Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on Aug 2, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 8 - New Horizons

Themes include fisting and self-discovery. Average reading time 10 minutes.

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Trent's voyage of discovery was eye-opening but he knew he had a long way to go yet. If he really wanted to understand Jacob, he had to fist and be fisted.

The thought made him gulp so he tried to position it carefully in his mind. He told himself that Jacob's desires had been programmed into him by the misguided hypnosis. He had to be honest with himself if he wanted to relate to those deep and permanent urges... and to experience it both ways.

One step at a time though. He watched a lot of fisting porn, especially ones that were more `realistic'. Tops who opened up guys at a gentle pace rather than the head-banging rate Jake's videos seemed to travel at. He also sought out old porn colleagues who were into handballing and who could give him tips. He was even given some contacts of guys who would love to be fisted by the notorious porn star, even if he was a novice.

His new interest even attracted the attention of his old employers, Hamilton Studios. They took him back on contract, wanting to film his first forays into fisting. Yes, Trent was cautious and may have been off camera for a while, but he still made for a very horny top. Not least that his foot long dick was rock solid the entire time he played, especially when the bottom reminded him of Jacob...

The experience of fisting was unlike anything he'd expected. The feeling of a bottom's clutch, the sensation of a hole opening up and relaxing, the enveloping folds of flesh inside, the way a pussy gripped his wrist, the pleasure you could deliver and see so honestly telegraphed on a bottom's face...

And then there was the other side of the equation... the darker pleasures of leaving a hole bigger and better than when you found it. The language of wrecking and ruining, the joy of knowing you were responsible for trashing a hole, in knowing that was what the bottom really wanted, what they truly desired. The feeling was like nothing else... It certainly made for hot porn that's for sure!

However, by far his most important lesson was in learning to read hole, to understand the signals that every bottom naturally gives out when they're being fisted: to dial up or down as necessary. To go slow, slower or faster. To understand and anticipate, to know when to push and when to pull. It was a completely different mode of playing to him; one where his mind was engaged as much as his dick. To be a good top he truly had to give more than just take his own pleasure.

But the biggest moment of all was still to come. Even though he'd seen the pleasure guy's took from his fists, Trent wasn't sure about going all the way himself. He knew he didn't want to explore all the crazy ways Jake got fisted - not the hole stretching or ball weights or the toy riding! - but he was still cautious. However, he knew deep down that for Jacob it was the ultimate experience. He simply had to know what it was like to take a fist.

Choosing the right top was tough, but in the end he went with one of the most sane and sorted guys he knew. Qualities that years ago he would have dismissed as being worthless but now they took on a new meaning. He wanted sex appeal, he wanted confidence... but he also wanted tenderness. God damn it, everything about this journey was making him challenge his conception of self!

Jamal and Trent had been on the periphery of each other's lives since back in the day when the young buck had first joined Hamilton. Jamal was an old-hand and enjoyed showing the porn-newbie the ropes... they'd even stared in a few gang-bang scenes together. Despite their age difference, they formed an easy alliance on camera - based on mutual attraction but also a healthy respect for each other's dicks. No-one in the industry was quite as hung as Trent, but equally nobody could match Jamal for pure girth. In fact, the shocked look of incredulity on a bottom's face when Jamal's cock found its way home became one of the internet's very first memes.

However, the two men had drifted apart since then. It was the act of fucking that did it. Trent had been young, eager and only believed in ramming and shoving. He couldn't understand the more gentle style of the older top, watching him in disbelief as he coaxed holes into submission rather than just plundering away. The two stars probably would have come to blows, but Jamal soon left to go work for a fetish studio. His girth had given him an appetite for more than Hamilton could satisfy.

Since then, the two stars had spent years nodding at each other across various gyms and bars, occasionally bantering unevenly. Both still recognised the other's sex appeal but to be honest, Trent had always felt off-colour that Jamal had left to make fisting porn - it had all been too hardcore and sleazy for him. Of course, the last few months had changed Trent's outlook completely and now Jamal's experience (and that tenderness he'd dismissed years ago) was exactly what he was looking for now.

The muscular and compact 42 year old was deeply surprised when Trent approached and asked whether he would be interested in taking his fist cherry. Trent had gone for a direct approach, deciding for frankness over being coy. Jamal was cautious at first, although the keen and hungry look in Trent's eyes immediately turned him on. Over a couple of drinks Jamal expectantly asked why and why now? He had misgivings over playing with a man who he'd always known as a total top, and a selfish prig at that. However, as Trent explained his true goals - to better please and understand the crush of his life - Jamal felt touched and in no time at all was working out how to make it happen.

(Trent didn't reveal the name of his crush. Jamal was bound to know Jake Hole, if not personally then certainly by reputation. The FF porn world was a small one and Trent felt it would be all too incestuous if Jamal connected the two.)

It started off with some simple dildo training, going from Trent's novice toy to ones way more significant in size. Jamal ordered the selection personally and explained why it was so important for Trent to be prepared for his fists. Even then Trent genuinely gulped at the sight of the largest toy, but Jamal was quick to reassure the top that soon he'd be taking them all. After all, if Trent truly wanted to ride a fist then he had to put the work in (not least to respect the effort FF bottoms put into their hole development).

Trent became totally focused on making his way through the selection. Even then, progress was slow and sometimes he got frustrated. Regular phone calls from Jamal - often whilst Trent was self-playing - guided the top through each progression. Jamal's deep baritone was patient, reminding Trent that fisting is a journey and not a destination. Over several weeks the sound of Jamal's voice calmed the eager top, all whilst subconsciously connecting it with the act of opening up.

Then it suddenly happened, Trent got to the last toy.

Jamal had chosen the largest size with the greatest of care: an exact replica of Trent's dick from the porn star's own line of dildos. Jamal had wanted to know whether the top really, really wanted it. Fucking himself with a faithful copy of his own 12" by 3" cock would be a powerful (and fantastically horny) head-fuck!

It turned out that Trent really did want it.

When Trent felt the pronounced lip of his `own' helmet pop through his hole it was a perverted revelation. And then? When he slid down the hyper-realistic veiny shaft for the first time it had been ecstatic! He had been working up to it for weeks, but something told him this session would be different. It was a Saturday evening and he was both horny and eager. Dressed in nothing more than a jock he had tried a couple of the smaller toys, taking them all with an ease that surprised. However, he'd never managed to take that biggest dildo but he felt tonight his hunger would carry him through...

Fuck! He took it! Sure, there was some serious clutch and the faithful copy of his own monster dick felt enormous inside of him, but he was so turned on that he almost came there and then. Soon he bottomed out (man, the release!) and eagerly speed-dialled his fist-tutor, knowing now was the time for Jamal to take him over the real threshold of self-discovery.

Jamal was delighted to hear how far his student had come and asked whether Trent thought tonight was the night. Even with his eagerness, Trent hesitated, but in seconds he was asking how quick Jamal could come over. Soon was the reply. Jamal told Trent to keep playing with his hole, but gently - no overwork, tough as that may be.

Half an hour later Trent opened the door to the handsome and mature FF top. Trent's house was at the end of a secluded drive, and Jamal had no problems parking up and arriving dressed for the part. Leather shorts (especially tailored with extra room in the bulge for Jamal's giant girth, even when flaccid), a leather bar vest that made the most of Jamal's hairy chest broad shoulders and natural stomach, ankle-high work boots, a bag of tricks and lube.

Trent gushed when he saw the sexy man at the door (maybe a combination of the toy wedged in his arse and hearing Jamal saying `ready to be fisted?'). It was all too much for the expectant porn star and Jamal took full advantage. He dropped his bag, reached one hand to the back of Trent's neck and embraced the top for a deep, deep kiss. Trent, a man not known for his displays of passion, was almost swept of his feet. Their connection - started on set but now forged through anticipation and desire was intense. It was going to be a good night.

Soon both men were inside, Jamal using all his experience to calm the eager top. He said how excited he was that Trent had been able to take the largest toy and asking just how it felt to fuck himself with his own meat... the wicked grin was all the answer Jamal needed. Soon Jamal was reminding Trent of first principles though. Tonight was not a competition. Taking a fist may happen, or it might not... there was no pressure or expectation.

(However, Jamal could sense how eager Trent was and knew in his heart of hearts that the taking of the top's fist cherry tonight was inevitable and inescapable. His hands had opened up far tighter holes than Trent's... but hey, a sloppy hole is a ffun hole!)

Trent led Jamal to his bedroom, the smell of lube and ass pervasive in the air, the evidence of Trent's toy-taking splayed out on the the bed in front of them. Jamal eyed the dildos expertly, noticing the tide marks on only the smallest and then the biggest. He quickly laid out a container of lube from his bag and carefully positioned a bottle of fresh poppers on the bed.

"Do you trust me?" asked Jamal. After all this time the sound of Jamal's deep-baritone voice was a subconscious trigger for Trent. Whatever nerves he may have had he forgot. He wanted this, he needed it. He nodded back, saying more with his eyes than his voice ever could.

Jamal took the advantage and pushed the half-naked top down, back first, on to the bed, spreading Trent's legs as he went. It was a position Trent was very familiar with but usually only from the other side. He knew enough to pull his legs back, imagining exactly how his badly packaged jock (his dick strangely flaccid in the excitement and nerves of the moment) must be framing his arse cheeks and presenting his juicy hole. Man, could he really do this?!

Jamal switched from looking deep into Trent's eyes to the ass in front of him. "Man, that is a gorgeous looking hole, one of the best I've seen in a long, long time... I'm going to open you up so good!" said Jamal in his deep voice. When you're vulnerable, hole exposed, legs spread, and your cunt already pre-worked, it doesn't take much to get things started. The compliments had their desired effect and relaxed Trent's nerves. What came next removed any tension that was left...

The leathered top started using his lubed fingers to gently warm-up Trent's hole. It may have already seen some dildos that night but it was still tight. Eager, but tight. However, the gentle touch of Jamal's powerful digits struck a fire inside Trent. Soon, Jamal's thick fingers - heavy with lube - were eagerly broaching Trent's hole.

"I know you want this... right? You want to take my fists. You've been building up to this moment all your life, waiting to be stretched, waiting to feel a man inside of you, ready to take a fist for the very first time..."

The pace of Jamal's words echoed the motions of his hands. Lost in the moment, Trent eagerly nodded in time with Jamal's statements, not noticing that Jamal had gone from a couple of fingers to a coned hand, incessantly pushing, coring, pulling back, re-lubing and going again. It was gentle, but persistent. Trent took it all without question, feeling and enjoying the touch, all whilst surprised at just how open he was. Was his hole that loose, or were Jamal's hands working magic?

"Take a deep huff for me" instructed Jamal, nodding towards the bottle of poppers he'd placed on the bed. Trent held the poppers up to his nose and inhaled. Jamal kept talking with an eager and certain confidence. "That's it, you're ready... you know that, right?" Jamal held off from full insertion for that little bit longer - his coned hand just at the knuckle of Trent's puckered cunt, waiting for Trent to put the bottle down and for the poppers to get to work.

"You're never going to come back from this, you know" said Jamal. He was an expert at this. He felt the moment, just like he'd felt the moment countless times before. Trent's eyes bloomed, his face flushed and his hole slightly loosened... that was all the invitation Jamal needed! He pushed forward, straight into Trent's waiting inner sanctum.

Trent's eyes went wild in pleasure. And shock. You don't take a fist for the first time without knowing about it! Jamal held his hand steady, telling Trent to breathe and enjoy the moment, to enjoy the power of the stretch. And to reassure Trent how brilliantly he was doing, so far (the immense power compliments can have during fetish sex is a skill often overlooked, but Jamal knew they could unlock Trent's hole in ways the fist newbie would never comprehend).

Jamal knew his next steps were crucial - not to rush, but to deeply ingrain just how crazily pleasurable it was to take a fist. He ever so gently rotated his hand a few degrees, knowing that was all it would take to send waves of pleasure through the man lying before him.

"Jesus! I never knew it could be this way!" was all Trent could say, shocked at himself.

"I know man, there's nothing quite like it! That's why we all get addicted to it. Now, take another hit for me" said Jamal. "No, a proper hit" he repeated, unsatisfied at Trent's first attempt. It was time to fist.

Feeling the rush dilating Trent's new pussy, Jamal started moving his hand back and forth. Imperceptibly at first but then more quickly and with a deeper stroke. This was the moment for Trent to feel Jamal's fist pulling out, to be shocked at the giant stretch but then to feel sad at the emptiness... and then pure delight as Jamal's hands dove back in.

Jamal's experience held him in good stead. He knew how to pull out those first few times without causing pain, but he also knew exactly how long to hold off before reinserting his fists to make sure the bottom really fucking needed it.

In he went and Trent's conversion carried on. Sure, he would always be a top. But now he finally understood the hunger of fist and became determined to master it.

Jamal sensed Trent could take it, plundering and pushing as he went. He picked up the pace all the time... telling Trent how great his pussy was and how much he was enjoying using it. Trent was lost in complete hole nirvana, on the peak where only one thing matters: fist and plenty more of it. Jamal expertly kept the moment going, noticing just how dripping wet with precum Trent's jock was, drawing out the pleasure for as long as possible...

Only one thing kept Trent from losing himself completely. One tiny portion of his brain held out, despite the extreme and crazy pleasure. What if it were Jacob who was fisting him right now?

Next: Trent sets to transform himself and win Jacob's hole (and heart).

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Next: Chapter 9

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