Trevors Transformation

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Feb 17, 2020


Trevor's Transformation, Chapter Three

This is work of gay erotic fiction that involves individuals over the age of 18. If this is not your thing, please move on without reading any further. Otherwise, enjoy, and feel free to contact me with your feedback! Thanks! Austin T. Charles, email:

I'd like to give a shout out to say THANK YOU to those who have written me in support of this story! I really do appreciate hearing from you, and will do my best to answer everyone's email! Thanks - you give me reasons to continue writing!

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Chapter Three

The following morning, I woke up at 6 am, my cock hard as usual. I wanted to jerk off again, but something told me to wait, and save this load for later. After showering and eating breakfast, I got dressed, grabbed my lunch bucket and truck keys and headed out. I walked out to the truck at about 6:45 to wait for Trevor. I really did not think he'd show, but 5 minutes later I heard the front door of his house open, and sure enough, out he came with his lunch bucket, and a bottle of Coke.

"Good morning, sir" he muttered as he walked up behind me. "I'm ready for another day of work." Thoughts were racing through my mind as to how I should deal with him, so I basically treated him like I did prior to going to the basement last night.

"Good morning, Trevor. How are you this morning" I replied.

"Okay" was all he replied.

The rest of the day at the job site pretty much was the same. During lunch, he said very little. He did work hard, and really impressed me as to how different his attitude was. I did ask him about his girlfriend and if they had gotten together last night and he just replied that no, they did not. She wasn't very happy with him breaking his date with her, but he just told her he was too tired and sore from working. It wasn't until the working day was over and we were on our way home from the building supply store when he started talking, and for the first time he opened up about what transpired in my basement the night before. "So, that stuff you have in your basement, the punishment stuff, how long have you, you know, been into it? I went on to explain to him I had just recently gotten in to it. However, there was more to the story than I was willing to tell just yet. The less info the better right now. But I did have to ask him what he thought about it. "I, I'm kind of confused about it. I mean, I like girls and love fucking girls and all, but what happened last night, was like..." His voice trailed off and I knew that being a horny 19-year-old at the prime of his sexual life was forcing him to think about the extreme pleasure he experienced, which overruled the pain and the idea of being a sub. I had to ask him if he'd been with a guy before. Taking a deep breath, he confessed that he had, a couple of times. "The first time it was with a friend, five or six years ago. We just messed around sucking each other." He went on. "Then last year when I got arrested for drinking at the park, and the first two nights spent in the county jail, and I got raped by three black guys. It scared the fuck out of me, but at the same time it messed me up because while they were taking turns fucking me and making me suck them, I came two times without touching myself. It pissed me off and made me think about it, but I just put it out of my mind."

As I looked over at him, he was scratching and adjusting his crotch, more than likely his now shaved crotch was itching, and the talk about what happened had made him hard again. "I'm fucking horny 24-7, and have woken up in the middle of the night after having a fucking wet dream where those black dudes are working me over again. Fuck man, I don't want to be a goddamn faggot. I'm just glad we could work something out for what I did; I don't want to go back to jail again." My thoughts wandered as to what my next steps would be with him. Yeah, I wanted him as my sub BAD. I wanted him bad -- to have him every which way possible. But some sort of fatherly instinct wanted me to help keep him from fucking up again, and help him get his life on track. I'd have to think about the next move.

As we pulled into my driveway that Thursday evening, I repeated to Trevor the plans for tomorrow. "Be here on time. I have a truck load of the arborvitaes showing up tomorrow morning at 8:30. These guys are always on time, so I need your help unloading and planting the 18 trees. If we get going right away, we can finish early tomorrow. I have plans for the weekend, and the client has to have his landscaping done for a party Saturday afternoon. They're paying top dollar for this job, so we HAVE to get it done."

"Yeah man, sure thing... I'm hooking up with some friends tonight and with my girl so I'll be ready to go." As he got out of the truck and walked to his house, I barely heard him say "So long sucker."

The next morning, I walked out to the truck to put my lunch in and check to make sure all of the needed tools were there. I glanced at Trevor's house and was surprised to not see his car in the driveway. Since I needed to leave in 15 minutes, I sent him a text. "Where r u?" No answer. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I sent another text 5 minutes later. "Come to the job site ASAP." Still no answer. I began to get extremely pissed and upset. My plans for spending the weekend at the condo with a friend was now in jeopardy if Trevor didn't show up. This did not make me happy. Low and behold, that's what happened. Not only did he not show up Friday, he never answered my texts, nor did he show up Friday night. I had to work at the job site alone until 8 pm Friday night, and was at the site again Saturday morning to just barely finish before the client's party was to start that afternoon. While the project turned out better than what they imagined, I was physically exhausted from doing all of the labor work myself and was ready to severely punish Trevor the next time I saw him. My weekend trip to the condo with Will, a sexy young friend who was once a, shall we say, student of mine had promised me a weekend of great food, wine and sex at the condo. It did not happen, and Trevor was to blame, and he would pay dearly for his lack of respect and responsibility.

I knew Trevor's mom and brother were gone for the weekend. They went to spend the weekend with her sister, and would not return until late Sunday. She knew Trevor was going to work with me on Friday, so she was going to trust that he would behave. She had seen a change in him for the better, so she gave him a chance. When he finally came home Sunday around 2 am, with his loud music blaring from the massive speakers in his car, I woke up, looked out the bedroom window to see him stumble out of his car. The anger within boiled inside me -- Trevor would need to receive harsh punishment for not only missing work with me, but for driving drunk again. The idea of punishing him in the only way to get his attention made my cock rock hard with excitement.

Putting on my t-shirt and flip flops, I walked out my house over to Trevor's yard, where he had passed out in the driveway next to his car. As I approached him, I could hear him breathing, and the smell of alcohol was so strong, that if I lit a match, I was afraid that he'd immediately go up in flames. "Wake up, maggot," I spoke in a low, stern voice about six inches away from his ear. No response. I nudged him with my hand, still no response. Passed out, he would not want to be found on the driveway by the cops when they drove by in the morning, so rather than leave him, I reached down, picked him up, threw him over my shoulders and took him to my basement. Next to the room where I had tied him up that first time, I had a small bathroom, with tile floor, a shower, a toilet and sink. It was fairly warm in there, so it would be the perfect place to teach this little prick a lesson. I laid him on the floor, stripped off his t-shirt, which reeked of cigarette smoke and beer, then his cargo shorts and his boxers. I cuffed his hands together, and his ankles together as well. He'd definitely be in for a rude awakening in the morning, but considering that if I hadn't found him, he'd most likely wind up back in jail, this seemed like a good alternative punishment he was soon to endure. I kept a monitor in the bathroom, so I turned it on, then went back up to bed. At least if he started puking, I would hear it.

Tired from being woken up in the middle of the night, I decided to sleep in until I heard Trevor wake up. About 9:30, I heard him start to make moaning sounds, followed by him quietly stammering, "What the fuck, where the fuck am I?" Since the monitor also was hooked up to a small video camera in the corner of the ceiling, I turned on the TV in my room, and saw him still in a fetal position, on his right side on the floor. Just as quick as he woke up, he fell back to sleep. Falling back asleep, I turned off the TV and slept for another hour when he woke again, this time his voice louder and clearer.

"Hello? Where the fuck am I? Where the fuck are my clothes? Is this some sick fucking joke? Jared? Tommy? Enrique? Come on man, get me the fuck out of here!" I got up out of my bed, got dressed in my black leather shorts, the ones which clung tightly to my crotch, and the ones that would soon reveal to this punk just what his punishment would be. Putting on my black leather vest without a t-shirt and boots, I went to the basement, horned up and ready to give Trevor his punishment.

As I approached the bathroom, Trevor heard the sound of my footsteps and began pleading to be let out of the bathroom. "Hey, whoever is out there, Jared, you goofy fuck, get me out of here, NOW!" As I put the key in the door to unlock it, he then blurted out "It's about fucking time, asshole. I'm going to kick your ass as soon as you let me out of...." As soon as I opened the door and Trevor saw it was me, his face turned as white as the porcelain toilet. "Oh shit," was all he could say. "Oh man, sir, I'm so, um, fucking sorry." Now with a quizzical look on his face he then said, "How in the fuck did you find me at the party?"

"Shut the fuck up maggot, was all I could say. He started to talk again, and I repeated very loudly "SHUT THE FUCK UP MAGGOT! No more talking! GET UP NOW." He struggled to get up, pulling himself up by the sink, obviously struggling with the restraints. Then as he stood, the realization of what was about to come hit him. "Sir, I need to use the toilet, please."

"Very well, sit NOW maggot." He quickly moved himself to the toilet, where he peed and filled the toilet with the last night's dinner or something that smelled rather foul. Sensing he would be very dirty, I grabbed the shower enema attachment from the cabinet on the wall in the bathroom. He needed to be clean for his punishment. Seeing this and realizing what it was and what was to come, as soon as he emptied himself, he quickly got off and threw up into the feces filled toilet. After emptying his stomach, he flushed the toilet, and looked almost green. Despite the punishment he was going to get, I couldn't in my right mind inflict the pleasure and pain on him in this condition. Instead, I locked him back in the bathroom, went upstairs and concocted him my very popular hangover drink. Going back to the bathroom, I unlocked the door where I found him next to the toilet. "Drink this, you piece of shit" I told him sternly. "You'll feel better in about an hour, then you're going to pay for not only getting yourself fucked up last night, but also for disregarding our plans to help me yesterday. You've severely pissed off your master, and now you will pay."

Looking up at me with puppy dog eyes, all he could say was "Yes sir. I'm very sorry sir."

After reading my emails, checking out my favorite bondage sites, including the site where I'd posted pictures of my previous subs and videos of them and the punishment they'd endured at my hands, the punishment Trevor was about to endure was now clear. Going back back downstairs, I unlocked the door to the bathroom where he was now sitting in the corner, the color back in his face. He was sitting with his knees bent, looking down at his shaved pubes, flaccid cock, and hairless nut sack when I opened the door and walked into the bathroom. The fan had been on, so the smell had now left the room. "Get up" I instructed him. He rose, and as I attached the enema tube to the shower he started to ask and I just told him "QUIET, NO talking!" I turned on the water slowly, set the temperature of the water, and instructed him to get in the shower. After applying lube to the end of the tube, which measured about an inch in diameter, I told him to bend over, and as his long straight blonde hair streamed over his face, his smooth hairless ass pointing out, I slowly eased the enema tube, which was now streaming water out, into his hole. He winced as he slowly began to be filled with water. As the right amount was inside him, I switched the valve on the tube to off, and told him to get out and sit on the toilet. Upon my instructions, he pushed the water out. I repeated the process again, and as it was now clear water coming out, he was now ready. I led him out of the bathroom, taking off the ankle cuffs before leaving the bathroom. Looking at his cock, I could see it was half hard. Leading him to the punishment room, I tied his hands above him again, just as I had that first time, but now they were spread apart, as was his legs, which were also tied to the hooks in the floor.

First came the black whip. I started on his ass, then his back, chest, several whacks on his limp dick and balls. "You will not, I repeat, WILL NOT ever pull this shit again on me, leaving me like you did. I had plans. I had a great fucking weekend planned, and you RUINED it. Do you know what happens when you ruin your Master's plans?"

"No sir, I do not know, and might not care."

"Wrong fucking answer, you smart ass piece of shit!" I now got out the leather paddle, and gave him eight swats on his ass, his cheeks now turning a bright red from the swats. With each swat, my cock got harder. "Still might not care, fuck head?"

"Might not, probably WON'T..FUCK YOU!" His pissed off attitude was getting me madder by the second, but more turned on too. I could tell his cock was starting to get hard with the word play. Definitely not time for pleasure, just yet. Going to the cabinet, I took out one of the larger butt plugs I have. Not the biggest, just yet. Lubing it up, I teased his hole for a few seconds, enough to make him moan slightly, and then I shoved the entire plug all the way inside him to its base.

"Oh FUCK, that hurts! You hurt me, and you need to stop NOW!" he blurted out loudly.

"Oh you think so, do you, faggot? Well I've about heard enough of you and your lack of RESPECT FOR YOUR MASTER!!!" I reached into the cabinet, grabbed the ball gag that he had in his mouth last time. I walked over to him, told him to open his mouth. Shaking his head no, I reached into my pocket, pulled out the spiked cock restraint, showed it to him, and said "Do you prefer this instead?" to which upon seeing the spikes he shook his head no and opened his mouth. I attached the gag, then returned to paddling his reddened ass. His moaning continued with each swat. After about 25 more swats, I knew he wouldn't be sitting down anytime soon. I left him to think about this punishment for a few minutes, went upstairs to piss, my huge cock ready to give him the next stage of his punishment.

"Getting tired, maggot?" I asked him as I went back to the room in the basement. He wearily nodded his head yes, so I unbuckled him from the hooks in the ceiling and the floor. I led him to the cross that was on the opposite side of the room. Fastening him to the cross, I grabbed the ball weights from cabinet. Grabbing his sack, I pulled his balls down far enough to fasten the spiked leather collar to his balls. As I attached the weights to the collar, the pull on his full nuts caused him to start moaning in pleasure and most certainly pain as well. Last time he handled the black rope pretty well while it was tied around his sack, so I knew he'd not have too much trouble getting used to the weights, he was okay with each one I attached, but as I got the biggest one out that must have weighed 5 pounds, he started shaking his head no, and was clearly now fearful of the pain that would be greater than the pleasure, so of course I attached the five pounds, causing him to almost wretch with the pain. I was now content with the pain I inflicted on his sack, I now got the nipple clamps out, the ones attached with a silver chain and the serrated teeth on the clamps. Before attaching the clamps, I leaned close to him, placed my lips around the right nipple, sucked it gently, causing him to moan. His flaccid cock immediately started getting hard. As it was now pointing up, I removed my mouth, and made a motion for the head of his cock, but instead in one quick motion attached a clamp on each nipple, causing him to now scream a muffled scream through the ball gag. A low, guttural moan of pain came out of his throat, the pleasure of me sucking his nipples now turned to pain.

"Oh, so you think you're done with the punishment part just yet? It's not that easy, maggot -- your punishment is not yet over." With that, he somewhat rolled his eyes, and I knew he was still fighting back, not yet ready to submit to the pain he would still be receiving. He was not yet ready to accept the responsibility of his actions the night before.

Looking down at his now half-hard cock that was beginning to ooze clear pre-cum, I knew he was feeling anticipation of what happened the first time, where he came at least 8 times. This would not be the case today. So I reached into the drawer next the cabinet of toys, and pulled out a stainless steel penis plug, the one with a ring that fit over the head of his cock, that was attached to a round stainless steel ball on the end. "It looks like we're a little excited here, huh? Well, the time for your pleasure isn't even close. This will make sure you cum WHEN I TELL YOU TO CUM!" I yelled into his face as I showed him the plug. His eyes got huge when he saw the size of the ball. Since I didn't want him to bleed, I first started him with a 7 mm sound. The sounds went in easily, so I went to the 9 mm. A little more difficulty, but I got it in about 2 inches. His cock responded by immediately getting rock hard -- his pre-cum sufficient enough that lube was not necessary. Slowly now I was able to get the 11 mm. in, and as the sphincter on the end of his cock stretched to accommodate the sound, he winced in pain. Now used to the 11 mm., I went for the 13, which was the size of the ball. After some coaxing, the 13 slipped in, much to his increasing pain. Right away after pulling out the 13 mm, I quickly lubed up and slipped the ball of the penis plug in his piss hole forcing the ball about an inch into his urethra and slipped the ring over the head of his now hard cock. I used the residual lube on my left hand to stroke his cock to full attention, and he responded with moans of pleasure. No cum or pre-cum would leak out now, so it was time to continue the punishment.

As I looked at this hot, virile, stud fastened to the cross I assessed his situation. With nipple clamps on each nipple, the ball gag in his mouth, ball weights stretching his sack, one of the biggest black butt plugs inserted to the hilt in his now stretched out hole, it was now time to crank up the punishment segment of his attitude adjustment. But something was missing -- his blindfold. Despite his head shaking back and forth and pleading for no, I put the blindfold over his eyes. Using the leather flogger whip, I began by whipping him across his upper chest. I then worked on his abs, alternating between his abs and his cock. As his chest and abs began to redden, I could sense a turning point in the play. Instead of taking each blow of the whip with an attitude, he was starting to dislike each strike. I was starting to break through his tough exterior. After several more strikes, especially on his abs and cock, Trevor began to realize his situation was not going to improve until he broke down. Two more rounds in each area of his body, and suddenly his moans turned to failed attempts to say "stop, please, please master, stop." "Do you have something to say, maggot?" He nodded his head yes in agreement. I removed the ball gag, and as he tried to talk, he slobbered as he began to sob. As I removed the blindfold, his face now turned red, his eyes began to water, and tears began to stream down his face. "Please sir, Please stop. I'm so sorry!" He was now crying; slobber and drool crept out of his mouth and slithered down his hairless chest, pooling on the floor.

"Okay, maggot, now we're moving on to phase two of your punishment." I set the whip down on the table next to the cross, unbuckled his hands and feet, then led him over to the leather covered saw horse, that resembled the adjustable leather horse used in gymnastics. "Bend over the horse." He did as I said, even mumbling "Yes sir." As he bent over, the black butt plug was quivering in his ass. Pressing his reddened abs against the cold leather of the horse, he whimpered a bit, but then comfortably reached for the leather covered wooden bar that would become his hand rest. He offered no resistance as I laced the black 3/4" rope around his wrists, binding him to the horse and bar. As soon as he assumed this position, seeing his plugged ass jutting in the air a bit, my huge erection was now begging to be released from the leather shorts. I positioned my shorts in front of his face, and as he looked down, I grabbed his long blonde hair, lifting his head up so his mouth was now inches from my shorts.

"Kiss the shorts, boy. Feel the warmth on your lips. Lick those shorts NOW!" At first he resented, but as I reached for the ball gag, he immediately started kissing and licking the outside of my shorts, avoiding my now rock hard bulge. His body started trembling, as he could easily now see just how big I was, and two plus two was now equaling four, and he now knew what was soon to happen to him. I reached for the flogging whip, and began to run the strings lightly over his reddened back, causing him to quiver and move around on the horse. He feverishly licked and kissed my shorts as I did this. After about a minute or so longer, I reached in the cabinet, and grabbed a small black dildo. "Suck this, and suck it good, like you're going to be sucking me. Suck it liked the faggot you are" At first, he fought the head of the dildo, shaking his head mumbling something to the extent of saying that he wasn't a faggot. Finally as he realized his destiny and what he had to choice to fight anymore, in one gulp he opened his mouth and took the dildo in. Sucking it like it was a Popsicle, I could feel my cock leaking in my shorts. It was now time for him to taste me for the first time. Hooking my left thumb in the waist band of the leather shorts, I started pulling down the shorts, and as the waist band cleared my cock, it sprang loose, all eight, thick inches of my hard, throbbing, leaking cock an inch from his mouth. I pulled the dildo out of his mouth and commanded him to lick the base of my cock, and pressed the base into his face, my thick dark pubes surrounding his nose. "Lick it, just like you've licked that lollipop dildo, faggot!" Doing as I said, his wet, warm tongue licked the base of my cock, while the head was pressed against my left leg, the precum drooling out onto my thigh. He did as I said, and I could feel his saliva drenching my balls. As he began to move towards the head, I pulled away.

"Oh! You want it now, don't you! You are a faggot boy, wanting to suck that big dick, aren't you?" Slowly he closed his eyes and nodded his head yes. "Well, you'd better suck it good, otherwise more punishment will be in order!" With that, I moved the head of my cock close to his lips, and just as he'd savored the dildo, he now took me into his mouth. As badly as I wanted to shove it deep into his mouth, I let him get used to the size. I could tell he had indeed sucked on a cock before, as he was running his tongue along the bottom of my cock, and I knew it would not be long before I exploded. After about five minutes of him sucking my cock, each ball, and then back to my cock again, I was ready to explode. Pulling out of his mouth, the first wave of one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had hit, and the first stream of cum flew out, coating his nose and face with my hot steamy jizz. As the second and third waves, hit, I pulled his head down to suck my balls, and as he did, the streams of cum shot into his now sweaty hair, and onto his red back. "Oh fuck yeah boy, suck it, suck those balls like a good faggot." As the orgasm began to subside, I shoved my cock back into his mouth, and as he tasted my cum for the first time, he greedily sucked the remainder of cum out of me, and swallowed every drop. I pulled my cock out of his mouth, and then moved around to his ass. But first, I pulled the penis plug out of his cock, and as I did, a stream of pre-cum shot out of his cock, just as if he was pissing.

For the first time, I leaned over, licked the underside of his now stiffening cock, and tasted his sweet pre-cum. My cock was now rock hard again, so I pulled the butt plug out of his ass, spit the mixture of pre-cum and saliva out of my mouth onto my cock, lubed it up, and slowly pushed my once again throbbing cock deep inside his ass. The warmth of his hole and the sight of his red back, and the feeling of my hairy balls now touching his hairless sack sent me into a euphoric state. Trevor moaned at the size of my cock being in him, and as I began to fuck him, he began to match the rhythm of my thrusts.

As I continued to fuck him, his moans began to get louder, and then subsided. I was so into taking this punk's ass that I lost track of time. What seemed like minutes was more like 45 minutes. I alternated from grabbing his waist, to his shoulders, to his hair. Finally, I felt my next orgasm brewing, and just about as I was ready to explode deep inside him, I pulled out and shot stream after stream onto his reddened back. When I finally quit shooting, I looked down on the floor beneath my feet. A huge wet pile of cum was between my shoes, and I realized that Trevor had come not once, but several times while I was fucking him. He was clearly in another state of being, as his limp body did not put up a fight as I undid the rope around his hands, and moved him to the carpet on the floor in the corner of the room. Still overcome with sexual fever, the sight of his still-hard cock led me to do something I had never done with any other sub. Laying on the floor next to him, my cock near his face, and his near mine, I began to suck him. His cock tasted phenomenal, his pre-cum sugar sweet. The fever sky rocketed as I felt him take my cock into his mouth, and quickly he rolled on top of me, and we sucked each other. Then, as if a dream, the flashback to my youth took over:

Suck that big dick, Johnny. You're going to take it all, all inside your mouth. When I come, you're going to swallow all of my cum. Take it Johnny -- that's a good boy. Oh yeah, I'm getting close now. Suck it harder. Faster. That's it, yeah baby, I'm almost there."The voice in my head took over, and I did just that. And as Trevor exploded in my mouth, I tried to pull off, but the voice told me no, and as Trevor's cock shot its last stream of cum in my mouth, my third load of the day shot into his mouth, and he swallowed every drop. Spent, exhausted, sweaty and cum covered, Trevor collapsed next to me on the carpet.

"Punishment complete, sir?" I heard him whisper into my ear.

"Yes, Trevor, punishment complete."

Next: Chapter 4

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