Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 3, 2019


Tricked to be auctioned

Chapter 7

The next evening I was at Mike's place at 7 pm. With a cup of coffee we talked about the news, weather, classes and finally also about the experience at the auction. Mike repeatedly mentioned how great I was, what a big amount of funding I collected for the cancer foundation and that I should be proud. I still felt somewhat embarrassed so there was no room to be proud. Finally Mike said "Shall we open the letter and the bag to see what John wants you to prepare too in the three week preparation period of the contract?" I agreed. Mike grabbed the envelope, opened it and started to read out loud. ' Hello boy,

When Kate and I saw your specifications, we thought you could be the right boy for us. Your results of the exam day showed some things that have to improve. Work on that.

  1. Be more comfortable in being totally naked in front of other people. 2. Be more comfortable in being touched. 3. Wear a chastity cage the three weeks. 4. Be more comfortable in being tied down. 5. Be more horny. 6. shave off your pubes.

Be ready for us in three weeks.

Master John'

We both were quiet for a while and let it sink in. Then Mike opened the bag and got a chastity cage out of it. "That's a small thing. I am glad I don't have to wear that" Mike said. I stumbled with words "how..... how..... how can I prepare those twisted things". Suddenly Mike got a smile "I know it. You stay here the next three weeks. When you are here you have to get naked like the houseboy thing you already did. And of course you have the chastity cage on." I thought of that for a moment. I didn't like the houseboy thing, but could not think of another way. So I agreed. Mike continued "Of course I am allowed to touch you and bound you up sometimes while you here. So you could get used to it". "Are you crazy I will not let you touch me and do those things" I responded. "Do you have a better idea? You already have been naked here and I touched your balls, so don't make a big problem of it will you. Or will you go to a stranger and let him do it?" Mike said. I was quiet for a few seconds. He was right Mike felt a more save then a stranger. "Alright I do it. Then the next things of the list. Shaving is not a problem but how should I get more horny?" Mike "I have an idea. You have to watch every day a porn movie.". My response "I don't think that will help." With a smile on his face Mike answered "Oh I think it will. Do not forget your wearing the chastity. So you will not be able to get hard and you are not allowed to cum. I am convinced it will work". I totally forgot the chastity cage. Mike said "Agreed on the terms of preparation?". I did not like it at all, but had not much of a choice and agreed.

Mike "Don't keep sitting there." I raised my eyebrows in a response that I did not understand his comment. "Get up and undress." Mike said. I felt my mind went heavy, but responded "of course". "What of course........." Mike said. I immediately understood to which Mike was referring to. "Of course master". Mike walked away and came back with the collar and handed it to me. I placed in around my neck and felt uncomfortable to be in this position again. "Place your hand behind your head and spread your legs" Mike said. "What are you going to do" I said. "A master don't have to explain himself to his boy. So shut up." It didn't take long before I noticed what he was going to do. He got the ring of the chastity cage and placed it behind my balls and the base of the shaft. The he got the tube and placed it over my shaft. Finally he connected it to the ring. It felt tight. He ended by placing a lock and closed it. He put the keys in his pocket and looked at my crotch. I felt helpless. "looks like you will be safe for the next weeks boy" Mike said. I felt little. And suddenly out of nothing he hit my balls. They couldn't get anywhere due to the ring so his hit hurt badly. "Keep standing boy. That is forgetting to say master again" Mike said with a sadistic smile on his face. "At ease" continued Mike. I lowered my hands and rubbed my sore balls and wanted to sit down on the couch. During my movement Mike said "boys are not allowed to sit on an equal level as there masters. So your place is on the ground in front of the couch". I sat down in front of the couch. Suddenly I felt Mike's hand touching the side of my neck. In a response I got away from him. He immediately hit my head "Accept it boy or I will have to punish you some more". The preparation list in mind I got back in position and said "Yes master". While Mike already was touching my pecs slowly to my nipples I thought this were going to be long three weeks.

At 10 pm Mike stood up and said "let's go to bed". I also stood up and walked behind him. Mike got to a closet and grabbed a blanket out, threw it to me and said "The blanket you can use as your bed boy. Slave boys are lower than their masters so that's your place the next weeks". I hesitated to make a remark but didn't make it. It probably wouldn't help anyway. I agreed on the preparation and I already had the experience to know Mike likes this kinky stuff. So he was not letting me get out of it. I knew before I agreed Mike had a twisted mind so I should have knew better. I placed the blanket on the floor so that I also could cover me. Laying with my hands under my head, because I had no pillow, I felt asleep. In the middle of the night I woke up. Guys who have experience in wearing a chastity device recognize this. In my sleep I tried to get a boner. I felt the pressure on my shaft and the ring pushed against my balls. It was a uncomfortable feeling. As soon as I realized I tried to think of non-sexual things to stop getting a hard on. After a few minutes it got better and I felt asleep to be waken up a while later to notice another try to get a hard on. This repeated a few times that night. The next morning I woke up very tired. It was a hard night without a bed and several boner attempts.

"Get up boy and make me breakfast while I take a shower" Mike said while he softly kicked me. It felt strange and somewhat lonely. Not even a good morning or sleep well. I got up and made Mike breakfast. When Mike game out of the shower he ordered me to clean the bathroom before I left. I didn't respond. Then he walked toward me with a towl around him, grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. "Did you hear me boy? he asked. "Yes master". "Next time answer me immediately" he said while he tabbed my balls with his free hand. I was to late to protect myself and bending forward as a respons was not possible because he still held my head back. I quickly answered "Yes master, I will master". He let go and went back to his bedroom to get dressed. After we eat our breakfast he left and I was going to the toilet, take a shower, cleaned the bathroom and got ready to get to class. I experienced it is better to sit down then keep standing when you have a chastity cage on. It is hard to aim with a chastity on and I pissed all over myself. After cleaning it up I got to the shower. That also was hard to do. Normally I jerked myself while showering but that wasn't going to happen now. It was hard to get clean up my crotch. The cage makes it difficult to reach the head. After the shower I got dressed. Luckily I brought not only tight jeans with me. So I picked a nice one that wasn't showing the cage a lot and left for classes.

Next: Chapter 8

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