Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 2, 2019


Gay, Authoritarian, Teen

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are imaginary.

Thank you all for the great reactions. I never thought there were so many readers.

Chapter 6

Finally I was home and was able to shower and mental processing the last 24 hours. When I entered the apartment building Mike was sitting on the stairs waiting for me. "Hi Steve, you are alright. I want to know if everything went alright with your medical exam." and he walked with me up the stairs. I said "Yes I am alright. But it was the most strange and long medical examination. You want to get in for a drink?" Mike answered "Yes, one drink and then I have to go to work. Are you trying a new hair gel? There are all kinds of white flakes in your hair." I felt embarrassed. "Yes, I am". But the way Mike looked at me and smiled, I believed he knew exactly it was dried cum. After opening the door Mike walked to a seat and I got us something to drink. Mike had a lot of questions, but I was a bit reluctant to answer all of them. I believed it was better if he did not know everything of the exam otherwise he definitely will give me a hard time with it. After Mike finished his drink he stood up and said "Richard and I will come tonight and maybe we all can go for a drink." Then he left and I could finally take a long hot shower. I felt really dirty.

After diner Mike and Richard came to see me. They had I kinds of questions, which some I fully answered and some I didn't tell everything. After all the questions were answered Richard said "Steve, we want you to bring a lot of money in for the cancer foundation. So Mike and I talked a bit and agreed you should wear an outfit that will increase the bids". Mike continued "You have a great slim muscled body so you should show it. Everyone else there will also try to look their best. So we got you an outfit. Here it is." I was surprised and out of words. I opened the bag and got the outfit out. I was a small black tight short, with a small zipper in front. Then there was a white bow tie and two white cuffs. That was it. "I can't wear this. I am almost naked" I said. "Steve, come on everyone is going to wear outfits that will increase bids." Mike said. Richard continued "If anyone can wear that it's you. Just try it on". By the pressure of my friends I stood up and turned to get to my room. Mike stopped me "Do it here boy. We are all guys and you will be almost naked soon." With hesitation I changed in front of Richard and Mike. And of course when I was standing fully naked they gave me a hard time. I was happy to get the short on and when i was finished Richard said "That looks great on you Steve. Like a butler". Mike walked over to me and while he unzipped the short a bit he said "Try to tease the audience a bit Steve and you bring more money in. Yes that is better". I felt naked, but with the social pressure I agreed to wear it at the auction. After I changed back in my normal outfit we went to a bar for a drink and had a lot of fun.

That night I woke up from a kind of nightmare. I was on stage at the auction totally naked and Jake was jerking me of. My pillow was wet of the sweat it produced, but I also had a boner like hell. That worried me out and I couldn't get to sleep anymore. I was thinking 'only two more days to the auction and then it's all over'. It was almost morning when i finally got some sleep.

Two days later it was auction day. Mike and Richard picked me up and we went together to the location. At the location I went to the entering desk and they told me I was third to be auctioned in category A and I need to go to the left changing room with A on the door. While walking to the changing rooms I asked Mike "What is category A?" He answered "Probably they split the group in two. High value goods and low value goods, I think." I found that a strange answer, because we are talking about people. But finally thought he probably also did not know. Mike and Richard were not allowed to enter the changing room, so we agreed to see each other behind the stage. The doorman told me to hurry up because the auction was about to start. In the changing room I saw six other people. Four men and two women. The women were dressed up like a cleaning lady and a school teacher. And they looked hot. The men had similar clothes like me. Showing a lot of skin. There was a Roman, fireman, policeman and a gardener. At least I am not the only one to be auctioned half naked. I felt a bit more relaxed.

When I got changed the doorman came and asked us to follow him and he leaded us backstage. There he said "Take a seat. First category B will be auctioned and then your category." It started. A good manly voice made an announcement. "Welcome every one. We like to thank you and our volunteers backstage for your support to the cancer foundation. And hope you all enjoy. And of course you audience bit a lot." There was laughter in the audience. "We will start today with Jake". Then I saw Jake my handler walk up from the other side of the stage. I was a bit surprised to see him here and was very alert. Because he was fully dressed I wondered what he was doing here. "Ladies and gentlemen. But especially the ladies. Here is Jake, doesn't he look great. The person who wins Jake will get a nice night out including diner. Who doesn't want this stud for a nice night out. Who maked the opening bid?" The bidding began and my mind went crazy. Why I am half naked and he is standing with his clothes on. He was sold for 450 euro. Then a new guy was sold Jasper was his name. The buyer will have Jasper for a day to do all kind of tasks. He also was fully dressed and went for 880 euro. It went on like this half an hour. Then there was a break.

Mike and Richard entered back stage and walked right up to me. "What the hell man. They are all dressed up. You said everyone is going to show off." I said. "Relax Steve, don't worry" Richard said. We talked a bit and they tried to settle me down. "Steve your spec information is good. The outcome of your testing day is impressive." Richard said. "What..... Why you have information of my medical exam and I haven't seen it myself?" I asked. Mike: "The day was not only a medical exam. It was also to get information for your selling specification for today. And I have to agree with Richard it is very impressive." Then someone walked up to us and asked Richard and Mike to leave, because they were ready to start again. Mike leant forward "Hope you bring a lot of money for the cancer foundation. And ohh. Category A is more of a slave category where people sold from three to ten days." He winked and smiled while walking away. My heart was beating like crazy. I felt angry at Mike and scared for what would happen.

The Roman and teacher were sold first. The bidding was in days and money. The Roman was sold six days for 4000 euro and the teacher for five days and 3600 euro. Then it was my turn. I collected all my courage and walked up to stage. The announcer started "Here we have Steve. A nice healthy good looking houseboy, who can handle a lot. As you can see in his specification he is a bit shy and can take a punishment. Who will open the bit?" I thought what the hell `shy'; I am standing here almost naked. And 'houseboy' that must have been Mikes idea. When I finished that thought the bidding was started already and they were at five days for 7000 euro and they were all still active bidding. My only thought was "It is way to high to get out of this. If I brake the contract I have to pay 7000 euro and I cannot afford that." But the price was still going up. Then it was 10 days for 15000 euro. A good looking lady placed the bid. Then another bid for 10 days for 16000 euro from a couple. A nice lady and a big muscular man. They went bidding against each other and finally it ended. Ten days for 21000 euro. Everyone applauded. The announcer "Woww that is a great result." The others didn't get that high, but I was happy to get of stage and glad this humiliationg experience was over.

Richard game like a young puppy back stage. "You did great Steve. The highest bid ever." Mike followed him calmly with a smile on his face. Angry I said to him "You knew the difference of the categories and you entered me in this category. Probably when you lost the wager you would have entered category B. You asshole". "Yes, A nice twist. But you must agree we would never be sold for that price. So I am not sorry Steve" he said. "Come let us meet your buyers" he continued. I was so angry, but still followed him, without going for a change first. We walked straight for my buyers and introduced ourselves. His name was John and had kind of an air over him. He had a nice trimmed beard that outlined his musculan jawline. Her name was Kate and she was nice and tried to make conversation. Then out of nothing "Boy, you aren't ready for us yet. The contract says you have three week for preparation. Your exam day showed some things that have to improve. I made a list of things you have to do for preparation." John said. Mike answered "I will make sure he will do everything of the list, sir". And John handed Mike the list and a bag then turned grabbed Kate and walked away.

I was glad the day was over. I went back to room A and changed back in my normal clothes. Then walked back to Mike and Richard and we went home. During the drive Richard was still excited and telling me I did great. First we dropped of Richard and then Mike dropped me of. "See you tomorrow evening at 7 at my place and bring some stuff to stay the night. We have to talk about the list" he said. Deep inside I did not want to, but knew I had to so I agreed and we said goodbye.

If you like the story let me know. If you are a Dutch boy looking for something similar to experience, please contact me.

Next: Chapter 7

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