Trials of Kardan

By William Steps

Published on Feb 22, 2011


Author's note: A sincere thanks to all those who comment on my stories, I appreciate the advice and the criticism. Hopefully my work is improving, despite how quickly I write most of these things.

Chapter VI: The March West

Kardan and Bethany paused on a rocky ridge that overlooked the small town they had just abandoned. From their perch on the wooded outcropping they could see the smoke rising as the last remnants of Bethany's old life smouldered and turned to ash. The erstwhile inn-owner looked melancholy for a moment, watching the life she had fought so hard to defend burn away to nothing. Yet she had new companionship to look forward too, and her recent lover proved to be far more interesting than she had imagined. It was time for a new life, and that was a thrilling enough prospect to let her shrug off any lingering attachments she may have held to the old one. Looking at Kardan, she examined her calm, thoughtful gaze as she stared impassively at the rising wisps of smoke. The death and violence she had dealt out did not seem to weigh on her mind, or if it did she did not allow it to show.

"We should hurry," Kardan said, "They may pursue us. Men can go to great effort for wounded pride." Bethany nodded, and the two women turned their back on the embers of the old tavern and began hiking away into the forest. Though she did not communicate her plans, Kardan was heading west. It was the warrior woman's intention to make a wide circle, and approach Thusla's stronghold from the southern side. This meant travelling to the sea, and then following the coast south to Dominion borders. From there she would have to cut across to the east, into the mountains, and pick her way back into the Northern hills where her enemy gathered his troops. It would be a long trek, but she needed time to form her plans and, perhaps, gather more fighters to stand at her side when the time came to seek entrance to the fortress.

The two lovers trekked across the uneven forest ground, slowly making their way to the western shores of the Faustian Sea. Kardan knew that the journey was very difficult for Bethany, who was not accustomed to such endless travelling on foot. Yet as their steps grew into a countless number, she never once complained to Kardan, nor did she ever request rest. The warrior was grateful for the strength of her lover's character and, even though it was never asked for, she often gave pause to their marching in order to allow Bethany a few moments recuperation. It was still hard going, since Kardan opted to avoid any of the main roads and pathways. The laconic young woman was still wary of pursuers, and did not wish more conflict. There would be more than enough blood to be spilt before her campaign was completed, and she did not desire to dull her blade on fools.

It was five days before Kardan and Bethany came upon the clearing in the dense forest. It was like a vision from the gods, to break from the trees into a sun-dappled glade. A large pool of clean, clear water lay there, surrounded on one side by tall rocks. A river fed the pool in the form of a small cascade that fell from the largest of the rocky embankments. Kardan let her eyes linger on the serene waterfall, becoming fully aware of how grimy and dusty she felt. The warrior looked at her lover, who was equally travel worn and unkempt. A friendly and encouraging smile played across Kardan's face, which was returned eagerly from the bedraggled Bethany.

"I think we can afford to camp here for the rest of the day." Kardan said. The sun had not yet reached its zenith, and Bethany was elated at the prospect of spending so many hours recovering from her exertions. Her feet ached constantly, and the dirt on her skin felt as thick and heavy as cheap armour. "Is it safe?" Bethany asked, still wary of the vehemence of the affronted villagers they had fled from. "I have seen no sighs of pursuit for three days now. I believe they attempted to exact their vengeance on us, but lost us after the first day. I take it your village was not known for adept trackers." Bethany allowed a short laugh to escape her lips. "No," she said, "Farmers and miners, the lot of them. I'm not even sure if any of the men even knew how to prepare their own food." Kardan nodded, sharing in Bethany's good-humour.

Half an hour later Bethany lay floating in the centre of the pool, eyes closed. Standing under the small waterfall and scrubbing herself clean had been rapturous. Now, free from the dirt and sweat, she relaxed. Her face may have been darkened slightly from the long hours of walking, but her body was still milky-white and supple. Her nipples stood out darkly against her fair skin as she drifted, half conscious, across the water. Kardan dove from one small rock and swam gracefully under the surface of the pond. Bethany opened her eyes and languidly watched as the warrior emerged from the shallow depths. The clear water dripped from Kardan's dark hair. As the quiet amazon pulled herself from the pool onto the shore Bethany could not help but admire her lover's physique. She marvelled as her toned muscles contracted, glistening under her wet skin.

Kardan stood and turned after hauling herself atop a boulder near the bank of the pond. She stood poised for a moment. As Bethany examined her lithe, athletic body she began to understand why some artistic men sought to capture similar images of athletic prowess with their paint, clay and marble. She herself lacked such creative gifts, however, and was merely content to see such things for herself. Kardan was not blind to beauty either, and her eyes were likewise examining Bethany. She still felt a hunger for her lover's soft lips and smooth skin. She let herself dream slightly as she watched the young woman float in a surreal way upon the glassy water.

Then her mind wandered to more serious subjects. She still had not decided how Bethany figured into her plans. The woman was strong, but she could not stand up against a troop of trained soldiers. More importantly, Kardan realized, was that she cared for Bethany. She knew, more than anything, that she wished no harm to come to her. Kardan sighed, pushing the thought aside for a moment. She would have to decide such things later.

Bethany slowly ceased her aimless flotation and paddled to the shore. Kardan leapt deftly to the ground and walked to the spot where their clothes had been hung to dry after they had washed them. Despite the early hour, there was very little direct sunlight. Kardan calculated that the garments most likely would not be fully dry before nightfall, and that they may have to wait until morning to get dressed again. She didn't mind though. At that moment, with Bethany, she felt totally comfortable being naked. It was the first time since Thusla's magic had changed her that she felt totally at ease with her body being exposed. As Bethany approached her the two women shared another smile.

Shortly thereafter Kardan built a fire, and strung above it the few small fish that she had managed to trap in the stream the fed the pool. The sun crept behind the line of trees, and nightfall quickly seeped in around them. The two women huddled together beneath their blankets, eating the simple food they had prepared. Bethany watched Kardan as she ate, wondering where her companion had hailed from. She could sense, however, that Kardan did not wish her to ask. Bethany understood the desire to forget one's past, and did not pry into the matter. She did, however, feel she had the right to enquire where it was they were heading.

"If we are safe from reprisals from my old neighbours," Bethany said, "Where shall we go now?" Kardan wondered for a moment how much to tell her lover. "I was planning to head West to the sea, and then south to the city of Colthorn." She replied. "Are you acquainted with anyone in that city?" Bethany asked. "No, at least nobody I know very well. I have some enquiries to make there." Bethany nodded. "So you aren't planning to stay there?" Kardan turned to face her companion. "Shall I accompany you that far?" Bethany continued. Kardan smiled at her. "Of course, if you wish to." Bethany was glad to hear her say that, but still had doubts. "And what shall become of us after we reach Colthorn?" She asked the warrior woman.

Kardan signed. "I do not know. I --" Her voice faltered for a moment, unused to personal expression, "-I enjoy having you with me, very much. Yet there is something I must do that will prove very dangerous. I would not want to lead you into such violence." Bethany began to understand her lover's conflicting thoughts. "Can you tell me what you are planning?" Kardan held Bethany close to her. "There is a man, a Lord in fact, who rules the rocky lands to the east. He not only stole something from me, but he abuses all those under his power. I may have been able to live with what he took, but I cannot allow him to continue his dark ways. There have been many attempts to dethrone him, but they were too scattered and lacked strategy. I plan to raise a small force to penetrate his stronghold. I wish to bring justice to this man."

She was cautious still, not mentioning of her former life. Kardan hoped Bethany would accept this explanation. The former ill-keeper was silent for a few moments. "I understand." She said at last. "Well, I cannot answer for the future, yet for now we still have a few weeks together and I plan to enjoy them." She concluded, slowly leaning in and kissing Kardan softly on the lips. Kardan returned her kiss, grateful that she had come across such a remarkable companion. She may have grown close to Dirk, but with Bethany she felt totally at ease. As the two women embraced she felt a strong desire to tell Bethany of the transformation, of what would happen to her once she gained entrance to Thusla's chamber of sorcery. Kardan could not risk spoiling the present moment, however, and remained silent as she pushed Bethany back on the blanket.

By the warmth of the fire Kardan pressed Bethany against the ground, crushing the smaller woman with her own body. She trailed her lips down her lover's flawless white skin, lingering at her supple bosom as her hand gently teased her lower regions. Kardan sunk her fingers slowly into Bethany's body as she playfully bit her lover's nipples. Soon, however, her mouth moved to assist her fingers, and she nuzzled her head between Bethany's thighs. Bethany moaned softy as Kardan pleasured her, her whimpers mixing with all the sounds of a forest at dusk. The lovers entwined, lost in the pleasures of each others bodies, surrounded by the serenity of isolation.

Yet they were not as alone as they would have thought. Even Kardan's practised eyes and sharp ears had failed to detect something moving high up in the trees. Perching on a branch about a hundred paces away, an adolescent boy watched the pair in their passions. He smiled to himself, both embarrassed and excited to be witness to the women's activities. It would certainly make an interesting story to bring back to his elders. As he peered at the two females he idly wondered what the rest of his people were going to decide to do with the two women when dawn arrived. His life had been a hard one, but he always found himself regretting the habit of handing such attractive women over to the slave traders.

Their passions spent, the two travellers slept soundly in each others arms. They were not aware of the silent, patient footsteps that had begun to move in the woods. Just before dawn they came, treading imperceptibly on the forest floor and among the branches of high trees. A fox could not have moved more naturally than these men, for their lives were one of stealth and cunning. The forest men crept up on the sleeping lovers slowly, keeping their distance as much as possible. The circle of them drew tighter around Kardan and Bethany. Yet, when they were twenty meters away, Kardan's eyes were suddenly open.

It was difficult to place the sensation distinctly, but Kardan sensed the furtiveness in the forest air. The other creatures that would have normally be stirring at the sunrise sounded cautious and on guard, and Kardan's years of experience told her that someone was watching her. She moved slowly, reaching to wrap her hand around the hilt of her sword. Yet her hand never touched the weapon, for a finely crafted arrow sung softly through the air before striking the ground next to her blade. "Very good!" A voice cried out, it's owner still concealed masterfully among the leaves and branches of the glade. "You are sharper than most. Certainly sharper than any other woman I have known. Alas, it is too late for you; however, there are many other arrows in many other bows all around you. And the next one won't be aimed at the dirt."

Bethany was awake now, her eyes fearfully looking to Kardan for help. The warrior woman pursed her lips and scanned her surroundings. She could not see any of her assailants, but her instinct told her that there was indeed more than one. She began to stand up slowly and deliberately. "If we have trespassed upon you in some way, I apologize!" Kardan said in a loud, clear voice. "We simply sought a day's rest before continuing our travels. Strong as she was, Kardan was still aware that she was trying to negotiate while standing naked and exposed. She knew the sight of two unclothed woman was likely to undo any attempt at reason she might make.

A small arrow, little more than a dart, struck Kardan in the left thigh. Bethany Gasped when she saw the wooden shaft protruding from her lover's leg, and she jumped to her feet as a second dart impaled itself on Kardan's neck. A third dart landed in the soft flesh of Bethany's stomach. Kardan felt her legs begin to tingle, and then go numb. She stumbled forward, trying to find and grasp her weapons, but it was too late. In a few seconds she fell, a look of glaring hatred upon her face. The world went black as the once-serene pool slipped away from her. Her body went limp and, after a few moments, the men in the forest emerged to collect the two unconscious women.

Kardan awoke, not surprisingly, to find herself bound and gagged. Under the circumstances she would have been shocked to awaken in any other manner. She had come across forest scavengers like this before; men who lived by picking off stray travellers, killing and robbing the males and selling the women to slavers. Sometimes, when travellers were scarce, they would also sell their services as assassins to whomever had a need of silent killers. While she was glad she was not killed in her sleep, she did not look forward to the alternative she now faced as a woman. Turning her head as much as she could, she could see that Bethany was lying not far from her. She was likewise restrained, and still had not opened her eyes. Craning her neck in the opposite direction, she managed to see something of their captor's camp.

Ten men were gathered around a small fire, cooking a few paltry scraps of meat. Kardan guessed she would not be offered any. It seemed that a few hours had passed, and the sun was now high on the horizon. "We were lucky the little one spotted these two," A gruff voice said from among the group of men, "Most of the women we get these days are farmer's wives with the faces of swine - these two are quite a prize." There were murmurs of agreement. "And," another, younger voice piped in, "We don't have to preserve em. These one's looked seasoned enough that nobody will be disappointed if they aint virgins." There was a low chorus of chuckles that filled Kardan with rage and disgust. She was now facing what she had been afraid of ever since the change; she was in serious danger of being violated against her will.

Once again Kardan found herself fearing more for Bethany than herself. If Kardan herself was abused by these men, she knew she would survive. Yet she wondered if Bethany would be so strong. The former ill-keeper's life had been filled with a long stream of disrespectful men, and Kardan wished to spare her any more of those experiences. She swore she would do everything she could to protect Bethany, regardless of the damage she might do to herself.

"Did you see the blade that tall harlot was carrying?" One of the marauders asked, regaining Kardan's attention. "It's a fine piece of work. Wonder how a whore managed to get her hands on a weapon like that." The man speaking gestured to his left, and Kardan spotted the bundle that contained all of her and Bethany's belongings, meagre as they were. Perhaps, she thought, there might be a chance to get to them come nightfall. She doubted, however, that that opportunity would arrive before the men of the camp turned their attentions towards her and her companion. Carefully, Kardan began testing her bonds, checking to see if her captors had been remiss in securing her. Sadly, they had made no error.

Bethany had begun to stir now, and Kardan tried to get her attention. She wanted time to think, and the longer they went without drawing attention to themselves the better. It was no good though, and her lover let out a soft moan before she could signal her to be silent. Instantly the conversation around the fire ceased, and a few men stood up. Three approached them, grinning malevolently. It seemed Kardan did not have until nightfall after all. "Looks like our princesses have awoken." The younger man said. "Good mornin', gorgeous." another said, leering over Bethany. "That there salted beef didn't really satisfy," The first man said, "maybe we could use something else to sate our hunger, eh lads?"

The vote was unanimous.

"I'll wager the darker one has some serious hate in her, maybe three good lads should entertain her at once, make sure the wench don't start fightin'." The apparent leader proclaimed. "As for the soft one, I reckon she be a good sow and take us one at a time. If you boys don't mind -- I'll take my share first." Kardan glared at the men who were so flippantly proposing to rape them. She put all of her might into trying to break her bonds, but only succeeded in flaying the skin from her wrists and ankles. Bethany closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, hating how powerless she felt. She remained silent as she was manhandled up from the ground and dragged towards the makeshift tent of the lead bandit.

Watching her lover being taken away only made Kardan more determined to revenge herself on her enemies, and she thrashed on the forest floor, trying to strike out at them. These efforts only earned her a vicious kick in the stomach however, and she clenched up her belly to take the abuse. A second kick landed on her ribs as she bit into her gag. She was distantly aware of the six other men who were sitting by and watching the whole scene. Some seemed content to be spectators, while others seemed to be eagerly waiting their turn with Bethany.

A backhand slap stung Kardan's face as her captors did their best to reposition her. Suddenly a muted cry was heard from the leader's tent. At first the band of thieves smiled, but a second moan erased their mirth. The cries were not coming from Bethany. One of the spectators hopped up and hurried over to the tent. "You a'right in there captain?" He asked. He received no reply. Concerned, the man peered into the filthy cloth abode. He quickly gasped and called for the others. "Captain's been stabbed by the other whore, and she's gone!"

As much as it hurt to do so, Kardan smiled. Bethany did not disappoint her. "Tie that one to the waggon!" Shouted one of the marauders, "We need to get that other piece of quim back here!" Kardan was savagely bound to the wheels of their caravan, and then served another quick helping of swift kicks to the stomach. The camp was all in confusion, with men either running to help their wounded leader or else scrambling to find Bethany. Kardan ignored the aches and pains in her body and tried to contrive a way to come to her lover's assistance.

Kardan froze suddenly. Someone was crouching behind her silently, and she heard a knife drawn from a oiled leather sheath. She was about to try and lash out with her feet when a soft voice spoke to her. "Don't move." It commanded in a muted whisper. Kardan felt pressure on the robes around her hands, then she sensed the bounds being severed by a sharp blade. Her hands were cut loose, followed quickly by her feet. She was free.

Kardan turned to face her unsuspected savior. It was a youth of perhaps seventeen years of age, grubby and un-groomed. He smiled at her, motioning for her to remain silent. He reached behind him and handed something to Kardan. It was her sword. The youth nodded at her, grinning. Kardan did not pause to ask questions, but took hold of her blade and slowly stood up. Her body was throbbing with pain in several places, but not enough to impair her. As she looked around the camp, she heard Bethany scream out in shock. Kardan's nerves steeled themselves for vengeance. Three men appeared from the trees, dragging Bethany behind them. The former inn-keeper struggled and kicked at them as viciously as she could.

The men stopped in their tracks when they entered the camp however, stunned by the sight that greeted them. Kardan stood defiantly in the centre of the camp, still naked. Her face was a mask of fury, and her sword glinted slightly in the morning light. There was a few seconds of total silence, as the men of the camp gaped foolishly at the current turn of events. Then everybody erupted into action.

Bethany was thrown to the ground as the scavengers fumbled to collect their weapons. Kardan was on them in an instant, blade held high. The man nearest to her found his eyes slit open before he had a chance to pull his dagger from it's scabbard. The three men who had been manhandling Bethany threw her to the ground and joined into the fray. They did not fare much better than their friend, however, and their clumsy blows were easily countered by the skilled warrior woman.

Parrying a blow from the first of the trio, she landed a counter-thrust into the opponent on her right while he was attempting to beat her blade aside. She then pivoted back to the first assailant and met his second attack, following up with a twitch to her left which not only split the man's face, but also placed his falling body between her and the third marauder. As the final member of the trio struggled to manoeuvre around his dead comrades, Kardan dropped low and severed his left leg clean off. She then performed the same courtesy to his head, adding to the pile of carnage that adorned the forest floor.

Kardan stooped and grabbed a large piece of wood from the fire. She then hurled the flaming timber at the shabby tent, from which the remaining five men were emerging. The oiled cloth ignited almost immediately, and three of the thieves were caught in the blaze. The three burning men thrashed and screamed, trying to put out the flames that crept up their bodies. In all the chaos Kardan had no trouble cutting down the first two who leapt from the flames, nor was it much effort to relive her remaining opponents of their flame-engulfed suffering.

Then all was silent.

The smell of searing flesh crept into the air as Bethany stood and joined her companion in the centre of the ruined camp. She spat down at the remains of the would-be rapists as Kardan lowered her sword. "Were you harmed?" the warrior asked her lover. "No, I am fine. It looks they beat you quiet badly though." she replied. Kardan made a dismissive gesture to Bethany's comment. Both women turned as the youth who had freed Kardan stepped out from behind the waggon. He held in his hands the remainder of the two women's belongings, and he offered it foreword to them in a gesture of peace.

"Who are you?" Kardan asked abruptly as she took the bundle from the lad's hands. "My name is Jorah, I was a servant to these men." The young man was having trouble tearing his eyes away from Kardan's blood-spattered nudity as he spoke. "Yet you betrayed them?" Kardan said as she began pulling on her clothes. "I was alone in this world, they provided food and shelter in return for my services. Yet I had had no sympathy for their way of life, and I could not allow them to destroy two more lives. Especially... Especially not two women as beautiful as you." He spoke charmingly, and smiled brightly. It was apparent, though, that he was not as confident as he pretended to be, especially not around two nude women.

Kardan tossed Bethany her clothing and the second woman began to dress herself. "What will you do now?" Bethany asked. "Well," the lad answered, "I was hoping to beg of you to allow me to travel with you, at least until we reach a decent sized town where I can find some work." Kardan raised her eyebrow as she turned to look at her lover. Bethany thought a moment and then nodded. "We owe you great thanks, it would be our pleasure to travel with you." Kardan replied. "Provided," She added, "you do not take issue with my authority over our journey." The young man shrugged, "Anything is better than being dragged around by men like that." He said, gesturing to the dead men. "I am yours."

Kardan nodded approvingly. "Collect anything you wish to bring, we should leave now." She said as she finished strapping her clothes and weapons to her bruised body.

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