Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on Apr 29, 2019


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are imaginary.

Chapter 3

We met each other before the next race. The race was later in the evening, so we talked and played an x-box game first. After my last experience I felt uncertain and my mind wondered of a lot. 'What will happen if I lose again and Mike is the winner?', 'Will it be worse?'. Don't misunderstand me. I like my friends a lot and I don't find it a problem to do things for them or even please them. But it was a bit humiliating and painful. Yes, I decided to bring it up. "Guys, let's not do any wagers for the race. It is starting to get boring." Mike looked in my direction with a question if I wanted to avoid being a houseboy. And he was right. Richard responded "I don't think it is boring. Can't we finish the season? There are only two races left. The race today and the one in two weeks." Mike: "Yes, it feels a bit strange to stop just before end of the season. And I wanted to ask you guys to change your prices for the last race. There is an auction for the cancer foundation. All that will be auctioned are people, for dates, shores, relaxing massage and things like that. I thought it is a nice idea the looser has to be auctioned." Richard was very quick in his reaction "Yes that is a great idea. I am in. You can't back out now Steve, it's for a good cause." Richard said. "Alright but only the last race, so no wagers this race" I said. Mike was smiling and winked at me. "I will make the arrangements" Mike said. The smile and wink gave me a creepy feeling. For me it was like Mike was up to something. That feeling became worse when Richard said "Hope you lose Steve. You are the best looking of us so you probably bring the most money in. Maybe you even should be auctioned shirtless so everyone can see your slim muscled body. The cancer foundation can use the money." I smiled but I really didn't know how to respond.

Two weeks later the last race of the season. We agreed to watch the last Race in a bar. It was busy. It was one of the most exciting races ever. Three rounds to go and we all could still win or lose. The excitement in the bar was feeling. Oh no, my driver lost his control and got of track. My only thought was "No, I don't want to lose the wager". But by the time the driver got back on track he was too far behind to win the race, what meant I was the looser. Mike put his arm over my shoulder and winked at me. By the time the race was over my mind was back in the bar. Richard was the winner and I congratulated him. He immediately orders some beers and was in a high spirit. After we settled down a bit Mike grabbed some forms and said "It's time the loser pays up and sign these forms for the benefit auction for the cancer foundation. I filled in already the form so one of us only had to sign. The fine prints also have to be singed". "Isn't that not a bit much for only an auction" I said. Richard responded "I think they don't want to get any risk to end up in court." "Yes, that's true. I read the auctioned person has to pay back the money if he/she failed to comply. And the auctioned will get a large free medical checkup." Mike said. Richard: "They really take it serious".

I signed the papers and gave them back to Mike. After a few beers we said goodnight and got ready to leave. By the door I spotted the forms in the bag of Mike. Strange. I saw a lot more forms then I had to sign. Due to the beer I didn't think anything of it and left.

A few days later I got a letter:


Thank you for the contract to be sold at the auction category A for the cancer foundation. The cancer foundation can use all the support. Within the contract there is a testing day with a full medical examination.

We expect you the 10th of this month at 07:30 am at the address below. Please ask for me, my name is Jake and I am the handler of your file. The program of the day starts at 07:45 and takes a full day. Meals will be provided. We ask you to bring sporting cloths and swim shorts. Also bring things for the night because a sleeping cycle examination is included.

Again thank you for your support and see you on the 10th of this month.

Handler, Jake

On the 10th I went to the address at the mentioned time and I asked for Jake. Jake already was waiting for me and walked right over. "Hi, I am Jake. Welcome and thank you for your support. I will be your contact and support thru the day. Please follow me." he said. I liked him. He is a calm large ginger with blue eyes. Has a nice smile with dimples in his cheeks, large big shoulders so I think he definitely goes to the gym a lot. A followed him to a room where he asked me to sit. Jake started "The program of today. We start with answering questions, then the medical examination, Lunch, sporting tests, sensibility of the nerve endings exam, diner, free time and sleeping. If you need something or have a question and I am not around there is in every room a blue button next to the doors. If you press the button I will come. Over there in the corner is water, coffee or tea. On the desk you find a laptop. If you enter your name the questions will be shown. Some questions can be a bit strange, but I ask you to answer them anyway. It gives a better sight of your live choices and risks. It is important to answer them truly. Do you have any questions at this moment?" He told me so much and quick that I hadn't any questions at that time, "No, not at this moment". Jake continued "Then I wish you good luck with the questions". He left the room. I entered my name on the laptop and the first questions where shown. The questions were al physical and medical. Gender, height, injuries, allergies and things like that. Then the second set of questions. Gay/straight, sexual preference, sexual experience, bondage, sm, fetishes and things like that. There were some strange questions. For example 'Are you being fisted once?' 'Yes, did you like it?', 'No, do you want to experience it?' Most things I never thought about and some things I didn't even know what they were.

It took more time than I expected, but after two hours I was finished. I pushed the blue bottom and a few seconds later Jake entered the room. "Did you answer all the question?" I said: "Yes, I did. Some were indeed really strange. But I all answered them". "Then you can give me your things boy and come with me for the medical exam" he said. He made a step back and let me pass him. By passing him I gave him the goods I brought with me. Then I felt his strong hand in the back of my neck and he led me to the corridors. I felt a bit strange like I was leaded cattle. It made me a bit nervous.

When I entered the room Jake lead me to, I saw a real doctors room. There was I older man with grey hair behind a desk. "Hi, Jake you brought the next one in. Jake will you assist me with this one? Nurse Mary is ill today." He said. "Yes, no problem doc." The doctor stood up behind the desk and walked over to me. "I am Doctor Bill and you must be Steve. Welcome and thank you for your support" he said and we shook hands. "Please fully undress and then we can start." the doc said. When I was fully undressed the examination started with a body scan, taking blood, eye examination, ear examination and a lot of those things. "Now, you do the next thing Jake" the doc said. "Alright doc. "Get on all four on the table boy I am going to examine you prostate" said Jake while putting on some gloves. 'Dam. Why the doc isn't doing this himself?' I thought. I did as asked and felt a lubricant put on my hole. He slowly massaged it. "Relax boy and it won't hurt" Jake said. I slowly felt one finger inside, then a second. "I am getting to the toilet a moment" doc said and left the room. Jake was pushing his fingers deeper and deeper. First it was painful but after a while I relaxed more and the pain slowly became pleasure while his fingers rubbed my prostate. After I noticed i started to moan I asked "aren't you ready yet?". "No not yet, the doctor normally tells me when to stop but he isn't here. So keep still" said Jake. He kept going rubbing my prostate. I felt pre-cum flowing and felt embarrassed. The door opened "You still are not ready Jake. If you haven't felt anything abnormal you can stop now" he said. Jake stopped and grabbed some paper towels and cleaned me up. Suddenly I felt him grab the head of my penis and cleaned of the pre-cum. I felt embarrassed and got red faced. "It's alright boy, most of us guys leak a bit during this exam." It was a small attempt to make it less embarrassing. It didn't work. Then he asked to stand next to the table. He grabbed my balls and asked me to turn my head and cough. Then do it again to the other side. Then he slowly rubbed my balls between his thumb and index finger and putting pressure on it. It hurt a bit. "No I don't feel any anomalies." Jake said. "Alright boy you can put you clothes back on and go for lunch with Jake. We will process your blood and before you leave we have all the results" said the doc. Because the medical examination was so long, longer then I am used to, I was happy to put my cloths back on.

After that I turned to Jake so we could get to lunch. I was hungry so lunch would be great now. Again he grabbed the back of my neck and led me to the lunchroom.

If you like the story let me know. If you are a Dutch boy looking for something similar to experience, please contact me.

Next: Chapter 4

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