Trevor and Haley

Published on Mar 6, 2003


Chapter 12A: The Invitation

Disclaimer: You probably have read it before. Don't read this story if you are offended or dislike sexual behavior of any kind between young boys. This story is a work of FCITION, which means it is NOT real. If you don't like this story, so what! I am not writing it for you. I am writing it for me.

Furthermore I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in the stories. All copyrights remain with the original holders. Again -- This is purely a work of FICTION and although I am attracted to the boys mentioned, I know nothing of their sexual orientation. With that said, I hope you enjoy this story.


From Chapter 11: The Talk

"I have a surprise for you," Mr. Osment said, snapping Haley's mind back to reality.

"What?" Haley asked.

"You remember that movie you tried out for?" Mr. Osment asked.

"Second Hand Lions," Haley said.

"That's the one," Mr. Osment smiled. "You go the part."

"That's great," Haley said excitedly. "When does filming start?"

"In three weeks," Mr. Osment said.

"Dad," Haley said.

"Yes son," Mr. Osment replied.

"Do you think I could bring a friend?" Haley asked. "You know, to hang out with while we aren't filming."

"We'll see," Mr. Osment smiled.


Chapter 12A: The Invitation

Alex answered the phone. "Hello."

"Hey buddy," Haley replied.

"It's only been a few hours," Alex laughed. "You miss me that much?"

"I can't live without you," Haley laughed.

" sweet," Alex joked.

"There is a reason for the call," Haley continued.

"And that would be..." Alex said.

"I wanted to tell you that I got the part in `Second Hand Lions' and in three weeks I will be going to Texas for a few months," Haley explained.

"Congratulations," Alex smiled into the phone.

"There is more," Haley said.

"What?" Alex asked.

"Well," Haley paused. "If you want to..."

"If I want to what?" Alex asked again.

"If you want to, you can come with me," Haley said.

"Really," Alex excitedly shouted into the phone.

"Yeah," Haley laughed. "Dad said you could. We will have school and stuff but we would be together."

"I'll have to ask mom," Alex said.

"My dad can," Haley said. "He wants to tell what this would involve concerning your classes and all."

"OK, hold on just a minute," Alex said.

"Mom," he shouted down the stairs, "Phone."

Alex listened as his mom picked up the receiver and talked to Mr. Osment about the trip. He crossed his fingers and hoped his mom would say yes. After about an hour of discussion, Alex's mom told Mr. Osment that she and Alex would discuss it and give them a call back. She hung up the phone.

"Haley, I think it will be a few days before I can give you an answer," Alex said.

"Sure thing buddy," Haley replied. "We leave in three weeks."

"OK," Alex said. "I will call you back.

"Night buddy," Haley whispered into the phone. "I love you."

"Love you too," Alex said as he hung up the phone.

Alex went downstairs to meet his mom. Sitting at the table, she handed Alex a plate. They sat and ate, Alex nervously glancing at his mom.

"Mom," Alex said.

"Yes son," she replied.

"Can I please go?" Alex asked.

"We'll see," she said picking up her plate and taking it to the sink. "Are you sleeping in your fortress tonight?"

"Don't think so," Alex replied.

"OK," his mom said. "I have to finish grading some papers. I'll be in the office if you need me."

"Night mom," Alex smiled. "Love you."

"Love you too son," she smiled back.

Alex walked up to his room. Locking the door, he pulled his pants off. He sat down in his chair and pulled out the CD. He pushed it into his computer and filed through the pictures of him and Haley. He pulled up one from the zoo and made it his wallpaper. Staring at the screen, he realized how much he already missed Haley.

He pulled up the pictures from the first time Haley had visited. He found a picture of himself lying naked on the bed with Haley kissing his chest. He looked at Haley's sweet face. He thumbed through the pictures until he reached the last one. He started over and made the computer turn his folder into a slide show. He watched as the screen flashed with his memories.

He tugged the waist of his underwear down, letting his hard boy cock pop out. He thought of how Haley had made him feel. Spitting on his hand, he wrapped his fingers around the shaft of his rigid penis. He slid his hand up and down, closing his eyes. Imagining that it was Haley's hand, he pumped slowly. His breathing increased and he reached with his other hand to fondle his own balls, rolling them around in his fingers.

His eyes shut tighter. "Oh Haley," he said as his hand slid up to the head of his hard on. His rhythm increased slightly as he got harder. He sighed loudly, letting all his lust flow through his hand. He glanced at the screen, noticing a picture of his penis in Haley's mouth, a small stream of cum running out of the corner of his mouth.

Alex sighed loudly, letting his cream flow onto his fingers and down the back of his hand. He slowly raised his hand to his mouth and licked it clean. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a rag he kept there, cleaning what was left off of himself. He stood up and walked over to his bed.

"Good night buddy," he said as he lay down. Pulling the blanket over his body, he closed his eyes and dreamed about his love.


Thank you for reading my series of stories. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. It is always nice to hear your comments/compliments. You can give me any feedback at Haley Joel Osment, if you are by chance reading this story, I would love to get your feedback. You can send me hate mail if you like. But I hope you liked the story enough to leave positive comments.

Next: Chapter 13: The Flight

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