Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 5, 2019


Chapter 9

I was getting more and more nervous during the day. I got used to the degenerative behaver of Mike, but I didn't know how John and Kate were. Later that afternoon Mike gave me a ride to them. I had to be there at 16:00 hours. During the ride we didn't speak at all. Finally just before 16:00 hours we arrived at the address. I was surprised to see their house. They had definitely money. It was a large private property. It even had a fountain at the end of their way to the front door. Mike parked the cars and we both got out of the car. Mike saw I was getting more and more nervous and said "Relax boy, take a deep breath. You did your preparation very well. The next ten days is easy after the 21 days with me. It will be over before you know it." Strangely enough it helped to calm me down a bit. Mike rang the doorbell and we waited. After a while the door was opening. It was Kate. She gave Mike a hand and said "Welcome Mike and thanks for bringing our boy here." Then she turned to me and said "Undress boy and give your clothes to Mike. Our boys are not allowed to wear cloths." Out of a reflex I said "But everyone can see me out here". She kept looking at me and said "For forgetting your place I give you 30 punishing points. Each point must be worked away with agony. So hurry up and undress or I give you another 50 points." She turned to Mike and continued in a softer and nicer voice "The nearest neighbors live 4 miles from here. Do you have the preparation log like we asked to?" Mike grabbed something out his bag and reached it to hear "Yes, here it is". I looked a bit surprised. I didn't know Mike kept a log. "Thank you. I will leave it for John. After the boy is finished you can bring him to the dog cage next to the house. The door is open and works with an electric lock so you can close it after you put the boy in. John will be home soon and I will be leaving on holiday with some friends." Mike asked "You won't be using the boy?" She responded "No, I always leave when John wants to play with his toys." Mike: "Oh before I forget here is the key of his chastity cage" and he handed it to Kate. "Thank you" she responded. At that time I was finished and standing there naked in front of the house. I gave Mike my stuff and he led me to the side of the house. There I saw a dog cage connected to the house. The cage wasn't big. So to stretch out in the cage without touching the bars or standing in the cage was not possible. And there was a closed slide door into the house. The one you see with wild animals in a zoo. I was standing in front of it and thought it wasn't pretty. Mike gave me a push and said "Now go in boy". I bent down and stepped inside. When I was in I immediately heard Mike close the door and tried to see if it was really close. And it was. Then there was a sound, a beep that got higher and higher and suddenly stopped. We looked at each other with a question mark on our faces. I turned around to reposition myself and touched the cage. Immediately I got a shock and knew the beeping sound was a warning signals that the cage was wired. Mike laughed out loud. "See you will have a lot of fun here boy. A shame I can't witness it. I see you over ten days." And he walked away. I watched him until he reached the corner and felt helpless and hated Mike for tricking me into this situation. Now I was alone, outside, naked and in a cage.

After a while I got a bit cold and hungry. It felt like ages when I finally heard a door opening and John walked in my view. "Hi boy, see your waiting for me nicely, I will open the inner door soon and I want you to go inside." John said. He kept looking for a while with a big smile and it was creeping me out a bit. Then I saw he got a remote and pushed a button. The slide door went open and I could enter the house. There I was in a small cage where I could lay down and sit up straight, but not stand. There also was a bowl of water and a bowl of food. It wasn't the best food, but it soon is looked better than the dogfood Mike fed me with. I eat it and it tasted strange. John walked in and said "See your training went well." He left the room and after I was done he came back. He had a collar with him and threw it in the cage with the command "Put the collar on boy." I did as I was ordered. Then he opened the cage and let me out. "Go stand on the yellow dot on the floor. Legs spread and arm on your back" John said. When I stood on the spot he continued "When you are out of the cage you are allowed to walk free on the ground floor. If you go out of the free zone the collar will shock you. I also can shock you when you misbehave". And he pushed a button on a remote. Immediately I felt a huge shock in my neck and couldn't keep standing. After the shock faded away I quickly got back in position. "Hope that shock will make it clear boy". I answered "Yes, master". He waited a moment and watched me while smiling before he continued. "In this house boys get punishment points which must be worked away. Every day you got 50 points just for my fun and I saw you already received 30 points this afternoon. You work those points away with agony and pain. Mostly with testing my devices. I make luxury sex and torture toys. And I love using them on boys and see them squirm just for my pleasure. You already used my nerve endings toy in the clinic. Now go and clean up the kitchen and then go back in your cage here and close the door. I will see you early in the morning." Then he turned around and left. I heard him walk up the stairs. I felt miserable. Thinking of what he said 'testing sex and torture toys'. In what kind of situation I got myself into. Finally I started to move and looked for the kitchen. I cleaned it and then went back to the cage. It felt strange to willingly close the door and lock myself. I found myself a spot in a corner of the cage and fall asleep quickly. Only lay on a concrete floor isn't too bad after being tied down on a table. At least I can move around when my muscles started to be sore. I only forgot to go to the toilet first. During the night I woke up and realized. After looking around to see there was nowhere I could piss I finally took the empty food bowl and placed it under my chastity cage. The warm piss was collecting in the bowl. To empty my bladder felt great and after that I felt asleep again.

The next morning John woke me up by kicking the cage. "That is twenty more punishing points for you boy. You have to be awake and ready before your master arrives" John said. "Pay attention boy. In the corner you see a monitor that shows your punishment points." I looked at the monitor and saw it standing at 80 points. John picked his PDA and typed something and I saw the monitor jump up to 150 points. I responded "150?"."Yes, boy every day you got 50 points for the fun remember. And now you get 50 more for just questioning if I am right" John replied. And the monitor went up to 200 points. My heart jumped, I still didn't know what I had to do to get the points away and within 24 hours it already reached 200. "I wanted to get your food boy, but I see your bowl is already filled up. So take that and don't spill any drop. I will be back in 10 minutes so be ready." John said and while walking out of the room. I turned to the bowl to see and saw the bowl with my own cold piss standing there. I got a bit sick in my stomach off the idea, but didn't want any more punishment points so I walked to the bowl and got on my knees. With hesitation I leaned forward so that my face was just above the bowl. The smell was awful. I opened my mouth and sucked in the first of the piss. I had choose bumps over my body and had to work hard against a gag reflex. I kept drinking and after a few minutes I finally was done and licked the lost drops out. 'Don't spill any drop' he had said. I replaced myself and waited for John to return.

The door opened and John game in while looking at the bowls. "Well done boy, see you finished your meal. You are really a good purchase. In my plan drinking piss stood on the fifth day boy." He opened the cage door and ordered me to come out. He grabbed me by my neck and led me out of the room. We walked to a basement door. He opened it and led my down the stairs. There was no light so I couldn't see much and I only saw a second door on the left of the stairs. He opened that one and pushed me into a large basement room. Motion sensors kicked in and turned on the lights and ventilation. "Welcome to my play room boy" John said. On the left of the room there was a kind of fitness corner, on the right corner there was a sort of medical examination room. In the far left corner there was a technical workplace and in the right far corner there were all kinds of strange devices standing. All the corners were separated with a thin dry wall. John pushed me to the left far corner, the technical workplace. "Place your legs in the floor restraints and place your wrist in the restraints hanging there" John said pointing to restraints lying on the floor. There were chains hanging from the ceiling. I questioned myself 'did he ask me to take away my own freedom' and that hesitation was a mistake. I felt an enormous electric shock thru my neck. He did not have to say anything more and I did as I was ordered. To put the wrist restraints on was not easy with one hand so I also had to use my mouth to fasten them. While doing so John was busy at his work bench. When I was done I said "I am finished master" and waited for a response. John did not respond immediately and then I saw his hand reach for a red button under his workbench. After pushing it the chains started to rattle and pull my legs apart and my arms upward. The sound of the chains and not knowing what was happening was very scary. The chains kept going and I started to feel the muscles in my legs and shoulders. The wrist chains also kept rattling and finally lifted me of the floor. Luckily it stopped before my limbs were pulled of my body. I was hanging there spread eagled in the air. I hoped I hadn't been in this position long, because it was clear the strain on my muscles would be painful.

John turned and walked towards me. "You had the chastity device on for three weeks now. However it is comfortable makes you horny and giving you a hard time during sleep, you are still wanting to and are able to cum. As you have noticed. One of my clients asked me to develop something that takes down the wanting to cum aspect. So I did and now I start the testing phase boy." He had a big smile on his face. He was definitely enjoying this. He picked a key out his pocket and removed the chastity cage. It felt great to lose the cage. He got a wet washcloth and cleaned my crotch. While doing so he juggled my balls around and firmly played with my dick. After all that time I slowly felt my dick get harder. Unwanted, but I was unable to stop it. John saw it and said with a twinkle in his eyes "Keeping you locked up three weeks, gives a very quick response now boy". Then he pushed my hard dick down and let it slip back to my stomach several times. And he started to tap my balls harder and harder for several times. However it did not feel good, my dick kept pointing to the ceiling. "While this is fun. I can't have you to keep that hard dick" John said. He turned around to his bench and grabbed a jar and a big wooden spoon. In front of me he opened the jar and I saw a red liquid in it. It smelled like hot peppers. He took the spoon and dipped it in the jar. The oily liquid was sticking on it. He then moved the spoon to my balls and got the oil on my ball sack. It slowly gave me a burning feeling. Much more than the hot cold crème Mike used once. It was really burning and I starting to squirm in the restraints and the chains rambled. As that was not painful enough he started to hit me with the spoon at the balls. I screamed and John said "Be quiet boy or I will shock you again". I felt sweat running down my back and tried to be quiet. It was definitely working, my dick was getting soft. John looked at me while running his hand over his swollen dick and said "You still not soft enough boy. Ask me to hit you more and harder to the balls and get some punishment points off." "No, I can't it hurts sir. Make it stop please" I responded. "Ask boy, ask. Or I will get the stronger oil and place it on your balls" John shouted to me. 'Stronger' this oil was hurting like hell and kept burning longer that hot/cold crème. I finally gave in "Please master hit me more and harder please". While sweat run from my chest. John placed himself in front of me and started to fully swing the wooden spoon against my balls, harder and harder. Tears where in my eyes and I kept whining "please sir stop, please, please stop". After a while he stopped and I saw he had a wet stain in his trousers. It definitely made him horny. He gave me some time to get my breath and then he came with a metal kind device. He placed a ring around my ball sack and a longer thicker piece that was connected to the bottom of the ring between my legs. Then he put a front piece on that was connected to the bottom of the ring. The front piece had two egg shaped carvings in it and my balls fell perfectly in it. In the upper part of the front piece was a half circle that made room for my dick so it was not encaged. It was a strange device and it was strange this man was handling my junk, but I was so glad the pain faded away that I didn't protested.

After John placed the strange device he said "This is a new kind of chastity boy. Your dick is free and can get hard, but you are not allowed to cum or get too horny. If you do, the device will notice the change in your balls and will hit you with an electric shock. I now will shock you manually to determine the base setting" and before I realized what he said he pushed a button and I felt an enormous electric shock hit my balls. I pulled the chains without any result. "On a pain scale from 1 to 10, which number you give that last shock?" John asked. "A nine" I said. "No, that is not possible. It is on a lower current then you had on your medical exam day and you handled that current fine" John said. He came over with a screwdriver and turned something. Then he shocked me again. It felt harder and I even gave a scream. He then asked again "On a pain scale from 1 to 10, which number you give that last shock?" I responded with a 10. He then starts smiling. No boy I don't believe that, there are five higher settings" and again he got the screwdriver and turned something. Then he hit me again with a shock. It hurt so bad that I screamed out loud and all my muscles pulled together. I had tears running over my face and heard myself say "please master, no more, please no more. It's too much." Then I saw he had his dick out of his pants. A large circumcised dick and his mushroom head shining with pre-cum. Then he shocked me again and within my screams I could hear him moaning. And thru my impulsive motions I could see him cum without hands. Then everything went black and I passed out.

When I woke up I was bound in the fitness area with my arm to the ceiling and my legs next to each other bolted to the floor. John was standing there with boxing cloves on. "So, you are finally awake boy. I like to work out now, especially with boxing. The problem is I don't have a boxing bag, so you with your tight abs will do fine". And before I knew it he punched me in the gut. I felt the air pushed out of my longs and I quickly try to refocus and flex my abs for the second punch. The second one wasn't a surprise so it didn't hurt that much. But the longer the workout got the more it started to hurt. My muscles were in pain. My shoulders from hanging, my leg muscles from trying to move around and my abs from the beating. Sweat run down my back and I could feel the drops running between my ass cheeks. It was becoming harder and harder to keep my abs tensed up too absorb the hits. I tried to move away more, with no result. And I also asked John to stop and give me a break. But it looked like the more I pleaded the harder he was hitting me. When finally I wasn't able to tense my abs anymore, the hits caused me a lot of pain and it was hard to breath. I wanted it to stop but I couldn't stop it. Tears were forming in my eyes when John stopped and said "That was a nice workout. You did great boy." He walked away "I am going to take a shower see you later" and he left me hanging there. So the pain in my shoulders was to stay. When he game back after his shower I was shivering and in a kind of shock. Finally he took me down. He led me to my cage. With trembling legs I walked the stairs and I was happy to see my cage. There was a bowl of something standing there. I felt down on the floor and crawled to the water bowl and started to drink and then to eat. I didn't know what it was, but I was hungry after this morning without a good breakfast. After that I looked at the monitor and it showed 160 points. I only lost 40 points after this horrible beating. I lay down my head and fall asleep.

Next: Chapter 10

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