Trevors Transformation

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Apr 20, 2020


This is work of gay erotic fiction that involves individuals over the age of 18. If this is not your thing, please move on without reading any further. Otherwise, enjoy, and feel free to contact me with your feedback! Thanks! Austin T. Charles, email:

I'd like to give a shout out to say THANK YOU to those who have written me in support of this story! I really do appreciate hearing from you, and will do my best to answer everyone's email! Thanks - you give me reasons to continue writing!

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Trevor's Transformation, Chapter 7

Trevor, aka Skippy and I went to a master and pup gym in Madison, WI. The gym and workout was nice, as their were other masters with their pups working out. While the work out was nice, what happened after our workout was completely unexpected. Skippy went to play with the other pups, while I went into the hot tub to relax my sore muscles. At least that is what I thought was going to happen...

The hot tub room was fairly decent in size. I'm guessing that it had to be close to twenty feet by twenty feet, the hot tub itself round, close to twelve feet in diameter. There were windows on the wall straight ahead that were fogged up, as well as a window to my left that was also fogged up from the steamy moisture rising up from the tub. It was warm and steamy, just as one would expect, and I felt sweat start to form on my upper body as Jerry brought me into the room.

"Men, this is John. John is here with Skippy, his pup. Skippy's with the other pups, so you know he's gonna have some fun with the boys. John, let me introduce you to the gang here. Startin' on the left we got Cy, Tex, and Bobby. Our boys, er, pups, are Spike, Rex, Tiger, and Leon. They're takin' care of Skippy. So, come on in, the water is fine" Jerry laughed a ragged laugh, almost part evil, like he knew what was in store for me. On the right side of the room next to the wall was a bench, that looked to be about eight feet long. It had four towels, a bottle of some sort, and a huge, black, double-headed dildo. It was then that I got the feeling this wasn't going to be a relaxing soak in the tub.

"Tell us about yourself, John. You a top? Bottom? Verse? Must be a master with a fine lookin' pup like Skippy. Damn man, he's got a great body. Where you from? We ain't never seen you here before." Cy, the bearish guy on the left, who looked to be close to three hundred pounds of solid muscle, no neck and tattooed, arms inquired.

"I live just about 45 miles from here in Spring Green, not far from the river. I got my degree from UW Madison in landscape architecture, minoring in English. I'm a landscape architect/landscaper specializing in upscale home design. Most of my clients have properties that start at $500K. I garden for a hobby during the summer and write professionally both fiction and non-fiction articles during the winter months."

"Well dang, that's pretty darn interestin', but you didn't answer my question all the way. You a top, bottom, or verse?"

"Being a master, I'm a top. However, there are certain circumstances that may require me to be otherwise." I replied, regretting talking down to Jerry, who seemed to lack any education past the eighth grade.

"Hmm. Well guess what, John, us boys here are all tops. Since the pups are enjoyin' puppy play time with their new friend Skippy, looks like you get to enjoy master play time with me n' the boys here." He then laughed a beer belly laugh that was followed by the other three. All I could do was laugh a nervous laugh. I think I knew what was coming next, as the other three bearish guys were sitting on the edge of the hot tub now, with obvious bulges forming in their shorts. "So come on in, the water is fine, John, but you can leave yer shorts on the floor." Now I was really going to be fucked, literally. "Don't be shy, John boy, I bet you got a nice fine tight one." I tried to be as quick as I could, facing the wall away from the four as I dropped my shorts and jock and eased into the hot water of the tub. It should have been soothing, but even if I didn't have the chastity cage locked to my cock, it would have been pulled up tight to my groin for fear of what was about go down.

"Whoa, wait there, John boy, don't tell me, turn around before you get in. What's that you got on your junk?" Under my breath I cursed Will again, turned and faced the four biker men, showing them my locked up cock, and full balls. "Holy shit Cy, will ya look at that?! John boy here musta been a bad boy, and shouldn't be playin. While the cat's away, the mouse is gonna play. Damn Johnny, guess you ain't gonna be no top today, huh?" I was speechless, and as Jerry lowered his shorts, revealing a thick uncut seven inch dick, the other biker boys sitting around the edge of the hot tub did the same. I looked at each one. Cy had a short but fat cut cock that was nestled in a hairy black bush, Tex's cock was thin and short with a hefty set of smooth balls, but then when I saw Bobby's cock, I gasped. It had to be at least nine thick uncut inches, was hard as a rock, definitely looked like it was going to be a challenge. I sat down in the warm, sudsy swirling water and Jerry approached me, his uncut cock pointing at my face as he stood inches from my face on the ledge in the tub. "Start sucking me now, college boy." As I took Jerry's cock in my mouth, Cy got up, walked over to the other side of me, pointed his stiffening cock at my face and told me to do the same. That's how it began. I alternated sucking Cy and Jerry, while Tex and Bobby sat on the edge of the tub stroking. I caught a glimpse of Bobby's cock, which had to be the biggest cock I think I'd ever seen. No matter what he had planned, it was going to hurt. Jerry spoke again.

"Damn college boy, you're doin' gooood, those sweet lips, that hot shot tongue, oh fuck yeah. Betcha didn't know that first time here you we're gonna get initiated like this, didja?"

All I could do was nod my head no . "Well boy, don't matter if you're a master or a pup, we gotta break you in, make sure you're fit for the club. We'll let Bobby see if you're worthy of bein' a member here, so you keep workin them lips and suckin' and get ready for Bob." Jerry laughed, then moaned as he thrust his cock deep into my throat. "Speakin' of your pup, well I betcha he's getting' the same treatment with the other pups. Ain't that right Tex?"

Indeed, he was. In another room off to the left of the main work out area, Skippy had his hands tied behind his back by Spike and Rex. He tried to put up a fight, and it did take the other two pups Tiger and Leon to hold him down face first on the wrestling mat in order to subdue him. Despite his efforts, the other pups were too strong. With Skippy now being naked, the other pups started fondling the chastity cage, trying to get him turned on. They tugged and pulled, rubbed his hairless, full ball sack, and instantly Skippy could feel his cock trying to harden. All this did was cause him immense pain, which made the other pups laugh. They pulled him to his knees on all fours, assuming the doggie position. Spike, who was Jerry's pup and the alpha of the pack had already removed his shorts, revealing his long, but almost pencil thin cock, which by now was hard and dripping precum. Leon held Skippy's head up while Spike force fed Skippy his cock. No words were spoken; Skippy knew what was going down and felt it was useless to fight it. Next came Rex. His cock wasn't as thin as Spike's, more like as thick as a cucumber, with a full set of nice round balls nestled in a forest of black pubes. It was all Skippy could do to take Rex in his mouth, and he was actually relieved when it was Spike's turn. Tiger and Leon were now taking turns rimming Skippy's smooth, hairless hole, which was causing Skippy to moan and groan in delight.

After Spike and Rex took turns punishing Skippy's mouth for about ten minutes, Spike pulled out of his mouth, and immediately plunged his rod into Tiger's eager mouth. Leon stopped rimming Skippy and joined Tiger working Spike's cock, while Rex was punishing Skippy's mouth. In one swift move, Spike pulled out of the other's mouths, and plunged his long thin cock deep into Skippy's sloppy, wet hole causing Skippy to let out a yelp. It was now Tiger's turn to punish Skippy's mouth. The head of his average sized uncut cock of six inches was smeared with his own precum, which Skippy greedily began to suck on. Rex and Leon were on the floor now under Spike and were caressing his ass and nuts as he pounded away on Skippy's hole. This caused Spike to reach a level of ecstasy he'd never felt before, which caused him to explode inside of Skippy's ass, filling him with his huge load. He pulled out in time to shoot the last remnants of his load on Skippy's hole, leaving it as lube for the next lucky pup, Rex. With his huge throbbing cock standing attention, Rex got down on his knees, teased Skippy's wet hole with the giant head of his cock before driving it in to the hilt, causing Skippy to let out a guttural, deep moan of both pain and pleasure as Rex filled his hole like it had never been filled before. Tiger was now taking turns with Leon in having their fun with Skippy's mouth. Spike was still hard, and as Rex got close to shooting his load, Spike motioned for him to get out of Skippy's ass and motioned for him to shoot his load on Skippy's mask. It was now Tiger's turn on fucking Skippy, as Rex shot off a massive load all over Skippy's mask, streams and globs of white cum were now dripping off the mask onto the wrestling mat.

Leon resumed punishing Skippy's mouth while Tiger plunged his uncut six incher balls deep into Skippy's abused, cum filled hole. Before long, Tiger felt his massive load brewing from deep within, and he pulled out of Skippy's hole and deposited the biggest load of the day onto the now cum covered dog mask covering Skippy's face. It was now Leon's turn to fuck Skippy's abused hole. Leon's cock was a good seven inches in length, had a very noticeable upward curve, with huge throbbing head, a nice set of shaved balls and trimmed pubes that accentuated the size of his curved cock.

By now having been fucked by the three other pups, Skippy was finding it hard to stay on all fours. Luckily, Leon motioned for Skippy to lay on his back on a weight bench that was along- side the wall in the room. Skippy tiredly crawled to the bench, his mask and ass dripping with cum; his half hard cock still struggling to get hard in the cage and his balls ready to burst with cum, suffering from lack of release for nearly four days now. Leon motioned for Spike and Rex to hold Skippy's smooth legs up while he positioned his throbbing cock at the abused lips of Skippy's hole; the remnants of Spike's cum still oozing from inside. Leon easily slipped in and as his huge dick head brushed Skippy's swollen gland, his dick snot began to flow with each thrust of Leon's cock, causing Skippy to moan with what pleasure he could derive from being used and caged up. As the abuse of his hole continued, a pool of clear precum had now formed on his smooth pubic area; his prostate massage about ready to release like a dam that was about to break. Sensing this, Leon motioned for Tiger to begin playing with Skippy's nipples while Rex and Spike started sucking on his toes while Leon continued punishing his hole. It was quite apparent that Leon hadn't cum for several days, because after only five minutes or so of deep fucking Skippy, he began to moan, his fucking motion and breathing increasing. At the same time, Skippy, whose nipples had been abused by Tiger, was about to have a serious prostate orgasm caused by Leon's huge dick.

What happened next happened in almost a well-orchestrated chain of events. Leon commenced to deep fucking at a rapid pace, and once his orgasm started and ejaculation of what seemed like a gallon of cum shot deep into Skippy's abused ass, Skippy's prostate let loose of the four or five day load, his limp cock shooting stream after stream of cum onto his smooth belly, mixing with the pool of precum. Spike, who had been sucking on Skippy's toes and jacking his pencil thin long dick was ready to shoot again, so he moved to back to Skippy's face, thrust his dick back in Skippy's mouth, shooting his second load down Skippy's throat, causing him to almost gag. Seeing this, Rex, who had also been sucking on Skippy's toes and jacking his big cock while watching Leon pound away on Skippy's ass, thrust his cock into Skippy's mouth after Spike pulled out, depositing his second load down Skippy's throat as well. Not wanting to be left out, Tiger shoved his cock in Skippy's mouth as well, but opted to pull out and shoot his second load all over Skippy's cum covered dog mask. Leon, still turned on and hard from seeing his pup friends abuse Skippy's mouth, kept fucking the pup's hole, and was quickly approaching his second orgasm in less than five minutes. But instead of pulling out, once again he shot his load deep into Skippy's bowels. This trigged another prostate orgasm from Skippy, which equaled the first load that shot from his limp cock.

Exhausted, cum covered and cum filled, Skippy's arms and legs collapsed to the mat below the weight bench. The other pups had collapsed alongside of Skippy. The four of them coaxed Skippy down from the bench and the five young pups all fell onto the mat to bask in the afterglow of the fun the five had just experienced. Spike, the leader of the pack broke the verbal silence that had dominated over them prior to meeting Skippy for the first time. "You're one of our pack now. Dude, you're awesome. But you're not going to be known as Skippy. Your name is now Max." Beneath the cum soaked dog mask, Skippy -- now Max, smiled for the first time in a long time.

*** While Skippy was being initiated into the pup pack, John was getting initiated into the group of Jerry and his three bear friends...

*** Cy and Jerry kept alternating punishing my mouth. I had been sucking them for about ten minutes total, could have been longer as I sort of lost track of time. All I know is that I was actually looking forward to Tex's smaller dick but was certainly afraid of what was coming in Bobby's massive rod. Jerry told me to get up out of the water onto my hands and knees on the side of the hot tub; my ass now facing Tex and Bobby. Next thing I knew while Cy had his thick cock punishing my throat, Jerry had grabbed the black double headed dildo and was lubing it up with whatever was in the bottle. I felt his chubby index finger play with my tight hole first, but then before I knew it, he was working the head of the dildo inside me. Although Will was fairly decent size, he wasn't nearly as big as the dildo, and certainly not as big as Bobby. I felt the head of the dildo pop in past the sphincter in my ass making me gasp a little as Cy gave way to Tex, who now had his small short cock in to the hilt as his huge balls were up against my chin.

I was getting relaxed and a little more used to the dildo. Jerry sensed this and began to move the dildo in and out of my ass a little faster. Just as the dildo started to feel good, he pulled it out and shoved his cock in until I felt his hairy ball sack start to slap against mine. I could feel his fat short fingers on my hips as he began to grind away on my ass. I have to admit it was like a dream come true having two guys use me, although it made me recall a time when my then master worked me over while I was his young sub. It felt like close to ten minutes had gone by with Jerry punishing my ass when I felt him get harder. His fucking motion increased and just before he exploded, he pulled out and shot his load on my back. The feeling of his hot cum shooting across my back felt good, and I greedily continued to suck Tex. Next came Cy, who had already stuck his short and hairy cock in my ass. I could feel his bush against my ass, as well as his hairy balls against mine. He only lasted about five minutes and followed Jerry's method by pulling out and shooting a heavier load across my back. I thought then that Tex would be next, but as I kept sucking his thin dick with the sweet tasting pre-cum, I felt Bobby's hands on my hips, and knew what was about to go down. Tex did too, and just as I felt his cock stiffen, he pulled out and took Bobby's place, shoving his small but hard cock all the way in. Two or three pushing motions and he became rock solid hard just before the floodgates opened and jet after jet after jet of hot cum shot deep into my bowels, giving Bobby all of the perfect lube he would need. When he finally pulled his softening cock out, I could feel his jizz dripping out of my tortured hole and running down my sack before falling to the floor.

Bobby resumed putting his hands on my hips, and I knew that his cock was going to hurt. In one constant motion, he eased his monster deep inside me until I felt his hairy balls against mine. I'd never been stretched and filled up the way he punished my hole. Honestly, the dildo felt like a pencil. All the way in, he began to fuck me. I did my best to not show how painful he was and did well. In fact, as I felt his cock head hit my prostate with every push inside my ass, I could feel my prostate buzzing. It would just be a matter of time to see who came first, me or him. The other bears caught on to me, and as I started clenching my muscular ass muscles, Bobby started moaning, feeling how good my tight as felt as I began to clamp down on his monster cock. The three of them began rubbing me, playing with my nipples, teasing my mouth with their cocks again, as all three were hard again. They'd since cleaned themselves, so I opened up and let them take turns again in my mouth. My level of horniness and downright ecstasy reached an all- time high, and as I felt Bobby's cock become harder than a baseball bat, I felt my prostate ready to explode. Sure enough, as Tex had stuffed his sweet tasting cock back in my mouth, I felt my orgasm let loose. Shot after shot of cum spewed onto the side of the hot tub, as my limp captive dick just let it happen. The spasms caused Bobby to shoot wave after wave of cum deep into me as he pounded my hole, which in turn caused Tex to shoot his second load down my throat. I nearly gagged on the massive load, but something about his cum tasted so sweet, that I greedily sucked out every drop from him. My prostate orgasm, Bobby's huge orgasm into my ass, and Tex's load that was shot down my throat all ended, and we all collapsed onto the side of the hot tub.

"Damn! Damn, DAMN! That was fuckin' hot, y'all!!!" exclaimed Jerry, who unbeknownst to me was recording the entire session on his phone. "Fuck man, for y'all bein' a top, you shore know how to bottom! Damn!"

"That was hot! You're an awesome bottom, Johnny, the way you handled my monster!" was all Bobby could say.

"Yeah buddy!" agreed Cy.

"You sure like my cum don't you?" was all Tex could offer.

I was almost speechless. "So, am I in your club now? Did I pass the test?" was my only response.

"Damn straight you did. But here's the thing," began Jerry. "You're in, and I'm certain Skippy is in too. But just to be sure y'all don't go blabberin' around about our little place here, we got this here video of you gettin' it on with us boys, and I'm pretty dang sure we got a video of Skippy with the pups. You see John-boy, this here club is sumthin' we wanna keep private. Yeah we let y'all in here and that's all good. We just wanna make sure we keep it on the down low if y'all know what we mean."

"Yeah, I get it. You don't need to worry about me and... my pup. I can be good with it being on the down low."

"Okay man, you and Skippy're in now. Go meet up with your pup in the shower and I'm hopin' we see y'all again."

With that, I picked up my shorts and shirt and headed to the locker room. After using the bathroom to...well, you know... I headed to my locker. About that time, Skippy also came walking in. He looked like crap. His mask was covered with drying cum that resembled something a flock of pigeons left on him after he'd spent too much time sitting under a statue. Like me, he was walking...carefully and his caged cock and balls were hanging as low as they could go. We both headed into the shower to clean up the spent sex that covered us both. I watched as Skippy gingerly soaped his body and his ass. Surprisingly, he said nothing the entire time, neither did I. We toweled off after the hot shower, got dressed and headed for the exit. It was now dark outside, and the evening rush of traffic could be heard rushing by the front side of the building. We got in the truck, I started the engine, turned on the lights, pulled out of the parking lot and we joined the flow of traffic as we headed back to my home in Spring Green.

About a mile or so out of town I broke the silence to ask Skippy if he was okay. At first, he nodded his head yes, but then shook it no. "Care to talk about it?" I inquired carefully. He cocked his head as if to respond with "does it really matter?"

"Trevor, you can take off your mask." I told him, and he unzipped the mask from the back of his head and removed it. Glancing over at him his tussled blond hair gave him the look of a football player that had just removed his helmet after a long brutal game. He finally spoke his first words of the day to me.

"I -- I -- don't know what to think about today. I -- um -- am, um -- really confused about how I feel. On one hand I feel completely grossed out, sore as hell, and completely repulsed by all of this. But on the other hand, what happened today with the other guys was like, um, a, uh, weird sexual fantasy dream come true. I mean it felt terrifying at first, but as it went on, I uh, well, got into it and actually liked getting used and being at the center of those guys' sexual release."

"I am sorry, Trevor. I did not know that the day would turn out the way it did. So, what exactly did those pups do to you?" I carefully asked, not really expecting the response that would come next. He began to tell me every minute detail of what occurred between him and the four pups. With each detail, I felt my cock try to stir in my shorts, prohibited by the cage. I did, however, feel a wet spot start to grow.

"At one point near the end when they were fucking my mouth and ass at the same time and the guys shot their loads all over and in me, I felt so... in command almost of pleasuring those guys. And the way they treated me after I came and survived it all, was more than I could ask for. I felt like I belonged in the pack." As he described each pup in detail, I thought he was really getting into it. But then he came back to reality. "I don't know, sir, er, I mean Master. I'm just starting to find myself so...god damned confused. I mean, I'm straight, or at least I THOUGHT I was straight. I love fucking women! And then today after being used by those guys who like initiated me into their club -- and by the way changed my name to Max. Once I passed the test of initiation, they treated me so great. I can't believe I'm going to say this, because my ass hurts like hell, but I want to go back. So, master, am I crazy?"

What could I say? I was so surprised to hear Trevor say that he thought of me like a dad that he never had. He respected me and trusted me. And he even ENJOYED his time with the other pups. I was speechless. Then Trevor forced me to respond.

"Sir, if I may ask two questions?" I nodded my head yes. "First question sir, so why are you locked up with a cock cage like I am? Is it because of me?"

"Well Trevor, I was just as surprised as you were to wake up on Monday morning and find that I had this damn cage locked around my cock and balls. Will and I spent the weekend together and had a wonderful time, both in and out of bed. We've been dating, as you may or may not know, for the past year and a half. We've known each other for a lot longer, as he was once a younger sub like you are now. I guess it boils down to him not trusting me, even though we have a long distance relationship that really shows no sign of becoming a close relationship, if you will. On a professional level, we are very complementary, and on a boyfriend level we are also very complementary. But the long distance thing is difficult to get past. He has his life, and I have mine. I'm not going to give up my life in Spring Green to be with him, and he's not going to leave his life and career in Illinois to move back up here to be with me. Let's just say I'm not very happy about being left an entire week with this cage around my cock. Does that answer your first question?"

"Yes, sir. So, um, like wow, that he thinks I'm a threat to your relationship. He must think that for me?"

"I think he sees you as a threat, yes." I replied, admitting the truth for the first time.

"I guess I have two more questions, if I may ask, sir"

"Go ahead."

"What, um, well, did uh, those masters at the club do to you, if I can ask? I mean, if like you're a, then how...?" he asked, looking down first, then cautiously glancing at me for my response.

I formulated my answer carefully at first, thinking that a master really doesn't provide such an answer to a sub, specifically letting him know how the bears at the club punished my ass and made fun of my cock all caged up. But by the time the details emerged, I had told him everything that Jerry and the boys had done. He said nothing, but as I glanced over to see his expression, I noticed he was trying to adjust his cock which was obviously trying desperately to free itself from captivity. Changing the subject, I came back around to his next question. "You had another question for me about tonight?"

"So why, um, did you lock me up in a cock cage?" he carefully asked, almost afraid of my response.

"I have a couple of reasons. First, I was upset. I needed to teach you a lesson that at the end of the punishment, there was not going to be the reward of having a `common' release, like a normal orgasm/ejaculation. Second of all, I did it because you needed the discipline. And you still do. Damnit Trevor, I do care about what is going on with you, okay? I see this angry young man, who is struggling to find his way. Your little head is doing all the thinking for the big head. By taking the little head out of the equation, I hoped you'd do your thinking with the big head for a change. Yes, I know sex is all you think about, 24/7. I get it; I was the same way and once was in your shoes as a sub. I know you haven't had a positive male role model in your life. But going through life fucking things up is only going to land you in jail for a long time, and you're going to ruin your life. Yes, when I met you and your mom and brother the first time, I was very pissed at the type of punk you were. I gave you discipline that you lacked, by inflicting pain to focus on getting you back on track before pleasure. We had some pretty enjoyable times over the last year being in those roles, me your master and you my sub. Whether you know it or not, it gave you the structure and role model you were lacking. I do care about you, and would certainly go ahead in a different direction as master and sub, but as crazy as it may sound, I am not going to force you to be something you don't want to be with me, like my boyfriend."

I hesitated and thought long and hard during our conversation before saying that last sentence. Maybe Will was right and saw something in my relationship with Trevor that I didn't. Maybe his fears were correct -- I was falling for Trevor. Physically, fuck yeah -- he had a damn fine body that I was definitely into more ways than one. But he was a 20 year old punk kid that was a troublemaker and still had a lot of growing up to do. I was twelve years older than him and had my shit together and couldn't necessarily risk Trevor ruining my professional and personal life. Given his track record, it would be risky, and maybe based solely on the physical aspect just like it had been for the past year. Would we have anything in common outside of the bedroom or the basement? At least Will and I connected on many levels, not just sexually.

Trevor didn't speak for a few minutes. Letting my words sink in, I thought I heard him sob a little, so as the headlights from an oncoming car approached us, I glanced at him quick enough to indeed see tears streaming down his face. Finally, after regaining a bit of his composure, he spoke.

"Sir, I know at first I hated everything about you. I hated what you did to me in the basement. It confused me so much. But you paid attention to me. You were there for me, gave me work, showed me how to do things. Yeah, me not having a dad around -- really fucked me up -- and was the source of my anger..." But after being forced to submit to you, I feel like it's what's been missing from my life. Like you're, and don't take this the wrong way -- but you're almost like the dad I never had -- by giving me the discipline I needed, if that like -- holy fuck -- makes any damn sense? I don't's like I know if I fuck up somehow, or don't do as I'm told, you make me be accountable for my fuck-ups by punishing me yet you still allow me pleasure after the punishment, and my God -- what pleasure! But what I realized out of it all, was, that, um, you're always -- there -- for me..." his talking was interrupted as he barely got the last few words out of his mouth before the floodgates opened again. He put his face in his hands and wept like a baby for several miles. I wanted to hold him, hug him and let him know it was okay. But for him, it wasn't. His life was a mess, full of confusion. A scared, confused, angry boy in a young man's body. A lost boy looking for his way, putting up a front of bravado and machismo to hide the scared boy inside who knew nothing of how to navigate through the stormy seas called life without a positive male role model to guide him. I reached over with my right hand and touched his strong shoulders.

"It's okay, Trevor. Let it out. I am here for you and am not going to leave you." It was then that I did realize how important it was for him to have a positive male role model in his life. That it was a gay BDSM master made it sort of weird, but it worked. I "wanted" to be there for him. He glanced up at me with his tear stained face and managed a half smile while muttering "thank you sir" to me. A small rest area along the highway appeared on the right. I slowed down, pulled the truck in the half circle drive, found a parking spot, and put the truck in park.

"Come here, you need a hug." He couldn't unbuckle his seat belt fast enough to move over to my arms. As soon as I wrapped my arms around him, the floodgates opened again, and he wept even harder than before. I kissed his tear drenched cheek, held him tighter while I felt my groin start to swell against the metal apparatus that my boyfriend had shackled me in, as if he had a premonition of what was to transpire during his absence.

I held Trevor in my arms until he stopped crying. As he pulled away from our embrace, he thanked me in a quiet voice and as his red tear stained eyes met mine, I reassured him that it would be okay and that I would be there for him. He smiled faintly and boldly moved closer to me. Our lips met for the first time, and he nervously kissed me, cautiously at first as if he was afraid of crossing a bridge with no return. I kissed him back, accepting him as we crossed the bridge from being master and sub to becoming something deeper. With each kiss, the passion ignited a fire between us, fueling the desire for us to join hands and walk as one. The pain in my groin reached an all time high, and I thought my balls were going to burst out of my stretched sack as my growing erection desperately tried to escape the confinement of the cage. I sensed Trevor was feeling the same pain with his cage. We broke our embrace. A faint smile emerged as he gazed a dreamy look into my eyes.

"Wow" was all he could say, quietly as he looked down at his lap. I rubbed his left shoulder with my right hand and reassured him that everything was going to be okay, and that I really wanted to get home. He agreed, so I put my seatbelt back on, he did the same. We sat there for a minute or so, lost in the moment with neither of us speaking, almost in an awkward and foreign place where we were sure we shouldn't be. Finally, I spoke.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him, permeating the silence that had filled the cab of the truck.

"Sure, that sounds great! What do you have in mind?" he responded with a tired, yet spirited voice.

"I was thinking we could get some Culver's and take it back to the house. How does that sound?"

"I love Culver's and eating it at home sounds awesome."

Ten minutes later we arrived in Spring Green, pulled into the Culver's drive through and placed our order. I ordered the Rueben sandwich with French fries and a vanilla shake, Trevor ordered a double Butter burger, large fries, and a large Dr. Pepper. After paying the lady at the window, we pulled forward and waited for the meal to be brought out to the truck. Five minutes later a young lady brought the bags out to us. She immediately recognized Trevor, saying hi to him as she smiled.

"Oh, hi Beth, how are you?" She responded that she was doing well, even though she was working.

"That's cool, well, nice to see you. Have a great night!"

"She seems like a nice girl. You two are friends?" I asked as we pulled out of the restaurant onto the main street going through town.

"She and I dated briefly and yeah, I did her once. She did give great head."

"Oh really, so is that where you learned..." I stopped before completing the sentence and he just laughed and said nothing more . Upon arriving at home, we pulled the truck in the garage, went in, sat down in front of the television, and began watching an episode of "Ozark" on Netflix while we ate our meal. The food was excellent and with our bellies full, we watched two episodes. The events of the day had me both physically and mentally exhausted. Trevor agreed that he was also exhausted, so we turned off the tv and headed for the bedroom. He hesitated as we approached the door to the room. I asked him what was wrong, and with a quizzical look on his face he asked,

"Um sir, should I put the mask on and the tail in and leave the collar on?"

I hesitated at first, as he looked at me with the eyes of an obedient dog that really didn't want to be put in his crate for the night. His look really struck me for a moment, and then it dawned on me that in his mind he felt his punishment was still going to be enforced.

"Just curious, do you want to be Max tonight, or be Trevor?" He smiled, blushed almost and as we both understood the moment, he quietly responded,

"I want to be Trevor."

I motioned for him to come to me. We embraced, I kissed him, he kissed me back and held his hand as I led him to my room. Before we crawled into my king sized bed, we took a quick shower together. For the twentieth time or so the cage once again caused me immense groin pain as my cock tried to stiffen into a full blown erection, but to no avail. The same situation was occurring for Trevor as well. For a moment after we toweled off, I thought about taking his cage off, but felt that I'd lose the role of authority if I was still caged and he wasn't. Instead, I pulled on a pair of clean boxer briefs and since Trevor did not have any clean clothes with him, I told him to sleep naked. He obliged, and we both slipped in between the sheets, found each other's arms, and resumed our romantic embraced that started in the rest area. We were both exhausted from the events of the day, and quickly fell asleep in each other's arms.

I was awoken around 3:30 am by the buzzing sound of my cell phone, which was plugged in and charging on the headboard of the bed. It was Will. Half asleep, I answered. After saying hello, a strange voice greeted me on the other end. "Hey there, are you Johnny? I'm Preston, and me and Will here are just a little drunk, probably too drunk to fuck, but he wanted me to check on you to make sure you're little dickey doo is still caged up and waiting for him when he gets back tomorrow."

"What did you say? Who are you?" I mumbled half asleep still, but quickly becoming coherent of the situation on the other end of the phone.

"I'm your boyfriend's new best friend. We're a little drunk right now, so I'm not letting him leave his hotel room tonight. Gawd is he sexy though! Oh my gawd! I just want to eat him up! Or at least try to! He's got me so turned on right now! I'm just gonna have a taste of that juicy ass of his. We'll see where that goes! Okay hun, you take care and sleep good now! I'm gonna have some fun with your honey!" And just like that, the line went dead.

I could not believe what I'd just heard. Quietly, I got up out of bed and went to the bathroom to pee, forgetting the cage still had my cock captive. The stream of urine pretty much sprayed all over my leg and floor, with none of the urine hitting the toilet bowl. I had forgotten to sit down. The warm urine on my legs and the cold tile floor on my bare feet helped to wake me up to a reality of what just happened. As I stared at my sleepy reflection in the mirror, the mistrust of my boyfriend of nearly two years which caused him to lock me up for his lack of trust in me while he was on a business trip just came back around full circle to bite him in his ass, both literally and figuratively. I crawled back in bed where Trevor laid sound asleep, his back to me. I snuggled up next to him feeling his smooth skin against my chest. He moaned once, pulled my arm close to his chest. Despite the range of emotions that were now darting through my mind, I kissed the back of Trevor's neck, and drifted back off to sleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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