Trevor Sets a Trap

By moc.loa@SAXETBEH

Published on May 1, 2003


Just make sure it's legal where ever you live to read this. This story involves homosexual acts, and is from my free web site,

Trevor Sets a Trap


Trevor had been my best friend since about 6th grade. I guess it was during puberty, I figured out I was gay. I also figured out that I had a huge, major crush on Trevor.

A couple of times, I tried to get his feelings about gays. Trevor felt like gays needed to either buried alive, or sent to orbit the planet. To put it mildly, Trevor felt that gays were the lowest form of life.

But, my feelings for him couldn't be stopped. He was what I woke up for each morning. Just to see his smile, just to see him. My crush grew and grew, but I hid it, or at least I tried to.

Me and Trev, we were about equal. I liked sports too, I liked all kinds of things men and boys like. But, the exception was Trevor. Most males jack off thinking about females. I jacked off thinking about Trevor.

I would pretend that me and Trevor were kissing, touching each other, feeling of each other. As we grew from young teens to older teens, my jack off sessions and fantasies grew bolder.

I had seen him nude plenty of times. I was in love with his perfect body, each year it grew more muscular and defined, each year I loved him more. I had never seen his dick hard. I wondered about it. I kind of knew it would be bigger than mine.

Soft, his dick was just a bit longer and a bit thicker. Other than that, we were about the same build. We could wear each others clothes. We grew a bit a part when he started dating.

But, I didn't want to lose him, I couldn't lose Trev. So, I started being the jock I was supposed to be, and I dated some girls, too. I would listen to the locker room stories, and make up my own. I could lie about tits, and cunts and if you know a high school locker room, half of what you hear is lies.

I was 18 years old the day that Trev set the trap. I was sleeping over at his house, but I wasn't sleeping. He had bunk beds in his bedroom. I was on the top one, Trevor had had a few beers, and was snoring below me.

I stole a peak down below. I looked down at him. His sexy lips were slightly parted. He snored real lightly. He had the sheet pulled about to his navel. I watched as his muscular chest rose and fell. I saw his great pecs, the darker nipples, with a few hairs in the middle of his chest. In the darken bedroom, I stared down at him.

The sheet covering him shielded his privates, but I could see the outline of his dick. I had never imagine it to be that size. Under the sheets, it look huge! It's hardened shape wasn't hidden by the thin sheet. I could sense it pulsing with life!

I watched his handsome face, I watched the chest rise and fall as he breathed. I wanted to touch him, and feel those lips I dreamed about kissing. My own dick came to life as I watched Trevor sleep.

I jumped down from, the top bunk, Trev mumbled something. I went into his bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I wet a finger, and sucked it, pretending it was Trevor's finger I was sucking.

I played with my chest, my 6-1/2 boner... I sat on the toilet and stroked my erection. And pretended Trev was stroking it. My love for Trevor was renewed and strengthened, even if he was straight.

I stayed as quiet as I could, not knowing that Trevor was really awake, not knowing he grinned as he heard my feeble attempt at having a silent orgasm.

A few days later, Trev slept over at my house. I have a king sized bed. Trevor had been drinking again, and in his drunk dream land, he actually hunched his dick against my leg! I didn't move, I simply enjoyed his hardness touching my leg.

I wanted to touch him, to feel him, but I stayed still and quiet as Trev hunched against me in a drunken stupor. I felt him stiffen, and he moaned as a dampness spread through his boxers and onto my leg.

I was in love heaven! But, I knew somehow that this straight eight man wasn't for me, but I loved him all the same. I got up quietly and wiped his seed from my leg onto my fingers. I tasted it, enjoying the full, rich, masculine juice he had produced.

It was about a week later, Trev called me and asked if I could pick him up. At first, I was a bit pissed, Trev was at a party I hadn't been invited too.

But my crush, my love, for Trevor made me go pick him up. He wanted to crash at his own place. It seemed the best idea, my folks would kill me if I had him over as drunk as he seemed.

I went to rescue him, rescue my Trevor. I had to help him get in my car. He stumbled, laughed, even stopped to take a piss.

I held him up as he pulled out his limp dick and began to water some shrubs. I stole glances at it.

He slurred as he shook his dick, getting the drops off piss out. "Shit, so fucked up, man, so drunk."

As I helped him towards my car, he had an arm around my shoulder, a very strong arm, muscled, I could smell his deodorant, the alcohol he had consumed, and his scent. His wonderful scent. I supported his jock body, and inhaled his scent. I was breathing hard when I got to his house.

He muttered, "My folks are gone, lessssss go ooo inside..."

I felt my heart race as I helped him in his house. He giggled and kept laughing as I tried to find the key on his ring that would unlock his front door.

I helped him upstairs to his room, he pointed towards his crotch, and laughed in a drunken way, "Look, I gat a boner!"

I could not stop myself from looking, but I figured he was drunk and wouldn't remember. He stood up, swayed for a second, I was about to run and keep him from hitting the floor.

He looked at me, and slurred, "I'm dirty, bud, gotta take a showerrrrrrrrr'

I sat still as he struggled to get his shirt off. I inhaled deep as his perfect chest came into my view. I watched as he kicked off his shoes and socks. As he walked towards his bathroom, he began to tug at his boxers.

I had the treat of seeing his half naked ass, I saved the memory in my head for future jack sessions. I didn't know at the time, that I had more memories then that to save.

I heard the shower running, I imagined the water flowing off his body. His face, his hair... My dick was rock hard again!

It was leaking pre-lube when he called to me, he was laughing, and he said, " Come help me dude, I'm wasted."

I had to stop myself from running, had to tell myself slow down. I called into the bathroom, "What's wrong dude?"

I was answered by drunken giggles. I couldn't stop myself from entering the bathroom. Trevor sat on the bathroom counter, legs spread wide, his hands around his erection.

He smiled, he waved his boner at me, and slurred, "Come help me out, man, I know you want to..."

I stared at his dick, stared at his body. His dick was slightly longer then mine, maybe 7 inches, but oh, it was much thicker. His balls hung low between his muscular spread thighs.

"Dude, come on..." Trev coaxed. "Help me out..."

I wanted to, I wanted to so bad. I shook my head, and stammered, "Dude, get dressed, stop fucking with my head."

Trevor looked at me, he smiled, "It's okay, James. I know, its cool. It's just us, help me out here, dude! My dicks so hard, it hurts! It's just us..."

I felt almost dizzy, I looked at him wondering if he could see how he was making me feel. I wanted this more then I wanted anything, but I didn't know what to do.

He looked at me, his face never seemed so handsome, "Please, man? I need some help here..."

My fear lessened, he wanted me, or maybe it was just the booze talking. "What do you mean, Trev?" I asked.

"Just touch it, touch it for me..." Trevor begged.

I should have resisted, but I couldn't. I walked over to him. He sighed as my shaking fingers made contact with the heated skin of his cock.

He looked at me, `Thanks, bud, feels so good, so good..."

I stammered even worse, "I never did anything like this Trev."

"Yeah, just hold it, feel it, yeah, James." Trevor didn't seem to acknowledge me, he seemed to ignore what I said. But over the next few minutes, he sure let me know how to stroke his dick, he sure was sober enough to tell me what he wanted.

I kept jacking him, his moans and grunts of "Yeah" kept me from stopping. I felt his dick expand, I watched his nuts tightened, and the warm cum erupted from his dick... it showered my hand.

He said, "Thanks, man, needed that bad." He jumped off the counter, and headed towards his bunk. I looked at the fresh load all over my hand. I smelt it.

I looked nervously towards the bedroom, he wasn't watching. I placed the tip of my tongue against his cum. I tasted what Trevor had made, I couldn't stop tasting. Soon his load was gone, licked up and swallowed by me.

I couldn't sleep, my dick was aching, but I couldn't jack off either. Something made me want to share my load with him, something made me want to feel his hand around my dick.

I tossed and turned and finally dozed off. I woke up several times, and looked down from the top bunk to Trev. He slept peacefully, a smile on his face.

I had made him happy, that's what mattered right now. I had made him content.

I worried what if he hated me, what if he remembered? I pictured him waking up and kicking my ass.

I must have dozed back off, I woke to hear Trev calling my name, "James? You awake?"

The memories flooded back, I said in a low voice, "Yeah."

"My dick is hard again," Trev replied.

Fuck, he remembered. I said, "Huh?"

He used that tone on me, the tone that made my heart want him, "Please?" he begged. "Just one more time?"

"No way, dude, I ain't a fag!" I lied.

He looked at me, and begged, "Just one more time, please? You made me feel so good."

"I ain't a fag, man!" I answered.

He replied, "Dude! I know you ain't! Just touch it, please? I know you ain't a fag!"

I looked at him, not able to refuse, besides I really wanted to touch it. " Just one more time," I gave in.

Trevor grinned, sat on the bunk and spread his legs wide. His balls looked heavy and full, his thick cock stuck upwards in a powerful way. I sat on the bunk beside him, reaching over, touching his dick. He sighed in relief as my hand wrapped around his shaft.

"Yeah," he moaned, "Stroke my cock, stroke it, that's it."

I concentrated on the areas of his dick that seem to get the most response. His thigh muscles were tight and bulging. I felt my own dick getting stiffer by the minute. Each stroke I gave Trevor seem to make my own cock throb.

Trevor's moans and grunts made my heart beat faster, I felt sweat dampness from his body as he moved closer to me.

Trev grabbed my head, "Suck it, James! I know you want to!"

I stiffened and pulled away, staring at him in anger. "I know what you did last night, James, you licked my cum off your hands, dude. Not stop wasting time and suck my fucking dick!"

"I know, James. And if you don't want everyone to know, get down on my dick now!" Trevor growled. Trevor pointed to the half opened bathroom door, "Look at the mirror, dude, I saw you eating my cum. Now, I got some more for you to eat, only this time it's gonna be a direct deposit!"

I shook my head, as to deny it, but as I stared at the mirror, I knew he had seen me.

"It's just between us right now, James. You don't want me to have to tell everyone, do you? I don't care if you're queer for my dick, that's fine. But get busy, or get the fuck out. But look at it this way, I got something you want!" He thrust his dick close to me.

I closed my eyes, thinking. There wasn't much to think about. Even if Trevor had no proof, I knew how guilty I have a tendency to look. If Trev blabbed, people could take one look at me and know he wasn't lying.

Besides, something in me really wanted to do this, somehow, I wanted to know I had pleased him. I took a deep breath, and looked at him. He nodded, with a look of anticipation on his face.

My knees felt wobbly as I moved on the floor between his legs. He flexed his dick, and watched me. I couldn't stop my self from sniffing. I could smell the remnants of the cum from last night's hand session. I could smell the essence of Trevor. Even my tongue trembled as it darted out and got it's first lick of Trevor.

I couldn't stop, the lickings became faster, Trevor giggled like a happy kid. That's probably how he felt, like a kid with a new toy. I was that toy, a brand new thing to please Trev.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" he yelled as my lips made an `o' shape to surrounded his cock head. Trevor didn't do anything, he let my mouth and tongue get used to his thick shape.

I spent the next 10 minutes or so, learning what it felt like to have a dick in my mouth, the dick of the man that I was crazy about. I found a routine, and I found what Trevor liked the best.

Another 10 minutes passed, and I was able to take his dick head into my throat. I fought from gagging, doing my best to please him. A few more minutes and Trev was filling my mouth with his seed.

There was a lot of it, more then I could deal with, I began to swallow and it still overfilled my mouth and dripped down my chin.

Trev looked down at me with a satisfied grin, "Clean me up buddy."

I licked the spilt cum from his dick and moved to his ball sack. He moaned as I licked his seed.

"Ah, keep doing that, and I can go again," Trevor hinted.

I don't even know why, but I wanted him to `go' again. I sucked one of his big nuts into my mouth and began to tongue bath it. As I switched from nut to nut, his dick grew in size.

This time Trev was more aggressive. He held my head, pumping it up and down on his thick shaft. My mouth and jaws ached by the time Trevor came again.

But I was proud, this time, I was able to keep up with the jets of juice he pumped into my face, this time I didn't let one drop escape my mouth.

After Trevor recovered, "Gotta sleep after that, thanks man."

Just like that, I was dismissed. I didn't have to ask, I couldn't make myself get angry. I dressed and headed home. I felt shame, but I felt something else.

Once home, I replayed the memories over and over, jacking my dick several times. I didn't even brush my teeth, savoring the taste that Trev had left there.

Finally, I feel asleep. A tired, exhausted, and troubled sleep. I was dreaming about Trevor, when the phone ring brought me awake.

"Speak," I said half awake.

"Hey, bud, I gotta another hard-on."

I didn't say anything. I felt saddened, realizing he intended to use me, not love me.

"Get over here, James. I got something you seem to like."

"Okay," I managed, "Okay."

Trevor had something I liked alright. Even though he was just using me for pleasure, there was no way I could refuse.

End of Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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