Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 9, 2019


Chapter 13

The day was almost over when I woke up that afternoon. Luckily master let me rest the remainder of the day. He definitely had worn me out with those torturing shocks. The next morning, at day seven, I woke up with swollen painful balls. I was afraid of what master had in mind for me that day. My balls could not take a lot more. The feeling of fear got more and more, especially when master brought me down to his play room. I was surprised that he led me to the gym area. He placed me on the treadmill like two days ago and then just left. I was surprised. Apparently things go different this day. After I think two hours master came back. The program was already finished and I was just standing there on the treadmill. It felt strange, just standing there, but I did not had the nerve to get off. Master did not say anything. My behavior also made me angry of myself, but I was much too afraid for the punishment. When master took me of the treadmill and led me back upstairs to my cage, I was even more surprised by that. And how strange it maybe sounds it also made me nervous and helpless. How painful and uncomfortable everything was I knew how my day would go and now even that was gone.

When we came to my cage I saw master placed a large black box in my cage. It made me curious and the closer we game I saw there was a dildo on one side pointing out of the box. Master placed one of his big muscled arms around my neck and pulled me towards him. I could feel the warmed coming from his big chest. Somehow it felt save and pleasant. "We are going to the next phase of your stay here. Look at the monitor boy" master said. I looked at the monitor, what I had not done anymore since day two. I saw I had more than 400 punishment points. I started sweating. I already had a lot to endure and still that was the result. What did master expect me to do to get those point away. "Yes boy, you still have a lot punishment points. I decided you get the opportunity to get your points down faster. In your cage you find a box with dildo. If you use that dildo to fuck yourself you can get your points down. It takes four deep thrusts to get one point down and after every 20 deep thrusts air is pushed in the dildo so it will increase in size. Is that clear boy?". While thinking I never had something up my ass, I said "Yes, master". "May I ask a question master?" I continued. Master hit me with his free hand hard on my abs; "You already did boy, but I allow you to ask another question." I asked the question "Where can I find the lube sir?". Master looked at me with a smile. And his free hand went thru my hair while he said "You silly boy. There is none. You have to do it without lube. And yes that will be hard and painful, but that is your problem boy." He pushed me into the cage and immediately closed the cage behind me. He said "Get your ass on that dildo boy" while he left.

I slowly crawled to the dildo and looked at it. I thought 'No lube how am I going to do that?'. Finally I spit on the dildo several times. That was hard because my mouth was dry lately. 'Maybe that came because of the urine and old cum' I said to myself. I turned around and placed my hole in front of the dildo and slowly backed down. First I felt the dildo head against my ass and i slowly tried to push further. That was hard. I slowly started to make a pumping motion and tried to relax more. It helped. The dildo head was slowly going in my ass. Without lube it was hard and the more I pushed the more painful it got. Suddenly the dildo head puppet in and I had to tell myself to breath. I slowly started to pump more and accepted the pain. The more I pumped the more relaxed I became and the easier it got. After a while I noticed nothing was happening, so I figured I had to take the dildo deeper. I had work the pain and go on. The dildo was almost all the way in and after four thrusts I say the monitor drop a point. When I reached twenty, air was pumped into the dildo and increased size. That made the pain come back. I tried to continue but it was hard. I felt depressed when it became clear to me that I wasn't going to be able to get a lot of points away in one session and had to do this more often to get the points down. It was hard work.

Just before diner master had a visitor. He opened the cage and called out to me. When I entered the Livingroom I saw Doctor Bill from the medical center. Bill turned to John and said "See you took my advice and purchased that nice specimen of a boy". Master smiled and said "Yes, your advice was every penny worth it" and then master turned to me and said "Get us some beer boy". I quickly went to the kitchen and got two beers out of the refrigerator and kept thinking it was a kind of set up. Did master asked Bill to look for a good slave who he can use for his twisted mind. I realized I would not get the answers here in the kitchen. I quickly returned to the Livingroom and gave them the beer. Before I could leave master said "Get on your knees boy. Doc here had a long day on his feet. So crawl over to him get his shoes of and start service those feet with your tongue." I crawl over and thought of the time I had to service Mike his feet and said to myself 'you can do it. You did it before'. I removed Bill his shoes and saw he didn't had socks on. His feet were wet and very smelly from the sweat he build up in his shoes. I lowered myself and with repulsion I started to lick his feet. I hated myself for doing so. Bill bent forward and crabbed my hair and pulled my head back "You are such a good slave boy." and he spit me in the face and said "Don't forget to clean between the toes slave" and he rubbed my hair and got back in his seat. I lowered myself again and started to lick between the toes. That tasted even worse, but I kept doing it. While cleaning his feet I could hear the conversation between master and doc Bill. Bill: "See your device does work and he gets less boners. Yes, I see his dick is getting smaller already." Master: "Yes, I found the right setting with the punishment shocks so he does not want to get hard anymore." They both laughed. Bill continued "Good job. But with the shrinking his dick looks more like a sausage and all that excessive skin makes it unhygienic. As a Doctor I advise you to get him circumcised". What I heard was very unsettling and I focused to hear what master was going to say. Master gave me no change to hear and said: "Go to the kitchen boy and make us some diner". I stood up and got to the kitchen and held that unsettled feeling. Not knowing what was said made me nervous. After diner I made some coffee and started to do the dishes. When I finally was done I heard the front door and hear Bill call out "See you later John". He left, but that unsettled feeling stayed.

The next morning, at day eight, master led me down to the basement. I questioned what would it be first testing or workout. Master pushed me to gym area so workout it would be. "I like some boxing workout today boy" he said and I knew exactly what he had in mind. Again my abs were going to be hit to mush, with the result a couple of days a lot of pain. And they already were sore of the bathtub workout. Master bound me to the ceiling and the floor and started to hit me. With every gut punch it was harder to absorb the hit. Hit after hit I tuned out more. It was like my mind disconnected from my body. After 45 minutes, master stopped and got of his cloves. My head was hanging and then he lifted my head with his hand under my jaw and said "good boy you finally accept and don't beg me to stop anymore". With his other hand he rubbed a tear of my face. After a few minutes I recovered a bit and noticed he was gone. Probably went for a shower. I was right, because when he came back his hair was wet and he had clean clothes on. He released me of the restraints and led me to the medical area.

In the medical area master said "Get on the table boy and lay down on your back". I did as ordered. However the table was of metal and felt cold it also felt nice to relax my muscles. Then master bound me with medical restraints to the table. My arms were bound next to my body and my ankles to each corner of the table. He also placed a strap over my chest. While he did so I wondered what kind of testing we were going to do. While master just finished with the last strap the doorbell rang and master went to open it. I heard speaking but could not make out what was said or who said it. I became curious when I heard two persons walk down the basement stairs. Master entered the room and just behind him there was Doctor Bill. Bill: "See you have him almost ready." Now my mind went crazy. What doc was doing here and what are they going to do. I wanted to get off the table, but the restraints kept me there. The doc was standing with his back toward me at a side table. And I saw him pick thing out of his medical bag, but could not see what it was. Suddenly I saw in the mirrow the reflection of a surgery knife. Now I really panicked. "No stop, stop, I do not want this. No surgeries or things like that. That is not in the contract." I shouted. Master walked to me and placed a cold hand on my chest and slowly rubbed his thumb over my nipple. While I still was in panic I stopped moving by the gentle touch. He started to speak "relax boy, calm down. The contract says that when you are in my care I have to keep you healthy. Doc here convinced me it is unhealthy and unhygienic to have too much foreskin. So I asked him to make a medical rapport for evidence that I handle conform our contract and today we will cut off your foreskin." My hart pumped like I was running a marathon. I started to shout "You can't do that. You faked evidences. Stop". Doc and master both didn't respond and kept preparing for the procedure. Master removed the chastity. Doc turned around and I saw him with a syringe. When I saw the needle I changed my shouting in pleading "Please stop, I don't want this, please stop". Doc looked me straight in the eyes and said "It will be over before you know it boy" and he grabbed my dick and stuck the needle in. The needle was painful, but then he grabbed my ball sack and injected something in my balls. While I kept shouting and pleading my crotch slowly lost feeling. Doc and master both had a smile on their faces and it was clear they did not listen to me. Doc turned to master and said "He keeps moving around too much so you better knock him out with the sleeping gas". Master turned away to get a mask. Suddenly I heard doc say "If you want I also can cut of his balls and make him an eunuch, I am going to work on him anyway". My only thoughts were. 'No way, they are crazy'. And then master placed a mask over my mouth and nose. I tried to move my head to lose the mask. Then his strong right arm went around my neck and he stopped me from moving. Then his left hand pushed the mask on my face. I just saw doc getting a surgery knife and holding my ball sack, when slowly all things went black.

Next: Chapter 14

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