Triple Paddled

By Scott Smith

Published on Aug 1, 2007




by scottieboy

Introduction and Disclaimer: Only read this if you are of legal age where you live and not offended by corporal punishment including anal punishment.

I suggest that the reader look at prior stories to see how I got into this position, but I am a heterosexual married male who is sent out for punishment and training by my spouse here in San Diego.

As in prior stories, I am required to inform you that there is a yahoo group where pics of my punishments are posted and that visitors to San Diego, male or female, may punish me as scheduling allows. To discuss the group or punishing me you can contact Mistress at

Yes, this is for real.

I had hoped it would not be such a short time since my last story, as I only write down the punishments where I am sent out to see men, something I hate to do and try to avoid as best I can. However, my spouse decided it was time for some attitude adjustment. I had not been particularly bad really, and suspect this was just an excuse to send me out for some things that people in her yahoo group had suggested to her.

When I woke up this morning and came out of the shower, a zippered bag was waiting for me and my wife handed me an address. "Be there at 10 am" she said.

I had no doubt I was being sent out again for training/punishment, and briefly thought about trying to talk her out of it. The thought was very brief however, as it would have probably just gotten me punished worse.

"Yes Mistress" I replied, meekly.

I mapqested the place and it was about a half hour away. Arriving a minute early, I waited to go knock as I am aware that not being punctual, or being too early, can cause me to get it worse.

I knocked on the door and a short stocky man of about 55 answered it. He was balding, about 5-5, and perhaps 180, but strongly built. "Enter" he said.

I did so, and was led into an adjoining room, which I kid you not, was a dungeon of sorts. It had a big X (St Andrew's cross) on one wall; a "spanking horse" near the center, and also a set of chains coming down from the raftered ceiling, obvsiously for restraint. I gulped nervously as to date I had not really been sent to an SM master per se, and certainly never been in a dungeon.

"Strip" he said, and I hastened to do so, noticing as I did that the usual erection I got in these situations was nowhere to be seen. I was scared of what was going to happen this time.

He then had me present my hands and he put restraints on each wrist, attached to quick release clips, obvsiously in case I passed out or something and he had to set me loose in a hurry. He drew me over to the St. Andrew's cross and placed my hands high and spread. He then made me step back about 2 feet from the wall and bend my ass out so that it was really exposed.

I felt his hands touching my body: shoulders, sides, buttocks, balls, cock, then anus. I felt the familiar stirring in my unruly cock, knowing that iw as starting to engorge.

He stepped back, for a moment, and then I felt something cold and flat on my ass. After almost 2 years of this, I didn't have to turn around to see what it was. It was a wooden paddle. I could even tell from the heft of it that it was big enough to cover about one third of a buttock with each blow, and was probably about 1/2 inch thick. As I noticed this, it occurred to me that if someone had told me two years ago that I would be chained to a wall and identifying the item with which I was about to be beaten by feel alone, I would never have believed it.

To review for those who have not followed all of the stories, I am by any measure a powerful and successful man; married/ father of a teen and preteen boy.I did some foolish things including carrying on an affair with a college age girl to whom I was sending money. My wife discovered this and was enraged, but I probably could have gotten away with just apologizing and promising not to do it again. However, I had quite a temper and in the context of some really atrocious behavior by my then 12 year old son, I took a paddle to him and got carried away. He told his mom who documented what I had done photographically and then confronted me. I was told that I had 2 options: submit entirely to her and stay in the family and be a good father to my boys, or be kicked out, reported to the authorities, and stripped of my net worth and my reputation. I chose to submit. While I am explaining, the scottiboy name was given to me by a male spanker to whom she sent me who told her about nifty and assigned me to start writing these things down. The id was given to me by my wife: an apt name with a double entendre as I am both pussy whipped and peniswhipped from time to time.

I was shaken out of my musing about the paddle when the first stroke landed. It was a moderate stroke, but resounded through the room. I shifted my weight back and forth to make sure that my legs were solid and held my ass out, knowing that more would be coming.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" came 5 blows at perhaps 5 second intervals. These hurt, and I knew my ass would be on fire shortly.

"Whack, whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" came the next 5 blows, and I was, as usual, making noises that sound like blowing and sucking noises. One member of the yahoo group upon listening to a video of it contacted me and told me I sound like a chimpanzee when I am getting it. This person obviously found it quite amusing.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" came 5 more, only this time they were also directed at my sensitive upper thighs.

"Oh FUCK, Please SIr" I whined, hating myself for it as I knew he wouldn't stop and it was just showing my weakness.

"Whack, Whack, WHack, Whack, Whack, Whack..........." Another 10 rained down on me in relatively quick succession.

"Owh......OOOOOOW.......... PLease............AAAAAAAUGH" I cried out, wondering if his neighbors would hear as I was definately not quiet at this point. My ass was on fire, totally in agony, and I was helpless to do anything about it.

Then it stopped. Frankly, before I expected it to, but I was not going to argue. He unhooked me from the Cross, and briefly I thought that I would be sent home.

All hope of this was dashed when he told me to get up on the horse. I had never been on one of these things before, but been showed one by my Mistress before when she was on line. It was sort of like a big, very solid sawhorse with a padded top and padded place to put my knees on either side of it, straddling the device. My balls and ass hung off the end, and then my hands could be, and were, secured to the front part of the horse. Finally, a strap, made of nylon and velcro, was brought around my torso so I was secure. Other than kick my feet a little and wiggle, I was totally secured. This guy could do anything to me, and I could not move.

Then I heard a sound that disturbed me: rubber gloves being snapped on. I turned my head, and saw him opening the bag I had brought. Out of it he produced what I knew to be a butt plug, and now know to be medium size. It appeared to be made out of rubber or silicone, flared out then in at the end, with the obvious purpose that once it was rammed up my ass, the sphincter would contract around the narrow part and it would not fall out.

He covered the butt plug with a condom, and then lubed it up. I could even see the stuff he used to lube it called "elbow grease". Definately not anything I had seen in the condom section at the drug store.

He took his gloved hand and, surprisingly gently, inserted his finger. My ass contracted down, just as it does for a prostate exam. I am straight and from my point of view, nothing should be going up my ass. I tried to struggle a bit, and realized that there was no way out.

Then I felt a second finger go in, and he began to stretch me out. Horrified, I noticed my dick was half hard again. I distinctly remember thinking "My God, am I becoming a faggot?" to myself.

The finger was removed and I felt this plug hitting my ass. It hurt, and I gasped as I felt it going further and further in.

"Please SIr, I'm straight, Please stop Sir" I pleaded.

Then I felt a final sharper pain as it settled into place, then a release of the pain and just continued pressure in my rectum. The butt plug had settled into place.

"I don't care if you are straight or not, you were sent here for this and that is going to happen. Further, you are going to be paddled with the butt plug in place".

With that he went over to the side wall and grabbed a different paddle: probably 18 inches long, wood but not pine, maybe 1/3 inch thick, and about 2 inches wide.

He came back and began rapid fire swatting my ass, beginning high on the cheeks and alternating sides. This thing really really stung; whatever it was made of , it was bad.

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" came the first blows in rapid succession.

I was kicking my feet a bit and struggling against the restraints as this hurt like hell. Of course, it did no good.

I felt the blows shift gradually down my ass:

"Whack, Whack, Whack, WHack, Whack, Whack"

"Fuck SIr, that hurts, Please SIr, Please" I plead.

Obvlivious to anything I was saying, he continued to work his way down, now to the lower buttocks:

"whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack" as he coveered the lower part of my tender ass. It felt like it was on fire as he hit me with that narrow hard paddle, covering every, and I mean every, square millimeter of my ass.

Then he paused, stopped I hoped, but in fact it was a pause.

I felt that narrow paddle touch the upper thighs, just below the buttocks.

"You are supposed to get paddled here" he said, almost sympathetically I thought.

Whatever sympathy I thought I heard in his voice was not apparent in the paddling.

He rained blows down upon my upper thighs in a rapid fire manner.

"whack, wwhack, whack, whack" came the blows.


Then, when I thought it could get no worse, he moved the paddle up and whacked the end of the butt plug.

I more or less screamed as the blow was transmitted right up my ass, it felt straight through my prostate like a knife.

Then it was back to the thighs:

"Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack, Whack"

I have no idea how long it went on. I know that I was hyperventilating and groaning and pleading with him to stop. He probably hit the butt plug 6 more times too before he quit.

Then he stopped and undid my hands.

"Get dressed" he said.

I looked at him in some confusion, wondering what I should do with the plug up my ass.

He knew what I was thinking "Leave it and call her from the car" he said gruffly, handing me the zipper bag with which I had been initially sent.

I hastened to dress and get out of there before he changed his mind, but found myself red faced, worried, and clenching my ass when I went from his house to my car as there were people around and all I could think was that the plug was going to fall out of my ass on the ground.

I got in the car, started it up and called my Mistress.

She answered, knowing it was me.

"Hi Scott, did he do a thorough job?" she asked.

"Yes Mistress, Very, and he stuffed a butt plug up my ass. Mistress he left it in. Can I please take it out".

"No you may not" I heard, in very clear tones.

"Write down this address" were the next 3 words.

I did so, and noticed that it was an address off a main street about 15 minutes away.

"Go there slave, and the plug will be removed".

"yes Mistress" I replied, and drove to the place.

It was a single family home on a busy main street with one of those security screens that you can't see though in front of the door. I rang the bell and it was opened, this time by a guy in his mid forties. He was pretty tall (6 feet) and probably 175 lbs; wiry; and looked like a runner.

"Get in here" he said.

As I did so, he told me to strip and leave my clothes on the floor in front of the door.

Just as I dropped my shorts, I heard, to my horror, a second voice that sounded like a younger guy

"Is the bitch here now" I heard the voice say.

"Yes, come out and see it" was the reply.

A guy in his early thirties came out; small framed and dark haired. Probably of arabic descent I thought to myself.

The guys brought me into the family room bare assed, then the younger one stripped down. He was lean, hard muscled, with a hairy chest and belly and probably 7.5 uncut inches; maybe more. I knew he was over 7 because I am 7 and he was longer than me, but not as thick. He was also rock hard and leaking, not a good sign for me.

I was told to bend over and lean my forearms against the back of a sofa. I did so. Again my legs were spread, and they two men stood on either side of me; one clothed and one naked.

They began hand spanking me, but fucking hard, in succession. Each would strike my ass, and before the initial strike sunk in, the other would do it. I would guess I was getting whacked every 1/2 second as they tag teamed my still sore and on fire ass.

It took about a minute for even a hand spanking to get me pleading.

"Please Sirs (the first time I ever used the plural and I hope the last)".

"Ow, Please, I already got spanked this morning" I said, stupidly.

"Well that's pretty obvious dumb fuck" said the guy in his early 30s in a sarcastic tone.

I could tell from his voice that he was one of those guys I would not have liked even under different circumstances: sarcastic, probably whiny, mean if he was in power but probably a wimp in real life;probably an angry guy in a dead end clerical job somewhere; exactly the kind of guy you would not want to have power over you.

The young guy stepped away and the older guy standing to my left kept spanking my ass whith his hand. At this point I was starting to deaden up some and was tolerating the hand spanking pretty well. I knew my ass was a mess, but at least I wasn't giving these guys the satisfaction of begging like a 10 year old.

Then my ass exploded on fire.

"FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" I yelled, quite involuntarily and broke position. I looked to the right and that smart ass younger guy had a big grin and was holding a thick (3/4 inch) paddle the size of a damned breadboard: it would entirely cover one buttock. The sadistic bastard had swung it hard and set my whole right buttock on fire. I was practically seeing stars.

"Hey, he is making too much noise" said the older guy. "His mistress said that would happen".

With that he opened up my zipper bag and pulled out something I could never have imagined. If You had asked me to predict the worst thing imaginable with which a man could be gagged, I could not have come up with this. I was horror stricken.

It was a pair of hanes briefs, the kind my now 14 year old son wears.

Further, as they were brought up to my nose, I could tell he had played basketball or soccer in them for hours: they reeked of crotch sweat, like the jock I had in my locker in junior High School; the one that hardly ever got washed.

Then, it got worse.

The guy opened up the briefs and looked in them and said "Hey look at these yellow stains, must be pee or cum".

I looked and could see that it was not urine: rather it was dried semen. It was obvious that they had a "cum rag" used by my son for at least a week. Further, when they turned it inside out and stuffed it in my mouth, I quickly realized that it had been used recently; probably last night.

If I live to be 100 years old, I do not believe I could ever be more humiliated. The reeking, sweat soaked, crotch smelling, cum filled briefs of my own 14 year old son were in my mouth as a gag. Even in that condition though I could see the reasoning: this was the kid I had mistreated.

With my mouth stuffed they could get back to business and they switched sides so the older guy could whack my right cheek with his hand, and the younger sadistic guy with that paddle. They alternated.

"Whack" came the hand.

"WHAAACK" came the paddle, as I yelled through the reeking briefs "UUUUMMMMMPH" is probably what it sound like.

"whack, then WHAAAACK"......... I tried to beg through the briefs and say "PLease" but it only came out as "PMMMMMMPH".

"whack, WHAACK, whack, WHAACK" it went on for about 3 minutes then stopped.

Unfortunately it was a brief respite as the men switched sides to even up the damage to my ass.

As they switched sides, the young guy gave me a malignant stare, and squeezed his engorged uncut cock, resulting in a long strand of precum making it 3/4 of the way to the floor before it broke off.

Then it began again "Whack, WHAAACK, whack, WHAAAACK" I had pretty much lost it at this point, ass on fire, convinced that I was being brutally damaged.

Again, it stopped and I was told to stand up straight. My back and legs were tense and I stretched. While doing so, the younger guy climbed up and sat on the back of the sofa with his legs spread and his hard uncut cock jutting outward.

"Suck my cock bitch" he said.

The older guy whacked my ass damned hard with the paddle from behind and any thought of my telling the guy no evaporated. He did not have a condom on, and this would be the first time I had to suck a guy without a condom.

I dropped my head and opened my mouth to take his cock. As I did so, I realized that while the guy was not exactly dirty, he had the same crotch stench that the briefs had in my mouth. As I wrapped my lips around his cock and started sucking it, I could taste not just the precum but something different; probably that stuff that uncut men have under their foreskin.

As I began to suck, the older guy spanked my ass with his hand and explained the following:

"As long as you are sucking well, you will get spanked by hand. But as soon as you stop doing a good job, I will use the paddle".

"Hey, he isn't trying very hard" said the young guy.

All I could think was "what a bastard". But there was nothing I could do.

Two hard blows landed: one on each cheek with the big thick paddle and I renewed my efforts to suck his cock, taking it so deep in my mouth that I gagged.

"Hey that worked well, do it again" said the younger man.

Two more hard blows rained down on me and again I did my best.

"This guy is learning to suck cock" said the guy, and I really was doing my best. My ass was so damned sore and I knew there was no way out of this so I was using every trick I every felt in the years from puberty to marriage when I had fancied myself such a stud and been blown by so many women.

From time to time he would say "He isn't doing it right" and I would get a couple of more hard blows; hard enough that I moved my ass and even jumped up and down a bit, but of course it worked: I sucked with renewed vigor.

Finally the guy pushed my face away from his dick and jacked it a few times and shot 6 or more spurts of hot cum all over my face and hair. He then wiped it all around my face and hair, taking the time to squeeeze the last drops out of it and put those on me too.

I figured he must have been told to not cum in my mouth, because this was not the kind of guy who would have extended that courtesy voluntarily.

"Let's send him home that way" said the younger man.

"Good idea" said the older man, and paused.

"However, our instructions are to send him home clean".

He then pointed to a tub with a shower in it and told me to get cleaned up and take out the plug, which I had almost forgotten about by this time.

As I reached for the handles, the younger one said "wait a minute bitch".

I froze, wondering what could be next.

"Lay down in the tub on your back bitch" he said.

I did so, and he stood at about the middle of the tub and began tugging at his now flaccid cock.

"FUCK" I thought. "The bastard is going to piss on me".

No soonder had I concluded that than the stream hit me midchest, and quickly was aimed up to hit me in the face and scalp.

I could hear him laughting like hell as he emptied his apparently horse like bladder capacity on my face and head. I didn't dare breathe for fear of inhaling or swallowing it. I kept my eyes closed to keep it out.

Then the stream stopped and I opened my eyes: BIG MISTAKE.

The guy had faked me out and he let loose with a stream right in the face that almost caught me in my open eyes.

"Faggot bitch" I heard him say.

Even the older guy, who had seemed kinder,relatively speaking, started laughing at this.

Finally the urine stream ended and the older guy said "10 minutes to shower, dress, and get out of here or you get another paddling".

I was out in 7 minutes.


Addendum: After review I am instructed to restate to readers that in fact I really am made available to San Diego visitors for punishment and humiliation and that all are welcome. Further, I am told that pictures of this most recent punishment will be posted with the old ones at the yahoo group. Interested parties can contact my mistress at for the link. Finally, I am required to respond to anyone who e mails me regarding any of this.

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