Trevor and Kyle

By ude.oiho@901392ha

Published on Jul 28, 2011


Ok so I need to let everyone know that I'm sorry that these chapters are so small. I know how it is to be a reader and not have a lot to read but to compensate I am writing them faster. Thank you all for all of the support you have shown and I am not proud to say that I have two editors, and will be using them both to keep my juices flowing so to speak. (get your minds out of the gutter) I am in college as a few of you have noticed, and as such there are many times I can't write or am too tired, but times like these where I sit down for a while and crank one out, (again get your minds out of the gutter), make it all worth while. Soon though I will slow down and there will be more lengthy chapters. WELL without further adieu he is....

Chapter 2

The next few days for the boys was excruciating. Trevor didn't sleep, as well as Kyle. Kyle kept thinking back to that night. "I can't be gay I just can't be. What's going to happen if my parents find out." He was so worried about things that he made himself sick.

Trevor was lying in bed thinking "why is life this cruel. First I lose mom, and then dad has to be taken away from me, and now I'm not even allowed to be happy. What's up with this picture? When is it going to be my turn to be happy in this world?" he started to tear up towards the end thinking about his mother and father again.

It was a Monday morning so Trevor started to get up and ready for his day, and he also thought about seeing Kyle again. "Maybe, just maybe I will get a chance to talk to him and ask him what's going on?"

Kyle was at his house throwing up again thinking about the idea of his parents finding out that he was gay. He knew that both of his parents wouldn't like it. He had been raised a strict southern Baptist, and knew their policy on homosexuality. He also knew that if his father a former marine found out his son was gay it was going to be like the beginning of world war three. He up chucked again.

"honey what's wrong? Did I just hear you throw up? Do you need to stay home today?" his mom Nancy asked.

"No mom, I'll be fine I was just clearing the crud out of my throat." Kyle lied to his mother.

"Oh, ok sorry to bother you honey, come down soon or your breakfast is going to get cold." She replied walking back down the hall.

Trevor was sitting in his first period class wondering where Kyle was and thinking that he probably wasn't going to show when out of the blue there he was. He walked into the room and didn't even pay any attention to Trevor as he sat next to him.

"hey can we talk about what happened on Friday" Trevor asked in a whisper so as no one else in the room would hear and speculate as to what they were talking about.

"no." was all Kyle said not even looking at Trevor

"oh, ok I just thought that we could figure out what went wrong, and why you don't like me" Trevor said sounding a little sad as he did still in his quiet tone.

"It's not that I don't like you that's the problem. The problem is, is that I do like you. What would happen if my parents found out about what almost happened between us?" Kyle asked.

"will you come over after school so that we can talk more in depth please" asked Trevor with almost a pleading sound but not quite.


Later that day at Trevor's house the boys sat in the living room talking about what their hobbies and such were to break the ice then Trevor asked the million dollar question.

"Are you scared about being gay?"

Kyle just froze like someone had hit him with a baseball bat. He didn't know how he was supposed to respond to that so he decided that he needed to tell Trevor the truth.

"yeah I am" he said trying to hide all of the pent up emotion.

"but why? What's so bad about loving someone even if they happen to be another man rather than a woman. This society is so caught up in this whole culture war over homosexuality that no one sees anymore that it is all just about love." Stated Trevor.

"but, my parents, they would hate me, and I don't think that I could bare it. How did your parents take it, and where are they?" asked Kyle

he knew that he had asked the wrong question when he saw the look on Trevor's face. He looked like he was gonna lose it and cry at any moment.

Trevor strained to over come his emotions to tell Kyle the story about his life.

"when I was 8 my mom was driving home late one night from her job at the hospital when a drunk driver came around a curve and lost control. He hit mom head on..." a tear dropped down Trevor's face but he continued on

"she was in critical condition and had to go into surgery... but she flat lined on the table from the damage. The doctors said that her body was so damaged that it just couldn't function anymore." Trevor said as more tears started to flow now.

"dad and I made it through that and then he got sick. I didn't know it at the time he was sick. He died right after my 18th birthday, and I miss him soo much still." Trevor said now breaking down.

At that moment Kyle leaned in and took Trevor in his big muscular arms and just held him, and let him cry.

"shh its gonna be ok." Soothed Kyle.

"nothings going to hurt you, and I'm here for you." Said Kyle

"will you stay with me tonight" asked Trevor because he had noticed it was getting quite late in the evening.

"sure" said Kyle as he rubbed Trevor's back.

The boys went upstairs to Trevor's room, and Trevor got out his pajamas which consisted of a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, and then asked "what do you usually wear to bed?"

"usually nothing but if you want me to wear something I will." Stated Kyle.

"honestly I want you to be comfortable" said Trevor.

So Kyle stripped down and then finally pulled down his boxer briefs revealing his piece. Trevor stared at it for a while.

Kyle had a very nice looking penis and it hung about 4 inches flaccid and his big balls hung even lower. Kyle body was ripped with muscle and with abs to die for. Big powerful arms and legs with the sex v beside his abs.

Trevor then got the idea to no wear anything at all too. So he then proceeded to strip. Trevor being lanky as he was didn't have the muscle tone that Kyle did but he liked being small. His cock on the other hand was about 3 inches flaccid, what Kyle didn't know was that it was a grow-er not a show-er.

The boys then got into Trevor's queen sized bed and Kyle came up behind Trevor and wrapped him up in his arms... Trevor fell asleep faster than he had in many months.

Kyle loved the feeling of having another man in his arms it just felt right to him, but he still had his worries. "god if your listening please let me know that its ok to love Trevor. I know im young but still I am having these feelings so strongly towards him. Just let me know everything is going to be ok." Kyle prayed. He soon fell asleep.

The boys awoke to Trevor's alarm clock and felt better and better rested than they could remember.

The rest of the week for the boys had them both hanging out all the time and chatting with each other. They knew something deep down was starting to move around inside them. Trevor thought that it might be the precursors to love, but never having been in love before didn't know if he was correct in he assumption. Kyle on the other hand was starting to worry that if he was falling in love with Trevor how was he going to be able to hid it from his parents.

They had decided to get together on Friday and spend the night watching tv and movies.

"You have to have like every channel imaginable" joked Kyle at the fact that had cable in the first place.

"I don't have every channel i just have a few" Trevor replied.

"A few my ass!" retorted kyle with a smile.

"Alright i have every channel known to man now just watch the damned movie" laughed Trevor.

About have way through the movie Kyle fell asleep or so Trevor thought. They both had known that they had feelings for each other and Kyle had been coming to the realization that being ok might just be ok. As Kyle lay on the couch with his eyes closed thinking he felt something... Something unexpected... he thought to himself in the split second "did he just kiss me like his grandmother on my lips." ------

"what the fuck was that!" Kyle burst out at Trevor.

Trevor's heart sank. "oh my god did he change his mind I thought everything was going so well"

------ "I--I--It was a kiss." stuttered Trevor.

"that wasn't a fucking kiss that was an old lady peck. If you want to fucking kiss do it properly" Kyle said as he grabbed Trevor's head and pulled him in to a half in of their lips touching... The two looked into their eyes and both knew this was what was meant to be...

Thanks for reading guys. As always, any author loves comments so here is my email I am always available in this high tech world we live in. aka I have a smart phone lol. I want to thank my editors for their work as it is much appreciated... See ya in chapter three. Teehee

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