Trent Hardacre Meets His Match

By Stu Hadley

Published on Jul 23, 2020


Trent Hardacre meets his match Chapter 7 - Fists and Time Flies

Themes include porn, fisting, self-discovery, sucking and fucking. Average reading time 10 minutes. If you want to read more about any of the scenes in this chapter, let me know ;)

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Years passed, with both Trent and Jacob's paths seemingly set and totally divergent. For Trent that meant sinking into depression and losing his edge - he was even fired from Hamilton Studios, the size of his cock no longer enough to make up for his videos becoming nothing more than paint by number shags.

He spent his days sitting morose at home. He'd done well out of porn over the years and had no money worries, but his soul was constantly tortured. He did all he could to put Jacob out of his mind but he carried his feelings around with him all the time. Perhaps if he hadn't fucked things up so badly - and felt so responsible for it - he could have moved on, but...

Sometimes he tried to relive his glory years, distracting himself by searching the internet for Best of Trent Hardacre' clips. It was on one such deep dive that an unexpected thumbnail appeared, a video of a bottom called Jake Hole'. Trent was shocked to see that it was his Jacob!

He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help himself. He clicked the thumbnail and was soon lost down a rabbit hole. Video after video of Jacob's second coming of age. Gone were the timid scenes of his first tentative porn films so long ago, now it all was all hardcore action. It looked like Jacob was becoming a bigger star than Trent had been in his heyday.

He was stunned to see how Jacob (Jake's?) body had developed since he'd last seen him. He was no longer a boy but a man. He had grown broader but also tightened up. More defined and more powerful. He'd also grown a fine pelt of hair, alongside a whole host of tattoos. Full sleeves, a vast chest design and - he was pretty sure - a tramp stamp. Trent couldn't deny that it was a very compelling package. Especially if you were a top.

However, the most noticeable difference was Jacob's rear. The bottom's powerfully ingrained urges had meant he'd kept his hole growing all this time. Trent could see it in plain view, watching the bottom's back catalogue in revulsion and lust at Jacob's growing progression.

The first video he saw was called `JAKE HOLE, VARSITY CUM SLUT' and was one of the longest blow job videos Trent had ever seen. It was set in what looked like a concrete out-house, barely enough space for a couple of guys, let alone a camera crew. Jake was on his knees in the middle of the room and the entire video was devoted to him servicing a constant and never-ending stream of men. None of their faces were shown (and Trent was suspicious at how youthful some of the bodies looked) but every single one of Jake's visitors got equal treatment. Crack clean, rim job, ball juggle, cock suck, unload and polish.

Trent didn't know what to think. It wasn't so much the sheer number of cocks serviced or the amount of cum that Jacob swallowed that amazed, but more the eagerness and accomplishment on display. You could see that Jacob knew exactly what he was doing, that he'd flawlessly perfected his technique and that he LOVED spunk. It was there for everyone to witness - you didn't have to see each jock's balls rise to know they were unloading - you just had to watch for the pure delight in Jacob's eyes.

This was obviously how Jacob had fed his programmed cum lust for all those years. Trent knew that Jacob's mind was fucked up and that each of his orgasms was only possible in exchange for swallowing 25 loads... he must have found some coach who needed his team sucked off. How could Trent's cum have competed with that level of sexual deviancy?!

The next videos were far more disturbing for Trent though. He was shocked to see that Jacob looked to have become a complete fist whore - a hunger for ass-play that was way bigger than Trent could ever have expected. In fact, it was obscene just how... big... Jacob's new capabilities were:


The first showed Jacob riding the fist of a muscled guy lying on the floor. The top's forearm was standing straight up from his torso, and Jacob was bouncing up and down on it like a child on his first space hopper.

Trent was a man of the world - hell, he was a porn star after all - but this was something else. He'd never seen a bottom take a fist so readily or so easily. There was a passion there he couldn't define. What really caught the eye was the position of Jacob's body and what else he was doing. Not only was he riding the top's fist, he was also leaning down and over to deep throat the guy's big dick. It was an awesome display of sexual prowess, and Trent wasn't surprised to see the top soon blowing his load.


The second video was pretty intense. It took a while for Trent to work out what he was seeing. Jacob's broad v-shaped body was harnessed and he was on all fours, doggy style and facing away from the cameras. The bottom looked like he was lost in subspace (a hood covering his head and his hands unfeeling under heavy leather mitts). However, the defining feature was the thick metal spreader bar that held Jacob's legs wide apart.

The scene was made complete by a top hammering Jacob's hole hard. You could see Jake trying to pull back from the brutal fists - hell, Trent could feel each insane punch himself! - but Jake's cock and balls had been wrapped in some kind of leather parachute that was locked to the spreader bar! There was no escape unless Jacob wanted to pull his sack off. It must have been a complete headfuck for both of them - especially when the top grabbed Jacob's harness with a free hand to pull him back for more punishment.


The next was a solo scene. It featured Jake (wearing leather chaps and boots that fitted him like a glove) and using a sling to ride his hole on a series of mind-bogglingly large toys. The toys had been individually attached to the wall in front of the sling, just close enough that Jacob could use his body weight to swing himself back and forth whilst pummelling his arse with the pussy wreckers so artfully selected. It was a stunning display of the lengths Jacob had gone to to expand his cunt.


The fourth video was shorter, but no less powerful. It did exactly what it said on the thumbnail. Jake taking increasingly higher numbers of full fist punches in a row: evidently it was a video Jake updated every couple of months when he broke his own record. The total now reached was truly staggering.


The fifth wasn't a fisting video per se. It was an old-fashioned fuck scene, or at least as vanilla a fuck scene as Jake Hole did these days. The video opened on Jake lying back in a sling, one that he'd obviously occupied for a while. His gash was nothing more than a wide open slot surrounded by thick, puffy and distended cunt lips. It was such a mess that it was impossible to look away.

A leather chapped and booted top then strode into view, turning his erect cock to the camera so the viewer got a good look. Sitting between the big fuckslab and the top's egg-sized balls was a 3" tall metal ball stretcher. It looked to be a fantastically heavy piece of steel and you could see the weight pulling the top's sack down.

The deep-voiced top asked Jake Hole a question. "How's it going, pig?" he said, cradling Jacob's face with one hand.

"Please... please use me" Jake murmured. "I'm empty and I need more..."

Nobody watching the video could deny that. His cunt was an epic picture of misuse, pulsating and juicy with distress. It begged to be filled and abused... Especially by the top in question, who had one of those meaty cocks that look like a club: uncut with the foreskin riding all the way to the tip, sheathing the pronounced helmet. It was a very easy dick to lust after, even though the man's tattooed body clearly showed he may have made some questionable life choices along the way. His thug ink made the scene all the more compelling: the top's teasing and taunting weren't acting: Jacob really was begging for it.

And then it happened. The top fucked him. With every inch of his cock AND every fucking pound of that ball stretcher. That's right, both were fed into Jake's juicy hole in one! Fuck, you could see just how slack Jacob was, but also how much pleasure he was taking from the graphic evidence of his pighole being worthless for nothing but the most unnatural and unholy of fucks.

Despite the pleasure on display, it looked to be a painful act for the top. After all, that heavy weight must have been repeatedly bashing his balls and shaft, but then again it seemed to be balanced out by how much delight the top was taking in its punishing effect. The metal was slamming Jacob's prostate hard and must have been fucking with his mind too. Soon the viewer was rewarded by Jake's cock firming up and unloading a giant spray of manspunk across his chest. He was crying with relief and pleasure, literally.

By the sound of it the top soon unleashed his load too. He finally pulled out of the sloppy and trashed cunt leaving a gaping pussy with fresh cum freely pouring out of it. Jake Hole really was a pig.


The final video Trent didn't dare to watch and he shut his laptop in disgust. One look at the description was enough. A `Jake Hole' was old English naval slang for a ship's toilet... but surely that wasn't how Jacob earned his porn name, was it?

Trent felt sick. His simple crush had turned into a painful infatuation and now the object of his dreams had turned into a sexpig. It was all too much to bear.

Trent had seen the very worst of his crush and yet somehow it made him want Jacob even more. Throughout all the depravity and destruction Trent was sure he could still see the guy he'd fantasied about for so long deep on the inside.

However, Trent had been down at heel for so long that he barely recognised himself. Where was the cocky top of his youth? The one with the mammoth cock that took pleasure in slaying every hole it wanted? He still had the dick, but it hadn't got much use recently. Christ, he'd barely even been wanking.

Seeing the videos of Jacob - Jake Hole - forced him to take a long look at his life. It slowly dawned on him that he needed to be more than just a big dick and cum delivery system (even if that was what had made him a star all those years ago). He knew his fuckslab alone would never be enough if he was to ever have a real chance with Jacob.

Actually, he realised the most important thing was for him to start loving himself again - for the right reasons - before he could have any hope with the bottom. Only then might he be able to give Jake Hole more than he was getting from the tops in those obscene videos. After all, if Jacob had changed so much over the last five years, surely he could too?

He started with the things he knew would make an immediate difference. They were tough but it had to be done. Less booze, better food and hitting the gym again. It wasn't long before his new lifestyle meant he started paying attention to the world again. He noticed guys checking him out, but just as importantly he started looking around with open eyes too. Eyes that weren't just searching for bottoms to fuck, but guys to fuck him.

He had to start slow though. He had been a lifelong top, with all the arrogance and confidence that only an unfeasibly large cock can give a guy. That meant he'd never even sucked a guy off, let alone been fucked... that thought made him anxious. Here he was, over 30, and yet discovering his sexuality like a nervous teenager. However, it was all necessary if he was going to discover what made Jacob tick for himself.

His first tentative moves were done out of sight.

When he was (much) younger he'd known of a cottage in a run-down part of town near his parent's trailer. He hadn't thought of it in years (and his parents had long left the scene) but he couldn't help but wonder whether the cottage was still there. Once a gay haunt, always a gay haunt...

He built up the courage to go and find out: the courage to hide in the stall at the end with that rounded hole that went between the cubicles. His nervous energy was off the charts, was he really going to do this?!

He heard footsteps... footsteps coming towards his end of the building. The stall door opening next to him and then the sound of jeans being shuffled down. Moments later Trent saw a fat dick pushed through the cubicle wall. He couldn't remember ever being this close to another man's cock before, and definitely not with him on this side of the equation. He froze in anticipation, taking in the wiry bush, the perfectly straight and vein free shaft, and its uncut head. He gulped - he'd been hoping for his first cock sucking experience to be on a much smaller dick that this.

"Suck, bitch!" he heard, the noise breaking him out of his stillness. Jesus, He wasn't a bitch, he was just a regular guy exploring his bottom side. Had he sounded like that too?!

He swallowed to get some saliva in his mouth and thought `this is it'. He moved in close, smelling the cock's heady aroma and seeing specks of crud where the foreskin had peeled back.

"Don't make me wait, bitch! I ain't got no time to hang around!" demanded the dick's owner. Trent was compelled. Recalling every blow job he'd ever received, he opened his mouth and started descending down the impatient man's prick.

It was a surprise. First the taste, acrid and strong, Then the dick's heavy weight and heat. No, actually the real surprise was how natural the cock felt in his mouth. He may not have taken it easily - not knowing how to really move his mouth backwards and forwards on the long shaft, or how to avoid gagging when it hit his throat - but it felt right. It felt good, damn good! He finally understood why men got such a hunger for dick...

The cock's owner could feel the sucker's amateur mouth and decided to take control, making to fuck Trent's mouth hard. It was a shock for Trent, but above all he knew he couldn't pull back - he had to put the cock's pleasure first. He had to let this guy unload in his mouth. He had to taste cum for the first time in his life. Who cared that he didn't know who this anonymous man was?

Oh my god, his mouth was suddenly full of cum. Thick, gloopy, bleachy and sweet, all at the same time... he felt overwhelmed (not least as the guy continued to facefuck whilst he shot, completely basting Trent's mouth with sperm) but also a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

Seconds later it was over. The cock pulled back, jeans hitched up, the stall exited and the retreating sound of footsteps. Trent finished rolling the thick spunk around his mouth and swallowed. He had no idea whether he was revolted or turned on by the load, but he had done it!

It was a long drive home and he had plenty of time to think. Having finally experienced cocksucking - however late in life - he felt he finally understood the allure of the power exchange of sucking from the bottom's side. The pride of doing a good job and making a man shoot. These were both good things. As was the feeling of a cock in your mouth. Though spunk was maybe an acquired taste...

The next step of his journey was a more personal: discovery of his own body. He took baby steps, ordering a dildo online and counting on it arriving in plain packaging.

He debated what size to get. He'd fucked enough guys in his life to know that anything close to the size of his own dick was unfeasibly large: he'd seen it in their eyes and faces as he ploughed on regardless. It made him feel pangs of guilt as he added a beginner size to his shopping basket.

He also made sure to buy a good quantity of lube. As he thought about his hole taking the novice dildo he'd just selected, he couldn't believe he'd been brutal enough to force his dick in dry all those times. He must have hated every bottom he fucked.

He chose a Saturday night when he was home alone. He could do this. He found out how to douche online and was then frustrated at how long it took to get ready for what he perceived to be such a simple thing. Evidently not. Full of trepidation, he thoroughly lubed the starter dildo and pressed it against his hole. This was it! He took a deep breath and relaxed. The tiny toy slid inside with surprising ease. He could distinctly feel it's size and shape and felt full of contradictions. Did he like it? Did he want to pull it out or push it in further?

He grabbed the base of the toy and slowly started fucking himself. Man alive! Even though the toy was small it was stimulating his prostate like no other. He could see - and feel - his own substantially bigger dick get hard. Soon he was lost, banging the toy in and out of his ass as he felt an orgasm building. Ugh, ugh, ugh! Jesus! His cum oozed thickly out of his dick as his body convulsed. Is this what all bottoms feel when being used?!

Stunned, it took him a long time to come back to the room. Now he couldn't wait to get fucked. He just had to choose the right guy...

Trent was still a very attractive man. Just over 30 and back in shape, he was fit and blessed with good bone structure as well as a big dick. He just had to find someone who found him attractive and that he could trust... someone who could take his cherry. Jeez, he couldn't believe he was this old and only doing this now.

It didn't take long for him to find the man. Like so many things in life, the solution had been in front of him for ages. One of his bar friends - a happy and contented man his age called Andrew - was the one. They were a similar build though Andy was slightly on the smaller size.

Andrew was delighted to be asked and had to check several times whether it was for real. He knew of Trent's porn career - who didn't? - but he also knew Trent was all top. And now he was being asked to take his friend's cherry? How could he refuse!

Perhaps Trent wouldn't have chosen Andrew if he'd checked his friend out more closely... he couldn't believe it when Andy hauled his thick and floppy dick out of his jeans. Jesus! How the fuck was he going to be able to take that?! Then he realised he had to stop with the double standards. Had he ever let a guy back away when they saw his cock hove into view? No! Now he knew what they'd gone through when he undid his pants...

Andrew could see that fear in Trent's eyes, but Andy was a special kind of top.

Sensible, sane, caring. He was determined to take his friend over the threshold of being a bottom in the most pleasurable way possible. He opened him up gently, with guile and patience, guiding Trent through every sensation with compassion, desire and lust. From initial discomfort to intense pleasure. From feeling he was a passive bystander in his own fucking to being an active and eager participant. He wasn't just being fucked, he was BEING fucked. Bottom and top together, both equal partners. Trent had never felt this way about sex before.

The joy he felt when Andrew came - deep inside of him - was crazy. It helped that Andrew wanted Trent to cum too, successfully jerking Trent's mighty shaft off in time with his own fuck strokes. Andy told him afterwards that it was incredibly rare for top and bottom to cum in sync and not to expect it all the time... but when it did happen. Sheesh!

Trent thanked his friend from the bottom of his heart. As he turned to leave - his hole tender but alive with feeling - Andrew called out his own thanks, saying `remember, you have to be a real man to take dick'.

The words stayed in Trent's mind for a long, long time. Sure, he hadn't had a complete personality bypass and he was still a top at heart. However, he was beginning to understand the feelings of being a bottom, or at least a versatile man. He looked back and understood what a bastard he'd been... he realised there were times to be a swinging dick, but also times to be a generous lover. So far his pendulum had swing way too far into debt.

Next: Trent takes the ultimate ffirst steps.

If you'd like more on the video scenes in this story, let me know ;-) Comments and suggestions welcome at

My other stories:

Next: Chapter 8

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