Trevor and Haley

Published on Feb 25, 2004


The usual disclaimer applies to this chapter as with the other chapters. Don't read it if you are not allowed to or it is against the law or if you don't like this type of stuff.

Author's note: We are gonna take a sidebar on this one and go back a couple chapters so you know how Trevor met Ryan. Thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoy.

Also, thanks to some special people in my life that have helped me with this chapter, the previous chapters, and other stuff that I have been dealing with. Thanks for giving me the encouragement to continue the story.

Chapter 18: Another Side, Another Story

Trevor arrived in LA, the excitement building as his car moved down the street toward the arena. He had been looking forward to this trip and the competition since he found out about it on the internet. One of his favorite sports was Martial Arts and he finally had tickets and the time to see a live competition. Chuck Norris had always been one of his heroes and he was excited to get to meet him and watch him perform and compete. The arena where the competition was being held was in the West end of LA and it seemed that the traffic was heavier than normal, probably due to the hoards of Martial Arts fans heading to the arena. Trevor's driver pulled up to the entrance to let him out and then pulled away. Trevor made his way to his seat and waited for the competition to begin. About an hour into the competition, he decided to get a drink and got out of his seat, making his way to the concession stand. Trevor watched the competition on the arena monitors while he was up and on his way back to his seat he became captivated by a young kid that was a top contender. He watched as the boy twirled his sword and did back flips. 'I have to meet this kid,' Trevor thought to himself. He wasn't paying attention and before he knew it, he walked right into someone. That someone happened to be Chuck Norris.

"Sorry," Trevor apologized. "I wasn't paying attention."

"It's ok," Chuck smiled. "You come to these often?"

"No, this is actually my first time," said Trevor nervously.

"That's cool," Chuck replied. "You look familiar. Have you been in any movies?"

"Yeah," Trevor said with a smile, "my last one was A Rumor of Angels."

"I don't think I have seen that one," Chuck replied.

"How about 'The Glass House'?" Trevor asked.

"I did see that one," Chuck said. "You were also in Jurassic Park 3 weren't you?"

Trevor nodded.

"I thought I recognized you," Chuck said. "So what do you think of the competition so far?"

"It's awesome," Trevor replied. "I am curious though..."

"About what," Chuck asked.

"Who is that?" Trevor asked pointing to the stage.

Chuck looked up to the stage. "That would be Ryan Pinkston. He is one of the top contenders in the competition. My money says he will win his age bracket."

"Do you think it would be possible for me to meet him?" Trevor asked politely.

"Sure," Chuck smiled, "follow me."

He led Trevor around to the backstage area where the competitors were practicing or getting their things ready for their matches and competitions. Ryan walked around a curtain and smiled when he noticed Chuck waiting for him.

"Hey Ryan," Chuck said, "I have someone I would like you to meet."

"Hi, I'm Ryan."

Trevor held out his hand. Ryan took it in his and shook it. Trevor winced slightly with the grip of the younger boy.

"Sorry," Ryan smiled. "Sometimes I get worked up from the competitions."

"It's okay, I should have been prepared," Trevor said. "My name is Trevor by the way."

"Yeah, I know," Ryan smirked, "Jurassic Park 3...great movie."

Trevor smiled, "so, have you been into Martial Arts long?"

"My entire life," Ryan replied. "I am a third degree black belt."

"That's awesome," Trevor said.

Ryan smiled, "I gotta go get ready for the next heat. Do you maybe wanna hang out after the competition?"

"Sure," Trevor replied, "what do you usually do after competitions?"

"After I shower," Ryan replied, "I go get something to eat and celebrate."

"I'll have to make a call," Trevor said.

"Then it's settled," Ryan said, "see ya after the show."

Ryan turned and walked to a room to change and rest a little before his next event. Trevor watched the rest of the competition with a new found interest. His eyes widened when Ryan took the stage once more. Ryan's next event was a sparring match and he came out without a shirt on. He bowed low to his partner. Trevor watched as Ryan's kicks and punches barley missed his partner, doing flips and jumps over the kicks of the other competitor. Trevor's mouth was watering as the match went on. 'He's so cute.' he thought to himself. The intensity of each move caused Ryan's muscles to tense up as he sparred off. Trevor really enjoyed watching that, just for the fact that he had never seen a body move with such grace and power. With each match Trevor began to enjoy the sport more than he had ever intended. There were just a handful of contenders left and Trevor was excited because his new friend was one of them. Every time Ryan's name was mentioned over the speaker, Trevor would cheer. After two hours had passed, there were only two contenders in Ryan's age group. Ryan and a boy named Jonathan. Trevor sat on the edge of his seat with intense interest of this last event. Ryan chose to do an ancient Chinese performance for this part of the competition. He walked out on the stage in a sleeveless red shirt, printed with his name on the back. He bowed to the audience as the music began. Trevor's palms were getting sweaty. He was anxious to see if Ryan would win the competition. Ryan turned and kicked slowly, doing his 'dance'. He bowed down and picked up a katana blade. He swung the sword around his head in a high arch, making the blade twinkle in the spotlight. Trevor was mesmerized by the smooth movements and total control Ryan had over his seemingly small body. Ryan's muscles flexed and rippled over his arms as he moved the sword around with such grace and control. Ryan's moves were flawless as the control and focus of his years of training had taught him. Trevor was almost standing he was so enthralled in the movements of the young boy on the stage. Ryan finished with a spinning kick in the air, landing on one knee, the blade in his hands slicing the air and coming to a stop a centimeter from the stage floor. Ryan got to his feet and bowed. The crowd burst into applause and cheers.

`That was amazing,' Trevor thought.

The other boy, Jonathan, took the stage and bowed to the crowd. He was performing a similar routine to Ryan's, only he chose the nun chucks instead of a sword and the moves were not in the same order. Trevor watched Ryan by the curtains behind the stage. Ryan was a true champion. He would clap with the crowd when his adversary did something spectacular. Finally, the competition was over and the winners were announced. Ryan, of course won his events and Trevor was thrilled to hear his name called out as Champion. Trevor remained in his seat as the crowd milled about...making their way to their cars. Ryan came out from the back with Chuck to get Trevor.

"Did you make your call?" he asked.

"Sure did," Trevor answered. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks," Ryan blushed slightly.

"I meant to give you this," Chuck said handing Trevor a signed picture of himself and a program signed by each of the competitors.

"Thanks," Trevor replied happily.

Ryan and Chuck made plans for a workout later that week. Ryan called his ride and led Trevor to the car. They talked about nothing in particular as the car made its way to the hotel Ryan was staying in.

"That really was amazing," Trevor said. "You really deserved to win."

Ryan blushed slightly from the compliment. "Thanks," he replied.

"Is it hard to learn?" Trevor asked.

"Yeah," Ryan smiled. "I told my mom I wanted to be a Ninja Turtle when I was about 5 and I have been doing it ever since."

Trevor laughed at the comment, "How many hours do you practice?"

"Usually about three hours a day," Ryan said walking into the hotel lobby.

"That's a lot," Trevor exclaimed. "Does it hurt much?"

A big smile crossed Ryan's cute face, "only when you get hit or if you mess up and fall."

"I should think so," Trevor laughed.

"It's not for fighting though," Ryan said. "It's more for self control and competitions. You should never fight cause you could seriously hurt someone. You should only use it for self-defense."

Trevor nodded his head in agreement.

"I did learn something cool," Ryan smiled.

Trevor watched as Ryan ran across the lobby and up the wall, turning a flip and landing on his feet.

Ryan laughed. "I always loved that move in the movies."

"I could never do that!" Trevor exclaimed obviously impressed with the move.

The clerk at the desk shook his head as Ryan passed.

"Sorry," he said as his face quickly turned red again.

"So you do that in every hotel?" Trevor asked.

"That was the first time," Ryan laughed. "I usually do it in my bedroom."

Ryan opened the door to his room.

"So who are you here with," Trevor asked.

"I'm here by myself this time," Ryan said. "Mom and dad had some business to take care of and I have been to a million of these things so they figured I would be ok. This all goes on dad's card anyway."

Ryan showed Trevor around the room.

"I gotta get a shower, I am real sweaty and kinda uncomfortable," Ryan remarked.

"Ok," Trevor smiled. "I'll just watch some TV until you are done."

Ryan walked into the bathroom and Trevor could hear the shower come on. Trevor glanced into a mirror and noticed that Ryan had left the bathroom door open slightly. From his seat, Trevor could see into the room, but just barely. Trevor got a bit nervous at the thought of seeing Ryan with no clothes on. He could make out Ryan pulling his shirt off. Then he watched as the image in the mirror showed Ryan bend down and pull his pants and underwear off. Trevor could hardly see what was happening. 'If only I were closer to the door.' he thought to himself. He saw the reflection of Ryan climbing into the shower, catching a glimpse of a very muscular butt. He didn't even notice he had stood up and walked toward the door. He looked in as the curtain closed. He could see Ryan's outline on the curtain as he showered. Trevor was getting hard, but he didn't want to do anything to ruin this new friendship but he just couldn't seem to tear himself away from the door. His hand traveled down to his crotch and he began to rub his dick through the fabric. He heard the shower turn off and he forced himself to go back to the chair and watch TV. He could see in the mirror that Ryan had finished and was getting out of the shower, drying himself off. Trevor desperately wanted to see more of this young athlete but he knew if he moved, Ryan would see him in the mirror. It was almost too much to take, that incredibly cute kid in the next room naked with the door open. Thoughts raced through Trevor's mind as he tried to slow down his breathing and get his mind off what had just happened. Ryan wrapped the towel around his waist and walked into the room. Ryan noticed Trevor's nervous face and the fact that it was turning red from the fear he had been caught but didn't think anything of it. He didn't say anything and just pulled some clothes out of his suitcase. He walked behind Trevor so he wouldn't be seen and pulled on his underwear. He pulled on his jeans and sat down beside Trevor to put his socks and shoes on.

"So," Ryan smiled.

"What," Trevor asked nervously.

"Where do you wanna eat," Ryan asked.

"I don't know," Trevor replied, "where do you usually eat after a competition?"

"Don't care,"' Ryan shrugged. "I guess we could walk around and decide whenever we see something that looks good."

"Good idea," Trevor said trying to keep his eyes off the smooth, damp skin on Ryan's back.

Ryan stood up and pulled on a red long sleeved t-shirt and a gray `Role Model' t-shirt over top of that. Not wanting to take time to style his hair, he grabbed his hat and pulled it on. Ryan gathered his things and the boys walked out of the hotel. Ryan called for his driver and they were picked up out front. Trevor quietly glanced at Ryan in the car. Watching his body move slightly to get more comfortable and his chest rise and fall with each breathe. Ryan glanced over and noticed Trevor's glances.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Trevor replied quickly. "It's just that I haven't ever met anyone like you before."

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

"Well, you just look little and stuff," Trevor tried his best to explain, "but you are powerful. I bet you wouldn't have any trouble picking me up and I'm bigger than you are."

"Probably not," Ryan smiled.

It took about five minutes to get to the pier. Trevor couldn't get over how cute Ryan was. Was this what Haley was talking about when he told him he would meet someone. Trevor wanted to know everything there was to know about Ryan. Ryan was having a hard time himself. He had never told another soul about how he felt about other boys. He loved Martial Arts because he loved the way it made him feel when he accomplished a goal he made for himself, but he also enjoyed seeing other boys without shirts, doing the moves he did. He thought Trevor was cute, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it to himself, let alone telling Trevor. That would, his mind determined, not be a good idea. He couldn't think about anything but what he was feeling during the ride. The car turned a corner and Trevor slightly slid across the seat, bumping his leg into Ryan's.

"Watch it now," Ryan laughed. "Don't make me beat you up."

Trevor and Ryan laughed at that and the mood was slightly lightened. The car stopped and the boys thanked the driver. They headed for the small shops and food joints that lined the area. The air was a bit cool outside and Trevor wished that he had brought a jacket along, but he hadn't planned on being out this late.

"So when are you meeting your driver," Ryan asked.

"Whenever I call him," Trevor replied.

"If you want, you can just stay with me tonight," Ryan suggested. "I could use the company. I don't really like staying alone away from home."

"That would be cool," Trevor replied.

"Cool," Ryan smiled.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Trevor asked. "I forgot mine in my bag in the car."

"Sure," Ryan said handing Trevor his phone.

The boys decided to eat. Trevor paid for the meal and the boys decided to take a walk along the beach. The moon was full and there was no one really around. Ryan and Trevor joked and made small talk as they walked along, letting the water splash over their feet as they walked. Ryan looked at Trevor with a hint of mischief in his eye.

"What?" Trevor asked reluctantly just as Ryan grabbed his legs and picked him up.

They toppled over into the soft sand and the warm water of the surf.

"I knew I could," Ryan laughed.

Trevor laughed back

Ryan's face got serious for a moment. The moon was hitting it just right and there was a sparkle in his eye. Trevor just gazed back into the bright eyes of his new friend. Ryan slowly leaned forward without realizing it. His lips touched Trevor's slightly. Frightened by what just happened, he pulled away fast and stood up.

"I'm sorry," he said as he quickly getting to his feet and turned to walk away.

Trevor jumped to his feet and grabbed Ryan's shoulder. Ryan grabbed Trevor's hand and before he knew it, he had tossed Trevor over his shoulder and he was laying on his back again in the sand. Ryan sat down and put his head in his hands, worry washing over his soft complexion.

"I didn't mean to do that," he said quietly. "I'm really sorry."

"It's ok," Trevor replied sitting up and putting his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"I have never done anything like that before," Ryan looked at Trevor, "I don't know why I did it."

"I am really sorry," he kept apologizing.

"Ryan," Trevor said.

Ryan looked up into Trevor's warm face.

"It's ok," Trevor said.

Ryan's slight smile returned, but he was still uncomfortable.

"To tell you the truth," Trevor said deciding to go a step further, "I kinda wanted to do that, but I was too afraid."

Ryan looked puzzled.

"Ryan," Trevor explained, "I am gay and I think you are really cute."

Ryan looked at Trevor a little uncomfortably again. "I don't know..."

"It's ok," Trevor said. "Just because I am gay doesn't mean I am trying to hit on you."

"It's not that," Ryan said.

Trevor looked at Ryan quizzically.

"It's just that," Ryan said quietly. "I have been thinking about that a lot. Not you, I mean about me."

"Do you want to talk about it," Trevor asked.

"I don't really know," Ryan said. "I mean, this is the first time I have really thought about it. Seeing you at the competition made me want to perform harder. I just wanted to get to know you. I know it sounds stupid."

"It's not stupid," Trevor said. "The minute I saw you on that stage, I wanted to meet you. After I met you, I wanted more than anything to get to know you better. How about we go back to the hotel and you can ask me anything you want."

Ryan nodded his head, "Ok."

Ryan reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, "Awe man!"

"What?" Trevor asked.

"I killed it," Ryan said playing with his phone, "It got wet when we fell. I guess we have to walk back to the car."

Trevor smiled, "that's ok. We can talk on the way if you want."

Trevor got to his feet and held his hand out. Ryan took it and pulled himself up. Trevor started brushing the sand off his friend before he thought about it. He pulled back and quickly apologized to Ryan.

"It's ok," Ryan said. "Guess I am going to need another shower."

Trevor laughed and brushed the sand from his own clothes. The boys started back down the beach toward the car.

"How long have you know," Ryan asked reluctantly.

"Gay?" Trevor asked with a smile. "A while...since I can remember. Haley was my first boyfriend and we broke up a couple months ago."

"I'm sorry," Ryan replied still taking in the information that Haley Joel Osment was also gay.

"So you and did stuff together," Ryan said.

"All the time," Trevor replied. "It was fun."

"Can I ask what happened," Ryan said quietly.

Trevor took a deep breathe, "He met someone else, someone special."

"Oh," Ryan replied.

"It's ok," Trevor replied. "I still love him and I always will, but Alex is the person Haley was meant to be with."

"Does it always feel like that," Ryan asked.

"What's that," Trevor asked.

"When I kissed you it felt...well, it felt good," Ryan said shyly.

"Yeah," Trevor said, "it gets better than that if you hold it longer."

Ryan looked at Trevor, "maybe we could do that again when we get back."

"If it's what you want to do," Trevor said, "I don't want to pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do."

"You couldn't pressure me," Ryan smiled. "I'd kick your butt."

Trevor laughed, "I don't doubt that."

Ryan smiled as they got into the car. The driver made small talk with the boys on the short trip back to the hotel. After thanking the driver, Ryan and Trevor walked to the hotel room in an uncomfortable silence. Ryan was scared of what he was feeling and what could happen between him and this new friend. Trevor was not sure how far he was willing to push the younger boy. He wanted to see him naked and maybe start a real relationship with him but he didn't want to push the boy too far and scare him. Aside from his lusts, he genuinely wanted to help Ryan find out who he was and become comfortable with it. Ryan unlocked the door and followed Trevor into the room. Trevor's stuff had been delivered to the room and was stacked on one of the beds. The boys sat in silence for several minutes before Trevor decided to push the subject.

"Ryan, is there something that you would like talk about?"

"I've never done this before," Ryan said hesitantly.

"We haven't done anything," Trevor said.

"I mean, I have never talked about...well, sex," Ryan tried to explain, "especially gay stuff."

"Ryan, how long have you felt like this?"

"Since I was like 11 or 12," Ryan replied, his face turning red. "I always tried to ignore it."

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" Trevor asked.

"Yeah," Ryan answered.

"Did you ever kiss her?" Trevor asked.

Ryan nodded his head.

"How did it make you feel?" "I don't know," Ryan replied. "I didn't really feel anything. I guess I just did it cause it was what I was...expected to do."

"What did you feel when you kissed me?" Trevor asked.

"It was different," Ryan said turning red, "like I really wanted to."

"It's supposed to feel that way," Trevor said. "Do you want to try it again?"

"I don't know," Ryan said turning away from Trevor. "I don't think I want to do that."

"Is there something bothering you about this," Trevor asked putting a hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"Why do I have to be such a freak," Ryan asked turning back towards Trevor.

Trevor could see the tears welling up inside the boy's eyes.

"What!" Trevor said a little harshly. "Why would you think that?"

"People say it all the time," Ryan said.

"What do people say Ryan," Trevor asked.

"Ever since I was little, I have heard people talk about people who are gay," Ryan tried to explain, a couple tears rolling down his soft cheeks. "I hear all the time that it is wrong. It's not normal. I just want to be normal and not be a freak."

Trevor wrapped his arms around Ryan and pulled him into a tender, loving hug and gently caressed his back trying to comfort him. Ryan resisted at first but let Trevor pull him closer. He sighed and lay his head on Trevor's shoulder and quietly cried.

"Does this feel wrong to you?" Trevor asked.

Ryan shook his head, "no, but..."

"But nothing," Trevor said cutting him off, "People are stupid and they always will be. You are a great guy and a very normal person. You play sports and video games. You watch movies and listen to CDs. You are the same as every kid in the world."

Trevor gently kissed Ryan on the cheek before continuing.

"Ryan, there is nothing wrong with you," Trevor said. "I think you are perfect just the way you are. When I first realized I was gay, I didn't have anyone to talk to. I was very depressed for a long time because I had a hard time dealing with it. I don't want that for you. I am here for you and I want to help you through it and accept who you are."

"Thanks," Ryan said.

He looked up into Trevor's eyes, the thoughts from the night rushing through his mind. The same look from when they were at the beach flashed into Ryan's eyes. He slowly leaned forward and gently pushed his lips against Trevor's. Trevor reached up and hugged Ryan tighter, letting Ryan control the situation. His fingers slid up Ryan's tight, husky body and through the hair on the back of his head. Ryan closed his eyes and sighed as he pressed his lips harder against Trevor's. Ryan's mind raced. Trevor pulled him a little bit tighter and Ryan opened his eyes. He got scared and pushed Trevor away with his hands. Trevor watched Ryan get to his feet and walk towards the window. Ryan turned and looked at Trevor.

"I don't think I am ready to do this," he said.

"That's ok," Trevor smiled warmly. "We can just go to bed and then we can talk some more in the morning. That is if you want to."

"Ok," Ryan replied.

Trevor pulled his shirt off and lay down on the bed pulling the blanket over himself. Ryan did the same and lay on the other side. Ryan couldn't get comfortable so he reached under the covers and pulled his pants off, dropping them beside the bed. He rolled on his side and stared out the window. Thinking to himself. He almost didn't feel Trevor roll over and wrap his arm around his waist. Ryan stared out the window trying to sort through his feelings.

`This feels right. Am I ready for this? How can this be wrong? Should I let this go further? This is not normal. Why does this have to be so hard? It can't be wrong, it just can't be.'

Ryan couldn't sleep. There were too many feelings inside him that needed explaining. He laid there looking out into the night until he couldn't keep his eyes open. He fell asleep in early hours of the morning, feeling confused, but warm and safe in Trevor's arms.

Thanks for reading this. Hope that you enjoyed it. You can email me if you want to. My email is Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments. Thanks to those who have emailed me already, it really is appreciated.

Next: Chapter 19: Ryans Realization

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