Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on May 8, 2019


Chapter 12

At day five I had to test a different device. When we walked to the left far corner I saw a new metal framework standing there. It looked like a torture device and I started to sweat from fear. There was a large metal plate on the floor with a pole and two rings on one side. Master ordered me to go stand behind the pole. He opened the rings and I was ordered to place my legs in them. By now I was used of being leg bound, but this time it felt more comfortable than with my legs spread. Master then increased the height of the pole so the top was just above my hips. Then master got some wrist restraints and connected them to a chain. My heart was pounding like hell. Not of being restraint, but of not knowing what was coming and how much it was going to hurt. By now I already realized the things master created all delivered pain. Master pulled the chain forward so I had to bend over. He connected the chain to a small ring at the far end of the metal plate. Finally he placed a different device behind me. I could not see what it was. By now I stand bent over and was not able to move. There also was a cord connected to the device behind me. It had a kind of remote attached to it. Master gave me the remote. It had a green and red button. After installation master said "Good I will explain what is going to happen. You will hear questions on which you have to answer right, the green button, or wrong, the red button." Master paused. I wanted him to hurry up. So far it was clear and I wanted to know where my agony would start. "When you have the question wrong or do not answer in time, you get punished. Behind you is standing a spanking device and it has two different things. First a spanking board and second a spanking rod. They both hurt, but hurt differently. Is that clear boy?" I replied "Master, Yes master". Master continued "Because this is much easier than what you did last days, I think I should make it more interesting." He walked over to me and placed himself on a knee. He reached for my left nipple and played with it. The playing gave me a nice sensation and made the nipple stick out more. Then he placed a nipple clamp on it. I felt the pressure and it did not feel comfortable. Then he placed one on the right nipple. Finally he attached some weights to them and I felt my nipples pulled down and they were starting to hurt. "So, this will be better. Now when you got spanked your body will move a little and the weights on your nipples will bounce around and make it more painful." He had a big smile on his face when he got up. "I will start the machine now" he said and padded me on the back of my head. The first question was easy and after answering I heard master leave the room. But soon the questions became harder. By the first wrong answer the board hit me twice. It sting like hell. The second question I did not listen correctly. The answer shout be wrong, but the question was "Is that wrong". I should have pushed the green button to avoid the two hits with the rod. The pain and stinging of the rod was more localized. After a couple wrong answers my whole cheeks started to burn and I kept feeling the stinging of the rod longer and thru the burning sensation. The more questions I got wrong the harder it became to stand still. It felt like the skin was coming of my cheeks and each blow made it worse. The pain was so bad I also could not stop moving around so the weights on my nipples bounced a lot. That gave me a second flow of pain after each wrong answer. The pain got worse and it was hard to concentrate. By now I wanted it to stop. My legt began to tremple and tears were in my eyes. When I heard the door opening I pleaded to master "Please master, when may this stop?". He answered "Let see how your butt looks like first". He walked over and looked and touched my red hot cheeks. "That is looking nice and red." and he gave me two hits with his flat hand. I could not stop trembling. "I think you are done boy" master said. I quickly responded "Thank you master".

He got me out of the device but left he nipple clamps on. "It is time for your workout boy" master said and he led me to the gym area. He placed me on a treadmill and said "The treadmill is programmed already so you only have to follow the program. I will place a metal bar behind you. It will shock you when you fall behind. So you better keep up". While he placed the metal bar I dared to ask a question "Master, need these to stay on" pointing to the nipple clamps. Master winked at me and said "Yes, they will stay on. So you better run without moving up and down a lot boy. Because that will hurt." And I can say it hurted like hell, but after a while it felt my nipples started to get num. Master let me run half an hour. That was a short workout. When I was allowed of the treadmill I had to stand in front of him with my hand on my back. Then out of nothing he released my left nipple of the clamp. Now blood started to flow in my nipple again. That release gave me a lot of pain. I even screamed. Master rubbed my nipple and the pain kept on. With a smile on his face he said "You know, the good part is that you have another nipple". Fear overcame me, but I knew it had to come off sooner or later. Master first mental teased me by almost remove the clamp several times. But when he finally removed it I again screamed. After that master led me to my cage. When back at my cage I figured that after all this wasn't a bad day. That thought made me a bit angry at myself for thinking that way. I even could not sit normally.

That night I woke up from a beeping sound and a little electric shock to my balls. It was not really a painful shock, but more a warning shock. While half asleep I first thought I got aroused in my sleep. But the shocking and beeping continued. So I figured it is a warning signal for the battery. I thought 'This is my change? When the battery is out it can't shock me anymore.' So I decided to stick with the little shocks and do not say a word. Later I discovered I had no other choice, because I could not call master. A couple of hours later I felt something sting against my balls, like a rose thorn. It seemed to get worse by the hour. By the time master game to get me he noticed the beeping and said "I hear the battery is almost empty boy". I replied "Yes master". Now it felt like a needle was pushed in my balls so I decided to mention it to master. "Master it also feels something is pressing against my balls sir." Master looked at me and got a smile on his face. "Good to hear the chastity works. We better recharge the battery, before you lose your balls." When he said it I got afraid and started to breathe heavily. Master noticed and said "You did not think I designed it with a possibility of escape. When the battery is not recharged in time two metal pins, which are placed next to the battery between your legs, are slowly pushed out into your balls. I think you still have one hour left before they are fully pushed out and ruin your balls." When master opened the cage door I quickly game out of the cage. I did not want to lose my balls. Master let me stand on the yellow spot and connected a micro usb to chastity to recharge it. While master turned around and walked away he said "When it is finished the pins are retracted and you hear one beep." when I stood there my mind began to wonder. 'This is really sick. As a slave boy I am forced to collaborate to keeping myself as a slave boy.' After one hour the pins were pulled in and I heard a beep. I finally got to eat and we could start the day.

That sixth day was one of the hardest. John strapped me down standing spread eagled. The strange thing was that he didn't do it hard. Instead he touched me softly. Teasing me, caressing my skin, playing with my dick and softly licking my nipples. It was strange that my master did that to me instead off the other way around. It had the result he wanted. My dick got semi hard. After the torture shocks my mind was well trained and my dick hadn't got hard anymore so the semi hard on felt strange. Then master bend down and started to lick at the head of my dick and I shivered and got goosebumps. I felt my dick jump a little and fear jumped in. "Please stop sir" I said. "Why boy, do you not like it?" master asked. "Yes sir, please stop. I like it" I responded. He only gave me that familiar sadistic smile and continued licking my nipples. The sensation stimulated me more. When I was rock hard he licked the head again and after a few licks he took my dick in his mouth and started to give me a blow job. I liked the feeling, but more fear of shocks game in my mind. "Please sir, please stop". But he didn't respond and my breathing got faster and faster. I now begged master to stop and I wanted to get away. "Do you not like being milked boy" master asked. "No please stop" I begged. He kept teasing me and then it happened. I felt my balls tense up and with the first shot of cum that flew thru the air and hit the back wall, the first electro torture shock hit my balls. With each cum flow a heavy shock came. I was trembling, crying and begging it to stop. When I saw master was standing there hitting his meat. He didn't came yet when the shocking stopped. "I also want to come boy, so ask me to shock you again and bring me over the edge" he said. "No please, I can't" I responded. "Ask me boy, ASK or I will fry your balls so extreme you will never use them anymore. SO ASK!" While crying I asked "Master hit me again". "No not like that. I want you to mean it and beg for it" master said. I tried to sound so convincing as possible "Please master hit me again so you have fun sir" and so he did. I felt my balls burning but saw he still didn't came. "Ask again boy until I come". "Please... Please sir". "ASK" he shouted. "Please hit me again sir till you come sir." I asked. He shocked me several times more before I blacked out.

Next: Chapter 13

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