Treys Summer Heat

By Daemon King

Published on Apr 8, 2012


Trey's Summer Heat 2

                          • Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. Any similarities to actual persons or events are purely coincidental. - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So I decided to start dating Shannon, really dating, not just us as fuck-buddies although to say we didn't fuck often would be a big lie. He was over at my place a few times a week, pounding my ass good. It seemed like he had really changed as I hadn't heard anything through the grapevine to suggest that he was sleeping with anyone else.

It had been about two weeks since we had started dating and, as I mentioned, everything seemed to be just perfect. However, that was the head time when things went south. It started innocently enough. I was at the basketball courts on Saturday, playing two-on-two with my partner Tyrone, who was also my cousin. We looked similar in build and complexion, even our features but he was about two inches shorter. As was our usual tradition, we whooped everyone else's ass.

As we sat on the benches re-hydrating, I saw Shannon chatting with a cute, light-skinned guy behind the bleachers. To say I got pissed was an understatement but of course, it might just be his cousin or a friend, not necessarily someone he was fucking. So I played it cool and continued drinking my water, though my cousin must have noticed the clenching of my jaw.

"Trey, what's wrong?" he asked.


"Don't lie. We grew up together. What is it?"

"That," I said, nodding in the direction of Shannon. Tyrone grunted.

"What? You think he's cheating on you now?" he asked. Tyrone was the only person in my family who knew my secret, and that was only because he himself was bisexual and we had fooled around a few times when we were teenagers.

"What's it look like?" I snapped.

"Dude, he's just talking to a guy. Don't mean shit!"

"Maybe... am I being too suspicious of him."

"Yeah you are. Chill," he advised. Maybe Tyrone was right. Maybe I was reading too much into nothing at all.

I invited Shannon to dinner at my place. I had a nice table set and had baked lasagna and had a nice rosea wine in the fridge. After seeing him chatting with the other dude, I wanted to make sure he remembered who he was supposed to be with. The doorbell rang and when I opened the door I was pleasantly surprised to see Shannon standing there so well-dressed. He was wearing a polo with a sports blazer and matching trousers.

"You didn't have to be so dressed up," I said, letting him in.

"I wanted to look nice for you, baby," he smiled and kissed me on the lips. We made-out for a while before I pushed him off.

"Can't let my dish burn," I chimed, rushing to pull the lasagna out of the oven, "I know how much you like this Italian stuff so..." He was grinning from ear-to-ear as he inspected my three-cheese lasagna.

"It looks and smells great," he said as he took a seat at the table.

"Let it cool a bit first, hungry man," I teased. I poured two glasses of the wine and we toasted our night together.

"So did you see my game today. I was on point," I said, slyly getting to the investigative part of the evening.

" was good. You played like a pro," he smiled. I knew he was lying from the way he tilted his head slightly to the left. He always did that when he was lying. I'd caught him.

"And the way I landed that last three pointer."

"Yeah, that three pointer was great," he said, looking down. Just then his phone chimed, meaning he'd received a text.

"Who's that?"

"Nobody...uh, my cousin-"

"The one you were chatting to under the bleachers?" He had a look of pure fear on his face, like a deer in headlights.

"Look, Trey, it's not what you think."

"Then explain it."

"He's a friend from college I used to fuck with. He was visiting his grandmother who lives around here, saw me on the courts and we talked, that's all. Trey I love you. I wouldn't fuck around on you like that," he insisted.

"Then why'd you lie, about him being your cousin?"

"Because you're a jealous type o' nigga, Trey! Even back when we were just fucking, you always acted like we were boyfriends or something. And you telling me about fucking around back then? You did too, Trey. But when I did, it was a damned problem..."

I was shocked. OK, it was true. I had fucked around too but only to get back at him. We were supposed to be monogamous fuck-buddies, or at least that's how I saw it.

"...and the only reason I put up with it is because I love you so much, despite that jealousy flaw. I only ever fucked around when you started acting up and left me mad horny with no relief. I've matured, Trey, but it seems you haven't!"

With that he got up and made for the door.

"Wait, Shannon!"

"No, Trey, I'm not staying another minute. Go fuck some other niggas until you figure out who really cares for you, me or them," he barked.

He slammed the door in my face. All I could do at that point was fall down and cry. I'd fucked up big time, and all because of unwarranted jealousy. I was such an idiot. I called his cellphone like twenty times and left messages but hours passed and he didn't answer. Fuck! What was I going to do?

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Next: Chapter 3

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