Trevs Ultimate Humiliation

By Art Gibson

Published on Sep 2, 2022


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Trev's Ultimate Humiliation: Trev's Revenge C-2

After the guys left, I showered, made a sandwich, and sat on the couch. I was pissed. No, I was beyond pissed. Cole and I shot porn, gay teen porn. Though we looked younger than our proper ages, 18, we made a ton selling to men who liked teen boy sex.

Before tonight, Cole and I had planned the video action. Two things not scripted took place tonight. One. Me losing the hair on my head. Two. We were only supposed to simulate anal. Instead, that damn edging and those fingers in my butt tipped me into allowing Colt and Sal to fuck my virgin hole. I had not planned to give myself away on camera.

That fucker, Cole, knew I was saving myself. He let them fuck me, anyway. All so he could sell a video of a virgin teen losing his virginity. Yeah, I'd share the profits. Screw the profits. Everyone who watched that video would see me deflowered. They would see my expressions as I took my first cock and felt that first sperm spurt inside me, Sal's sperm. I would have to see him in school and see his knowing eyes letting me know he remembered what he did to me. The same for Colt. Both freshmen had marked me as theirs and on camera. They had humiliated me. Others would watch my humiliation, how I looked while I took their cocks. What pissed me off more was knowing Cole still had his virginity. I plotted how to take my revenge.

As usual, Cole came over for lunch. We always planned our next shoot the day after our previous one. That was our pattern. He smiled as he entered my house.

"Before you rip me a new one, buddy. You need to know the edit of last night just hit our seller's site. Sales are through the roof. We are making a ton from guys who like to see a teen lose his virginity. And don't try to tell me you weren't into it. You were taking those kid's cocks like a wild man. The expressions on your face and the way you humped the air while they fucked you was beyond belief."

I held my temper. "We did not plan that happening. Why did you do it?"

Cole smiled. "For the money. This video is raking it in. We covered our college tuition for four years. If I told you, your expressions would not have been as believable."

Cole had a different take on my reaction than I had. I fumed. He was getting his. I just needed to plan how to humiliate him. I listened to Cole's idea for the script. He would be the actor. I would operate the camera. He planned for a sex scene with freshman boys sucking his cock multiple times. There would be edging and him begging until he was allowed to gain release. I went along with his plan knowing that would not be what we shot.

"We need you to be tied for the edging. More realistic."

"Yeah, I agree. Excellent suggestion, Trev."

"Thanks. I'll get the boys set up for Saturday. We can start after lunch.

Saturday, we would use my basement. I had the equipment ready for the video, with a table positioned in the middle of the floor for taking a variety of angles. I had also contacted Colt and Sal, who promised to bring three friends who were trustworthy. I told them what I wanted them to do. They agreed while they giggled.

Cole arrived two hours before the shoot. I showed him the table, explaining how it would provide variety instead of us being tied and hanging from ropes as usual. He thought that was a good plan.

"So you will lie tied on the table. The kids will lick and kiss you and play with your cock and hole. I will be videoing them doing this. I hope you are okay with extreme edging. Also, after you sperm the first time, they will make you have a second release, but they won't give you a break between the first and second time."

"Sounds kinky enough to sell some videos."

Sal and Colt and their friends arrived at two, as planned. We had sodas as we showed them the arrangement, telling them what we intended. The part we did not say was the part that would remain hidden until Cole was beyond caring.

For effect, Cole stood next to the tables, hands zip tied. The two youngest looking boys stripped him despite his protests. He made the protests sound genuine. Before tying him to the table, they cut his shirt off. This created more realism.

Laying Cole on his back and tying his hands and feet was done quickly. Now the fun part began. Cole still had his body hair. We would see that became history. Worse, after he was shaved all over, we would put a cream on him that would keep him hairless for at least four months. All his hair would be gone, even his eyebrows.

We applied the cream, leaving it in place for the required fifteen minutes. The kids washed Cole. When they were done, our boy was looking daggers at us.

I did not care as I filmed going for a closeup of his eyes. At least he kept his mouth shut, not griping. I figured that reaction was a better visual than him complaining.

The boys were staring at Cole. Then they kissed and licked his body. I had them wear masks, so their identities stayed hidden. They soon had Cole hard. One at a time, each boy stepped up to suck Cole's cock and finger his hole. Soon they had Cole humping their mouths, trying for release. He begged and cursed. I knew the time had come. I handed Sal a vibrating dildo I lubed it for ease of penetration. I did not let Cole see it. Sal took it and pushed it at his anal opening.

It took Cole a minute, then he realized this was not a finger trying to enter. "No. No toys." He blurted.

I smirked. Too late. Sal had it inside Cole and it was vibrating. The picture on his face? Well, the camera captured Cole's surprised look as his prostrate felt the vibrations. His face went from surprise to wide-eyed lust. His hips thrust. Everyone stood back to watch Cole wiggle and hump on the table. I saw some phones videoing Cole. Sal walked up to me.

"How soon?"

Let's give him more time. I need him to beg for release. Then we tie the rope to his legs and lift them so he is fully exposed. Who is first?"

"Colt has never had a virgin boy. I had you already. I told him he could be first. Cole will be his first virgin."

"Sounds like a plan. How many times are you all planning to fuck him?"

Everyone wants him at least twice before we lock him in that chastity butt contraption. Couple of the boys might do three times."

"I want to be second after Cole. I need to breed his hole, make him mine."

He will belong to all of us after this. All these guys produce sperm. He will be full. Then we lock that sperm in him. He becomes ours.

Our attention was drawn to Cole, who was begging like a slut to get off.

"I think our boy is ready." I said. "Let's start."

As planned, Coles" legs were raised exposing his never entered pucker. When Colt began penetrating him with his lubed finger, Cole's lust-filled mind received the message of what we were planning to do to him. He stared at me, understanding dawning.

"Trev. Please, no. I'm begging you. Don't do this. I've never."

"Did you give me a choice?"

He stared at me. "No, I didn't. I'm sorry. Do what you have to do. I'm okay with this, I guess."

"Shit. I expected him to yell and protest."

Then he said, eyes pleading. "Can you be my first?"

"Cole is first. I am second."

Cole's face looked disappointed. What was with that?

I moved back to hold the camera, enabling me to move it around. Cole positioned himself at Cole's opening. Before he entered, he brushed Cole's hair and kissed him. I heard him say. "I want to make your first time memorable. Are you ready?"

Cole nodded. Colt pushed, breaching Cole's ring. Colt held this position, watching Cole's face for any sign of pain. Seeing none, he pushed in more. Cole looked surprised, then tears came to his eyes. Colt saw these and kissed at them. Then he lovingly tongued Cole's mouth.

Everyone stood awed. They were seeing love making, not a brutal fucking. This was too private. I turned off the camera. Both boys were deep into lust by the time Colt stiffened and spermed. Before he pulled off Cole, Colt said. "Thank you."

I went next, trying to recreate the lovemaking I had just watched. Cole's chute was prepared with Colt's cum when I entered him. I had an easy time as I kissed Cole. He responded. Our tongues dueled. My hands held his head as I gazed into his blue eyes. I felt my groin tingle.

"I love you, buddy. I turned off the camera. This is too special to put out for others to view."

"Trev, please. Put yourself in me. Give me your seed. I want you. I love you so much. Make me yours."

We lost ourselves in our kisses until I felt his cock throb and I felt his release on my stomach. That sent me over the edge.

I finally pulled out of my, what was he now? Boyfriend? Lover? The other boys waited their turn. I would not deny them their pleasure and hoped Cole did not feel with them what he shared with me. I watched as each entered and bred my friend.. They were passionate, only not as loving as Colt and I had been. They were fucking and breeding, not loving. For two of them, this was their first time doing anal.

When everyone had a first go, I called, "Cut. That's a wrap. Shower, dress, and get your pay. Thank you for what you did."

The guys grinned, looking at each other. They all had watched. Some watched more closely than others. I later learned that four of the five paired up and became lovers spurred by this experience. One stayed with girls for sex.

After they left, Cole and I still naked, sat on the couch. I stared at him. "I meant what I said. I love you. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Softly, he replied. "I want that."

I took my new boyfriend's hand, leading him to the shower where we washed each other, stopping to kiss frequently. After we dried, we stayed naked. If the parents came home later, they never entered the basement.

Cole and I sat and softly explored each other with our hands.

"Sore?" I asked.

"Yeah. I need to give it a rest."

We talked late into the night. He agreed I was right to stop the video. We had enough money set aside for college. We also decided it was best we stop selling. Teens are foolish. We had been foolish and were lucky not to have been caught.

I texted our buyer, saying we were stopping production.

He texted back, telling us he understood and thanking us for the videos we provided.

"We are free, Cole. Now it's you and me."

He smiled and kissed me. We gave in to our desire for each other and made out half the night. We both spermed multiple times. Finally, exhausted, we walked to the bed in the basement. We crawled naked under the covers, falling asleep in each other's arms.

The years have been good for my husband and me. We studied and passed the Bar. We are family law attorneys with our own firm. We do pro bono work for LGBTQ youth who need what we can provide. Our love is deep.

We see Colt and Sal from time to time when they find time to bring their two boys over and visit. They married shortly after we did and adopted two cute two-year-old twins who are now six. When they visit, they take their clothes off. We are all naturists in our home.

"Dad's I'm home."

That was our oldest, Robbie. He was thirteen. His brother, Shane would be twelve next month. Robbie was our biological child. We adopted Shane when he was five after they declared him a ward of the State.

Robbie entered the room, naked. He always undressed as soon as he entered our home. "Hi you two. I love you.' He hugged us. "Mike and John want to spend the weekend. Can they? Their parents are okay with our lifestyle. We just want to hang out. Have fun."

"Sure. Text them and let them know it is okay." Robbie hugged us again, this time kissing both of us deeply. When he backed away, he was hard.

"Darn thing does that all the time. I think it has its own agenda."

"Yeah. A thirteen-year-old hormone ridden agenda." Cole said with a grin.

Our boys and a very select group of their friends were often hard in front of us. Not that we acted on what we saw. We saved our sexual pleasure for Cole and me. We enjoyed watching the boys go at it with each other. They had no inhibitions in front of us. Sometimes they asked for advice which we provided.

Our last son, Shane, came home, undressing as he walked inside. He came over and hugged us and rubbed against me until he became hard. Then he lifted off and stood before us. Almost twelve, his penis was shaping up to be a nice sized one. He started rubbing it.

"If you are going to masturbate, don't get any on the floor. Get a towel and sit on the recliner."

Grinning, Cole said. "He always masturbates as soon as he gets home."

Robbie said. "That's because he has last period gym. He sees all those dicks in the showers and gets horny."

Shane returned with two towels, one of which he sat on. "Hey, Robbie. Want to do me?"

Robbie shrugged. "Sure. You gotta do me next."

"I'd love to."

Cole and I hugged, watching our boys masturbate. "I love you." I said.

He replied. "I love you more. We have a wonderful family."

This story may continue. Which direction should I take it? I need ideas, guys.

If you like my writing style, I have many stories in Nifty's Author section as Art Gibson. Check them out.

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Next: Chapter 3

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