By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 26, 2004



Disclaimer: Okay, not my usual type of romance - No Marines. In fact, the darker side of human relationships. And, while I claim that there is no truth to the story....well, haven't you ever known somebody like Trevor?

Copyright (c) 2004 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.

TREVOR By RimPig 2004

"Wassup, Dude?!" came the dark, baritone voice over my shoulder.

"Not much, Trevor. How's it going with you." I said without even looking back, just continuing to get my books from my locker for my next class.

"Whatcha doin' Friday night?" Trevor asked.

"Writing a paper for American History." I answered.

"Lame! I've got a better idea! What say you and me catch a movie or somethin'?" Trevor asked.

I turned around and looked at him.

"Sorry. No can do. I need to get an 'A' on this paper or my ass is grass." I said.

"Aww! Come on! You can do it over the weekend." Trevor insisted.

"Nope. I'll be working on it all weekend as it is." I persevered.

"You're just no fun, Cory!" Trevor said, giving me one of his patented "worship me as a God" smiles.

"Sorry. My grades come before fun. I don't have an athletic scholarship or rich parents to get me through college." I said and pushed past him on my way to my next class.

I guess, in some ways, it isn't Trevor's fault that he's drop-dead gorgeous. 6'1", blonde wavy hair, deep blue eyes and the body of a Greek god. But what he is, that is his fault! Trevor was, in one hyphenated word, a 'cock-teaser"!

Ever since we were in middle school together, Trevor had been breaking hearts and he's an 'equal-opportunity' bastard. Didn't matter if it was guys or girls to Trevor. His game was so simple, I just couldn't understand why people ever fell for it! Trevor would first take you in by paying attention to you - making you 'swoon' over the fact that anyone this gorgeous and this popular (Class president, football and wrestling star, etc.) would pay any attention to you. Then, once he had you in his full thrall and you were almost slathering your tongue over his Nike cross trainers, he'd dump you like a drained Slurpee cup and be off to his next victim.

I had the advantage of being the best friend of one of his early victims while still in middle school. This was before he evidently developed an interest in other boys - or, at least, before it was known that he 'took a walk on the wild side' every so often. My best friend Josie was the recipient of one of his little episodes which left her broken-hearted and devastated. It left me so angry I wanted to go an punch Trevor right in his pretty face! The worst part was, Josie was defending him! That's right! After dumping her and making her feel lower than a whale turd in the sea, she stood there begging me not to be angry at Trevor! That's the fucking effect he had on people!

I'd watched him over and over again. Same game, different people each time, but always the same result. He cut a swath through both middle and high school a mile wide filled with his victims! And yet, he never wanted for new ones! Not to mention the fact that he would occasionally re- visit some of his earlier conquests and do it all over again to them! I just couldn't figure out why people couldn't see his little game!

I finally figured that they just didn't want to. They wanted to believe that someone who looked like Trevor, who was a popular as Trevor could be attracted to them. They wanted to believe that this time, it was for real - that Trevor wouldn't do to them what he'd done to everyone else. They were just fooling themselves.

For the last couple of weeks, it seemed that after almost seven years - in the middle of our senior year - Trevor had finally gotten around to me. I'm surprised it took him this long. After all, he has to obviously think that someone like me would be unable to resist his obvious 'charms'. He's everything I'm not. I'm almost as tall as he is, standing about 6 foot but there the similarity. I'm not athletic. Okay, I play tennis and I swim, neither of which are sports that 'count' around here. But for me, they're a way of keeping my body slender and defined. I'm not interested in having the bulging muscles that come from lifting weights like Trevor and his buddies on the Wrestling and Football teams have. I'm also not like Trevor in several other ways.

First of all, I'm not the least bit 'confused' or 'changeable' about what I like. I like boys - period! I'm gay and I know it. I've known it since I was twelve. I came out to my mother when I was a freshman. Couldn't come out to my father, I've never met him. He took off when mom told him she was pregnant, so it's been just me and her all my life. She had a little trouble at first with it. Kept trying to blame herself for not getting re-married and getting me a father. I had to point out to her the number of guys I knew who were gay in spite of having fathers in the home before she finally calmed down and accepted it.

Second, because I'm not some big campus jock, I have to work at keeping my grades up so that I have a decent chance at some kind of scholarship to college. Mom's job as an executive secretary didn't make the kind of money that it took to get into a decent college. Trevor, on the other hand, had to choose between four different colleges, all offering him scholarships. He was playing them off, one against the other, to get the best deal.

So why now, all of a sudden, after all these years, was Trevor trying to play his little game on me. Maybe he's dumb enough to think that I've forgotten what he did to Josie or maybe he figures I'm another of the one's who will be so fucking flattered by his attention that I'll forget what I've seen him do, over and over again for the last 7 years. Fat chance!

For the last two weeks, Trevor has been hanging around me, popping up at various times and has asked me to go out or spend time with him alone on five or six occasions which I have always politely (or semi-politely) refused. I can see, for just a moment, a startled look in his eyes every time I turn him down, quickly covered by his very clever, very artful, boyish smile. But I can tell, he's not used to this kind of resistance and doesn't understand it. I think he thinks that he's "The Borg" and that "Resistance Is Futile!". Well...I've got news for him! Just call me Jean Luc Picard!

It kept up for several weeks. Trevor pursuing me and me blocking or ignoring him at every turn. Now, a normal person would have given up. But not our boy Trevor! Nope! He was just absolutely convinced that nobody was immune to his charm and that I would eventually capitulate.

Whether Trevor arranged it or it was just coincidence (however, I don't believe in coincidences!) Trevor and I shared one class together - American Literature. The teacher, Miss Trumbolt, was a young old-maid, if you get my drift. Probably not very far over 30 but already with that 'old maid' look about her. Plain, evidently lacking any sense of style and given to flights of romantic fantasy. At least the way she went on about certain poets, she seemed to!

Trevor, it should be noted, had her evidently wrapped around his little finger just by batting his long (too long for a boy!) eyelashes at her and giving her a few disingenuous compliments here and there to which she'd actually giggle and flutter her eyelashes at him! He got away with murder in her class!

So I found it supremely suspicious when one Friday afternoon at the end of class, Ms. Trumbolt announced a tandem writing assignment for a biography of an American writer. She not only chose the writer, but also chose the team members - giving us no choice in the matter. And who do you think I got teamed with? You guessed it! A grinning Trevor! And our assignment? Walt Whitman - one of the great American Gay Poets! In the words of the 'Church Lady' from Saturday Night Live - "How convenient!".

"So, dude! Who's house should we work at, your's or mine?" Trevor said, grinning, as we walked out of class.

This sounded suspiciously like the old line, "my place or yours?". I wasn't the least bit fooled by any of this. I knew that Trevor had somehow arranged this thinking that getting me alone would finally allow his considerable charm to work its 'magic' on me and turn me into another one of his adoring victims. I almost laughed in his face, it was so patently obvious but decided to just play along and wait for my opportunity to finally kick him in the balls - figuratively speaking, of course.

"Well, I guess, we might as well make it yours. When do you want to start working on it." I asked, giving him more rope to hang himself with.

"Well, I figure we'd better start tonight seeing how it's due on Monday." Trevor said.

"Okay. I'll come over after dinner." I said.

"I've got a better idea. Why don't you come home with me after school and we can have dinner at my house." Trevor said, a little too eagerly.

"Well...I'd have to call my mom at work. Otherwise she'd worry about me not being home when she got there..." I hesitated.

"That's cool! Here, use my cell!" he said, loosening it from the belt clip on his waist and handing me the little instrument.

I called my mom and informed her of my working at Trevor's house on the assignment. Mom was tied up with something and really only half heard what I was saying. She simply said, "Uh-huh. Okay. I'll see you later, sweety." and then hung up. Trevor looked at me expectantly.

"It's cool." I said.

He grinned from ear to ear. Little did this boy know that while he was planning what he thought was his final seduction of me, I was planning his 'Waterloo'!

Leaving school that afternoon, I met Trevor in the student parking lot. Even though graduation was a few months away, Trevor was already driving his present - a new BMW Z-4 roadster. It was black with tan leather interior and was just the kind of car that would make Trevor the Big Man On Campus at whatever college or university he finally decided to grace with his athletic prowess. I'm sure he expected me to be impressed with the car but I honestly wasn't. After all, he didn't earn it, he didn't buy it. His parents had money. So what? It didn't make him any less of a shit!

We drove to Trevor's house, or should I say 'sped' there. I wondered how many speeding tickets that Trevor had managed to amass so far. I also wondered if we were going to make it there in one piece. When we got there, I noticed that there were no other cars in the driveway.

"Where are your parents?" I asked.

"Oh, Dad's working. Mom's probably out doing some volunteer stuff. She likes to do that. We'll see them at dinner." Trevor said, almost like we'd be staying in a different house or something. I had no idea how close to the truth I was!

The house was built like a large spread out "U" with the center section being two stories and the two wings on each side being one story. Trevor led me into the house and then into the wing to the right. It turned out to be 'his' wing of the house. Trevor didn't have a 'room'. He had a suite of rooms. First there was a gym, with more workout equipment than I'd ever seen - including school! This led into what was a 'spa' - a huge bathroom that contained a giant shower that I'm sure 4 or 5 guys could shower in, a sauna and a steam room as well as a built in whirlpool - built right into the floor of the room. It could hold at least five or six in it! Then there was a long corridor which was lined with closets holding Trevor's clothes which led to a 'study' which contained a huge desk with a computer system, couches and a huge giant screen TV and sound system. Through another door, I could see a bedroom dominated by a king-sized bed.

"This is all yours? Just for you?" I asked.

"Yeah. Mom and Dad have their suite on the upper floor. That way, any noise I make doesn't disturb them." Trevor said.

"Fuck! Why the fuck do you want to go away to college?! You'd leave this for a dorm room?" I asked.

"Well...not actually. Ya see, wherever I go, I won't be rooming in the dorms. I'll have my own apartment off campus." Trevor said.

"Oh." was all I could muster by way of answer.

"Ya want something to drink?" Trevor asked, walking over to what I thought was just a part of the wood paneling of the wall and turned out to be the door to a refrigerator.

"Uhh...yeah. I'll take a Coke if you have it." I said.

"Sure, Cory! Anything for you. I got beer if you want one." he smiled.

"No, thanks. I want a clear head to work on this assignment." I said.

What I didn't say was that the last thing in the world I was going to allow was anything that made me less that completely in control around Trevor. I could just see him plying me with beer until he was able to seduce me. That just wasn't going to happen!

"Well, we don't have to do that right now." he said, handing me a Coke and getting a beer for himself.

"Yes, we do, Trevor. That's why I'm here. We're going to work on this assignment, finish it and then I'm going home. Nothing else." I stated firmly.

"Ahh, come on, Cory. Loosen up! We could have some fun." he said, his smile seductive.

"Look, Trevor, whatever you think is going to happen here is just not going to happen. We either are going to work on this paper or I'm going home." I stated.

"Yeah? And then what will happen to your grade?" Trevor smirked.

"I'll write the paper myself. I don't need your help to do that. But then you can just explain to Miss Trumboldt why your name isn't on it on Monday." I said and headed for the front door of the house, back the way we had come through Trevor's 'suite'. He caught up to me as I reached his 'gym', grabbing hold of my arm and spinning me around.

"What the fuck is the matter with you?!" he practically screamed at me. "Why are you acting this way? I've done nothing but try to be nice to you and you act like I'm pond scum!"

I looked at him without smiling and answered quietly. "You are Trevor. You are pond scum."

He looked at me in shock and his face got red.

"What the fuck do you mean?!" his voice low and menacing.

"Do you remember Josie Bledsoe?" I asked quietly, ignoring his tone.

"Who the fuck is that?!" he spat out.

"Who the fuck is that? That is one of my best friends. A girl that you took a lot of interest in a few years ago and then dropped like she was a pair of used socks." I said.

"Wait a minute! You mean in middle school!" he practically screamed.

"Yeah. In middle school." I said.

"You hate me because of something that happened six or seven years ago?!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, that's just the start, Trevor! I could name at least thirty other people - boys and girls - that you did the exact same thing to in the last seven years! That's your game. You get people to worship you, to fall in love with you and then you dump them and go on to the next victim. You're nothing but a user, Trevor - an emotional vampire! You suck the feelings out of somebody and then toss them away like so much garbage!" I was practically screaming myself by that point.

As I spoke his eyes got wider and wider until he stood there, his face having gone pale as a ghost, without saying a word. It thought he'd scream back. I thought that maybe he'd take a swing at me...something! But, no. He just stood there. Finally, I saw the one thing that I would have never thought of - never guessed in a million years! I saw tears start to pour from his blue eyes!

As soon as they did, he turned and walked back towards his bedroom. I stood there for a moment, relishing my 'triumph', which just at the moment didn't seem so triumphal. Trevor? Crying? I'd made Trevor cry? Something just wasn't right with this and I had to find out what it was. Now it was my turn to race after him. I caught up to him just as he was entering his bedroom. I touched he arm and he turned to look at me. There were still tears streaming down his face.

"Go away, Cory. Get the fuck out of here." he said quietly.

"Look...Trevor...I didn't mean...well..yeah, I did...but I didn't realize.." I sputtered.

I felt like I should apologize but I still couldn't figure out why?! After all, if I'd hurt Trevor, in my mind it was nothing more than he deserved for all the hurt he'd caused. Of course, he'd never hurt me but that hadn't seemed to matter...until now.

"What? You didn't realize what? That I had feelings? That I could be hurt, too? What, Cory? I'm a 'vampire', huh?! Well, get out of here before I bite your fucking neck and suck you!" he said.

I looked at him and the sexual connotation of what he'd just said hit me. I knew I shouldn't do it, but I couldn't help myself! The absurdness of it hit me and the more I tried to suppress my laughter, the harder it tried to bubble up from down inside me to the point that I was coughing from trying to repress it.

"What? What the fuck is the matter with you?!" Trevor said, his face red and angry again.

"''ll suck me?!" I sputtered and then broke out into a full, barking laugh.

Trevor stood there just looking at me like I'd lost my mind for a few moments and then it must have hit him what he'd said. His shoulders started to shake and then suddenly he was laughing as well. We stood there laughing at each other for a while and then we both started to quiet down. As we did, I heard Trevor's voice, low and quiet.

"Yeah, Cory. I would have. I would have gladly." he said, turning away from me. "But now I think it would be best if you'd just leave."

"No, Trevor! No way! I want to know what the fuck is going on here! I want to know why you are the way you are! I want to know how the fuck I made you cry! Most of all, I want to know why I feel like I should apologize to you when you've been nothing but a shit to other people for as long as I've known you!" I was back to practically screaming.

"No, Cory. You really don't want to know. Trust me." Trevor said, sitting down on his bed, resting his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands.

"Yes, Trevor, I do want to know." I said. "I want to know the truth."

Cory looked up at me for a moment, his face full of irony.

"You can't handle the truth!" he said, mimicking Jack Nicholson in "A Few Good Men".

I caught the imitation and the reference and smiled.

"Yes, I can, Trevor. Tell me the truth." I said quietly.

"Why should I? Why should I tell you? So you can blab it all over school and make my life hell?" he asked.

"I would never do something like that, Trevor! You've known me long enough to know better than that!" I said.

"Yeah? I thought I knew you better than to come in here calling me all kinds of names trying to hurt me! But that didn't seem to be the case!" he raged at me.

"Look, I won't apologize for what I said until you tell me why I shouldn't feel the way I do about you! I'm not interested in making your life hell and I don't listen to or spread gossip! Whatever you tell me stays between you and me. Period." I said.

"Promise?" he asked, quietly, apparently mollified for the moment.

"Promise. Scout's Honor." I said, holding up three fingers.

"Were you ever a Scout?" he asked, his one eyebrow raised in question.

"Yeah. I was. For about six months. It all seemed so stupid." I said.

"Yeah. I thought is was a bunch of crap too! But my parents made me stick it out for a full year!" Trevor said. "If they ever found out what happened, they'd be fucking sorry for that decision."

All of a sudden, I got the feeling that there was something tied up with what Trevor was avoiding telling me and the Boy Scouts. I wasn't quite sure what.

"Tell me what happened, Trevor. Please?" I asked again.

He walked over and sat down on the bed. He motioned for me to join him so I sat next to him.

"Do you remember Curtis Lamping?" he asked.

The name sounded familiar but it took a few minutes for it to rise to the surface of my memory.

"Football player? He was a senior when we were freshmen, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's him. He was one of the quarterbacks of the team. Not a starter but good." he said.

"Okay, what about him?" I asked.

"I met him when I was 11. He was 15. He was in my scout troop. I didn't know him but he was one really good looking guy. I already had some idea that I was attracted to guys but never had done anything with anybody at that point. Anyway, he paid attention to me. I was so flattered that a guy his age didn't just see me as a little kid and a pest. I guess I fell in love with him - or at least had my first major crush on him." Trevor said.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"He played me along. Let me spend time with him. Then, one afternoon, when his parents weren't home, he started touching me and he let me touch him. Just kids stuff, at first, you know. Showing me his hard cock and making me show him mine. Then he made me suck on his cock. I didn't want to at first but he insisted. He forced my mouth down on it. After a while, I got to like it. That's what he counted on." Trevor said.

"He raped you!" I said, angry all of a sudden at what had been done to him.

"Not that time. That came a few days later. We were in his room again. He was having me suck his cock and he started playing with my butt. I didn't like it and told him to stop but he didn't. He kept doing it. I quit sucking his cock and he pulled me down on the bed and forced his hard cock up my ass! I screamed and screamed but he wouldn't stop! He kept fucking me until he came in my butt and then pulled his cock out of my ass. It had blood on it and I hurt, really bad. He warned me if I told anybody, he'd spread it all over school that I'd sucked him off and begged him to fuck me. I knew what would happen if he did that. You do, too." he said quietly.

"Yeah. You would have been totally labeled! Nobody would have had anything to do with you." I said.

"The thing of it was, even though he hurt me, I wouldn't have told! I loved the asshole! I loved him!" Trevor practically screamed out, tears now running down his face again.

"Trevor...did you ever tell anyone?" I asked.

He looked at me and, besides the tears, I could see fear in his eyes.

"No. Never." he whispered.

"I'm the first person you've told?" I asked, my voice filled with awe.

"Yeah. I wouldn't have told you except for what you said about me being a vampire. I guess I've turned into him. I never realized it." he said, hanging his head.

"What happened afterwards?" I asked quietly.

Without looking up, he answered.

"After that, every time we met, he made me suck his cock and he'd fuck me. After a while, I got used to it. I guess, in some weird way, I even started to like it. After a few months, however, he seemed to grow tired of me. One day, he just told me that he'd found another boy who was better than me and he didn't want to see me again. I didn't know what to do! I loved the son of a bitch! But he wouldn't have anything to do with me anymore. I wanted to tell somebody, but who could I tell? Besides, he could still spread rumors about me at school. So I just held it all in. Except for at night. I cried myself to sleep every night for months. Nobody ever knew." he said quietly.

"Trevor, I'm so sorry. I don't know what to say. But why do you do what you do to other people? After the way he hurt you, why do that to someone else?" I asked.

"But I don't! I don't rape anyone! I don't usually even have sex with them! It's just that when I start feeling anything for them, I get scared! I figure they're going to hurt me so I get away from them before they can!" he cried, and then buried his face in his hands.

I could see his shoulders shaking and I knew he was crying. Silently. I didn't know what to do, so I did the only thing I could think of - I leaned over and put my arm around him. He looked up at me, almost like he didn't know me or realize that I was there. Then he wrapped his arms round me and buried his face in my shoulder, crying. I wrapped both my arms around him and held him. I didn't know what else to do.

He clung to me, crying for what seemed like a very long time. I just held him and let him cry it out. The whole time, I kept thinking to myself how much I must have hurt him with what I'd said, but I had no way of knowing what I had touched inside of him. No way of knowing what he'd been through - was evidently still going through. I also hated myself because, even with what was happening, with what Trevor was going through, crying in my arms, I still noticed his 'scent'. It was stimulating and before you knew it, I had a hardon. I felt like a real shit sitting there with Trevor in my arms crying while his scent was driving me crazy with lust for him!

But then again, maybe it was more than just lust. Could I really sit there, knowing what this poor kid had been through and not have deeper feelings than lust for him? Not and consider myself any kind of worthwhile human being! That, I think, really scared me! The idea that I could - did - have deeper feelings for Trevor! I'd always heard that love and hate are two sides of the same coin. I guess I was rapidly getting a lesson in the truth of that statement.

After a while, Trevor calmed down. He pulled out of my arms and got up off the bed. He walked over to a window without saying a word. He just stood there looking out the window. I sat on the bed watching him. Wondering what he was thinking. Wondering what was going on in his mind.

"I guess you can go now, if you want to." he said, finally.

"Who says I want to?" I asked.

He turned his head to look at me, his stare going right through me, like he could rip away the skin and bare my soul to his sight.

"So what do you want?" he asked.

"Your forgiveness and a chance to start over." I said, looking him right straight in the eyes.

"Why? What makes you think there's any chance for anything between us?" he asked.

"Because you believe it." I said simply.

He looked at me in shock.

"Why do you think that?!" he exclaimed.

"I don't 'think' it. I know it. You wouldn't have told me everything if you didn't believe that there was a chance for us. You would have let me walk out and kept your secret safe. You trusted me with it because you wanted to see what I would do. Would I run or would I stay? Well, Trevor, I'm staying. Now! What are you going to do? Are you going to run again? Are you going to fall in love with me and then throw me out of your life?" I asked.

He slowly hung his head.

"No. I can't run anymore. I can't stand being all alone. I need someone. I need you, Cory." he said quietly, still standing by the window.

I stood up from the bed.

"So if you need me, what the fuck are you doing over there?" I asked as quietly.

He looked up and saw me standing by the bed. I put out my arms part-way and it only took him a moment to fly into them. We held each other so hard and then, almost as if in a dream, our mouths found each other's and we kissed passionately, tasting each other, sucking on each other's tongue. The taste of him, the feel of him in my arms, the scent of him were overwhelming me! This was like a dream but one I never had. I never, ever dreamed that I would be standing here with Trevor in my arms, kissing him and feeling what I was feeling!

What was I feeling? I don't know if it was love. I'd never been in love before. If it wasn't, it sure felt like it. Oh, I was as hard as a rock but there was this ache, deep down inside my gut at the same time. Not the same kind of ache that you get when your horny. More the kind of ache that you get when you see a beautiful sunset but more intense. I knew what I was feeling was powerful because my mind was almost completely blank of anything else. I doubt I would have remembered my own name until I heard it uttered breathlessly.

"Cory! Oh, fuck! Cory!" I heard the breathless groan and realized it was Trevor.

The kiss had ended and our faces were pressed together, cheek to cheek as our bodies rubbed against each other. I knew what I wanted. I wanted our clothes to disappear. I wanted to be naked with him. I wanted to feel his naked body rubbing against mine. I wanted us to explore each other with hands, lips, tongues and teeth!

Finally I pulled back and just looked at him. God! He was beautiful! I realized that I had been enthralled with him from the first moment I set eyes on him in middle school. The years had only made him more beautiful. Suddenly, however, none of this made sense. Why me? Trevor could have had anybody practically! Why me? Was it only because I was the only one who ever resisted him? I guess he could feel the change in me because he pulled back, looking at me, his eyes wary.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Why me?" was all I said.

He looked at me funny, like why was I asking such a question.

"Why not?" he said, almost flippantly.

"Why me?" I said slowly and forcefully.

Again, his eyes were wary. It was if he didn't know how to answer or was afraid of what I would do when he did.

"Because...I wanted you." he finally said.

"But why now? Why wait this long? You've known I existed since middle school. Why after all this time?" I insisted.

"That's exactly why...all this time! I'd hoped you'd forgotten about what happened between me and Josie. I'd hoped that...well...that it would be different with you." he said.

"Different? How?" I asked.

"You weren't like anybody else. You didn't follow me around. You didn't 'worship' me like so many of the others did. If anything you were cold to me." he said.

"Oh! So I was a challenge to your ego! Is that it?" I asked, getting angry.

"No! That wasn't it! There's so much you don't know. I don't know where to start." he said.

"Why don't you try at the beginning." I said.

"You already know the beginning." he said quietly.

"Okay, after that." I said, pulling back and crossing my arms over my chest. Talk about 'body language'! "Why don't you start with Josie."

"Josie was a really sweet girl. But that was just the problem. I was trying to make myself like girls. Trying to make myself not want boys. I didn't want to be 'queer'. I didn't want to be what Curtis made me - a cocksucker." he said.

"So you used Josie as cover?" I asked.

"No, not exactly. I did use her - I didn't know that at the time! Honest! I didn't! She was so nice, I figured that if I could get together anything with a girl, it would be her. But it didn't work. I liked her as a friend but she didn't want a friend. She wanted a boy friend and I couldn't be that for her. What you never knew - what nobody ever knew - was that she dumped me, not the other way around. To save my rep, she let me say that I dumped her." he said.

So THAT was why Josie wouldn't let me get revenge on Trevor all those years ago and why she felt sorry for him!

"And afterwards?" I asked.

"After, it was different. Guy, girls - they all started coming after me. I was popular. What they wanted was this!" he said, indicating his body with his hands. "They weren't interested in me! They didn't care what I was feeling inside! They were just like Curtis! All they wanted was what they wanted of me - not me! Does that make sense?" he exclaimed.

"Yeah...I guess it does. I guess that's why I didn't want you." I said.

He looked at me quizzically.

"That's all I figured you were - a pretty face, a gorgeous body and nothing else. I figured you for a selfish little bastard who just used people. I guess I never looked at people just using you." I said sheepishly.

"I wanted you since middle school." he said quietly.

I looked at him in shock!

"Me?! That long?! Why?" I asked.

"Because you were different. Because you didn't fall all over me like so many of them did. And because you're incredibly beautiful." he smiled.

"You're full of shit, you know that!" I laughed.

"No. You are. You don't know it either, do you?" he smiled.

"I am NOT beautiful!" I said forcefully.

"To me you are." he said quietly, looking at me in a way that nobody had ever looked at me before - part hunger, part...well...I guess the only word to describe it was 'love'.

"So I still want to know...why'd you wait so long?" I asked again.

"Scared." was all he said.

"Scared? Of what?" I asked.

"Just what happened. You hating me. You rejecting me." he said simply.

"Something got you over the fear evidently." I said.

"No, not really. It's just that I didn't want the school year to end, both of us go our separate ways and never know." he said.

"So now what?" I asked.

"That's up to you. You know how I feel. You know what I want. What about you?" he asked.

I froze. What about me? What did I want? I looked at him. God! He was beautiful! But more than that, I could see a certain vulnerability in him I'd never seen before. Had it always been there and I'd just ignored it or was it because I now knew the whole story behind what had happened to him? I also knew that there was something going on inside of me. I knew I was feeling something - something I'd never felt before. Certainly something I'd never felt about somebody before.

"I don't know, Trevor. I really don't. I started out today hating you and now I don't. I feel something for you, but I don't know exactly what it is." I said honestly.

"It's not pity is it? I couldn't stand that!" he said.

I reached over and took his hand and placed it on my jeans where my hard cock was tenting them out.

"Pity doesn't do that to you." I said.

Trevor squeezed my hardon and I groaned. He grinned at me.

"Call your mom. Stay the night with me! Please!" he begged.

" would give us more time to write the paper." I hesitated.

"Uhh...we don't have to." he said.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because it's already written. I wrote it two weeks ago." he grinned.

I looked at him in shock!

"So, let me get this straight! You basically got me over hear on completely false pretenses?" I asked.

He moved closer to me again and put his arms around me.

"Totally false." he grinned.

"This is all an attempt to seduce me?" I asked, more quietly.

"Absolutely." he still grinned.

"You want my body that bad?" I asked.

"No." he said.

"No?!" I exclaimed.

"No." he said firmly. "I want YOU. All of you. Not just your body. I could have practically anybody's body. It wouldn't be as nice a body as yours but it would do. No. I want you. Nobody else."

"And what would you have done if I didn't go along with this?" I asked.

"Given up. I'm not going to force you. I don't do that. I want you to love me, Cory. You can't force that." he said.

I put my arms around him.

"Okay. Seeing how we both seem to want the same thing and we both have as much to lose by not seeing this through, I guess the only logical thing is to spend the night and see how it goes." I grinned at him.

"Totally logical. Rational even!" He grinned.

"I'm glad to see you agree." I said, pressing my hard cock against his equally hard one.

"There just seems to be one problem." Trevor said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"We have way too many clothes on!" he said, grinning at me.

We let go of each other and were naked faster than I can ever remember getting out of my clothes in my life! Once naked, we stood there, staring at each other. I had seen Trevor nearly naked several times but never naked. His body was everything I imagined it to be. What I hadn't imagined was his cock! I had felt it against me and knew it was big - but not THAT BIG!

" big are you?!" I gasped.

"Last time I measured it, I was ten inches." he said.

"Fuck! And so thick!" I said reaching out.

I could barely get my hand all the way around it! It was the most incredible cock I'd ever seen! I also noticed one other difference to my eight inches that were not nearly so thick. He was uncut. His foreskin still covered the head of his cock and he was hard!

"Now you know why I don't have sex often." he said quietly. "Most people are afraid of it."

"No shit!" I laughed.

"Nobody will let me fuck them. They say it's too big, that it would kill them. Hell, even Becky Carstairs, the school whore, turned me down!" Trevor said.

"Well...I have to confess, it would give anybody pause but..umm...I've got a little secret of my own." I said, looking at him.

"What's that?" he asked.

"I'll tell you later!" I said, grabbing him and kissing him passionately.

We ended up on his king-sized bed, rolling around, kissing and sucking on every part of each other's body that we could reach. At one point, Trevor had me on my back and had my hands over my head. He leaned down and ran his nose through my armpit.

"Mmm! You smell really good!" he groaned.

I hadn't taken a shower since that morning so I knew that my own scent was strong.

"You like my scent?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said, seeming ashamed.

"I love yours, too." I smiled.

"You do?!" he asked.

"When I was holding you, your scent was making me hard!" I said.

"Cool!" He smiled. "I didn't know if you'd think I was a 'perv'."

"If you're a perv, then so am I!" I grinned.

He licked through my pits, driving me crazy and then moved down my body until he nose was buried in my crotch. I could hear him snorting up my scent and licking through my sparse, dark pubic hair. Then he moved down until he was laying on his stomach with his face pressed into my balls. I heard him taking deep breaths there, too.

"Fuck! I love the smell of you balls, Cory!" I heard him groan.

I had to suppress a giggle at that! Not exactly what you would call romantic, but it would do! It surely would do! I didn't have much time to think about it, however, because Trevor began to lick and chew at my ball-sack and I about lost it! The feelings were indescribable!

Now, I was not virgin. I'd had sex before but never with someone that I really cared about. Not that I was a 'slut' or anything but mostly it had been with guys that I had been only physically attracted to and, none of them had shown even the least bit of interest in doing anything except mutual jack-off or maybe sucking each other's cocks. Never had any of them gotten into the sensual activity of licking each other's bodies or enjoying each other's masculine scent like Trevor was! I was eagerly anticipating the chance to have a turn at his body!

I thought that Trevor might well move from my balls to my cock but he shocked me by moving the other direction! He began licking the back of my ball-sack and then moved down to where he was licking that patch of skin between my balls and my ass-crack. I figured that was a far as he would go. Boy! Was I wrong!

"Pull your legs back and hold them." Trevor said, looking up at me from between my legs.

Even as I did as he requested, my mind still couldn't register what was about to happen! What Trevor was about to do to me was something I had heard of on the web but had never seen pictures of. To be honest, while the idea of doing it kind of thrilled me - I believe up until that day that nobody 'really' did 'that'! Well! Trevor taught me otherwise! Evidently somebody - at least him - DID do that! And, from the way it turned out, did it REALLY good!

At first, it seemed that nothing was happening. I could feel something brushing against the sparse hairs in my ass-crack but I was too busy worrying about what my ass looked like and what it possibly smelled like to realize what was about to happen. Sure, I heard the deep breaths that Trevor was taking and I even heard the low 'mmm!' that he uttered but I was too wrapped up in my own concerns to realize that those noises were his enjoyment of exactly what I was worried about!

Then it happened! I felt something wet and slightly rough slither through my ass-trench! At first, my mind couldn't quite register what had happened, the feelings of pleasure were so intense! All I could do was groan and my mind went into some kind of 'vapor lock'! The second time was when I really reacted! I pulled my head up and looked down between my legs to where I could see the top of Trevor's head.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

His grinning face came out of my cleft, his tongue hanging out like a dog!

"Lickin' your ass! Don't it feel great?!" he grinned.

"'re...licking my ass?!" I exclaimed. "Trevor - that's gross!"

Have I mentioned that one problem I tend to have is that my mouth starts talking before my brain tells it to sometimes?

"No, it's not!" Trevor protested. "You're not dirty or anything! Just a little musky. I love the smell of your butt - and the taste! Besides, didn't you like it?"

He sounded a little disappointed at that last.

"NO! Trevor! I LOVED IT! It's just...that...well...I didn't know that anybody really did that!" I admitted.

"Sure! Guys do it! Well...not a lot of them...not that I'd know about that anyway." he said.

"What do you mean? You have sex all the time! You've had I don't know how many guys - and girls!" I said.

He looked away from me.

"No. I haven't." he said.

"You haven't?" I asked, letting my legs down and sitting up.

"No." he said quietly, still not looking at me.

"Trevor, please - sit up and talk to me." I asked quietly.

He got up so that we were sitting cross-legged across from each other but he still wasn't looking at me, just down at the bed.

"What do you mean you 'haven't'?" I asked.

"I haven't." he insisted. "I haven't had sex with that many people."

"How many?" I asked.

"Counting you?" he asked.

"Okay. Counting me." I said.

"Three." he said.

"THREE?! You've only had sex with three people!?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. And that counts Curtis, too." he said.

"So other than me, you've had a total of one other sex partner other than the guy that raped you!?" I asked.

"Yeah." he said.

"But, Trevor! I've seen you date people. You weren't having sex with them?" I just was having a very hard time believing this.

"No. Most of them were grateful, too. Especially once they got a look at the size of my cock." he said.

"Didn't you want to?" I asked.

"To be" he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I was too scared. We already talked about this. I was scared if I started having sex with them, then I'd start caring about them and I'd end up getting hurt. The only person other than Curtis was a girl - and I'm not saying who." he said.

"I wasn't going to ask." I assured him.

"I tried it with her to see if I could get it up with a girl or not. I finally got it up, thinking about this certain guy but I was too big for her and it didn't work. We never tried again." he said.

Something hit me about what he'd said.

"Trevor...who was the 'certain guy' you had to think about to get hard?" I asked.

He looked up at me, stark terror written on his face.

"It was me, wasn't it!?" I exclaimed.

He looked panic stricken for a few moments but I guess he saw the grin on my face and calmed down.

"If you must know - yes! It was you." he finally said.

"Oh, Trevor! That is so nice! Thank you!" I said.

He finally smiled at me, kind of a half smile.

"'re welcome...I guess." he said.

"So how'd you know about know..." I faltered.

I didn't know what it was called and I wasn't about to keep using the term 'licking my butt'!

"Oh! You mean 'rimming'." he said.

"That's what it's called?" I asked.

"Yeah. I first learned about it online." he said.

"Well, I'd heard about it online but never saw it. How'd you learn about it?" I asked.

"Uhhh...I saw it in a bunch of gay DVD's." he said.

"You have gay DVD's?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah. My parents gave me my own credit card so I order them all the time. Got a bunch from TitanMen and Falcon and a couple from Hot House." he said.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Porno production companies." he said.

"They sell to you? But you're only 17?!" I said.

"I've got a credit card. They don't give a fuck. You just send them a statement that you're over 18 and they don't check." he said grinning.

"Damn! Can we see some?" I asked.

He looked a little disappointed at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well...I'd rather kind of...make one...than watch one." he said.

Then it hit me! We were in the middle of having sex for the first time and here I was asking to see a porn film! See what I mean about my mouth and brain!

"No! Trevor! I didn't mean that! I'd much rather have sex with you - I meant later!" I said, quickly trying to cover up my verbal gaff!

"Oh, okay! Yeah! We can watch some later. Maybe get us up for 'Round Two'!" he grinned.

"Nah! I don't think we're gonna need any help until at least 'Round Four'!" I said, leaning over and kissing him.

I'd forgotten where his mouth had been so when I kissed him, I got some of the taste and smell of my butt. I loved it! Got me very hot and my cock, which had gone soft, boned right back up again!

"Ya wanna...?" Trevor said, looking at me and then down to the bed.

"Fuck, yes! I 'wanna'!" I said, laying back down, grabbing my legs and pulling them back again.

Trevor got down between them and started licking my butt again. Even knowing what was coming didn't prepare me for the feelings! I shivered and chills went up and down my spine as he licked deeper and deeper into my crevice, his tongue finally touching my puckered anal opening, making my cock leak pre-cum onto my smooth abs.

What Trevor didn't know was, that even though 'technically' I'd never been fucked by another guy, my butt was no stranger to being entered. I'd discovered the erotic joys of my ass almost as soon as I'd discovered masturbation when I was eight. It was must a few weeks or months later that I was starting to finger my hole and then had moved on to a number of objects which achieved deeper and thicker penetration of my hole than my fingers could. From hair-brush handles to candles to finally raiding my mother's hydrator in the refrigerator and finding that ultimate butt-slut's friend - the cucumber! In fact, over the last year, I had worked my way up to being easily able to take cucumbers of about Trevor's dimensions without any pain or difficulty.

If Trevor noticed how easily my butt opened to his tongue, he never said anything. He began to lick and press at my hole and my rosebud just opened right up for him. Soon I could feel his thick, wet tongue sliding deep inside my ass and tongue fucking me until I thought I would lose my mind! I wanted that thick, long cock of his in me so bad!

"Trevor! Fuck me! Please! For God's sake! Fuck me!" I groaned as he tongue-fucked my hungry hole.

He quickly pulled his face out of my ass and looked up from between my legs.

"You're kidding right?" he asked, his tongue still kind of hanging out and a look of shock on his face.

"Yes, Trevor, of course I'm kidding! I beg guys to shove their cocks up my ass all the time! NO! I'M NOT FUCKING KIDDING! FUCK ME!" I practically screamed at him.

"But...uhh...I don't want to hurt you!" he begged.

"Trevor, you won't hurt me. I promise! Don't worry. I can take you." I assured him.

He got this look on his face like 'what the fuck is going on here?'...

"Ahh...I thought you said you were a virgin?!" he asked suspiciously.

"Well...I am...technically." I fumbled.

"What do you mean... 'technically'?" he asked.

"I've never been fucked by a guy, okay?" I grumped.

What did I have to do - paint this guy pictures?!

"So what have you been fucked by?" he asked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Trevor. I've used some...well...some objects...some substitutes, you might say." I informed him.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Well, if you must know...among other things...cucumbers. Some of them as big or bigger than you are." I said.

He grinned at this.

"Really? Hey! I've used cucumbers, too!" he laughed.

"You big shit!" I screamed, throwing one of the pillows off his bed at him!

He ducked and the pillow went flying onto the floor behind him. He pounced on me, laying his full body between my legs and holding me down with the trunk of his body while his hands grabbed my arms in their strong grip and held them down on the bed. His face was over mine, still grinning and then he lowered it until we were kissing passionately. My legs just kind of naturally wrapped themselves around his hips and I could feel his cock pressing against my hole wetting me with copious amounts of what must have been his pre-cum because I could feel the wetness along with the spit that he'd already wet my ass with while he was eating my hole. As we continued to kiss, I felt him begin to push in, putting pressure on my sphincter to open and allow his cock to penetrate into my inner ass. I pushed out on my ass muscles, getting them to relax as much as possible as I felt my resistant opening giving way, little by little until his cockhead just kind of 'popped' into my hole.

There was no pain, just a momentary feeling of stretching and then fullness as his cock slowly began to slide into my butt. For someone with no experience, Trevor was a very gentle lover, taking his time rather than ramming his cock deep inside of me. I suppose his own experience with this had taught him something about what NOT to do. Before I knew it, we were both groaning into each other's mouths as his cock bottomed out in me, his pubic hairs crushed to my tender opening and his cock completely buried inside me. He just stayed there, letting me get used to the size of him. It was a moment, indeed, to be savored! The first time that another male had entered me, the first time that Trevor had entered me - it was something I would always remember. Trevor told me later that he felt the same way. It was the first time his cock had ever fully entered the body of another person!

Finally, I pulled my mouth from his and looked up into his shiny blue eyes.

"Fuck me, Trevor! Please!" I murmured.

He smiled down at me and began to slowly fuck me. He was so careful, so gentle. Obviously, he was still afraid of hurting me as he'd been hurt by Curtis the first time. After a while, though, I could tell he was having difficulty holding back and, frankly, I didn't need or want him to!

"Let go, Trevor! Fuck me! Fuck me fast and hard! Go ahead! You can't hurt me! Promise!" I swore to him.

I don't think he quite believed me at first but he did speed up. Once he did, it was like he couldn't stop! Soon he was slamming that huge cock of his harder and faster up my chute! I was loving every moment of it - groaning and crying out in ecstasy as he rammed his thick fuck-stick deeper and harder into my ass!

Then, something began to happen inside of me. Something I neither thought of or suspected. I suddenly realized that, without Trevor touching me - or me touching me - I was going to start shooting cum any moment! Trevor was about to literally fuck the cum right out of me with nothing but his cock fucking my butt! I only had time to realize this when I could feel the 'burn' deep in my balls and my groin muscles begin to clench as they prepared to begin shooting salvos of my hot boy-cum!

"I'M GONNA CUM!!!" I screamed as Trevor continued to pound my hole.

My cum began to coat my face, throat, chest and abs - along with Trevor's chest and abs as well. It felt like I was never going to stop cumming! My mouth opened and an uncontrolled scream came forth which, I'm sure would have probably upset Trevor but he was too busy at the moment! My orgasm had triggered his and he was groaning and pounding my ass, shooting what felt like gallons of his white cum deep inside me until I could feel it shooting out around his cock and running down between my ass cheeks and making a puddle on his bed beneath me!

"OHHH!!! FUCK!!!!" was about all that Trevor managed to scream out that was in any way intelligible before he collapsed on top of me, a heaving, sweaty lump of exhausted teenage male.

We lay there a long time coming back to reality, our arms wrapped around each other, our sweaty bodies sharing wetness and scent with each other. Never in my life would I have dreamed that sex could be like this! Never would I have believed that there was this much pleasure in the world! Never would I have believed that I could feel about someone the way I was feeling about Trevor! Now, I knew what love felt like - or, if this wasn't love, it would sure do until love came along!

We must have both drifted off to sleep, at least for a few minutes because I suddenly found myself waking up as Trevor slowly pulled his half-hard cock from my ass and rolled over beside me, getting his weight off me. I turned and moved close to him again and he put his arms around me, putting my head on his chest. We lay there, neither one of us knowing what to say at that point. We just allowed our bodies to talk for us - the gentle touches and caresses of our hands on each other's skin were saying volumes about what we were feeling. Finally, I heard Trevor's voice, low and gravelly but unmistakable.

"I love you, Cory." he said, simply.

I raised my head and turned so that I was looking directly into his beautiful blue eyes.

"I love you, Trevor." I said.

"I won't run." he promised.

"And I won't hurt you." I promised.

We smiled at each other and knew that we meant exactly what we had said - forever.

I not only spent the night, I ended up spending the weekend. By the time that graduation came about, Trevor and I were all but living together in his suite of rooms at his parents house. Trevor had come out to them about both him being gay and us being in love soon after that night. His parents asked to meet my mother who ended up being very helpful to Trevor's parents in coming to terms with their son being gay. Of course, when Trevor went off to college, it was to an off- campus apartment - a two bedroom off campus apartment for us to share. Rather than negotiate more 'perks' for himself, Trevor demanded only one thing - an academic scholarship for me along with the athletic one for him. Two colleges offered what he demanded and together we chose the one that was closest to home. There was one other thing that happened. Trevor's mother and father were so impressed with my mom that Trevor's father offered my mom a place in his business where she rose to be executive vice-president.

Me and Trevor? Well...we're still together. It's been twenty-five years this spring. I guess that's why I got nostalgic and thought I write this down - not that anybody's going to read it but just to remember how wrong I could be about somebody and how right that somebody could be for me!


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