Trip to Grammys

By Dash Jarrod

Published on May 25, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know 'NSYNC, although I wish I did. The character is somewhat fictional. The sexuality of anyone portrayed in this story may not be right whatsoever. If you are under 18 do not read.

Since I was in town for a few days, I decided to take advantage of it and go sightseeing. One of the trips I took was to a mall. Now that was an interesting experience, I found out that the fashion in California is totally different than the fashion in Pennsylvania. Of course I bought some stuff from that mall. But that wasn't the most interesting trip I took while I was there. I loved to go to this park that was right by the motel. I went there every evening as a matter of fact. It was while I was there one evening when I ran into someone I never expected to see again. I ran into Lance from 'NSYNC. Talk about totally unexpected. I was sitting on a bench by the man-made lake when I saw him walking up the path. I don't think he even noticed me sitting there. This didn't surprise me any considering most people walking around the park didn't. But since this was someone I knew, however little time I knew him for, I decided to go talk with him. I didn't decide to do that until he passed by me without noticing me. Needless to say, when I caught up to him he still didn't really take notice that I was there. I figured he just thought I was some random person from the park. However when I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to see who it was, he was surprised to see me. After he figured out who had tapped him, we started talking again. I wasn't expecting much out of seeing him considering I wasn't anyone that people remember. Since we were standing and talking for a while I suggested that we sit down on one of the benches that the park had. He readily agreed. I think he was walking for quite a while before I caught him. When we found the closest unoccupied bench, we sat down to continue our conversation. Now our conversation wasn't about anything in particular at that moment, but it didn't stay that way forever. After a while I got bored of talking about random stuff, so I asked him what it was like to be famous. For the most part he said it was nice to be famous but then there was always a bad part to it. I asked him to be more specific if he wouldn't mind. He went on to say that the nice part about it was that he was doing what he wanted to do and that he knew people appreciated what he was doing. He also said that the bad part was that most of the people he met only wanted to be his friend for his fame or money. On that note I decided to chime in and ask him if he thought I was that way. He said I didn't seem to be that way but he didn't know yet. I was somewhat taken aback by that response because I didn't think that he would be that honest. But after I thought about it, I could understand he point. He just met me and I seemed to want to get to know him an awful lot. It was at this point that I decided to say something that should help him trust me a little bit more. As if you couldn't guess what I was about to tell, I was going to tell him that I was gay. Now if that didn't scare him off, I was hoping that he would trust me enough after knowing it. When I told him, he just sat there kind of stunned. That made me really scared. I was beginning to think that he might be homophobic and would rush off and never want to see or meet me ever again. My face must have shown my fear because he got over being stunned and told me it was all right with him. This of course prompted me to ask him if he wanted me to leave at this point. This made him laugh. It was kind of nice to hear him laugh; it made me relax a little bit when he did it. I had to ask what was funny about what I said. He said nothing; it's just that he found it sort of funny how I would think that he would not be accepting of who I was. I told him that not everyone is. He said he completely understands that, but doesn't want to be one of them. I thanked him for being kind. He said it was what he wanted other people to be to him, so he did it to other people. It was getting dark while we were still talking at full steam. I reluctantly said that I should be heading back and that he should do the same. Before he could disappear without getting any information from him or giving him my number at the hotel I am at, I made sure to do just that. As he was turning to go, I suggested that I give him my number and that he should call me when he has time. He said thanks and that he will try. As he was going the opposite direction I was, I got to thinking about how I forgot to mention the fact that I was only going to be in town for a few more days. But I also thought of the fact that he probably won't call because why would he. I was also thinking that he won't be around much longer either and he would probably want to hang out with his friends instead of me, but there is always hope. As I was thinking those thought I couldn't help but smile at how long we just sat there talking. It was really nice, I enjoyed it immensely. When I got back to the hotel, I decided to go for a swim. I was grateful that they had an indoor pool there. It is one of my favorite things to do at a hotel that has one. I spent two hours swimming and going in the hot tub. When I finally got back to the room, I was quite relaxed. This was great because I just spent all evening talking to one of my biggest crushes. I then went to lie down and fall asleep but the phone rang. I was just a bit baffled as to why anyone would be calling me. I didn't even think about the possibility that it could be Lance. When I picked it up, I was just slightly surprised by the voice I heard on the other end. He heard this and asked what was wrong. I told him that I wasn't actually expecting him to call because I am a nobody, and thus was just a bit surprised with the call. He proceeded to tell me that I wasn't a nobody, I was a very good friend to him and that he was grateful for it. This made me smile a little bit, although I don't know if you can tell that sort of thing over the phone. Supposedly you can. I then told him that I was honored to be considered one of his friends. I figured that I should get asking him when he was leaving again out of the way so I wouldn't be disappointed when he all of a sudden wasn't here. So I did. He said that they were leaving in a few days. I told him I was doing the same. I then told him I was sorry that I didn't mention that I lived across the country before; I was just enjoying the time we were spending together. After he heard that, he fell silent for a few minutes so I was beginning to suspect that we got disconnected or that he hung up on me. Right before I was about to hang up he started talking again. The first thing he said after the extended silence was I am glad you feel that way. I couldn't help but ask why he just said that. He said it because he felt the same way and thus didn't really talk about his job while we were together. This really made me smile. This conversation we had really got me thinking. I was even more curious if he was gay or at least bi. It really seemed like he could be but then again I might be reading too much into it. I do that at times. Once again I was hoping that I might have met someone who liked me as much as I liked them, even though in this case the person is famous. The next time we talked or hung out I was going to finally act on my impulses to kiss him. I don't know if this was the proper thing to do at the time considering I don't eve know if he likes me like that. Just thinking that he might was driving me crazy. If I didn't act on it and then went home I would feel totally stupid when I got home. I would end up thinking I had a chance to kiss one of the most famous singers in the pop world and I let the chance pass. It would be one occasion where hitting myself in the head would work. But if I acted on it and he totally got disgusted with me then I would feel even worse than if I didn't do anything at all. It was quite a dilemma I had going on. I really didn't know what to do, if I did one thing I would feel bad but if I did the other thing and he reacted badly I would never live that down either. What should I do? I honestly just had to let myself sleep on it and see what I felt was the right decision in the morning.

Please email me and let me know what you think of the story. It can be good or bad comments, I don't care. I might continue if I feel like writing more.


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