Trip to Grammys

By Dash Jarrod

Published on May 19, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know 'NSYNC, although I wish I did. The character is somewhat fictional. The sexuality of anyone portrayed in this story may not be right whatsoever. If you are under 18 do not read.

My life was pretty boring up until the beginning of March. I was in my first year of college and was doing ok, but had no social life whatsoever. This was beginning to weigh on me pretty heavily and so I was becoming more and more saddened as the days went by. The only satisfaction I got was when I was talking to the few people that would actually talk to me while online. It got so bad that I actually made up an away message for AIM, which went something like I am not here because no one is talking to me.

One day while I was listening to a local radio station they were having a contest so that one of their listeners could go the Grammy's. If you heard the announcer call out that the next song was by a nominated artist and you were caller number nine, then you would be entered into a drawing to win a trip to the Grammy's. Well I was one of those lucky few that were entered into that drawing. I was pretty excited because there was a possibility that I could get a trip to the Grammy's. The drawing would take place on my birthday, which was really neat because if I won then that would be the best birthday present I would have ever gotten. Well, as luck would have it, I was chosen to go see the Grammy's live.

Not only was I excited to be even going to the awards, but also I was excited at the possibly of getting to meet some of the artists. I mean who wouldn't be excited to meet people who were successful at what they do, not to mention the bragging rights that would come with meeting them. I was interested in meeting a few groups. They were, both 'NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys, as well as Linkin Park. I know, I know, why would a college student want to meet the boy bands. Not only did I like the music they produced but I also thought that some of the members were extremely cute. Yeah, that would make me gay. Now I think this is as good as a spot as any to introduce and describe myself. My name is Matthew; I am 6 foot, 140 pounds, brown hair that is bleached blonde at the top and blue eyes. Now, I have not done anything with another guy, its not that I don't wan to, its just that I don't know anyone I would be able to do anything with. There is also the fact that I am totally cowardly when it comes to approaching people. I guess that is just something I will have to work on.

As the awards were going, I got to see all of the performances live rather than TV, which I possibly would have done at home. During the program I had to go the bathroom, which totally bummed me out considering this was probably the only time in my entire life that I would be there. While I was using the facilities, someone decided to join me. It was none other than Lance from 'NSYNC. I don't think he realized I was in there because when I exited one of the stalls, he ran into me. It wasn't that forceful but because of the fact that I wasn't expecting to be run into I fell flat on my ass. What a great way to meet someone right. Well after that little bit of drama, he helped me to my feet and introduced himself while he was apologizing. I couldn't help but smile at this considering I wasn't even expecting to meet any group or single famous person at the awards. After he finished his very nice apology, he asked me my name. I was a little stunned at actually meeting him that I didn't even think about introducing myself.

I didn't know what to expect when meeting someone who was as famous as he is, so when he was actually talking to me after our incident I found out he was really nice. After we chatted for a little bit, I said that he should be getting back to his group and that I should be getting back to my seat because I didn't want to miss too much more of the program. I don't know if it was just me or not, but he seemed a little disappointed at my suggestion. But that soon disappeared from my head when he suggested that I meet the rest of his group after the show. I readily agreed, considering meeting all five members of 'NSYNC as compared to just one was sort of mind blowing. He then told me where to meet the group after the program was over. As I was leaving, I was just thinking to myself that I hope I get there soon enough to not miss them.

As luck would have it, I got there pretty quickly from my seat at the end of the program. Of course by this time people were already filing out to their cars, limos and other assorted vehicles of choice. When I got there I tapped Lance on the shoulder to get his attention. After I did this, I was introduced to the rest of the circle of people there. >From left to right it went JC, Justin and Britney, Joey, and then Chris and Lance. I was somewhat surprised by how nice they actually were in person. I had this image of the snobby celebrity in person and the really nice person for TV. Boy was I glad I had the wrong image stuck in my head. Hehe. They started up a conversation but since I had no clue what was going on I didn't really say that much. Lance took notice of this and decided to talk to me while the rest of the group held their conversation. I thought this was really nice of him considering they were his friends and I was just someone he met that night. Although, I do that to people I don't really know that well, although I am way too nice for my own good. Oh well.

As we got started into our own little conversation, it was like the rest of the group disappeared from our lives for that moment. At least that was what it was like for me. I was hoping beyond all hope at that specific moment that Lance was at least bi if not gay. Although at that moment it was nothing more than hope on my part. He was being so nice to me, even though he didn't have to be so I could have been reading too much into it. It got to be extremely late and most of the mob had left so someone, who seemed to come out of nowhere, came up to 'NSYNC and said that they should be leaving.

I took that as a good point in time to get going myself. As I was heading to the front door the group was being ushered out the back. I got to look back one last time before they were out of my sight.

Please email me and let me know what you think of the story. It can be good or bad comments, I don't care. I might continue if I feel like writing more.


Next: Chapter 2

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