Trippin with a Convict

By Gunter Ragen

Published on May 9, 2008


Trippin with a Convict 6 - By Gruntraq -

The convict and the thug got dressed hastily. Buttoning up his 501's Steve said to Rod. "Look at the them now. Ain't that sweet. We`ll let you two alone now." They both left and shut the door behind them.

I immediately went into crisis mode. Naked and covered in sloppy man sex I said, "Greg and I am so sorry man! I never meant to..." Before I could finish I saw a flash out of my left eye and felt a knuckled fist crack against my face. The blow knocked me back against the wall and onto the floor. Saying nothing Greg got up and went straight to the bathroom and slammed the door. I soon heard the sound of the shower running.

Feeling sad and angry at myself I just sat there on the floor and cried. Not only had my secret come out to my best friend, but I had gotten him butt-raped against his will. It seemed like an hour he spent in the shower before the water finally turned off. I had resigned myself to sitting on the bed watching TV and nervously waiting to see what came next. I knew him well enough to know that he was straight and in no way would ever forgive me for this.

He finally came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and went to his room. After a few minutes of loud drawer slamming and thudding he emerged fully dressed. He came into my room and looked at me with a hate and disappointment I thought I would never see from my pal. "You need to leave. You need to get out!" he said resolutely. "I hope those fuckers don't have AIDS, because if I get it I'll kill you!" I tried to say something but he interrupted, "Shut up! I was your friend. You could have told me you were gay but you didn't. Now you got me fucked in the ass by Steve and Rod got to watch. Thanks a fucking lot!"

He stood there for a moment wondering what to do next and just staring at me. Indifferently he said, "I am going out for a while and will be back later tonight. We are not friends anymore! You need to get your shit and be gone when I get back! Got it?" He looked at me once more and left, slamming the front door on the way out.

What was I going to do? I was fucked now. My best friend and roommate wanted me out of his life, out of our apartment. Where would I go? I could not afford to go and move out. I cried for an hour in my storm of fear and self loathing. I really screwed this up. I finally got the gumption to get up and took a walk through the apartment complex to come down. I turned the corner of a building and happened upon Steve who was working on his car in the dark with a flashlight. "Fuck! Great, he is all I need right now," I thought to myself.

"Hey" he said with a concerned look. He was a rough cookie but showed compassion when he sensed it necessary. "Hey", I replied back looking like I was barely holding back the tears. "Bad huh?" he asked. "Bad?" I said with an incredulous tone. "After what you did to him? Bad? Um...Yeah!" I exclaimed. "He want's me to get the fuck out man! He told me to hit the road!" Steve sighed and rubbed the evening sweat off his brow. "Fuck man, I'm sorry about that but he was got way out of line and copped a tude".

"I know, I know, but shit man if you hadn't bitch raped him I could have calmed him down". I said. Steve laughed sarcastically, "You think so, but you're wrong. He ain't coming back from that shit. He isn't like you." Insulted, I replied, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Steve looked at me with a smile, "He aint no bitch". Taking that as an affront I stepped back and replied, "So I'm just a bitch to you huh? I saw you taking orders and sucking that black cock like a whore, you're a bitch too fucker!" Steve stepped closer to me looking around the parking lot to see if anyone was within earshot. "Take it easy bro", he whispered. "I didn't mean it like that. You and I are just different bro. We got a thing going that he don't understand and he ain't gonna understand. Some guys just don't get down that way."

I looked at him with a bit of surprise at what I had just heard. "What do you mean we got a thing going?" The badass tatted ex-con clicked off his flashlight and set it down. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "Look man I know what we been doin is more like street trade so far. But if you want, it can be more than that bro." I relaxed a bit as his rough greasy hand squeezed my neck. He then smiled and said, "Go grab a change of clothes and your toothbrush. You can stay with me tonight."

I stammered a bit, "But what about Greg?" Steve got a more serious look on his face. "Greg is gonna do what Greg is gonna do. You can't do anything about that. If he's your friend, he will forgive you. If he cant do that then he ain't your friend. But for now you come shack up with me and give him some space. I'll treat you right bro. Trust me". Coming from this rough and tumble dude I was surprised at his supportive intellect at times. But I was willing to take a chance.

As I turned to head back to my place and gather some things he said, "When you come back to my place, just let yourself in. The door will be open". With that I returned to my apartment and quickly grabbed a couple changes of clothes, a few toiletries and my school stuff. I wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table...

"Greg, I am sorry for everything. You were my best friend and I am deserving of your hate. I lied to you about who I was. It was only because I feared it you would not understand and that it would wreck our friendship. I was right. I am sorry about what happened to you with Steve. I hope you have forgive me for that some day. I will be in touch about coming back to get the rest of my stuff."

When I arrived to Steve's pad I let myself in as he had said to do. I set my things down on the coffee table I heard him in the bedroom. "Is that you? Come on back." As I stepped into the room he was standing naked in all his glory. His tattooed cock was swinging heavily between his muscular thighs. He came over and gave me a tight hug, wrapping his thick tatted arms around me. A tear ran down my face as his tight embrace enveloped me. I wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed back.

Sensing my anguish, he stepped back and wiped the tears from my face and smiled. "You need a good hot shower, come take one with me." His invitation was welcome and I followed him to the bathroom. Once naked I stepped into the steaming hot steam of water with my ex-con. We exchanged and embrace briefly and let or cocks dance with one another as we got warm and wet. He finally leaned in toward me and planted his mouth on mine and began passionately kissing me with the finesse and energy of a long lost lover. My cock sprang to attention against his hard rod as his rough whiskered face rubbed against mine and his tongue writhed within.

As I began to get more and more revved up, he lathered up his hands with shampoo and rubbed me down from head to toe, stopping to coddle and caress my bone hard tool. I returned the gesture by soaping down his tatted and scarred frame. His muscles were so damn defined, his hairy body so delectable I was in a trance. As I knelt down to lather his lower calves and feet I found myself face to face with his snake. I grabbed it with my hands and massaged it with my soapy hands. "Get it nice and clean", he said with a low growl. As I went to place my lips around his fat tool, he grabbed me and pulled me back up to his face. "Not yet". We kissed some more as our hands groped at each other's tools, now streaming with ropes of sticky pre-cum.

He shut off the shower and we stepped out into the tiny bathroom. Sharing a towel, we mutually dried each other off while playfully teasing each other's cocks in the process. He then placed his hands on my thighs and pushed me out the door into the bedroom. "Why don't you lay down and relax for a minute, I will be right back". He stepped out for a moment as I laid back and stretched in the glow of what was becoming a passionate session. The angst of what had happened earlier was evaporating away.

He returned with his bong and a bag of weed. He sat on the bed next to me and packed up a bowl of mean green. Handing it to me he said, "Go ahead, take the first hit". I sat up against the headboard and proceeded to inhale a sweet magical smoke that levels all playing fields. While I was in the midst of doing so Steve surprised me by burying his rough goateed mug against my cock. As his rough whiskers scraped against my balls, his tongue began to wrap itself up and down, and around my shaft.

Looking down at his muscled body laying in pushup position between my legs, that tattoos on his shiny back reflected in the light as be began to take my cock into his mouth for the first time. I never expected this from my bad-ass ex-con. I took another hit off the bong as he began deep-throating my meat and working it harder and faster. My head was floating now as he showed me his man pleasing talents. He was so good at it too, sucking and bobbing and then changing gears to lick up and down my shaft - then back to deep-throating it.

As I was getting close to coming he stopped suddenly and burrowed under my ass. Grabbing my legs and lifting them up, he sank his rough goatee into my fuck hole with a hungry vengeance. His long tongue slithered into my asshole and tapped at it, wetting it and sending me into a spin. His flickering and licking was a new sensation I had not experienced before, and combined with my shock that he was doing it I was rolling in sweating heavy breathing pleasure. As he rimmed me silly, I was getting so hot. I wanted his thick hard snake to fuck me sore again. "Oh man that feels so good Steve", I moaned. "Give me that cock, fuck me bro. Come and fuck me!"

He finally stopped and crawled up over my chest and we kissed nice and sloppy for a few seconds. He then looked me in the eyes and said, "Not like that bro. You ain't just my bitch. I'm your bitch too". He grabbed the bong and sparked a deep hit off of it and held it in as long as he could. As he went to let it out of his lungs, we kissed and he blew the smoke into mine. He then looked my in the eye and said, "You get fuck me this time."

He got up on all fours and hunkered down a pillow with his ass high. Reaching back with his rough hands he spread his thick meaty ass cheeks wide to offer up his waiting asshole. "Go ahead man, it's all yours", he said. Getting up on my knees I gave his hairy manhole a good look for the first time. Thick tufts of spindly hair spread out from ground zero so beautifully. I spit on my fingers and gently tabbed his soft pink nest. "You said you never got fucked in prison", I said teasingly as I stuck my middle finger into him and finger fucked him slowly.

"I lied", he said with a laugh. "You learn to take it like a man in the cage no matter who you are. Nobody will admit it, but you everyone comes out of there wanting it for the rest of their life. That`s one of the reasons ex-cons hang out with ex-cons. I bet you never knew that". As I fingered him he began pushing his muscular bubble but back and forth against my advances. "You ever eat ass before?" Steve asked. "No, I haven't" Not sure if I wanted to or not, I spit on my fingers again and added second one into his hole. "It's squeaky clean bro, why don't you give it a try." he asked. "You wet it up real good with your tongue, you can fuck me good without any lube".

Feeling a bit nervous and obligated to please him, I pulled my fingers from his chute and smelled them. No shitty smell, just man scent. So, I took a deep breath and went for it. Burrowing down I spread his cheeks with my hands and ran my quivering tongue across his manhole. He immediately let out a deep groan, "Oh yeah there you go bro. That's it". I got past the initial psychology of it and began to enjoy digging my wet taster into his shithole. As he began playing his body motions back into my tongue action, he got juicier by the second.

I started fucking in and out of him like a flickering flame, which got him grunting like a pig. "Uhm Ohh, you like that, you got it now," he said. I reached between his legs and grabbed his leaking shaft and gave it a few pumps as I routed out his nest. "Rusty Trombone", he laughed. "That's it, play me good" I didn't get it at first, but I kept pumping him. Finally he pulled away and said, "Okay, time to fuck my hole bro".

He turned over onto his back and put his head back onto a pillow. Looking me in the eyes and smiling ear to ear, my tattoo covered bad-ass grabbed me close and we kissed feverishly for a few moments. The feeling and aura of this huge roughneck getting passionate with me was over the top. I had released all my angst and sadness from earlier and was finding a new bag. He finally grabbed his legs and hooked them back with his forearms, exposing his hairy hole. "Come on now, show me what you can do".

Excited and anxious to fuck this muscle man, I saddled up to him and spit on my cock once more. I joked with him "It'll only hurt for a little while". He rolled his eyes and I took the moment to drop the hammer on him when he was not expecting it. I sunk my tool into his gut deep and fast, making him flinch. He rolled his head back and grunted, "Ahhh yeah". After a few slow thrusts he pulled me down face to face to kiss some more. I stopped my motions momentarily as we tossed tongues but he grabbed my buttocks and pulled me in. "Keep sticking me while we kiss. It`s the difference between making love and fucking". In a push-up position over this tatted stud, I continued pumping his meat hole as our tongues danced to the music. He was passionately running his hands through my hair as we rocked and rolled.

After some sweaty "love making", I changed gears I got back upright with his legs against my chest and began "fucking" him. He arched his back and said, "Come on, tear it up bro! Give it to me good". He shut his eyes and dropped his goateed jaw in pleasure as I began slapping his ass hard with my best animal bitch-fuck. The bed was squeaking and banging the wall as the smell of man-sex filled the air. He grabbed his cock and began jacking off as I fucked him raw. Soon he moaned, "Oh yea...oh..." Then he shot a bright white load of jizz across his chest and onto his chin. "Oh, yeah bro. Come in me! Come in my fuck hole bro!" the 220lb tat-stud begged like a whore.

I squeezed my arms around his calves as tightly as I could and slammed hard and fast as I felt my eruption come. With a flash of sweat and immense pleasure, I came deep inside his chute freeing up the stinging friction that had built up. I let out a deep sigh of relief as I pumped my man juice into him and fell into his arms. As my cock shrank it finally slipped out of his sloppy hole. But we just kissed some more and laid together in our sweat and cum as we came down from the rush.

As the afterglow set in Steve was all about cuddling and nibbling in a loving embrace. "I'm really sorry about what happened with Greg today bro", he said softly. "I am sorry I treated you and him the way we did." He thought for a moment and continued, "You know what made me mad was what he said you more than anything. They way he called you a fag and got all freaky on you. That's what made me go off and punk him like a bitch". I contemplated that for a moment and said, "You got mad because he dissed me?"

He sighed in a resigned way and said, "Yeah I guess I did. I think I have become attached to you I guess". Steve then rolled me over brushing his rough stubble against my face and said, "You ain't my bitch no more. You're my bro".

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 7

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