Trials of Kardan

By William Steps

Published on May 19, 2009



Chapter One: Capture

Kardan's capture had not been an easy one. The fabled warrior had been cornered in a rocky canyon in the southern lands, and six men were pitted against him. Kardan had despatched four of them in the space of a few breaths, and would have slain the remainder had the drug-tongued art not found it's mark on his neck. Reeling from the narcotic, he still hurled himself at his opponents, finally succumbing as his blade dug into the belly of another one of his captors. When it was assured he was unconscious, the architect of his capture appeared. The surviving men were panting and nervous as their master, Lord Thulzla, rode his horse into the arena. Thulzla surveyed the incapacitated swordsman, sprawled out as he was on the dry ground with is hands still clutching his sword.

The lord of the Southern regions jumped down off his horse and approached the fallen warrior. His eyes ran to the weapon he held, buried still in a dying man's guts. He kicked Kardan's hand viciously, releasing it from its feeble hold on the weapon. Grabbing the grip of the blade, he savagely withdrew it from his shivering servant. He had always wanted to see the sword that had killed so many trained soldiers over the years. And he was not disappointed. It was a fine weapon; masterfully crafted and beautiful in its simplicity. He watched the sun play over the grey steel and worn leather.

"Bind him with twice as much caution as you would gave a normal man," He spoke to his remaining troops, "And fasten him to the cart." His men obeyed.

The next morning Kardan stood bound and guarded in a strange auditorium. Thulzla stood on a platform above him, looking haughtily down at his prisoner. "Many kings and Lords would want you dead, Kardan." He said. "But it is I who have finally caught you. I whom you have repeatedly offended, as you have many others, with you brazen disregard for my order and your unrestrained slaughter of my men. You may consider yourself both fortunate and unfortunate, for death will not come to by my hand or my orders. Yet I have devised a different punishment for you, the same penalty I gave to any strong man who crossed me."

Lord Thuzla gestured to the men holding Kardan, and he was shoved into a pedestal in the center of the strange room. His chains were fastened to sturdy rivets in the center of the pedestal. After which his man handlers backed away to the edge of the room. Kardan looked up at Lord Thuzla with fiery eyes. "And what is this living death you promise me? You may find I can endure much." Thuzla laughed. "Your endurance is exactly what I'm counting on. As unlikely as it may seem at the moment, you will find yourself enduring servitude for me for many years."

Thuzla moved to a podium as the edge of his speaking platform. He began turning a great wheel that was mounted there. Kardan watched as the ceiling above him slowly began retracting into the walls. Behind the opening gap, he caught glimpses of a large crystal that seemed to be mounted on the roof. As the ceiling opened further, the moonlight form outside shone through the crystal and down onto the pedestal he was chained to. Multi-faceted light shone all around him, enough to blind his eyes. He was jolted with a surge of energy he could not fully describe. He felt weak and electrified; his body convulsed and shook as he was bathed in the strange light.

He did not know how long he was pelted with the crystal's illumination, but he gradually became aware that the sensations were receding and the roof was being closed again. He fell to the ground, dazed. Much of his strength seemed gone, and he felt smaller. Was this what Thuzla meant? Did this ray sap your strength or spirit? He became aware of Thuzla's voice. "Help the prisoner up and show her what has happened." he said to the guards. Still dizzy, Kardan was lifted to his feet. His eyes gradually came back into focus after the blinding light. "Look down at yourself, warrior." Thuzla said patronizingly. Glaring with indigence, Kardan looked down at his body.

What he saw was wrong. While he still had the tone of good muscle, his limbs seemed more slender. His chest was still large but it didn't look of feel right. It took him a few moments to figure it out through the haze of dizziness. There were tits hanging off his bust! He managed to reach down and confirm what he had begin to fear, his manhood was gone completely. He had been made a woman! Kardan growled, though now the sound was that of a she-devil. Thuzla spoke again, saying "You will be taken to my bedchamber so I can break you in, new slave. And eventually when I tire of you you will be sold or given to my men for entertainment. Enjoy your new life as a servant to the desires of men."

Kardan struggled fiercely, but his strength was half of what it had been. As he was led from the strange room, however, he realized that his decreased size had left the shackled loose on his wrists. Waiting until he was outside the building containing the change crystal, he put everything he had into twisting free his right hand. His smaller fingers seized a dagger from one of the guards belts and, before she realised what happened, two of the men were dead. Kardan may have been made a woman, but he still knew how to kill. Now holding a sword as well as the dagger, he managed to slay the last guard. Struggling out of his bonds, Kardan began to run.

He was outside, which was all he knew. Yet anywhere outside meant the promise of escape, and he had no intention of being penetrated in Thuzla's bed that night to any night to follow. He heard men pursuing him, but he did not let up. He managed to sprint and dart out of Lord Thuzlas camp into the hills surrounding it before anyone had caught up to him. Eventually, after his new legs could take no more, he fell down to rest. He looked at the wilderness surrounding him, panting for breath. He wondered how he would find a way to regain his manhood, and his sword.

Chapter Two: Search

Kardan no longer trusted the company of men at all. She could not blame them, for there was a time when a woman such as she was would have aroused her passion just as much. Along with all the dangers of the world, she now had to add rape as a constant threat in times such as hers. Not long after her escape she had found a clear pool to examine her reflection in. Had Kardan's mother given birth to a daughter, that's what she now looked like. There was still a resemblance to her former self, but there was no trace of masculine shape left. Even her black hair was softer now and flowed more gracefully. Her skin was a little less dark and sunburned, and her breasts stood proudly out on her chest.

She had found some clothes that fit better than her old ones, though they did not conceal as much of her body as she would have liked. Still carrying the weapons she took from Thuzla's guards, she began a cautious search for someone who could help her on her quest for revenge. It took some time to get used to using blades in her changed body, but after a few weeks she could wield a sword nearly as well as before. Feeling more confident in her ability to defend herself, she began approaching travelers.

One day she warily entered a camp of men on a pilgrimage of some sort. She began questioning them, asking if they knew any men who were wise in the ways of the strange powers that were beyond the realms of men. One traveler spoke up, saying he knew of a sorcerer who lived int he western lands. Kardan conversed with this man, trying to attain direction to this magician. The man told her the way was confusing and hard to navigate, but that he might be inclined to lead her there. Kardan asked what the man would want in return for his service, knowing full well what the reply would be.

As she assumed, the man said he would be happy to show her the way if she would give herself to him during the journey. "How do I know you won't have you fun and then leave me behind, or sell me to slavers?" Kardan asked, still annoyed at hearing her female voice. "That is always a possibility. What can I say besides the promise of my word? I could ass that you look like a woman who knows the taste of blood and you would not hesitate to kill me if I crossed you. What more can a say to guarantee you?"

Kardan thought. The man was right; she had no way of being sure of his intentions. Not only that, but she had not given herself up to anyone in the months since the transformation. Many nights she had gone hungry because the only thing men wanted in trade for food was her mouth, her pussy or her ass. She wondered if she should try to search out a sorcerer on her own, or if it was worth the capitulation of letting a man bed her. There was also no assurance that sorcerer's wouldn't just take advantage of her as well.

"Very well." She said at last. "But if you cross me even in the slightest way, I WILL cut the life from you." The man smiled and agreed. "I suppose," He added, "I should at least mention that my name is Dirk..."

The two set out that very afternoon, both of them carrying all the supplied they felt they would need on such a trek. Since they started out late in the day, they did not get very far before night began to fall. The terrain was still mountainous and uneven, so Kardan conceded to make camp and not travel into the night, though she knew that the man was also motivated by the promise of his reward once they made camp.

Once they had a fire going in a small clearing amidst the mountain forests, they laid out their blankets and bundled of food. Dirk could not help smiling as he sat down near Kardan. She had to admit she was curious about the upcoming experience, perhaps even aroused at the thought of it. She removed her tattered clothes and knelt on the blanket. "Do not expect too much enthusiasm." She warned Dirk. "I wasn't, at least not yet. There will still be quite a few nights ahead of us before we reach the old man, we shall see how you feel about it by then..." Dirk said.

Steeling herself for what was coming, she positioned herself on her hands and knees as Dirk discarded the last of his clothes. He came up behind her slowly, and she could hear his heavy breathing. Kardan had expecting him to rush straight into penetrating her, but he was evidently keen to win her over. He began using his mouth on her slit from behind. Kardan could not deny that she was beginning to enjoy the feeling of his lips and tongue working on her. She felt the new sensation of moisture building up in her nethers. The look on her face became more relaxed as she let herself take pleasure in the sensations.

Dirk was deft at using his fingers and mouth in her, and soon she was dripping wet. He straightened up, and moved his hips forward toward her backside. She felt him place the warm tip of his cock on her slit. She found herself breathing hard as she anticipated the strange sensation of truly being a woman. He pushed forward gently. There was some resistance at first, but then her well lubricated quim opened to him and the first inch of his tool popped inside her. She gasped quietly as he fed the rest of his manhood into her slowly. She felt her body fill up and stretch inside as she was penetrated.

Thus mounted, Kardan relaxed a little more as Dirk began slowly sliding his cock in and out of her pussy. She was panting again, and felt the amazing tingle of pleasure that came from being a woman with a man. She was now grateful that she had at least given herself to a man that had been gentle at first, and that she had avoided being painfully ravaged by any of the men she had encountered before. Her pleasure increased, and she was really beginning to enjoy the sensations. She still didn't like the idea of being with a man, but facing away from him as she was let her concentrate of what she was feeling, not seeing.

His hands came up, one to her breast and one to her clit. Both manipulated her deftly as he increased his vigour, thrusting into her a little harder and faster. She felt amazing; the pleasure was new and exciting to her. She had been curious about the experiences of being female ever since the transformation, and now that curiosity was gratified. Soon she was moaning as Dirk continued to make love to her, both of them moving together in unison. She rocked her ass back into his thrusts as he seemed to drive deeper and deeper into her.

They cried out in near unison. Kardan trembled and shook at her first orgasm as a woman, amazed at how it just kept going on and on without stop. At the height of her ecstasy Dirk grunted and exploded inside of her. They came together as they moved frantically into each others bodies. His semen was dripping down her legs as he emptied himself into her pussy. When she finally finished cumming, he withdrew. She was jittery and covered with his seed as she rolled over on her side, gasping. When the two of them had their strength back to speak she said to him, "Thank you for taking the time to make it pleasurable for me."

"You are very welcome," Dirk replied, "And perhaps you see what I meant about you growing to be more enthusiastic." Kardan remained silent, but had to agree. What she had just experienced felt wonderful, and while she was still uncomfortable with the idea in of itself, she was already wondering what else was in store for her...

Next: Chapter 2

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