Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on Apr 30, 2019


Gay, Authoritarian, Teen

This story is a work of fiction. All characters are imaginary.

Chapter 4

Lunch was great. Jake and I sat at a table for two and talked a lot. Jake also likes to keep healthy like me. So we had a lot to talk about. After we put our dishes away, we went to the gym. As soon as we past the door of the lunchroom he grabbed me by the back of my neck and led me the way. "Jake, why are you always placing your hand in my neck while leading the way? I feel small by it." I asked. His response "It is just protocol. And it feels me superior and I like that." I found that a strange remark.

After a few corners we came to a locker room where I changed in my sporting gear. "Leave your shirt off, you will not need it" Jake said. I also found that a bit strange, normally in a gym you are not allowed without, but alright this day is not as usual anyway. When we entered the gym area I was surprised how huge it was. I saw a lot of bikes and treadmills and there were a lot of people. Jake led me to a treadmill where a nice girl was waiting. "Hi Steve, I am Susan and I will prepare you for the treadmill and will monitor your performance." Then she placed several pads on my chest and wired them up. "Nice body you have Steve. I think you will do fine." she said. She asked me to step on the treadmill and placed a mask over my face. "This mask will monitor your breathing strength. It's important you breathe normal. When I start the program it will start slow so you can get familiair with the mask. After a while the program will increase speed. In front of you, you will see a circle. It can show up to four colors. Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. As soon as you walk the meter is going and showing a color. Due to your age you need at least get to yellow. But with that nice athletic body I expect you should not have any problems to get a full green circle. Do you have any questions?". "No I don't" was my response. It sounded a bit strange with the mask on. She started the program and I had to walk. After a few minutes I had to start running. After a half hour I really had to run and it became hard to keep up. The circle was still showing yellow. Jake walked over and came next to me. "I thought you went a lot to the gym boy, it's pathetic. Go on, push yourself." I really needed that mental stimulant. My body was shining of sweat and the upperpart of my shorts were wet of the dripping, but I held on. Then the circle went green. "Go on boy, just five more minutes" Jake yelled. While again I felt the treadmill increase speed. After it felt like ages the treadmill was slowing down. I made it. A full circle in the green. "Well done" Susan said. She got the mask off and said "Just keep walking slowly for a while to get your breath and relax your muscles. You did great". While walking Susan and Jake walked away and left me alone on the treadmill for another hour.

I wanted to stop much sooner, but I still had the pads and the wires on me. When they came back Susan stopped the treadmill and got the pads off. "Good luck with the rest of the day." she said. Jack grabbed me by the back of my neck and leaded me back to the locker room. "Go and take a shower boy. I will come back in twenty to bring you to the sensibility of the nerve endings exam. Leave your cloths in a locker. You don't need them." Jake said. He left and I got a nice warm shower.

I was waiting on a bench with a towel around me when Jake entered to room. "Come here boy and throw the towel in that laundry basked in the corner" he said. While I was in a locker room it still felt strange to walk naked to Jake not knowing what is going to happen. When I was beside him he grabbed the back of my neck and pushed me to a door. "Stop" I yelled. "I am naked we can go out there". Jake squeezed my neck and pushed me to the door. "Don't be a prude. There are only medical personal in that room and they have seen boys naked before." he said. His grip hurted. When we entered the room I saw a corridor with several smaller rooms and four very beautiful girls. My face was red of embarrassment and I tried to cover my crotch. We walked to the third small room and entered. Jake "put your hand down boy we are here together. This is an important test and most of the people find this test the most awful." He brought me to the middle of the room. "Put your feet on the marks on the floor and your arms in the air." Jake said. Then he got some restraints and before I could say anything he said "These restraints are for your own safety. Sometimes this test can hurt a bit." He did the restraints from my legs to pins in the ground and my arms to pins on the ceiling. I was standing there spread eagled and was very nervous. I never heard of this kind of exam and it frightened me a bit. Then Jake came with several pads and wires and placed the over my body. From my calves to my neck. Jake started to explain "These pads are connected to a machine that will send low electric currents to your body. In front of you there is a picture of a body on a screen with numbers of the places where the pads are placed on your body. Each time you feel a shock you call out that number. The machine will record that." I saw more and more numbers appear while Jake was placing the pads. "Yes it is clear." I responded. Jake continued "It can happen you don't feel it. No problem the machine is programmed and will slowly increase the current. The basic setting is different for each person, but in my experience setting 5 is normal. When started, the full program will have to be finished. The smaller screen beside the door will soon show the number of your basic setting whitch the doctors set for you." Then he placed a pad on my right nipple. "Not there, they are sensitive" I said. Jake responded "Yes, I know but that is not the worst place. Trust me." Then one on my left nipple. He then picked up a plug and walked around me. "Relax boy" he said. And suddenly I felt the plug entering my ass. 'Yes, that is really worse' I thought. But what was I wrong. Then Jake picked up three more pads and placed one on each of my balls and one on my cockhead. "No way" I responded. Jake smiled "you can handle it" and gave my balls a nice friendly slap. He was finished but we still had to wait for the basic setting.

After a few minutes the screen besides to the door went on. My heart was racing. Ping, there it was .... an eight. Jake turned to me with a bigger smile on his face and friendly slapped my face. "You are not going to like this boy" he said. He walked to the machine and entered the basic setting. "I see you later boy and good luck" and then he left the room. The first minutes I didn't feel much, but then it came. The first soft currents I felt in my nipples, ass and crotch. I calmly called out the numbers. Then the machine made a sound like a bell and the currents increased and I started to feel some muscles in other parts of my body. After another increase I felt them better, but my balls and nipples started a bit to hurt. And due to the pain it was harder to concentrate on the numbers. Then another bell rang and an increase. I already had all the pads felt so I didn't understand why there was still an increase. The hard thing was that I recognized the pattern of the numbers. So when my left testicle was shocked I hold my breath because I knew my right was next. And the shocking was very unpleasant and painful. Then suddenly I heard the bell rang twice. And I noticed there was an increase but also the pads didn't follow the pattern anymore. Suddenly I felt four times the one in my bud. And strangely it felt a bit nice. Then my nipples and twice my cockhead. This sequence repeated a while and I noticed the electric current worked stimulating and my cock was starting to get hard and I felt pre-cum flowing. I was painfull but I still started to get horny. I got afraid 'What if anyone entered the room now. 'Then without warning the two pads on my balls are both activated a couple of times. I didn't like the hits of Mike, but I really didn't like the shocks. They are really painful. After a while it stopped. And due to the pain in my balls my hard on was gone, but some drips of pre-cum where on the floor. Jake entered the room "You did very well boy." He got all the pads of and released me of my restraints. He got behind me and put his hands thru my hair. "Well done, you deserve my respect" he said. Then he grabbed the back of my neck and led me to the locker room. "Get dressed and then we go to the bar. I think you really need a drink now." he said. And so we did.

If you like the story let me know. If you are a Dutch boy looking for something similar to experience, please contact me.

Next: Chapter 5

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