Trials and Tales of Law and Love

By Grant Watson

Published on Dec 10, 2014


This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any of the characters or occurrences in this story is completely coincidence. If you are offended by anything relating to gay behavior please exit this page. This story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without expressed consent of the author. If you have any questions, or even if you want to comment on the story feel free to e-mail me at Enjoy!

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Chapter 4 - Bringing Home The Brown Boys

I woke up before my alarm clock sounded the following morning. I slept somewhat peacefully, but still felt I could use a couple of more hours after all the emotional stress I went through this past week. I slowly got up and worked my way to the bathroom so I could get myself ready for the day. I got dressed and headed out the door. I had enough time to stop at Starbucks, to grab a coffee and pastry. I decided to get Mitch something as well while I was there. I pulled up to his house just as he was walking out the door to his Range Rover. I got out the car with the Starbucks and he walked in my direction. He said "Good Morning Tony!" As he pulled me into a nice hug. For some reason he held a little longer then normal. I responded back "Good Morning buddy, I brought you some coffee and pastries." His eyes lit up who he saw the steam mug of joe and he said "Thanks! Let me lock up the house. Then we can go get our boys!" He said with sparkling eyes. I walked over to his car as he ran to lock up the house. I couldn't believe he called them "Our boys". I climbed into the passenger side of the SUV. Mitch walked down the front steps beaming and got into the car.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, neither of us were saying much. I guess we were both feeling the same thing, nervous. At one point at a stop light, I felt Mitch's hand next to mine on the center armrest console. His pinky finger was stroking mine. I looked over at him and smiled, which made me a little weak. I thought nothing more of it, and just chalked it up to him being nervous. We finally made it to the hospital. Mitch got out and so did I. We headed into the hospital side by side up to the nursery.

When we arrived to the nursery check in station, Mitch told him who we were and we both had to show our IDs. The nurse then unlocked the door, and we walked backed to the viewing room. When we walked in one of the boys, was actually being held by one of the neonatal nurses. He was causing quite the fuss. I walked over to him, and ask "Which one was she holding?" She replied "I'm holding Aiden right now, he has been quite the firecracker this morning. His brother Mitchell has been sleep for the most of the morning. But not him!" She said with a chuckle, then she asked "Would you like to hold him?" I looked at Mitch who was over by his other sleeping son and he smiled and nodded. I then took the fussy baby out of the nurses arms and started cooing to him. He stopped crying and looked up at me. I grabbed his little hand, and he instinctively grabbed onto my finger and then cooed. At that moment my heart went directly to this beautiful little boy.

The nurse then said "Well I'll be! This little one has been fussy since I started my shift this morning. I guess he just wanted his daddy!" She said then laughed. I smiled and looked up, and Mitch was holding little Mitch beaming at me. I didn't know if he was beaming because he was holding his firstborn son, or if it was because of the statement that the nurse just made. I started to correct her, but then Mitch walked up and and stood beside me with little Mitch in tow. The nurse looked at the boys then at Mitch. A look of confusion came across her face. She looked at me then said "I'm sorry I thought you were the boys father." I smiled and was about to speak, when Mitch cut me off and said "Its fine, Tony is a very close friend of mine. I guess with him being around so much the boys will look at him being like a father to them." He smiled at me, and I blushed. The nurse smiled and said, "That's great! A young boy can never have enough male figures in his life to keep him on track. But where is the boys mother? I need to go over a couple things with her about feedings, changing, etc.

At that statement, Mitch had a look of anger across his face. He then solemnly said "She left me yesterday. It's just the boys and me now." And he gave her a brief run down of the situation. I looked over at him and he I saw that his eyes were watering. The nurse then said "What kind of woman would do such a thing?! To leave these two innocent boys without there mother! And let alone you!" She said with a laugh as she looked Mitch up and down, which caused Mitch to let out a little laugh. She then looked over at me and said "Well I'm going to entrust you with this information." And she then went down a check list of things that we needed to make sure was done. Since the twins mother wasn't there to breast feed them she recommended a couple of formulas to substitute. By the end I was somewhat overwhelmed but I knew I had to be there for Mitch and these beautiful boys. After she finished she then said "Now I'm going to document in the twins files that I released the twins to the two of you. I don't want this to come back and bite you guys if that harpy of a woman decides to come back for these boys. As far as I'm concerned she should have nothing to do with these boys!" She then told us to wait outside as she and a couple of the other nurses got the boys ready.

Mitch and I walked outside the nursery, and he put his arm around my shoulder. He then said "Thank you for being here with me Tony. You have made this so much easier on me. I would be a wreck if I had to take these babies home alone. I looked at him and said "I wouldn't be any other place but here right now. Those beautiful need their father to be at his best and whole. Not broken. And if by me being here is making the process easier, by all means this is where I want to be." He smiled and said, "I don't get it. I'm 34 years old, and you are barely 24. But you seem so calm about all of this. So mature. At your age the only thing I was thinking about was getting laid by the hottest girl." He saw the uncomfortable look on my face, then said "I'm sorry Tony, I wasn't downing you. I was just trying to say how mature you were for your age." He pulled me closer to him, and then I said "I know you weren't ribbing me, it's fine. It's just a sensitive subject with me. But I'm not nervous or freaking out right now, because I love kids. I've been around babies my whole life. I come from a huge family, and seems like every time I turned around someone was pregnant or giving birth. I have three nephews, and I've helped with them since birth.they are now 3 and 5 now." He smiled and said "Well good, I'm glad I have a pro on my side."

The nurse came and got us and directed Mitch where to pull his car so they could bring the boys out. He told me to wait with the babies as he went to get the car. I held little Mitch who was at this point wide awake looking up at me, while another nurse held Aiden who had tired himself out, and finally gave in to sleep. The nurse who was talking with Mitch and I who I found out her name was Glenda told me to call there were questions or concerns. Apparently she had told the other nurses a little about the situation, and they all applauded (not literally) me for stepping up to the plate to help a friend in need. I told her that I or Mitch would call if anything was to occur. At that point Mitch pulled up the curb with the Range Rover and got out to open the back door. After Glenda inspected the car seats to make sure they were suitable, we loaded the twins in. Mitch told me to ride in the back with the boys, but I told him he should. After some back and forth, I finally took the keys from him and walked to the drivers side and said "Get In". He smiled and then did what he was told.i cranked up the car and drive off, looking in the rear view mirror as the nurses waved us off.

I told Mitch I had to stop by Super Target to get the formula for the babies. He told me go ahead and pull in. When we stopped he sat up and handed me his AMEX and said to get whatever was needed.i told him I had it, but he insisted. So I got out and made a quick run into the super center to get what was needed. I came back with a couple of bags got in and handed him back his credit card along with the receipt. He laughed and then said "Boy that was a first." I looked In the rear view mirror and what was a first? He replied "That a person I gave my credit card to handed it back to me with a receipt that wasn't a mile long." I laughed and said "Material things aren't everything, you can't take any of it with you when you pass. So there is no need blow it. Especially if it's not yours!" I added with a laugh. He laughed then said "Boy I wish you were there to teach Rebecca that lesson. She would have cleaned me out completely if I would have let her. Fortunately for me, I had multiple safe accounts that she knew nothing about. I felt bad about keeping them from her, but I see I had good reason too." I nodded in agreement and drove them to there house.

On the way there little Aiden woke up hit cat nap and started to cry. Mitch looked over at him and tried to console him. He eventually calmed down to the sound of daddy's voice. Mitch then said "That's right little guy daddy is here...daddy and daddy Tony are here. We won't let anyone hurt you or your big brother. We both love you both very, very much." He then leaned down and kissed him on his forehead. He then looked up at me and smiled. I looked back at him in the rear view mirror, with my eyes watering. Then I looked away, I didn't want him to see me like this. I couldn't believe he called me daddy Tony. This was becoming too much for me, I mean he was straight! I decided that if I was going to be around to help him out at times, I needed to know. Even if that meant me coming out to him, it would lift a heavy weight off my shoulders. I finally got them to the house. Tony told me to pull into the garage and we would take everything in through the mud room. I unloaded the groceries while he got the boys out of their carriers. I came back to help him and took Aiden from his arm, while he grabbed Mitch. We then took the boys upstairs to their room, and laid them both in their cribs.

After settling the boys into their room, we both just stood at there respective cribs. Mitch at little Mitch, who on the way home decided we would call him Alex. And I at Aiden's crib. The boys looked so peaceful staring up into our faces. At one point Aiden worked his face into a small smile looking up at me. I just couldn't understand how someone could abandon such beautiful, innocent children. As I was looking down at Aiden, I felt Mitch come up beside me and wrapped his arm around my side. He pulled me close and said "They are beautiful aren't they?" I could only nod in agreement as we both stood there looking into Aidens crib. He then said "I can't thank you enough for being here with me right now. " I told him "I'd rather be here with these beautiful boys, then anywhere else right now." He looked at me with his eyes twinkling and said "Oh, just the boys?" I laughed and said "Well your ok to be around too I guess." He squeezed me hard against and walked away to sit in the rocker in the corner of the room.

I thought about going home for a bit to clear my mind, but decided against it. My thoughts would have to wait. I set about preparing things for Mitch so that he wouldn't have to worry much. I told him I was going down stairs to prepare some bottles for the boys. I knew it would be feeding time soon, so I didn't want to be caught unprepared. He said to go ahead and make myself at home. He was going to stay up here with the boys for a bit. I went downstairs and got the formula and bottles out. I washed them thoroughly then set about filling the bottles with the formula. I looked around Mitch's kitchen and I was in heaven. I hadn't noticed it before, but he truly had a chefs dream kitchen. It reminded me of mamas kitchen at home. I thought about it, and decided I would cook Mitch dinner tonight.

I went upstairs to check on him, and almost melted at the sight I saw. Mitch had moved to couch and both him and the boys were sleeping, one on his chest and the other on Mitch's side. I think At that point I knew, there was no doubt in my mind that I had fallen for this beautiful man. I went back downstairs and looked into the oversized refrigerator and pantry to see what I could cook for him. He had all the ingredients for a nice vegetable lasagne which happened to be one of my favorites, so I set about preparing that. I would use my Mama's recipe.

I set about chopping the veggies and boiling the noodles. I was going to make my sauce from scratch. I got all of my ingredients together and started layering the veggies, noodles, and sauce, and most importantly the cheeses. The kitchen smelled heavenly, as sat the lasagne I the double oven. I set about cleaning the mess I made, and took some pots to the sink to rinse off. I hadn't noticed Mitch enter the room. I was at the sink with my back turned when I felt two arms wrap around my waist, then pull me toward his chest. At this point I just leaned back into him. He said "You are going to spoil the boys and I. Your cooking for me too?"

At this point my cock was boned up from my ass being pushed up against Mitch's crotch, which surprisingly felt hard. I couldn't take it anymore. I pulled his arms from around my waist and turned to face him. I then said "Mitch we have to talk. I don't know what's..." He cut me off with a finger to my lips, and looked at me with those beautiful grey eyes. He removed his fingers, and then leaned forward and kissed me. He kissed me hard. I tried to fight against it, but I finally gave in and gave myself to him. It was the best kiss I have ever had in my life. It seemed to go on forever until he finally pulled away. He smiled while I was in a complete daze.

He looked at me and said "I have been wanting to do that to you since the moment I laid eyes on you. But out of respectful or Rebecca I never made a move on you. Tony I'm straight, I'm attracted to women. But ever since I laid eyes on you the first time in the restrooms at the office, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind. I've never felt like this before, ever for a woman or man. You have been a constant fixture in my mind for 5 days straight. Now hear me out, I'm sorry if I've scared you or made you uncomfortable. I understand if you want to leave now, I just couldn't resist giving you that kiss. I hope I haven't ruined the friendship that we have, I can't stand the fact of you walking out on me and they boys. I'm sorry that I..." It was my turn to stop him with a kiss. He was shaking slightly so I just held my kiss until he calmed down. He then pulled me into him, and said "Please don't leave me."

I looked into his beautiful eyes which had started to water and said "Baby I'm not going anywhere". He then kissed me again and pulled me into him. This time he was a little more rough, it was really starting to turn me on. His hands had move from my back down to my ass, where each hand squeezed its respective cheek. I moaned into his mouth which only made him squeeze my ass harder, pulling me into rock hard crotch. He finally slowed down and broke our kiss apart. We were both breathing heavily at this point. He put his forehead against mine, and just looked at me. I did the same thing. Neither us were saying anything, we were speaking to each other with out eyes.

Our bonding moment was ended by the sound of cries. Mitch had brought down one or the baby monitors to the kitchen. I pulled away and told him I'd get it but he stopped me and said "No baby, you finish up and here I'll go check on the little guys." He walked away and up the stairs. The baby monitor was still down stairs so I heard him as he walked into the twins nursery. He said "What's wrong little guy? I'm here let's get your brother so we can eat. Now stop that crying, your daddies love you very much. Did you know that? Yes they love you very much?" I smiled to myself, Mitch had hit it right on the head as far as me loving the boys just as much as he did. But I also was starting fall in love with Mitch as well. I started warming up the bottles as I knew he was bringing the boys down to eat.

He walked into the kitchen with one baby boy in each arm. I walked over with two bottles and took one of the boys from his arm, and then gave him a bottle. We sat at the breakfast nook table, and fed our baby boys. For a while, the only sound you heard was the smacking of lips on a bottle. Mitch broke the silence and said "never would I picture saying this, but the three most important men in my life are all in the same room as me. And I love each one of you so much." I got a tear in my eye, I reach over and kissed him and said "We love you too Daddy." Mitch smiled from ear at that statement and said "Daddy likes that, I'm glad." Then he did his famous wink at me.

Just as the boys were finishing their dinners, the oven timer went off. I handed little Alex to Mitch and went to check on the lasagne. I wanted to let it cook a little longer so I left in the oven for a little longer. I then walked over to Mitch and took Aiden out of his arms, and told him to mimic me. I was teaching him how to burp the boys. After a couple pats and rubs both boys burped enough to satisfy me. Both boys seemed to drift off to sleep immediately after their burping. I took this opportunity to go get the double bassinet I saw upstairs I. The nursery and brought it down so that Mitch and I could eat with the boys nearby. We placed the boys in the bassinet side by side. We stood and looked at them, they were sleeping so peacefully. They were so beautiful.

I set about preparing a plate for Mitch. He broke out some wine that complimented my lasagne perfectly. He raved on how good it was. He told me that I was going to make him fat if I cooked like this all the time. I have to admit it was pretty good though. We took the time over dinner to get to know each other a little better. He told me more about his dad, and how his mom passed away a couple of years ago. I told him about my family and the restaurants we owned. He said he had been to Marchese's several times, which gave him extra points in my mental book. We had been sitting and talking for hours, it just felt so right. Like it was meant to be.

After dinner we cleaned up and then took the boys upstairs to their nursery. We got them settled in, and I looked at my watch and was shocked. I didn't realize how late it was. I told Mitch that I was about to head out, he grabbed my arm and said "No please don't, we need you hear tonight...I need you hear tonight." I looked into his eyes and saw how longing he was, and said "But I didn't bring any clothes or toiletries." He said "I got you covered just please don't go." I looked at him and said "Ok, I'll stay." He smiled at me and hugged and kiss me then said "I'll be right back let me lock up." He dashed out of the room and down the stairs. He came back up about 5 minutes later with second baby monitor. He walked over to me and kissed me. Then we walked to each little boys crib and kissed them goodnight.

He grabbed the baby monitor then took my hand and led me down the hall to the master bedroom. He stopped before opening the doors, and said "I hope I'm not being to forward in assuming you'll share a bed with me." I looked at him and said "This is all happening a little too fast but I'm ok with it. I'm usually not this open, but with you it feels right." He smiled and kissed me, then opened the door. The bedroom was very immaculate, from the furnishings to the bedding. He pulled me in and gave me one of his heart stopping kisses from earlier. He slowly started undressing me, as I did the same. He started kissing down my neck, then went down to my nipples and teased and sucked each one in. My hand was on the back of his head pushing him harder into my chest. He suddenly stopped and picked me up and carried me into the master bathroom.

When we got inside he sat me down,then went to the walk in shower and adjusted the water. He then turned around and walked toward me and started kissing me while he took off my speedo briefs, freeing my rock hard 8" cock. I reach over to pull his down. I looked down and was eye with the most beautiful 10" long and fat cock I've ever seen. I lightly started stroking it, which cause Mitch to moan. My mouth started watering and I was about to try to take Mitch into my mouth, when he pulled me up and said "Not yet. Let's shower. He pulled me into the shower stall and started soaping up his hands. He then proceeded to wash my body not leaving any part of me untouched. He paid special attention to my ass as he worked his way down my back. He would rub each cheek with his soapy hands and then slide one hand down the crack my hand. At one point he spread my cheeks all the way open and started rubbing my Virgin rosebud. I was in complete ecstasy, moaning, panting, and pushing against his hand as played with my most private area. He then turned me around so that my back was facing him, and then pulled me into him. His rock hard cock nestled perfect right between my ass. He then reach around and took my cock in one hand and my balls in the other and started stoking them in his hands. At the same time he was doing this, he was rubbing his cock up and down my ass. I was on cloud 9 enjoying the sensations, when I felt his cock speed up on ass and back. He then went into overload pumping my cock which cause me to push my ass back harder on his cock, which made him let out a low groan. I was lost in the sensation when I felt his mouth cover my ear as he started nibble, lick, and suck on it. This new sensation drove me over the edge and blasted the hugest load I ever shot on his glass shower wall. Shot after shot erupted from my cock, causing me to buck, moan and pant. My orgasm caused Mitch to shoot as well because I felt his warm stickiness between my back and his hair chest and stomach.

I turned around and he pulled me into the most sensual kiss. This kiss wasn't sexual in the least bit, it was a kiss letting me know that Mitch was giving me him. There was no turning back now. He finally pulled away and put his forehead on mine like we were doing earlier I the kitchen. The water poured down over our heads, as we wiped the cum off of each other never pulling our foreheads and eyes apart from each other. We finally were completely cleaned and we stepped out of the shower. Mitch went over to the bathroom linen closet and got two towels. We dried each other off, and walked hand in hand into the bedroom.

He then told me "I just want to let you know that Rebecca hasn't slept in this bedroom in over a year. She had been sleeping in the downstairs master. So this bed has only had me in it for over a year. Tonight I want to change that." I nodded at him as he pulled me into the bed behind him. I reach over to make sure the baby monitor was at its loudest setting, then turned over to my side. Not even 10 seconds after I did that, Mitch reached one hand under my side and then brought the over my other side, and then pulled me over to him. His nestled his cock right between my ass cheeks, and I felt his breath on my neck. I thought to myself this feels so right. This is where I'm supposed to be. Mitch broke me out of my sleep and said "Tony this feels perfect. I love you baby." I pushed my ass back on his cock which had grown to full mast again, which cause him to groan and pull me tighter, and said "I love you too Daddy". We then drifted off to sleep with each other, both feeling content.

Next: Chapter 5

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