Trevors Transformation

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Feb 17, 2020


Trevor's Transformation, Chapter Four

This is work of gay erotic fiction that involves individuals over the age of 18. If this is not your thing, please move on without reading any further. Otherwise, enjoy, and feel free to contact me with your feedback! Thanks! Austin T. Charles, email:

I'd like to give a shout out to say THANK YOU to those who have written me in support of this story! I really do appreciate hearing from you, and will do my best to answer everyone's email! Thanks - you give me reasons to continue writing!

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Chapter Four - a shorter chapter, but consider it a prelude to finding out just what punishment I have in mind for Trevor.

Trevor and I continued hooking up in my basement for sub and master encounters several more times that summer. The times we spent together were awesome, and to see him embrace the role of a complete sub was something I'd never envisioned. We had even taken our master/sub relationship out of my basement, as he spent the majority of the summer working for me doing landscaping work and some light remodeling projects. In fact, I actually began to enjoy having him around, knowing that the sexual pain and pleasure inflicted on him in my basement was mutual enjoyment for the both of us.

Apparently Trevor's mother Heather noticed a difference in him as well, and thanked me several times for helping transform him into the young man he'd become. If she only knew... As the fall exited and the winter commenced, my outdoor work was finished for the year, and in November I started writing my latest, shall we say, romance novel. One night as my friend Will and I were just finishing up dinner, Trevor stopped by to introduce me to his newest girlfriend, Amber. At first, she seemed nice, but then I sensed something was not quite right between them. I shrugged it off, and after they left, Will and I enjoyed the rest of our evening. We had been spending a lot of time together, and I was enjoying his company. But that's another story.

A few weeks later, I was just about ready to head with Will to see a musical at one of the local theaters, when my cell phone buzzed. Looking at the number, I saw it was Heather, Trevor's mother. Reluctantly, I answered the phone. She apologized for calling me but said she didn't know who else to call. Trevor had been arrested. He violated an order of protection against his now ex-girlfriend, Amber. Heather went on to explain that he got mad and punched her in the face at a party, and she promptly filed the order of protection against him. Like a dumb ass, two days later, this morning, he showed up at her doorstep with flowers and asked for forgiveness. Instead of reconciling, he got a trip downtown. She would have bailed him out, but she and Connor had gone to Georgia to care for her sick mother, and they would not be back for two more weeks. Knowing that I'd dealt with him before and straightened him out, I agreed to help her out and put up bail for him first thing in the morning. She agreed that it would be good for him to sit in jail overnight to think about what he'd done. My cock began to stir in my boxers at the idea of rekindling the punishment of Trevor that was soon about to commence all over again.

Will wasn't very happy about me getting together with Trevor again. On our way to the musical, I explained to him that we were exclusive, and I didn't want to jeopardize our relationship. He whispered into my ear at intermission that while he wasn't worried, he would make sure I wouldn't violate our relationship. That night, when we returned to my house, between shooting my second and third load of the night, this time with Will's nine-inch dick firmly planted in quivering ass, after he deposited his third load deep inside my bowels he leaned over and kissed me before pulling out and said "Remember what we have, Johnny. I'm not willing to lose you over some 20-year-old pain in the ass twink who can't stay out of trouble." Returning his deep kiss, I told him that I would do whatever he wanted to make sure that I would remain faithful to him. As he kissed me deeply again, tongue driven deep in my mouth, he plunged his still hard cock back in my ass and began to pump away with his own cum lubed cock. I could feel my third orgasm building, and moments later as he began to stroke my stiff eight incher, my load shot all over my belly. Our lips broke away as Will greedily licked my load off of my belly like a dog licks peanut butter off a finger. After another deep kiss with him sharing my warm cum from his mouth, we drifted off to sleep. I awoke the next morning from one of the deepest, relaxing sleeps I had enjoyed in quite a while. As the filtered sunlight poured in through the window in my room, I glanced over to see an empty pillow next to me. On the pillow was a note from Will, which read:

"Johnny, Sorry I had to leave so early this morning. Had to get back home to prepare for my presentation at work on Monday.Thank you for a wonderful night! Good luck with "fixing" Trevor. I'm sure you'll get him under control and straightened out. Just remember who loves you! Oh, and to make sure that you'll behaveand remember just who "owns" your boys, I am the key holder. I trust you will comply. Hope your novel writing goes well this week. See you Friday night.Love you, Will."

What the fuck did he mean about being my boys' key holder? No sooner did I utter the words "key holder" under my breath, when I realized the pain in my groin, the pain of an erection that just wasn't happening. As I pulled back the sheets, it took me a minute to comprehend just what had happened while I was sleeping before Will left: My cock, straining to get hard, was firmly encased in a stainless-steel chastity device. My hefty ball sack was stretched out underneath my cock, which was straining to break free from the inch-long metal tube that had a dome-like wire cage covering the head of my cock. The whole cock cage looked to be about an inch and a half long and was attached to a pretty good-sized ergonomic ring that encompassed my shaft and my entire hairy scrotum. I tried to take the cock cage part off, but to my disbelief, a brass colored apparatus with a small tab that angled to my groin confirmed my worst fears: Will, who lived nearly 200 miles away, had made sure that not only would I not be fucking Trevor, or anyone else, but I would not have the ability to get sucked off, jacked off, or worse off, any chance of having an orgasm or ejaculation. I was fucked.

As much as I tried to pull and tug on the device that was holding my cock and balls captive, all it did was cause my cock and skin on my sack pain. At first, I was fearful that the circulation to my balls would get cut off, so I tugged some of the extra sack skin outward, which allowed my sack to relax a bit. It would be a long week, no doubt. I had heard about being chaste for a lover, but never envisioned I'd be stuck like this for at least a week until Will and I got together on Friday evening. Come to think of it, I hadn't gone longer than two days without having some sort of an orgasm since I shot my load for the first time as a horny teenager. Going to get the key from Will was out of the question -- he was leaving later in the day for the west coast on a business trip and would not be home until Friday evening. Fuck! His text confirmed my fear: "Hey babe, don't worry, u will be fine. I have both keys with me. U can do it. See you Friday. Love u!" The thought of being trapped in this cock cage for nearly six days suddenly seemed to be a turn on, and my cock began to grow, but just as quick as it started to get hard, the pressure of blood pouring into my groin and my cock caused instant pain as the cage put a strain on my captive balls, causing that pain to radiate into my abdomen. Cold shower time for me and my captive cock! Fuck! My growing erection quickly subsided, and as badly as the notion of jacking off and shooting my load was, the pain caused by my eight-inch cock being strangled and confined by this one and a half inch long by one inch wide stainless steel cage was not worth the burning desire from within. Thank God I thought to myself that my radiant glory is a grower, not a show-er, otherwise it never would have fit in this minuscule cage. What tried to grow and push the apparatus outward was now forced to instead grow up inside my groin. It was the weirdest feeling I'd ever had. Kind of funny and ironic that in my time as a sub that my cock and balls were never locked up in chastity before. Hmm.

After taking a lukewarm shower and getting dressed, I made a cup of coffee and headed out the door to go get Trevor from the police station. Since it was close to 10 am, he'd probably be sobered up from his night of drinking and breaking his order of protection against his now ex-girlfriend Amber. Luckily the police chief as well as several officers were good friends of mine, so they would more than willingly release Trevor to my custody. I had to post $100 bond money to get Trevor released. Signing the papers was almost like buying a car -- the officers and I chatted about other things, like what was going on with their families, parents, etc. It's always good to have friends in high places, I've always maintained. As soon as the guard brought Trevor down the hallway before leading him through the double doors to bond him out, I could see his demeanor as somewhat subdued, somewhat scared, but as soon as our eyes met and he realized that it was me who bailed him out, his facial expression was first one of relief, but then it quickly turned to one of fear as our eyes met and I nodded my head slightly as if to say "just you wait until you get home, you're going to be fucked, literally and figuratively. As they brought him out past the release desk to me, the sight of him wearing his blue Nike shirt and tan cargo jeans that hung off his hips but still accentuated his manhood made my groin start to swell, until the pain of the cage once again reminded me of my situation. "Hello, Sir." Trevor said to me with a slight cautious tone of voice. "Hello Trevor. So, we meet again, huh? Just can't stay away from here or stay away from trouble, can you?" I replied. With his release papers in hand, we walked through the door to the sidewalk that led to the parking lot where my truck was parked.

"I fucked up Sir. I don't know why it happened. She was just, you know, being a fucking bitch again. God dammit, sir, she fucking pissed me off again with the fucking order of protection. Fuck! I just wanted to get my headphones back from her. I didn't want to fuck her up or steal her shit, or anything like that, you know?"

I was getting pissed yet turned on at the same time. "Trevor, Trevor, Trevor. What the fuck are we going to do with you? You just will not learn, will you?" I said with a serious tone of voice. "You know that this is going to have serious repercussions, don't you?"

"Um reper- what? I uh... oh no, what're you going to do, beat me again?" Man, this kid just doesn't get it, I thought. How an absent father can mess a kid up. If I ever became a father, which I probably never would since I didn't want to do the whole female married thing, I'd never mess my kid up the way his father had messed him up. I chose my words carefully as I thought of what to tell this young man/boy who at the age of twenty just didn't get it.

"No Trevor, I am not going to beat you like you were beat as a kid from your father. While the judge will punish you for breaking the order of protection Amber has against you, your punishment from me is going to teach you a lesson that the law cannot teach you. You will suffer the consequences worse than when you messed up my flowers. Right now, I just don't know what. All I know is your mother and brother are gone for two weeks, and you have been released to me until your court date next Monday. For now, you and I will just hang out at my house this week, playing video games, watch movies, and get drunk."

"Really sir?!" he replied with a relieved and excited tone of voice.

"Sure, just you wait, it's going to be a blast. I bet you're hungry. Let's get some food."

"Okay, cool. Man, you're right, I am hungry!" My mind was racing as I thought about what punishment this kid was going to get. The more I thought, the more I could feel the precum starting to ooze out of my captive cock, since it had given up getting hard for the moment, stifled by the metal cage that was pressing against my balls, causing an ache in my groin. It would be a long week for both of us, no doubt.We pretty much sat in silence while we ate our burgers at the fast food joint in town. My mind was spinning with thoughts of my past punishments when I was a sub, and how I could use those experiences to punish Trevor. He tried making conversations with me about random things, but I just answered with "umm hmm" to him. Sensing the reality of what was to come when we got back to my house, Trevor was accepting the fact that the week would not be spent with movies, video games and beer. He sat quietly finishing his fries and soft drink. Across the restaurant, two police officers came in, sat down and were talking with the waitress about something. I felt my bladder full and needed to piss.

"I need to use the bathroom. Look around your left shoulder. See those two officers?" He replied that he did by nodding his head. "You try to make a break for it, and you will get caught and go straight back to jail. I will make sure you go directly to max security this time. It's my $100 that sprung your ass, and you're not running until I get my money back out of your ass. So, stay where you are and don't even think about trying it." He nodded in agreement again and stared back down at the table and resumed eating his fries. I got up, walked into the bathroom. Standing at the urinal, I went to pull my cock out to pee, but then realized the predicament I was in with the chastity cage firmly attached to my manhood. No way would I be able to piss a straight stream, so I put the cage and my junk back in my pants, zipped up and moved over to the one vacant stall. I hated sitting down on a public toilet, but if I waited until I drove home, I'd definitely piss my pants. As the stream began, I looked down at my cock to see two streams, one going left, one going right, and most of it dribbling down on to my stretched, hairy scrotum. The warm liquid felt odd, yet almost a turn on. "Damnit Will!" was all I could think of to say. But as the last stream of piss left my cock, the perfect idea came to mind. If I had to suffer, Trevor would have to suffer as well. This could be an interesting week, indeed.

The six-mile ride to my house was quiet. I was thinking about my course of punishment for Trevor; he was quiet in fear of what punishment he would have to endure. I glanced over at him and saw him adjust his crotch and knew that he must have been hard now thinking about the pain and pleasure waiting for him. Little did he know it would be more about humiliation and pain for the first part of the week than it would be pleasure. My plan was ready to be implemented as soon as we got back to my house.

Next: Chapter 5

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