Tricked to Be Auctioned

By Jasper

Published on Apr 27, 2019


This story is a work of fiction. All characters are imaginary.

Chapter 1

Hi, I am Steve. This story started while I was in my last year of college. I am a bit serious so college is not only party time for me. During college I met my two mates Mike and Richard. We don't have much in common but after we met in a bar watching race cars we became friends. From that moment we always watched the race together and always have fun. When the race starts at night we come together the evening before and have a sleep over so we won't miss the race.

Mike and Richard are both large and big guys. Mike has black hair and brown eyes and Richard had brown hair and brown eyes. They are both typical college guys. They love to party, drink beer and hunting girls. They have always big stories, but I never saw them with girls. That they love beer during college was showing. Not that they are fat, but they are not as slim as we started college. I am a real college jock, athletic and slim. My hair is gold brown and I have blue eyes. Love working out and go five times a week to the gym and I'm proud of my sixpack, pecs and biceps.

A year ago, at the start of the racing season, Mike dared us to make the racing season more interesting. Both Richard and I agreed. We all selected a driver, a car and a racing team and pared them with points. This way the winner of the wager is not always the same as the winner of the race. The winner of the wager tells the looser, the one with the least points, what to do. Because we tell before the race what the prices are, I could get a nice idea what mindset we all had. Richard always asked for two six-packs of beer, Mike always asked for a cleaning job of his apartment and doing his laundry and I asked for a training partner. The first three races we all won and loose a time. When I won Richard had to come with me to the gym.

We met in front of the gym and he immediately says "Let get this over with. After we are done I leave immediately because I have to work and I don't want to be seen here. It is bad for my image" he says it with a smile. So probably he is just shy and afraid to shower in the locker room. I let him train easy, but of course not so easy that he won't feel it. After training his shirt was showing sweat marks and he was really smelly. Because of that he had to shower. I was used to the locker room, but it was clear Richard wasn't. In fact this was the first time I would see him naked. In compare with other guys he wasn't bad looking. A tall guy with a nice manly and hairy chest. That was the one thing I missed, because I am as smooth as a baby. But when I looked down I had trouble not to laugh. He has the smallest dick I have ever seen and because he has big low hanging balls, it was really looking small. I never had to complain about my manhood, but I could imagine it made him uncertain. The days after the workout Mike and I teased him a lot, because all his muscles where hurting. I never teased him with his dick. He is a good friend and it could really hurt him.

When I lost I had to go to Mike and clean his room and do his laundry. I can tell you he is really a pig. Some dishes where so sticky that I think they were from three weeks ago. After doing his room I only had to do the bathroom. When I entered Mike was just finishing after taking a shower and he had a towel around him. I saw he had a nice big firebird tattoo on his chest and he was well hung because the outlining of his dick was showing in the towel. He said "come in and start cleaning boy". Boy! I found that strange but I choose not to respond to it. After a total of six hours I finally finished cleaning his apartment and was really sweaty. I rushed home to take a shower, because later that day we all got together for the next race.

Late in the afternoon we all met and ordered pizza for during the race. And of course it was not surprising what Richard and I wanted after winning. But Mike asked something else. He started with "Because my apartment is cleaned today I have no use of a cleaning. So I make it somewhat interesting. The looser gets three hits to his balls of the winners." Richard and I were both surprised and where quiet. After a moment Richard said "Alright, we never talked about limits to our wages so I accept". After that I couldn't stay behind and accepted as well. We had fun watching the race and it was undecided till the end. Noooooooo, in the last 500 meter my driver was passed by. I lost. In the beginning I was so busy with the race I never thought of the wager. That changed when Mike was laughing and said "I am the winner. You have to pay up right now". When he said those words I froze up and realized. "Stand up with your legs spread and your hands behind you head and keep them there boy!". 'Should I do that' was my thought for a moment, but my honor was at stake. A bet is a bet, so I stand up spread my legs and put my hands behind my head and said "go ahead Mike three hits, let get this over with." Mike turned to Richard "You start". " way" I said. Mike laughed "I said winners. So it's not three hits but six." Richard concurred and walked over to me. Dam this is definitely fucked up. Richard walked close to me and said sorry. Then he started. The first hit was not that hard. Then he hit me the second time a bit harder but still bearable. Just before the third hit he had a smile on his face and hit me harder. It was hard to keep standing. I felt the pain in my lower stomach. After the last hit I had to bent over and take a breath. I just was half way.

"Now it's my turn" Mike said. "Richard go stand behind him and held him so he keeps standing strait with his hands not in the way." Richard did what was asked. "Please don't do this, keep it friendly?" I asked. Mike walked to me and said "I will, it's a friendly wager between friends boy". But the way he said it with that smile on his face and with that 'boy' again, it didn't put me at ease. While Richard was starting slowly with soft hits, Mike made a fist a hit me full swing in the nuts. The air got out of my longs and the pain was hard. I wanted to bend over, but Richard kept my standing. After the second hit tears became forming in my eyes. He definitely didn't hold back. My balls really hurt. I pleaded "Please stop, it really hurts it too much, please". Mike came closer to me and whispered in my ear. "A bet is bet, and it's almost over now. You can take one more hit. I know you do, you like working out and the pain it gives you. This is not so different". And without warning he hit me hard in the balls. I became weak in the knees and wanted to fall down. Richard kept me up. Mike leaned towards me and whispered "that was the last one. And the nice thing is that the next days you still will feel your balls boy. Just like a heavy workout. Let him go Richard!" Richard let me go and i felt on my knees. They walked to the couch and opened another beer starting to talk about the race. I don't know how long i sat down, but after a few minutes I had the strength to go to the couch and also take a drink. I wanted to be a sport. "That was hard guys, that was really painful". "Sorry, but the muscle ace was also painful so be a man" Richard said. I lifted my glass and knotted. After that we watched a movie, while my balls still felt painful.

If you like the story let me know. If you are a Dutch boy looking for something similar to experience, please contact me.

Next: Chapter 2

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