Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on Apr 28, 2019


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are imaginary.

Chapter 2

Two weeks later the next race was on. This time we all asked for the usual things, Richard won and Mike lost. For me it was an easy one. The week after that was another race. Richard asked again for two six-packs of beer, I asked for a training buddy and Mike asked a houseboy for cleaning his apartment. It was a excitement race to watch but I lost again and Mike was the winner. "Lucky for me I am the winner. It's been three weeks ago after the last cleaning" Mike said with a smile. "You haven't cleaned after i have done so the last time, you are a real pig" I said. "Yes, come tomorrow morning at 8 am so you have the rest of the day. You will need it." And we agreed on that. The next morning I was at 8 am by Mike. He greeted me and asked me to enter. "I made a list of things for you to do today" and handed me over a list. Dam that was a large list, definitely will cost me the whole day. "So start undressing to your birthday suite and start cleaning boy" Mike said. "I am sorry?" I said. Mike answered with a smile "Because it's the second time a made the wager a bit different. I asked for a houseboy cleaning. Houseboys are naked". My mind went back to yesterday and remembered he really said that.

"This way you keep your cloths clean and remember your place boy. And you don't have to be ashamed with your ripped stomach". While saying he rubbed his hand over my stomach muscles. "dam you are really sick man" I said. Probably it is that I am used of being naked with other guys in a locker room I started to undress and noticed it was warm in the apartment. After I was done Mike asked me to put my cloths in a bag and give them to him.

"You get your cloths back after I am pleased with the things of the list boy. Ohhh

You really work out a lot, look at those pecs." He put a hand on my chest and slowly got to my nipple and pinched it. "Yeh, you do definitely don't need to feel ashamed of your body." I did a step back and grabbed the list. I felt uncomfortable and quickly started the cleaning.

The first two cleaning jobs it felt a bit strange to do them naked, but after a while I got used to it. It was really warm in the apartment. I was sweaty and thirsty. I walked to the kitchen, grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Just when I wanted to start drinking Mike stopped me. "Don't you drink that boy! You are only here for cleaning nog for drinking and eating". "Come on Mike I am thirsty. It's so warm here" I said. "Yeh, so.... that's no reason for change. But I make you a deal. Normally a houseboy wears a slave collar, so when you wear a collar I agree on you to drink water. So what will it be?" Mike said. "You are really sick Mike" I said. But I was still thirsty and he had my cloths so i couldn't leave to get a drink elsewhere. After a few seconds I agreed. Mike walked to the closet and picked a dog collar out, walked to me and placed it around my neck. "So now you are a real houseboy and allowed to drink water boy" While he said that he slapped my bum. I felt strange about the whole thing, but what could I do. I resumed the cleaning.

I was half way the list and started to get hungry. Not so strange it is half past twelve. I called Mike and asked him where I can find something to eat. He started to smile. "I told you already that your only here for cleaning, because you are a friend in the role of houseboy I give you a change to buy your lunch". "How should I pay for lunch I am naked and you have my things?" I responded a bit angered. Mike: "Let me think... I got something. When you are my houseboy you must call me master. If you forget I got to punish you with a hit to your balls." "Your really have a sick mind" I said. Asking myself 'Can I get to the end of the day without food?'. Because this morning I was late and haven't eaten breakfast and now I am already hungry. I came to the conclusion the only thing I could do is accept. "I accept Mike". He walked to the kitchen and started get the things for lunch. "Here you are boy make me also lunch" he called out. "Thank you Mike" I responded. Then Mike said "It will be a nice day because that is the first time you forgot". ahhh I have to be alert to that.

I made lunch and brought it to Mike. "Here you are ....master". With a smile on his face he said "well done boy". I wanted to get seated on the couch but Mike stopped me. "Know your place boy, you are not allowed to sit with a master. Place yourself between my legs on the ground." This is getting to be a long day I thought. I was hungry and didn't want a discussion, so I sat down on the floor between his legs. We talked like friends while we were eating.

When we were done eating he placed his hands on my shoulders and slowly let his right hand slight to my nipple. When his fingertips are on my right nipple he slowly started to make circles around it. I hit his hand away, but before I knew it his left hand was around my neck and slightly choking me. "What do you say then?" Mike said. I responded "Sorry, master". He loosened his grip and his right hand was again on my nipple. He was really starting to play with it now. Pinching, squeezing and slowly touching it. I must agree after the first two the slowly touching felt nice. After ten minutes or so he said "Time to get back to work boy". "Yes indeed" I stood up and walked away. While walking I discovered my mistake. That was the second one I forgot. Maybe he had not noticed it.

At half past four I was finally finished cleaning the apartment. I went to Mike. "Master I am finished". "Alright boy, go sit over there on your knees with your face to the corner while I inspect your work." he said. After a while I heard him walk closer. Suddenly I felt his hand going thru my hair and as he softly touched my hair suddenly he grabbed it and pulled my head back. "Well done boy. Now only we are left with your punishment for forgetting twice to call me master. Go stand up in front of the door with your legs spread and your hand behind your head.". Twice, bad luck he noticed the second one. I stood as ordered and Mike sat down on a knee and did like he was going to hit me balls. As a reflex my hands went down to protect my crotch. Experienced from last time I know Mike doesn't hold back. After the second fake hit and my reflex Mike said "This is not going to work." He stood up and walked away. After a few seconds he came back with some leather restraints. "No Mike please that goes too far" I said after seeing the restraints. "It is clear you can't keep your hands up so we have to. And by the way that makes three. Hang on buddy and take it like a man, it's almost over." was his response. He grabbed my hand and put the restraints on my wrists. After that he hooked them together and finally hooked them to a ring above the door. I felt helpless so standing there. Mike sat down again on a knee and made a fist. Whack. The pain went up to my stomach. "Breath, breath" I heard Mike say. Whack. That was number two.

I felt my knees going weak and it was hard to keep my legs spread. "For the last one I want to hear you ask to hit you harder." Mike said. "No way" was my response.

"Probably you figured out I like this stuff. If you don't ask I will tell Richard how the day went. And I don't believe you want anyone to know. So you better ask boy.

"That is blackmail" I said. "No it is part of a friendly bet". I definitely would not want anyone to know how degrading this day was. "All right. Please master hit my balls harder, please". Whack. That really hurts, my knees went weak and I was only hanging on my wrists. Mike walked away and got back with the bag where my clothes were in. He walked over and released me of the restraints. "Here are your clothes back. After you put them on come and sit with me Steve, so we can have a friendly drink." Mike said. I did as he asked and when we both sat down on the couch. Suddenly he thanked me for being his boy. He told me he had sometimes a sadistic mood, but he only had the nerve to do that with a friend which he knew he can handle it. Then he thanked me again. It felt strange but I decided not think about it anymore.

We talked a lot and agreed on keeping this day to ourselves.

If you like the story let me know. If you are a Dutch boy looking for something similar to experience, please contact me.

Next: Chapter 3

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