Trevors Transformation

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Mar 19, 2020


Trevor's Transformation, Chapter Six

This is work of gay erotic fiction that involves individuals over the age of 18. If this is not your thing, please move on without reading any further. Otherwise, enjoy, and feel free to contact me with your feedback! Thanks! Austin T. Charles, email:

I'd like to give a shout out to say THANK YOU to those who have written me in support of this story! I really do appreciate hearing from you, and will do my best to answer everyone's email! A big thanks to J.J. for the gym idea. I hope this meets your idea! Thanks - you give me reasons to continue writing!

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Chapter Six

Once I had Trevor locked in the dog cage, I went back upstairs, turned the monitor that would allow me to watch his every move. I sat for a few moments on my bed and observed him as he sat in the cage looking over his situation. With his head hung low, he held both of the gloves up to his face so he could look them over. Treating them as if they were boxing gloves, he tried to figure out if they would come off. Since his face was covered by the dog mask, he could not access the leather locks on the paws/gloves with his teeth, and since the paws/gloves were locked in place, there was no way he could get his hands free. I heard him mutter a few words that were difficult to understand, but I'm certain that he was cursing under his breath so I wouldn't hear him. Totally naked except for the mask and paws, the color camera gave me a perfect view of the twenty-year-old stud that was now completely reduced and humiliated to what he had become: my puppy. Frustrated with the lack being able to remove the paws, he laid down on his side and appeared to go to sleep. Honestly, I had not yet had much experience with master and pup play, so I did some research on the internet. Several sites and blogs did explain to me that while humiliation could be a small part of the play, it was mostly used for companionship, where the sub then plays the role of the obedient, faithful companion. The thought of this made my caged cock strain against the chastity device, which in turn caused the pressure to increase on my captive testicles, causing pain to radiate to my groin, thus deflating my cock. Pre-cum now began to flow from the end of the device, causing a wet spot to form in my boxer briefs.

I also learned that my pup would not be allowed to talk to me, instead only using typical dog noises, i.e. bark, whine, cry, and attempt to wag his tail. Once he became obedient, then praise would come, as well as affection towards him, when he learned how to obey and be a good dog. The thought turned me on even more, and my imagination began to run as wild as a dog would love to run wild in a park or field. I was tired now, so I crawled into bed, turned out the light and drifted off to sleep. About two hours later, I was awoken by Trevor pleading to be let out of the cage.

"Master, please let me out! I need to use the bathroom. Please Master!" he begged. My first thought was to push him a little and see how far he could go without me letting him out. But since I'd given him the phrase to use if he needed to get out, I'd go with it this time. I put on my tee shirt, went downstairs, entered the room, turned on the light and asked him,

"Dog, you need to go outside to potty?"

"Yes master, please!"

"Okay, this time you can go. You used the proper phrase. But after this, you will not be allowed to speak like a human. You are a dog, my dog, and you will only communicate with me like a dog. You will learn to behave like a good dog, and then you will be rewarded like a dog. Do you understand?"

"Yes master, I do."

"Wrong answer dog! You cannot use words!" He now nodded his head and began to whine. "Okay, that's more like it." With that, I opened the cage and he crawled out into the room where he tried to stand up. "No dog, get down on all fours NOW!" Almost comically, he turned his head sideways as if he did not understand. "You are a dog; you walk on four legs unless I command you to walk on two legs. Understood?" He nodded his head yes, and in doing so went back down on all fours. I grabbed the leash, hooked it to his collar, then led him across the hall to the bathroom. "Lucky for you it's very cold outside, otherwise you would be using the backyard for your bathroom. This time you will use the toilet. Now go potty." Confused on how to make everything make sense, he sat on the toilet seat and tried to urinate and empty his bowels. Nothing happened. "Come on dog, I am tired and need to go back to bed. Hurry up." He nodded his head and tried again. Nothing again. "One more minute dog and you're going back to bed. Now go POTTY!" Two more minutes past and he did nothing. Unbeknownst to the dog, I had brought the small whip with me that I kept in the nightstand next to the bed. "All right dog, back in your cage, NOW!" He refused to move, and I began to tug on his collar. "Come, now!" I pulled on the leash; he did not move. When I pulled the whip out of my shorts pocket, I got his attention and he jumped off the toilet and when back on all fours. Just for a reminder to listen, I cracked the whip twice on his bare back and butt, causing two red marks to form immediately. He yelped and moved quickly to go back to his cage. As he got near the cage, I noticed that his tail had fallen out and was laying just outside the cage door. "Damnit dog, you lost your tail. Turn around now!" Failing to turn around, I cracked the whip two more times, each time he yelped louder. I was not happy at all with his behavior, so I cracked him again with the whip, and instructed him to stay still on all fours and to stay. I went across to the other room, lubed up the tail, and forced it back in his tight hole, slapping his ass cheeks and instructed him to get back in his cage. I re-installed the lock, told him to be a good dog and go back to sleep and reminded him to use his dog's voice not his human's voice. Dejected, he nodded his dog head in agreement.

Totally turned on yet tired and sore from the chastity device, I returned to my bed and fell back asleep. Two hours later, I heard a whining noise come over the monitor from the basement room and realized that Trevor had woken up again. I drifted back to sleep again, only to hear a soft barking sound this time. His barking voice was almost comedic, but I let him continue. The woof noises intensified.

"Woof! Woof! WOOF!" I heard in the monitor, the barking sounds increasing with each woof. I looked at the video screen and could see Trevor moving around in his cage, moving back and forth. I was about to get up out of bed to see what he needed when I heard him mutter, "God damnit master, I need to piss!" Now I stayed in bed. He didn't learn. In between the barking noises which were getting louder, his cursing was getting louder too. "Come on master, I really gotta fucking piss!" He was getting desperate, but I stayed in bed. Four barking noises ensued; then with desperation I'd not yet heard in his voice, "John, where the fuck are you, I'm gonna piss in this fucking cage! I quit, get me out of here NOW. You can't do this to ---" and with that, his bladder let loose, and the next words out of his mouth were: "oh no..." and he began to sob, realizing that his punishment was going to get a whole lot worse now. Good thing for him (and me) the cage had a plastic liner that slid in and out, so the carpeting in the room would not get wet. Finally, I got up out of bed as Trevor continued crying like a baby. As I went down the steps to the room, I thought carefully what steps to take next. Entering the room, I flipped on the light and saw Trevor sitting in a fetal position in the back corner of the cage. His tail had been pushed out by his bowel movement, and the room smelled like shit and piss. He was still crying almost hysterically but tried to stop when I entered the room. "What happened doggy, did you have an accident?" Trevor's head, that was hung low nodded in agreement. From the mouth opening in the mask slobber mixed with tears and snot dripped onto his bare shaven groin area. "Well dog, you need to learn that you are only allowed to use your dog voice, not your human voice. So now we have to clean you up and clean your cage. So, get out of your cage, and sit on this rug while I clean up your mess." I really wanted to beat him again, but he was broken right now, and the humiliation of urinating and defecating in his cage made him sink to a new level. While he sat on the rug, I cleaned up his cage, took the blanket out, and emptied the urine and the feces from the plastic tray. "Are you a thirsty dog?" I asked him, and he nodded his head yes. I grabbed him a water bottle from the fridge in the room, took the cap off, handed it to him and let him drink. He drank half the bottle, looked up at me seriously with puppy dog eyes and handed me the bottle. "Good dog. Now your cage is all clean. I know you will need to go again, so here's what you need to do. You can bark three times and I will come let you out." As I explained the process to him, I once again lubed up the butt plug tail, and was ready to reinsert it in his butt. "Now up on all fours so I can put your tail in." He did as he was told and whimpered only a little as the lubed tail went back in his butt. "Okay dog, back in your cage. Remember, three `woofs' and I'll come down. If I don't come right away, wait a few minutes, then woof three more times. We don't want another accident, and like a good puppy, you need to rest before you can play tomorrow." With that, he did as he was told, went back in his cage, laid on his side in a fetal position. I turned out the light, told him to be a good dog and go to sleep. He muttered a woof-woof, and I went back upstairs to my bedroom. Looking at the monitor, Trevor was now stretched out, and appeared to be asleep. I crawled in bed and drifted off to sleep trying to figure out how the next day would unfold as I began training Trevor to be my faithful dog companion.

Several hours later, I awoke to the sunshine that was pouring in the east facing window of my room. There had not been any sounds from Trevor since I left him in his cage after he pissed and shit himself. My cock, still encased in the chastity device now for the third day, was straining and trying its best to get hard. My nuts felt full and definitely needed releasing. As I laid in bed, I came to the conclusion that I'd not gone three days without ejaculating for as long as I could remember. There were still four days left until Will returned home from his business trip to the west coast. How in the world was I going to last another four days, I thought to myself? Just then, as if it was by sheer coincidence, my cell phone buzzed on the nightstand next to the bed.

It was Will calling. "Hey Will, what's going on?" I answered.

"Hey Johnny, how's my man doing? Are you surviving?" he said with a laugh.

"You dirty bastard, I can't believe you did this to me! This is killing me! You know how hard it is to not have any release of any kind for an entire week? Every time I try to get hard it feels like I'm getting punched in the nuts!" I was mad, but yet turned on as well. "And then to complicate the matter, I've got Trevor here, and I just want to... well, you know..."

"I know, John. That's why I did what I had to do. You and I are a couple. I love you and want to find a way to make this work. But if I can't trust you, then how we make this work?"

"Yeah, I get it, but you don't trust me? You know about Trevor, and it's not like I'm chasing after other young subs. I do miss you and can't wait for you to get back here. But this is not easy at all." I then proceeded to tell him about Trevor's punishment and the events that transpired overnight. He agreed that I took the appropriate course of action with him. "Oh baby, you need to keep him there and I'll come up to spend the weekend with you, and we'll both `train' your new puppy together. Won't that be fun?"

"Yeah -- it could be." I said with some apprehension in my voice. This confused me a bit, since Will expected me to be exclusive with him, but he wanted me to share Trevor with him. That idea did turn me on, but from a committed couple's perspective, it proved to be somewhat bothersome.

"Well baby, I have to get going. I have a meeting in a few minutes, so I just wanted to say hello and see how you're holding out. Keep being good -- I want to see how much a seven day load is from you as soon as I get back!" "Okay, I'll... try, er no, um will oblige." I said with a bit of sarcasm in my voice as we said our good-byes and clicked off the phone.

I got up from the bed, went to the bathroom and sat down to pee. I could feel globs of pre-cum dribble out of my caged cock as my stream of urine sprayed out of the cage and into the toilet. I had to have release, and it was obviously not going to come from jacking off or fucking Trevor or letting him suck me off. Since my feeling was that he was more than likely just as horny, a thought came to my mind. I took off my clothes, started the shower and decided it was time to shower and clean myself out. Using the enema attachment in the shower, I carefully cleaned my bowels out, dumping the contents in the toilet several times until only clear water came out. I then took a nice hot shower for several minutes as my mind raced. If only my nuts were a little smaller, I could have slipped out of the device, but as the hot water caused my sack to loosen and my balls to drop low, I tried to slip the left one through, but the pain was too excruciating. Since plan A would not work, it was on to plan B. I toweled off, got dressed in my leather shorts and leather vest, went down to the room where Trevor was still fast asleep in his cage. I turned on the light and commanded him to wake up.

"Come on dog, time to get up. You need to go to the bathroom. Come on, now." I fastened the leash to his collar, got him up and out of the cage and led him to the bathroom across the hall. "I bet you are a hungry pup, aren't you?" He nodded his head yes as he sat on the toilet, his flow of urine beginning. "Good boy! Look at you, going potty! Looks like my pup has learned!" With that, he wagged his butt, which caused his butt plug tail to wag. "Hmm, puppy kind of smells bad, does my puppy need a bath?" He nodded his head yes, and even gave an emphatic woof. "Great! Well let's go upstairs to master's bedroom and I'll give you a bath in my bathroom if you promise to be a good dog, okay?" He woofed again and followed me upstairs. Bath time was going to be fun for both master and dog. My original thought was for mutual relief, but the more I thought about it the more I realized giving Trevor any sort of sexual relief while he was in chastity and being a pup would be sending the wrong message and going back on my original punishment: no pleasure this time while being locked up. Soon after I bathed him though, he would be the one to give me the pleasure and release I so needed.I led Trevor by the leash to the bathtub in my room, which was more like a hot tub. It was not surrounded by three close walls like a normal bathtub, but instead it had a window that overlooked my wooded, private backyard on the opposite side, and had two walls on each end that were about three feet from the foot and head of the tub. I filled the tub with warm soapy water, and then instructed Trevor to get in, but to keep his paws out of the water. As he got in and became acclimated to the water, he let out a long sigh that indicated how good the water felt. "Feels good, doesn't it dog? Daddy's pup needs a good bath, I guess. Well this will be nice to clean up you smelly little puppy." I proceeded to wash his back, carefully washed each arm, under arm, and then instructed him to sit in the water so I could wash his chest. I took extra time washing each nipple, then had him get back on all fours so I could wash his legs and feet as he raised them one by one out of the water. He started giggling a little when I washed his feet and toes, which actually made me laugh as well. "Oh, do we have tickly toes and feet on this little puppy?" I asked. Trevor made a little whining noise in response. "Good boy. Dog is learning fast. Time for your first treat." I started working my way up to his hairless crotch, which was now trying desperately to get hard against the chastity cage, which caused the round bar that encompassed his penis and scrotum to push hard against his full nuts. Suddenly as the pressure became too much, he began to whimper and groan and scrunched over in the water with the all too familiar pain in his groin.

"Awww, is the poor puppy in pain?" I asked, knowing the answer. He nodded in agreement, so to help the pain I turned on the cold water, rinsed the wash cloth and held it tightly on his straining cock and sack, causing the sack to shrink up, but not causing his hardening cock which was forming inside his body to subside. "Okay pup looks like I just need to clean your asshole, and then you're going to be done. Remember, no release or pleasure for you right now, since you've been naughty." This caused him to whimper loudly in protest, but his protests fell on my deaf ears. I pulled out the butt plug tail, soaped up and cleaned his hole, then re-lubricated the plug and reinserted it in his now stretched hole. This was way too much fun. But fun for me was just about to begin.Bath time now over, I reattached Trevor's leash, guided him out of the tub and onto the rug where I toweled him off. He was shivering now, so I grabbed a larger, dry towel and wrapped it around him so he would be warmer. I then led him to my room and instructed him to get up on my bed, on all fours. The moment of truth that could possibly have a negative effect on Trevor was now at hand. My horniness and need for release of any sort now would reveal to him that just like him, I too was locked up with a chastity device fixed to my desperate cock and balls. He could then see that I was equal to him and I could possibly lose my dominance over him as master and pup/slave. I would have to handle this carefully so as to not lose the edge with him. But right now, my full balls needed to be drained, no matter what the cost. Cold showers would not help, especially seeing my new pup submitting to me and learning to be obedient. Trevor was now on my bed, on all fours waiting for my next command.

"Okay dog, so since dogs lick their own butts whenever they want, and their master's cannot, you're going to be a good obedient dog and lick my hole for me. You're going to lick it really good until I tell you to stop. Don't worry; it is all nice and clean, just like your butt. Don't get too excited just yet though and think I'm going to lick yours -- you're still in training and still getting punished for a being a naughty dog. You will ask no questions; you will do as your told. If you do as your told and be a good boy, I will let you sleep on the floor in my room tonight." I could feel the pre-cum already start to flow out of my flaccid cock. As I pulled down my shorts and got down on all fours on the bed, Trevor nodded in agreement with my request, sniffed my hole, and as he placed the mask solidly in my ass crack, I felt his warm and wet tongue touch my quivering hole, sending a jolt of pleasure throughout my entire body. "Ah, yes, that's it boy, good dog, oh fuck yeah, keep doing that, yeah..." He was now starting to get into it, and after a few minutes I could feel his saliva drip off my captive, hairless sack. My limp cock was dripping now, and Trevor's licking of my hole had me wishing he was not locked up, because I'd have let him mount me and fuck me hard. I was in heaven right now, squirming, trying to hold still. "That's it dog, deeper in that hole with that tongue. Good boy, keep going." His licking noises were getting more and more pronounced as my hole got wetter and wetter. I needed penetration now. I reached over to the headboard and grabbed the seven inch long and thick black dildo, the one that was just as thick as my own cock, nice and thick."Okay boy, now you can suck on this, get it nice and slippery." I gave him the dildo, and I turned around to see him lick the dildo expertly before taking it all in his mouth. "That's it boy, now get it good and wet, and you know what to do to master's hole." And he did. The second I felt the wet and warm dildo stretch my hole, I thought I'd come right on the spot. My flaccid cock did jump in the cage, and I felt it start to grow, but the pressure of the ring around my full sack once again stopped it, but as the tip of the dildo hit my prostate, I knew it wouldn't take long. Trevor knew this too, after experiencing the same effect from my many dildo assaults on his hole over the past year. The head of the dildo kept touching my button inside my ass with each stroke that Trevor pushed it in and out, and it felt ever so good, almost as good as Will's naturally upward curving cock would feel. I tried to hold back as much and as long as I could, but the feeling was too awesome, and my overfilled prostate was ready to erupt and erupt it did. Once again, my flaccid cock was trying to get hard, but to no avail -- the molten lava like semen erupted in wave after wave of hot lava streaming out of my captive cock and spraying onto the bed below me as my body was writhing in ecstasy, keeping time and matching the thrusts of the dildo Trevor was shoving in and out of my ass. "Oh my gawd that feels so fucking good dog! Damn! Good boy, good dog, wow! As the last spurt of cum shot out of my captive cock, my whole body stopped spasming and as Trevor pulled the dildo out of my ass, I collapsed on the side of the bed, on the right side of the mess of pooled white jizz that sprayed onto the dark blue sheets of my bed. "Lick it up now dog. You made master feel really good, so now you get to clean the sheets up." First, he looked at me sideways, but I commanded him again, and this time he did as he was told, and greedily began to lick the sheets clean of my massive load. "Good boy, good dog!" I told him while rubbing his neck and petting him on top of his black leather dog mask. "You've been a good faithful dog to Master, so you will be allowed to sleep on the rug by my bed tonight." Trevor shook his butt back and forth causing his butt plug tail to wag in excitement. I did see him look down at my captive cock, in fact, he did stare at it, but I did not acknowledge his curiosity, nor did I offer an explanation. I think he knew that Will must have put it on, and perhaps when I allowed him to be out of character at some point today, He'd ask, and I'd probably tell him what had happened. But for now, there would be no questions asked or answered about my situation.Speaking of my situation being locked up by Will, I had failed to make it longer than three days without release. The anal orgasm was incredible, one that I'd love to have anytime, but I still was going to have a hard time waiting until Friday (another three days at least) until Will and I could meet up again. I thought I might harbor some guilt about what just happened, but since this was not my idea of being locked up, I felt zero guilt about having an ass-gasm by my dog's expert tongue. My dog did as he was instructed and cleaned the sheets of all of my spent semen. Now I invited him to lay down beside me, his back to my front and I started petting him like a dog and praised him for his actions. "Good boy! You're learning fast to be a good dog!" With that, he nodded his head and let out a sigh as he laid next to me. We laid there for almost fifteen minutes, as I caressed him like a dog. At that moment we both embraced our roles -- he as my dog and me as his master. I contemplated what to do that day, and decided it was time for me and him to take a road trip.

After about an hour, we got up out of bed. I showered, hiding my caged up junk from Trevor. If he'd seen it, he knew better than to comment about it, especially if he wanted out of the paws and mask anytime soon. I asked him if he was hungry, to which he nodded his head, gave a little woof, so I decided to make us breakfast. I whipped up a couple of Denver omelets, whole wheat toast, hash browns, and coffee. I thought about setting Trevor's food on the floor in a bowl but decided to make things a little easier for him. "Come here dog, let me see your paws." Obediently he held out his paws, I undid the fasteners and pulled off both paws for him. He began to rub his hands and excitedly was going to sit down to eat. "Not so fast, Skippy, you need to go wash those hands before you sit down to eat!" He nodded his head, gave a little grunt and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later he emerged, still naked, still had the mask on, and was still in character. This kid was really embracing his role. I allowed him to sit at the table, which was a little difficult for him with his tail/butt plug still firmly implanted in his hole. Surprisingly, he took his plate, fork and coffee cup and set them on the cold ceramic tile next to me, laid down and began to eat. I reached down and pet him on the head. "Good dog. Good Skippy." I exclaimed. While we ate, I contemplated what to do for the rest of the day, then an idea popped into my head. Since he was comfortable with his role as a dog inside the house, we would soon see how he would be outside of the house. I had just the activity for both of us. When we finished breakfast, I told him to clear the table of dishes, clean them up, put the dishes in the dishwasher. I got dressed in my old UW sweatshirt, sweatpants and tennis shoes. Since Skippy didn't have any workout attire, I threw him his white t-shirt, a Bulldog sweatshirt,a black jock strap, a pair of tight black workout shorts, socks and his tennis shoes and told him to get dressed. I gave him permission to remove the tail, but once he was dressed, he had to put his paws back on, and of course the collar stayed on. He did not speak at all, just followed me obediently until I was ready to leave. "Okay Skippy -- which if you didn't already figure it out -- is going to be your name now. You're no longer Trevor as long as you're my dog. Understand?" He nodded his head yes, and when I asked for his paw to shake, he reluctantly held it out. "Good boy, you're learning fast."It was time to leave. I led him by his collar with the leather leash from the house into the garage and then into my truck. I instructed him to sit in the rider's seat, buckled him up since he couldn't manage the task with his paws on. Not once did he ask where we were going, but he just stared out the window. I passed a few cars as I drove in the left lane down Main street, and I looked in the rear view mirror each time to see the reaction of the passengers in the cars. In the first car were two older people, they both had a look of horror on their faces while they were nodding their heads in disgust and disbelief at what they saw. "Well Skippy, it looks as if those old folks don't like my dog. What do you think about that?" He just shook his head back and forth in disbelief as well. The next car we approached and got ready to pass had three young men in it, that looked to be about Skippy's age. He did keep staring straight ahead as we got closer to the car that was driving in the right lane. Of course, now Skippy was feeling brave and was showing off. But as soon as he looked at the boys in the car, he glanced away quickly. "Oh FUCK he nearly screamed outload. Those are my friends!" All I could do was to start laughing, because as I looked over all three of the boys had their cell phones out taking pictures and videos of my faithful canine companion riding next to me. They had their windows down now and were yelling for Skippy to look at them. He refused and kept focusing straight ahead. Finally, he had enough and turned to them and extended his right paw in the air with what should have been his middle finger. I started laughing almost hysterically and all poor Skippy could do was to hang is head in defeat and sink lower in his seat of the truck. "What's wrong bud? You know those boys? Don't want them to see you anymore? Don't worry. Where we're going, you'll be accepted." That was all I could think about going to the next town to the workout center located in the building next to the store where I bought the leather goods the day before. This should be a fun experience for masters and dogs alike. I could hardly wait for the next 45 miles to pass by. As we got closer to the gym, I warned Trevor how is actions could affect him once we got back to my house. "Okay buddy, here's the deal. You are doing good in keeping in your dog character. The rules of not talking here only using your dog' voice are going to apply once we get to the gym. Do you understand?" He nodded his dog head in agreement. "If you decide to break character and use your human voice, you will spend the remainder of the nights in the cage, where bad dogs must stay. However, if you behave and be a good dog, you'll earn' time out of the mask, and will be allowed to sleep in your master's room." Do you understand?" Once again, he nodded his head yes. "Okay. There will be considerable...'temptations' shall we say here at this gym. I expect you to behave like a good dog if you want to earn time out for good behavior. Understand?" He nodded his head for a third and final time. As we were just about ready to pull into the parking lot of the gym.

When we arrived at the gym that was recognizable only by the address on the outside of the building -- 1462 Maple Avenue -- I pulled the truck into the back parking area behind the building. There were several cars there, close to ten I'd say, so my hope was that there were other masters with their pups there as well. We entered the building into a small box office type setting. Another man dressed in a black leather vest, cap, long beard and a white t-shirt walked up to the window and asked us if we were there to work-out, and I told him that my pup and I were. He informed me that pups had to be on a leash in the locker rooms, they could only wear black leather shorts, and must wear their masks at all times. Paws were optional, not necessary. It was an "enter at your own risk" sort of thing, and I had to sign a waiver stating that if a dog fight broke out, the owner of the business was not held accountable for any injuries to the dog. I signed the release form and gave the guy my $50 which allowed us to use the facility for the remainder of the time the gym was open. The guy at the desk, whose name was Tank buzzed us through the black wooden door and we walked down a short hallway to another room that was the locker room. We entered the locker room and it was not a typical locker room seen at most gyms. Essentially, it was one large room, with lockers on the three outer walls, and two entrances into a shower room on the fourth wall. On the right side of the entrance to the shower was another door that led to the gym part of the building. There were six other guys in the locker room, three were masters, three were pups. They all looked at us when we walked in, and the three pups stared at Skippy/Trevor as I led him to the locker by his leash. Two of the pups started walking towards Skippy, and their masters gave a tug on their leashes and they obediently went back to their masters. They kept staring at Skippy/Trevor's ass and his tight workout shorts, which clung close to his lean tight ass, as if they desperately wanted to sniff his ass and mount him. I chose a locker that was in the middle of the wall opposite the shower wall, where they could easily watch Skippy take off his shirt, shorts and change into his black leather shorts. His eyes met mine, and I wasn't sure if he was mildly scared or if he was enjoying the attention. Once his shirt came off, the two pups that were staring at Skippy started whimpering. This was getting interesting, as I knew that these boys were drooling over my boy -- his smooth, hairless body, erect nipples accentuating his tight muscular upper body, leading down to his lean four pack abs. I reattached his leash once his shirt was off, and after taking my own shirt off, I pulled Skippy towards me, closed the locker and we walked towards the door to the gym, the two sets of eyes from the pups following us to the door.

The gym itself was like most other gyms, with at least two full sets of dumbbells and barbells on racks along a mirrored wall, other weight machines along the adjacent wall, with six treadmills, stationary bikes and stair steppers along the opposite wall. In the middle of the room were several large black exercise mats, where presently there were four or five other pups dressed in full gear, wrestling around playfully. Skippy's eyes were drawn to the mat, and as we walked in the gym, the pups on the mat all stopped wrestling to see us walk in. I told Skippy that if he was good, I'd let him go wrestle with the other pups once he was done working out. He gave me no response, non-verbal or otherwise, and just stepped a little closer to me. I hadn't worked out in a while, so it was going to feel good, but also was certain to leave me sore over the next few days. Skippy and I first hit the free weights. We each grabbed a set of dumbbells. I grabbed the 30 pounders; Skippy got two of the twenty pound weights. We started our workout by doing arm curls. I did three sets of fifteen reps on each arm, while he did the same. We then took the same weights to the incline bench where we took turns doing presses on both the incline and flat bench, same amount of reps with the same weights. I was impressed at how much Skippy/Trevor was getting into the working out. Watching his muscles flex and control the weights was starting to turn me on, and I could see other dogs looking at his hairless body start to shimmer with the sweat that was forming on his upper chest and back. Next, we moved to the barbells, where we continued doing more bench presses. Trevor could bench press almost 150 pounds, while I easily did 200. Like him, I was sweating now and really getting into the weights.We had been lifting for close to an hour when a burly master who had a portly, yet muscular body, a full black beard with short cropped black hair and an arm and chest full of tattoos came up to talk to me.

"Haven't seen you here before. Name's Jerry, and you are?"

"Hey Jerry, I'm John. This is my dog Skippy" "Skippy, huh, He doesn't look like a Skippy, but... okay."

I laughed a little, unsure of how to respond. "Well he's been acting like a `Skippy' lately, so it has become time for him to be my adopted dog so I can attempt to... get him on the right track, shall we say." Without divulging too much information right off the bat, I tried to leave it at that, but Jerry pressed me for more details.

"So, this is his punishment? Becoming your dog? Now you know if he commits to bein' your dog, it's not going to be ALL punishment, you need to supply praise and reward for good behavior, right?"

"I am aware of that." I replied in a confident tone of voice. "Me and Skippy have a relationship, if you will, that goes back to last year. He's spent time in my dungeon learning the `ropes' if you catch my drift. I've had fun with this one, but he keeps fucking up, so this was the next step to take him out of who he was and try to reprogram him -- break him down -- and try to build him back up. It was either this or jail time for the punk in him that refuses to change."

"Ah, good point. I catch your drift, man." Jerry replied, shaking his head in approval/agreement. "Sure has got one hot body, all nice and smooth. My pup and a few others'd like to wrestle around with him and play on the mat. Okay with you?"

"Yeah, I think that'd be good for him. I've told him that he has to behave, or he'll face some severe, stiff punishment when we get back to my house. He's living with me know since his mother is out of town. Not what I wanted, but I can't turn my back on the kid and throw him out on the street or let him go back to jail."

"Good point. Well, send him over to the mat when you guys are done. Also there's a hot tub in the back room area if y'all want to relax after your workout. And hey, nice to meet you John."

"Same to you Jerry. We're about done, so I'll send him over and take you up on the hot tub offer."

I walked back over to where Skippy was doing some pull downs on the weight machine. His chest was puffing out from the workout and was glistening with sweat. "Okay, Skippy, when you're done here, you can go to the mat and play with those other pups. I'm going in the back to the hot tub, so you better not fuck up, got it?" He nodded his head in agreement. "Have fun -- just remember what I told you about breaking character, and don't do anything to get us kicked out." Skippy nodded his dog-head in agreement. I watched him go over to the mat with the three other pups. They begin to circle around him -- the three were taller and bigger than him so I just watched for the moment as they actually started sniffing him. The tallest one got down on his knees and looked as if he was sniffing Skippy's butt which caused me to laugh a little. The other two looked as if they were engaging in a conversation -- or were trying to -- with Skippy, but he wasn't saying much. Neither of the three had paws or shirts on, so they were making hand gestures rather than being verbal. The shortest of the three motioned for Skippy to get down on the mat, but he shook his dog head no. Once again, they motioned for him to get down on the mat, same response. Then in one quick orchestrated move, they had him down on his back before he knew what to do next. They quickly tried to pin him down, but Skippy did fight back. He did manage to get on all fours just before the tallest one mounted him and began to dry hump away on him, doing him doggy style while both were still clothed. Skippy was not going to submit to the alpha, and he tried to get away. The other two chased him around the mat, all of them still on all fours and it was hard to tell if they were having fun or if it was getting serious. Once again, they got him on his back, pinning him down and made hand gestures towards his leather shorts, pointing at his junk. One of the pups held his thumb and finger up as if he was guessing the length of Skippy's cock to be only an inchlong! Of course, his cock appeared to be non-existent as he was still locked up in the device that gave him the appearance of no cock at all. I was afraid of what was about to happen next but let it all play out. Sure enough, the alpha, who's hairless, toned chiseled chest was glistening with sweat was now pinning Skippy down, and the other two dogs grabbed the waist band of Skippy's leather shorts and attempted to pull them down. Skippy put up a fight, but it was useless. They got his shorts off, revealing the black jock strap I'd made him put on before we left the house. Of course, the jock strap came off next, revealing Skippy's captive, non-existent cock, and his full, hairless sack that was now a bright red color. As soon as they saw his locked up cock, they moved away and studied what they were shocked to see. I wanted to intervene on Skippy's behalf, but decided instead to let it play out. And play out it did. Before I could make a move to protect my pup, they picked him up and carried him off to another room, all while Skippy was howling as if to say to me Daaaaaaad come get me!!! As I made a move to follow, Jerry and two other guys came up from behind me. "Hey John, let's just let the pups play. Don't worry man, they'll be FINE! Skippy's going to have a great time!" he said laughing. "Come to the hot tub with us and relax!" With that, they semi-force led me to the other room where the in ground hot tub was waiting for me and the other three men. Now I was getting nervous and did not know what to expect next.

Next: Chapter 7

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