Next: Chapter 2

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